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How to Become an Electronic Notary

The first step is to get your Notary Public commission. Once you’ve become a Notary, you may either be able to start performing IPENs without extra steps or need to meet additional state requirements.

Your state may require you to take one or more of the steps below:

  • Apply for a separate Electronic Notary commission.
  • Register with the commissioning official.
  • Obtain an endorsement to your Notary commission.
  • Notify the commissioning official that you’ll be performing IPENs.


Alabama does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Alaska has not yet approved IPEN. At this time, the state has only approved RON transactions as “electronic notarization.”


You must be a current Arizona Notary before applying to become an E-Notary.

  1. Review the Electronic Notary Rules before applying.
  2. Contract with an electronic notarization technology vendor that meets the requirements in the Electronic Notary Rules.
  3. Obtain a digital certificate and an electronic seal.
  4. Submit an Electronic/Remote Notary Request on the Secretary of State’s website. You must provide the name and URL of your selected electronic notarization technology vendor, along with a description of the technology you will use.
  5. Wait for written authorization from the Secretary of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.


You must be a current Arkansas Notary in good standing before applying to become an eNotary.

  1. File an amendment to your commission using the Secretary of State’s online filing portal. You must select eNotary Initial Application and pay an application fee.
  2. Upon receiving email notification of acceptance of your Application, complete the required eNotary training and exam.
  3. Upload the training certificate in the online filing portal.
  4. Register with an approved eNotary solution provider. A list of approved providers is on the Secretary of State’s website.
  5. Obtain a digital certificate and optional electronic seal.
  6. Wait for written authorization from the Secretary of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.


California does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


You must be a commissioned Colorado Notary before applying to become an eNotary.

  1. Log into the Secretary of State’s online system to submit the eNotary application.
  2. Wait for written authorization from the Secretary of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.


Connecticut Notary Public statute does not address the notarization of electronic documents. Connecticut enacted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) effective October 1, 2002, and the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act effective October 1, 2009, which allow a Notary to use an electronic signature to notarize certain documents.


You may apply for approval to perform electronic notarization when applying for or renewing a Notary commission, or you may add the capability to your existing Delaware Notary commission.

  1. Select an approved technology provider.
  2. Apply online (or log into your existing commission profile if you are already a commissioned Notary).
  3. Indicate that you will be notarizing electronic documents and identify which approved electronic notarization technology provider you will use.
  4. Pay the application fee.

District of Columbia

You must be a commissioned District of Columbia Notary before applying to become an E-Notary.

  1. Read the Electronic Notary Handbook.
  2. Select an electronic notarization technology vendor or software.
  3. Apply online.
  4. Once the application is accepted, pay the non-refundable application fee online.
  5. First-time electronic Notary applicants will receive notification to take a training course and upload the certificate of completion.
  6. Upon completion and verification of the training requirement, applicants receive the endorsement notification approving the application.
  7. Obtain an electronic seal and electronic signature.
  8. Receive the oath of office page and take the oath of office by phone.
  9. Wait for written authorization from the Secretary of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.


Florida does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers. Before notarizing an electronic record, a Notary should:

  1. Review Section 117.021 and Section 668.50 of the Florida Statutes.
  2. Review Florida’s Uniform Electronic Transaction Act.
  3. Obtain tamper-evident technology that will indicate any alteration or change to an electronic record after completion of an electronic notarial act.


Georgia does not currently accept IPEN. Georgia’s Notary Public statute expressly requires a Notary to sign a notarial certificate “by hand in ink.”


Hawaii does not currently allow IPEN.


You may apply for approval to perform electronic notarization when applying for or renewing a Notary commission, or you may add the capability to your existing Idaho Notary commission.

