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February 2013

Building your Notary business brand on a tight budget

Building your Notary business brand on a tight budget

Mobile Notary and veteran Signing Agent Laura Biewer has learned a number of marketing strategies that keep her phone ringing — and don’t take a bite out of her wallet.

Hotline Tip: Can Notaries Notarize Signatures For Non-English Documents?

Hotline Tip: Can Notaries Notarize Signatures For Non-English Documents?

My sister-in-law, who lives in Italy, is sending me a Power of Attorney to sign that is written in Italian and requires notarization. If I provide valid ID and the Notary knows me personally and understands the type of document I am signing, is it necessary for me to translate the document before she can notarize it?

Hotline Tip: Is This A Document That I Should Notarize?

Hotline Tip: Is This A Document That I Should Notarize?

A client presented me with a Claim of Mechanics Lien form and asked if it required notarization. Is this a document I should notarize, and, if so, which signature(s) are notarized, and what type of notarization is required?
