NNA Staff
It’s not uncommon for Notaries to be given a foreign ID to perform a notarization. But is this permitted by law? Learn more in the Notary Bulletin.

David Thun
The NNA is saying “thank you” to our nation’s veterans and giving special recognition to past Notary of the Year recipients who served in the military.

Kelle Clarke
Notaries look to expand their business offerings by serving as remote testimony witnesses for telephone hearings. Learn more about this opportunity.

NNA Staff
I live in Virginia and work in Washington, D.C. Can I be commissioned in two states?

NNA Staff
The role of a Notary has changed a lot since the eighteenth century. Learn about Notaries “then and now” as the NNA reviews the history of this office.

NNA Staff
As part of our celebration of Notary Public Day November 7, we look back at the struggles women faced to become Notaries in the early 20th century.

David Thun
Sometimes Notaries run into shady signers who try to “trick” them with a false ID, or offer “treats” such as gratuities that may not be appropriate to accept.

Amanda Doumanian Reeves
“Why won’t you just notarize it for us?” This is never an easy question.

David Thun
Your Notary seal and journal are essential tools of your trade. Unfortunately, crooks covet Notary tools to obtain private information or falsify notarial acts. That’s why it’s crucial to take immediate steps if you find your tools missing.

David Thun
Con artists targeting immigrant victims commonly advertise fraudulent legal services using the Spanish title “Notario Publico” or other foreign-language translations of “Notary Public.”