  1. Select the tamper-evident technology you will use to perform IPEN.
  2. File an “Addition of Electronic or Remote Online Notary” form. You may do this by filing an amendment to your existing Idaho Notary commission, or you may file the form when you apply to become a Notary.
  3. Provide the name of the tamper-evident technology you will use.
  4. Provide the name, website URL, and address of the electronic notarization software vendor.
  5. Wait to receive your authorization certificate from the Secretary of State before notarizing electronically.


If you are not already commissioned as an Illinois Notary, you must apply simultaneously for commission as a Notary Public and Electronic Notary Public if you want to perform IPEN.

If you are already a commissioned Notary, you may add Electronic Notary to your existing Notary commission.

If your Notary commission expires within the next 90 days, you will have to wait and apply for re-commission as a Notary Public and Electronic Notary Public.

  1. Select an approved electronic notarization system provider. (Note: At this time, the Illinois Secretary of State is only approving electronic notarization platforms that include two-way audio video communication technology, even if the technology will only be used to perform IPEN).
  2. Obtain an electronic signature and electronic seal.
  3. Complete the Electronic Notary application. You must include the name(s) of the electronic notarization system provider(s) you will use, a copy of your electronic signature(s) and the type of device you will use to perform electronic notarial acts.
  4. Review the Illinois Notary Public Handbook.
  5. Wait to receive authorization from the Secretary of State before notarizing electronically.


Indiana does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers. A Notary must use an electronic seal and a digital certificate when performing IPEN.


You must indicate on the Notary Public commission application or renewal application that you will be performing notarial acts with respect to electronic records and identify the tamper-proof technology you intend to use.


You must be a commissioned Kansas Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Select an approved IPEN technology provider.
  2. Obtain an electronic signature, an electronic stamp and a digital certificate.
  3. Complete the required training course and pass an exam.
  4. Complete Form NC, listing all electronic stamps and the approved IPEN technology provider(s) you will use and include the training exam certificate.


You must be a commissioned Kentucky Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Select an approved electronic notarization technology platform.
  2. Complete the Online Registration to Perform Notarial Acts with Respect to Electronic Documents.Indicate on the form the technology provider(s) you will use. If selecting multiple providers, you must confirm that the same digital certificate will be used across all platforms. Otherwise, you must submit a separate registration form, fee and digital certificate for each technology provider.
  3. Sign the form using your digital certificate, including your electronic signature and digital stamp, if you will be using one.


Louisiana does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


You must be a commissioned Maine Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Read and understand the requirements of 4 M.R.S. chapter 39 and the administrative rules.
  2. Obtain an electronic signature and official electronic stamp.
  3. Select one or more approved electronic notarization technology provider(s).
  4. Obtain certification from the technology provider(s) that you have received training in the use of that technology and have been approved as a user of the technology.
  5. Complete and submit the Notarial Officer’s Notice to Perform Electronic and/or Remote Online Notarizations form to the Secretary of State, providing the name(s) of the approved technology provider(s), the required certification from each technology provider confirming you have received the required training and are approved to use the technology, and an example of your electronic signature and electronic official stamp.
  6. Wait to receive authorization from the Secretary of State before notarizing electronically.


Maryland does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Massachusetts does not recognize IPEN at this time.


You must be a commissioned Michigan Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Select and contract with an electronic notarization system/platform from the Secretary of State’s Approved E-Notary and Remote Notary Public Vendors list.
  2. Complete and submit the Electronic & Remote Notary Request for Change form to the Secretary of State identifying the approved E-Notary system/platform you selected.


You must be a commissioned Minnesota Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. You must have the capability to notarize electronically before requesting authorization to perform electronic notarizations.
  2. Complete the E-Notarization Authorization form and certify that you have proof of the filing of your Notary commission with the county.
  3. Wait to receive your E-Notarization Authorization Certificate from the Secretary of State before performing electronic notarizations.


You must be a current Mississippi Notary with an unrestricted commission before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Register online to be an E-Notary.
  2. Select an approved E-Notary technology vendor.
  3. Wait to receive authorization from the Secretary of State before performing electronic notarizations.


