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How to perform a remote online notarization

Updated 9-4-24. Note: This article contains information that is no longer current but has been retained for historical purposes.

Many Notaries have asked how a remote online notarization (RON) actually works. Here's a step-by-step description of a typical process.

(The following is a general description of a remote online notarization. Please note that RON procedures may vary depending on state laws, and not all states permit Notaries to perform remote online notarizations. For example, California does not permit its Notaries to perform RONs, and South Carolina does not address RON in its Notary laws. Also, some states have passed temporary remote notarization measures due to the COVID-19 emergency that differ significantly from the process described below.)

  1. The signer contacts the Notary or a RON service provider to request a remote online notarization.
  2. The signer's document is sent to the Notary so it can be signed and notarized. Typically, the document is uploaded in an electronic format such as PDF to the online technology platform used to perform the notarization.
  3. The signer's identity is screened according to the requirements of the Notary's commissioning state. This may include answering questions based on the signer's personal and credit history (KBA), verifying the signer's identification documents online (credential analysis), the Notary remotely viewing the signer's ID during the notarization, or other RON identification methods set by statute.
  4. During the remote online notarization, the Notary and the signer communicate online using audiovisual technology via webcam. The Notary and signer do not meet face to face.
  5. Once the signer's identity has been verified and all other requirements for the notarization have been completed, both the signer and the Notary must sign the document and the Notary must affix the Notary's seal. Since remote online notarization uses electronic documents, this requires electronic signatures and an electronic version of the Notary's seal.
  6. The Notary records any required information for the Notary's journal records. Under the laws of states with remote online notarization, the Notary must also create and retain an audiovisual recording of the notarization session.
  7. The remotely notarized document is returned to the signer.

Below is a video summarizing how to perform a remote online notarization.

Additional RON information

You can also see our NNA Knowledge Center Remote Online Notary resources for information on becoming a RON and performing remote online notarizations in various states.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.


Add your comment

John McCarroll

21 Mar 2025

Can the audiovisual (video recording) of the online video notary session be subsequently sent to third parties who are required to confirm the notarization as part of a transaction? We are specifically inquiring about a Florida online electronic notary. Thank you.

National Notary Association

26 Mar 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Jennifer Archer

13 Mar 2025

Can I still use my traditional notary, and have a remote online notary ? ( New York State)

National Notary Association

17 Mar 2025

Hello. Yes, a traditional NY Notary commission is required before a person may apply to perform remote notarizations in New York. Please see here for more information:

Jennifer Archer

13 Mar 2025

Can I still use my traditional notary, and have a remote online notary ?

National Notary Association

13 Mar 2025

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

31 Jan 2025

I have already finished my online remote notary course, now what would be the next step to partner with a company that provides the RON platform?

National Notary Association

03 Feb 2025

Hello. You can find information on your state's RON procedures here:

Martha J. Pyle

20 Nov 2024

I need to become a R.O.N. because my company has many out of state employees and international Chief of Parties.

National Notary Association

20 Nov 2024

Hello. You can find information to help you get started here:

Laura Montemayor-Cantu

26 Oct 2024

Is there a state software requirement for the state of TX for RON? If so, what are they.

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2024

Hello. Please see here for RON technical requirements in Texas:


26 Aug 2024

Is there a process to virtually witness a signature and the document mailed to the notary to notarize in the state of Florida?

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2024

Hello. While Florida law includes provisions for witnessing of electronic records using audiovisual technology, the state does not permit a document to be mailed to a Notary to be notarized. “The act of witnessing an electronic signature means the witness is either in the physical presence of the principal or present through audio-video communication technology at the time the principal affixes the electronic signature and the witness hears the principal make a statement to the effect that the principal has signed the electronic record” (FS 117.285[3]). “An online notary public may supervise the witnessing of electronic records by complying with the online notarization procedures of this part and using the same audio-video communication technology used for online notarization by a principal …” (FS 117.285).


13 May 2024

For a FL notary, can I notarize using facetime then stamp and sign when I receive the paper.

National Notary Association

13 May 2024

No, you may not use Facetime. Please see here for rules and guidelines for performing remote online notarizations in Florida:

Alberta Dias Aisenberga

03 Apr 2024



07 Dec 2023

If I know who the person is, am I able to notarize via Zoom and attaching my e-signature and e-seal to a pdf? It has been difficult getting one of the approved technologies in PA, so I am wondering if it's required.

National Notary Association

08 Dec 2023

No, you may not perform remote notarizations using Zoom in the method you described in your question. All remote notarizations in PA must be performed using a state-approved technology provider.

