NNA Staff
In 2002 Senator John McCain addressed the nation's Notaries Public at the NNA's annual Conference with a message of inspiration and gratitude. The NNA pays tribute to this man of integrity for his leadership and service to our great nation.

David Thun, Updated November 4, 2024
Here are some tips from experienced Notaries for meeting new customers and keeping them coming back to you.

Michael Closen
Notary law expert Michael Closen shares a case where a Notary was sued for letting a customer sign with a stamp.

David Thun
Seemingly small mistakes on Notary certificate wording can lead to big headaches. Do you know the most common mistakes on certificate wording that cause trouble for Notaries?

David Thun
Successful Notaries share their experiences and tips in this step-by-step guide to building a successful business.

Michael Closen
Notary law expert Michael Closen describes how failing to check a certificate for errors embroiled a Notary in a $100,000 lawsuit.

Chris Kim
A guide to the different kinds of immigration services that attorneys, accredited representatives and immigration forms specialists may provide.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks what steps to take after skipping over a page in the journal. The NNA Hotline Team has the answer.

NNA Staff
A hospital Notary asks if it is permitted to type up a document for a patient then notarize it. The NNA Hotline answers the question.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks if it is OK to notarize a document that was signed in the past. The NNA Hotline Team has the answers.