You must be a commissioned Missouri Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Review the Step-by-Step Guide to Registering as an Electronic Notary.
  2. Select an approved electronic notarization software vendor.
  3. Complete the Online Registration Form and indicate the approved electronic Notary software you intend to use.
  4. Complete the Online Training Course and pass the exam.
  5. Once you successfully pass the exam, you are registered as an electronic Notary.


You must be a commissioned Montana Notary before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Select one or more approved electronic notarization systems.
  2. Complete an approved course of instruction provided by the technology provider(s) or an approved third-party provider on the use of the system.
  3. Pass an examination based on the course.
  4. Update your commission status via the Montana Secretary of State Online Filing Portal and provide the required documentation.
  5. Obtain an electronic seal.


You may apply to become an In-Person Electronic Notary when applying for an initial Notary commission, or you may add the capability to your existing Nebraska Notary commission.

  1. Take the required In-Person Electronic Notary Training Course provided by the Secretary of State’s office.
  2. Review the Electronic Notary Public Statutes and Electronic Notary Public Regulations.
  3. Take and pass the In-Person Electronic Notary Exam and receive your PDF exam certificate.
  4. Select an approved In-Person Electronic Notary solution provider and obtain an electronic Notary seal.
  5. Apply on the Secretary of State’s Online Notary Portal or log into your account to file an amendment to your existing commission. You will be required to upload your PDF passing examination certificate.
  6. After receiving an email notifying you of your application approval, you may log into the portal to download your approval letter.
  7. Provide your approval letter to your approved electronic notarization solution provider.


You must be a Nevada Notary in good standing before applying for Electronic Notary Registration.

  1. Select an approved Electronic Notary solution provider.
  2. Obtain an electronic signature and electronic seal.
  3. Obtain an exemplar of your electronic signature and electronic seal.
  4. Complete the State of Nevada Electronic Notary Public Course and pass the exam.
  5. Log into your account on SilverFlume to submit your Electronic Notary Registration, upload the exemplar of your electronic signature and electric seal, and submit the fee for eNotary Training.
  6. Wait to receive confirmation of the approval of your Electronic Notary registration before performing electronic notarizations.

New Hampshire

You must be a commissioned New Hampshire Notary, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Deeds before applying to perform IPEN.

  1. Select an authorized E-Notarization technology provider.
  2. Obtain an X.509 compliant digital certificate.
  3. Complete and submit the Electronic/Remote Notarization Notification Form and indicate the name of the authorized E-Notarization technology provider(s) you will use.

New Jersey

You may apply to perform IPEN when applying for an initial Notary commission, or you may add the capability to your existing New Jersey Notary commission.

  1. Select one or more tamper-evident electronic notarization technologies to perform notarial acts with respect to electronic records.
  2. Apply to perform IPEN when applying for an initial Notary commission, or if you are already a New Jersey Notary you may complete the notification online. You must identify the technology you intend to use.
  3. Obtain an electronic official stamp.

New Mexico

New Mexico statute requires a Notary to notify the Secretary of State that the Notary will be notarizing electronic documents and identify the electronic notarization technology the Notary intends to use. The Secretary has implemented this requirement for remote notarization of electronic documents, but not for in-person electronic notarization.

New York

You must apply online for an electronic Notary commission to perform IPEN. If you are already commissioned as a traditional Notary and apply for an electronic Notary commission, your traditional Notary commission will be automatically cancelled once your e-Notary commission is issued.

  1. Take the written Notary Public Exam.
  2. Download and complete an Oath of Office form. Scan the form into a PDF file.
  3. Create a new account or log in to your existing NY Business Express account.
  4. Complete and submit the online application. You will be asked to upload your Oath of Office form.
  5. Wait to receive your electronic Notary commission before performing in-person electronic notarization.

North Carolina

You must be a commissioned North Carolina Notary to apply to perform IPEN.

