Bill Anderson
Learn about the new education and testing requirements for Illinois Notaries.
Phillip Browne
The NNA is proud to honor Mark Wills as our first Influencer of the Year for his efforts to inspire and train a new generation of professional Notaries through social media.
NNA Staff
A military spouse asks if it is OK to present a military ID without a signature to a Notary. The NNA Notary Hotine responds.
NNA Staff
A Notary asks if they need to sign their full name when performing a notarization. The NNA Notary Hotline has the answer.
NNA Staff
A California Notary asks how many certificates are needed when more than one person signs the document. The NNA Notary Hotline answers the question.
NNA Staff
A Notary asks if they can accept an image of an identification document as proof of a signer's identity. The NNA Notary Hotline has the answer.
Bill Anderson
A new California law will eventually authorize Notaries to perform remote notarizations — but it may not take effect for several years.
NNA staff
A Notary asks what address to record for a signer who recently moved in the journal entry. The NNA Notary Hotline answers the question.
Milt Valera and Tom Heymann
A statement from NNA Chairman Milt Valera and NNA President and CEO Tom Heymann on the events unfolding in Israel.
James Berry
Notary James Berry walks readers through the process of setting up a Google Business Profile for yourself.