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2025 Notary Fees By State

States determine the fees Notaries may charge to perform notarial acts. Notaries may charge a fee up to that maximum fee allowed under their state or none at all.

Below is a table listing each state’s fee schedule for acknowledgments, jurats, verbal oaths/affirmations and remote online notarizations.

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Notary Fees By Notarial Act

Fees below are per signature and act unless otherwise noted.

State Acknowledgment Jurat Verbal Oath/Affirmation RON
AL Alabama $10 $10 $10 $10
AK Alaska No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
AZ Arizona $10 per Notary signature $10 per Notary signature $10 $10
AR Arkansas No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
CA California $15 $15 $15 per person No available info
CO Colorado $15 $15 $15 $25 per Notary signature
CT Connecticut $5 $5 $5 $5
DE Delaware $5 $5 $5 $25
DC District of Columbia $5 $5 $5 $25
FL Florida $10 $10 $10 $25
GA Georgia $2 $2 $2 N/A
HI Hawaii $5 per signer $5 per certificate $5 per document $25
ID Idaho $5 $5 $5 No available info
IL Illinois $5 $5 $5 $25
IN Indiana $10 $10 $10 $25
IA Iowa No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
KS Kansas No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
KY Kentucky No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
LA Louisiana No set fee No set fee No set fee No available info
ME Maine No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
MD Maryland $8 $8 $8 $30
MA Massachusetts No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
MI Michigan $10 $10 $10 $10
MN Minnesota $5 $5 $5 $5
MS Mississippi $5 $5 per person $5 per person No available info
MC Missouri $5 $5 $5 per person $5 + RON transaction fee
MT Montana $10 $10 $10 $10 + technology fee
NE Nebraska $5 $2 $2 $25
NV Nevada $15 for first signature, $7.50 for each additional signature $15 $7.50 $25 acknowledgment and jurat per signature, oath per act
NH New Hampshire $10 $10 $10 $25
NJ New Jersey $2.50 / $15 / $25

The $15 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for grantors in the transfer of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to transfer real estate.

The $25 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for mortgagors in the financing of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to finance real estate.

$2.50 / $15 / $25

The $15 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for grantors in the transfer of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to transfer real estate.

The $25 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for mortgagors in the financing of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to finance real estate.

$2.50 / $15 / $25

The $15 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for grantors in the transfer of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to transfer real estate.

The $25 fee in New Jersey applies to Notaries performing notarizations for mortgagors in the financing of real estate, regardless of the number of such services performed in a single transaction to finance real estate.

No set fee
NM New Mexico $5 $5 $5 per person $5 + $25 RON technology fee
NY New York $2 per person $2 per person $2 per person $25
NC North Carolina $10 $10 $10 per person $25
ND North Dakota $5 $5 $5 $5
OH Ohio $5 $5 $5 $25

On April 3, 2025, the RON fee increases to $30 and a maximum $10 technology fee may be charged.

OK Oklahoma $5 $5 $5 $25
OR Oregon $10 $10 $10 $25
PA Pennsylvania $5 per act, $2 for each additional name $5 no matter how many signatures $5 per person No available info
RI Rhode Island $25 $25 $25 $25
SC South Carolina $5 $5 $5 per person N/A
SD South Dakota $10 per document $10 per document $10 per document $10 per document
TN Tennessee No set fee No set fee No set fee $25
TX Texas $10 for first signature, $1 for each additional signature $10 $10 $25 + regular Notary fee
UT Utah $10 $10 $10 per person $25
VT Vermont No set fee No set fee No set fee No set fee
VA Virginia $10 $10 $10 $25
WA Washington $15 $15 $15 $25
WV West Virginia $10 $10 $10 $10
WI Wisconsin $5 $5 $5 $5 + technology fee
WY Wyoming $10 $0 $10 $10 + technology fee

States That Allow Notaries to Set Fees

Notaries in the following states may charge a fee, but they’re required to inform signers of any fees charged prior to the appointment: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky and Maine.

Notary Fee Disclosure

There are a handful of states that require Notaries to post or display their fee schedules.

  • States that require posting or advising of fees: Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania
  • States that require a schedule of fees displayed: Georgia, Missouri, Montana and Nevada

Notary Travel Fees

Notaries may be able to charge a fee for commuting to signers, but it depends on their state.

  • States that set travel fees: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Idaho, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia
  • States that use mileage-based rates: Arizona, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Utah and Wyoming
  • States with travel fee guidelines: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Washington
  • States that allow Notaries to set their own travel fees: Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin

Check out this guide for detailed information on Notary travel fees.

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Last updated: Feb 3, 2025

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