  1. Register to take the Electronic Notarization Course at your local community college.
  2. Take and pass the required exam.
  3. Select an approved Electronic Notary solution provider.
  4. Log into your Notary Account and complete the Electronic Notary registration form online.
  5. Print and sign the registration form and have it notarized.
  6. Send the notarized registration form to the NC Secretary of State along with the registration fee.

North Dakota

North Dakota does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Ohio does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Oklahoma does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


You must be a commissioned Oregon Notary to apply to perform IPEN.

  1. Choose an electronic notarization vendor that meets the National Electronic Notarization Standards (NENS). Obtain and keep documentation of the vendor’s declaration that the technology meets the NENS.
  2. Obtain an electronic Notary stamp.
  3. Obtain an electronic signature (i.e. a graphic reproduction of your handwritten signature on file with the Secretary of State).
  4. Complete the Electronic Notarization Notice on the Secretary of State’s website. You must provide the name, website and address of your chosen electronic notarization vendor and upload a document in PDF-A format that includes your electronic Notary stamp, electronic signature and electronic notarial certificate.


You must be a duly appointed and commissioned Pennsylvania Notary who holds a current and unrestricted commission to apply to perform IPEN.

  1. Complete and submit the Department of State’s Online eNotary Public Application.
  2. The Department of State’s Bureau of Elections will process your application.
  3. Await receipt of your electronic Notary authorization from the Bureau. Once approved, select one or more approved electronic Notary technology providers.
  4. The Bureau will notify the selected provider(s) of your electronic Notary authorization.
  5. Work with your selected technology provider(s) to obtain and pay for the technology you will use to perform IPEN.
  6. The approved technology vendor will notify the Department of State it has given you authorization to use your services, and the Department will update your record to indicate you are "e-notary capable.”

Rhode Island

You must be a commissioned Rhode Island Notary to apply to perform IPEN.

  1. Review the Rhode Island Electronic Notarization Guide.
  2. Choose an approved electronic notarization solution provider. A list of approved providers is available on the Secretary of State’s website.
  3. Complete any training provided by your selected solution provider.
  4. Obtain an electronic signature and electronic stamp.
  5. Complete and submit the Notary Public Information Update Form indicating you will be performing notarial acts electronically. You’ll be required to submit it with a sample of your electronic signature and stamp.
  6. Wait to receive email confirmation from the RI Department of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.

South Carolina

You must be a commissioned South Carolina Notary to apply to perform IPEN.

  1. Log into the Online Notary Portal to access the Electronic Notary application.
  2. Watch the required training video.
  3. Complete the online exam.
  4. Select the approved electronic notarization technology vendor you will use.
  5. Submit your application in the portal.
  6. Print your Electronic Notary Certificate.

South Dakota

Effective July 1, 2024, South Dakota Notaries will be allowed to perform e-notarization.

  1. Select at least one tamper-evident electronic notarization system that you will use to place your signature and electronic seal on electronic records.
  2. Notify the Secretary of State, on forms prescribed by the Secretary, of the names of each tamper-evident notarization system that will be used to perform notarization of electronic records.


Tennessee does not offer registration as an e-Notary, however a Notary may use an electronic signature to notarize certain electronic documents for in-person signers under the scope of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and the Uniform Real Property Electronic Record Act (URPERA).


Texas does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Utah does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


A Vermont Notary may currently only perform electronic notarization for in-person signers under temporary emergency rules, which suspend the requirement for a Notary to first obtain a special commission endorsement.


You must be a current Virginia Notary before applying to become an eNotary.

  1. Read the Electronic Notarization Assurance Standard and pages 6-9 of the Virginia Notary Handbook.
  2. Select the technology or technologies you will use to perform electronic notarization, along with an X.509 compliant digital certificate and electronic seal.
  3. Complete the Electronic Notary Application online. You’ll need to include your valid email address, a general description of the technology or technologies you will use to perform electronic notarizations, and certification of compliance with Virginia’s electronic notary standards.
  4. Download the PDF application signature page and apply your electronic seal using the X.509 compliant digital certificate you will use to perform electronic notarizations.
  5. Upload the signed PDF to the eNotary application.
  6. Pay the required application fee.
  7. Wait to receive email confirmation from the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office before performing in-person electronic notarization.


You may apply for an electronic Notary endorsement when applying for or renewing a Notary commission, or you may add an electronic Notary endorsement to your existing Washington Notary Public commission.

  1. Select your electronic notary software provider. You may provide the name of the software and the date you will begin using the software at the time you apply for the electronic Notary endorsement or within 30 days of the issue date of your endorsement.
  2. Request the electronic Notary endorsement when you apply for a commission, or if you already have a Notary Public commission, add an electronic endorsement online or by mailing a Notary Public Electronic Notarization Endorsement Application form to the Department of Licensing.
  3. Pay the required electronic Notary endorsement fee.

West Virginia

You must be a commissioned West Virginia Notary Public to apply to become an e-Notary.

  1. Select a valid technology to electronically notarize documents that meets the requirements in WV 153 CSR 45. A non-exhaustive list of technology vendors is available. If you later change the technology you use to perform e-Notarization, you must notify the Secretary of State’s office.
  2. Complete and submit the E-Notarization Authorization application ( Enterprise Registration & Licensing System). There is no fee to file the e-notarization application.
  3. Wait to receive confirmation of your e-Notary status from the Secretary of State before performing in-person electronic notarization.


Wisconsin does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.


Wyoming does not require a Notary to register before notarizing electronic documents for in-person signers.

Before getting started

Assess market need or need at your place of employment for IPEN. Many Notaries try to apply to perform IPENs without first determining if there is a need among their customers or at their place of employment.

It’s not always easy to determine your priorities. Should you gear up to perform IPENs and hope there will be future business or need at your place of employment, or should you wait until there is a clear sign that customers want IPEN or there is a need for IPEN at work to justify the effort and expense?

In general, the NNA believes it is best to assess the market or your place of employment for IPEN demand first. You can always add IPEN to your independent Notary services or work duties down the road.

Preparing to provide IPEN services

Learn how to perform notarial acts

This step is not just important for Notaries who intend to perform IPENs. It’s important for any Notary. If you are a new Notary or an existing Notary who hasn’t performed notarizations in a while, taking a course such as Notary Essentials will put you on the right track.

You can also check out the NNA’s Knowledge Center for articles on the fundamentals of notarization. Training can help you perform notarial acts properly and mitigate the risk of performing an improper notarization.

Know how to perform paper-based notarizations

You’ll better understand how to perform electronic notarizations if you have practical experience performing notarial acts on paper documents. This is important because the fundamentals never change, but there are additional technology-related skills to master when performing IPENs. If you’ve mastered the fundamentals with pen and paper, you can focus on the technological aspects of IPEN later without being overwhelmed.

Get the required electronic Notary tools

To perform paper-based notarial acts, you need certain tools. These include a physical Notary seal, journal and, of course, an ink pen. Similarly, IPEN requires specific tools as well.

An electronic Notary seal, typically a graphic image of an impression of your physical Notary seal, is required in most states to perform IPENs.

In many states, a digital certificate is required to affix your electronic Notary signature to the electronic document and make it tamper-evident (i.e. evidence of changes made to the document after it is signed).

A journal is also required to perform IPENs in most states. Most states will let you use your paper journal or give you the option of using an electronic journal, but there are some specific state requirements. For example,

  • Missouri requires a paper and electronic journal.
  • Arizona and Washington require a paper journal.
  • Nevada, South Carolina and Virginia require an electronic journal.

Finally, an IPEN technology system is needed. An IPEN system provides the platform within which electronic documents are presented for the signer and Notary to sign and the Notary to affix an electronic Notary seal and create an electronic journal entry.

Knowledge Center