Helen Blackshear

09 Nov 2023

How do I become online notary thr Ron and much it will it cost if you are already NSA.,I want to add this to my Notary.Can get information.on this.

National Notary Association

13 Nov 2023

Hello. To help us direct you to the correct information, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

L Scott

05 Nov 2023

I have been a notary for 25 years plus at my place of employment. I am now retired ad still certified. I am also certified as a RON and have had no luck finding jobs as a mobile signing agent or ROIN, Any suggestions?

30 Oct 2023

How do I become a Remote Notary I’m currently a Certified Notary.

National Notary Association

31 Oct 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Lily Blan

11 Oct 2023

If I am a RON can I notarize docs for any State or only for my State ?

National Notary Association

12 Oct 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, what state are you commissioned in?

Cheri Charles

19 Sep 2023

If I reside in California and I'm a commissioned notary in California , can I do Remote notaries in other states? If so what are the proper steps to get the process started?

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2023

Hello. In order to perform remote notarizations in other states, you would need to be eligible for and apply for a commission in a state that authorizes remote notarizations. You would also have to meet any technology and registration requirements for that state. Please be aware that states typically require the Notary to be physically present in the commissioning state when performing a remote notarization. You would not be able to perform a remote notarization for another commissioning state while physically located in California.

Gail Clotman

14 Sep 2023

I reviewed the RON presentation but when did the Notary get his fee?

31 Aug 2023

Hello, I am in the state of Illinois. I have just completed my application. I purchased the "IL Become Complete Package" from the NNA website. On the application, it states "If ordering by mail, a completed order form with your supply package chosen and payment." Is this referring to the package order form? I'm confused about what all has to be included when sending my application.

National Notary Association

05 Sep 2023

Hello. Please contact our Customer Care team at and one of our representatives should be able to provide you with instructions.


22 Aug 2023

Hello, I know that in the State of CA RON is prohibited. I read up on the senate bill 25. Does this mean it will be approved in the year 2024? Thank you

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2023

Hello. At this time, California Notaries are not authorized to perform remote notarizations. We will inform readers if we learn of any changes to this situation..

Kimberley Harris

14 Aug 2023

Hi if I'm commissioned in MD and the state has authorized me to perform remote notarizations & I'm physically in MD as well can I perform a remote notarization for a NY based client?

National Notary Association

21 Aug 2023

Hello. The Notary must be located in Maryland at the time of the notarization, although the signer can be anywhere.

Allen Colston

10 Jul 2023

Hello. I this service available in Denver, Colorado for notary of a drivers record?

National Notary Association

10 Jul 2023

Hello. Information on remote online notarization in Colorado can be found here:

02 Jul 2023

How do I get a copy of my RON approval letter?

National Notary Association

03 Jul 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


13 Jun 2023

Does a person providing power of attorney for someone have to be a US citizen to have the documents notarized through a remote online notary?

National Notary Association

14 Jun 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

06 Jun 2023

Does Illinois allow RON at this time? Is there a test available yet?

National Notary Association

09 Jun 2023

Hello. We will be publishing an article in the Bulletin soon on the new RON requirements in Illinois.

31 May 2023

Is it possible to conduct remote notarization by Zoom or Teams? I notarize documents for indigent individuals free of charge. It would be convenient for me if I could do so remotely. I can't absorb a $25 fee each time. I need a low-cost alternative.

National Notary Association

05 Jun 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

23 May 2023

I am confused on how to become an online notary

National Notary Association

23 May 2023

Hello. To help us assist you, can you tell us what state you are located in?

M Afaro

24 Apr 2023

Im confused, how do I find a RON vendor in TN to become an online notary?

National Notary Association

28 Apr 2023

Hello. The NNA and the TN Secretary of State do not endorse any specific technology vendor. However, BlueNotary, DocuSign, DocVerify, Notarize, NotaryCam, Pavaso, Safedocs and SIGNiX all meet state requirements for virtual notarization technology. This is not a complete list. Whatever platform you choose should provide identity proofing, credential analysis and storage for your video recordings of notarial acts. It should also be capable of attaching your electronic seal, signature and certificate to an electronic document. Information on other RON technology providers can be found here:

Henry and Belinda Knodel

25 Mar 2023

In Alabama, can a person do remote notary services? What other states have online notary services?? Thanks for your help

National Notary Association

27 Mar 2023

Hello. Yes, Alabama authorizes remote notarization services. More information on Alabama's rules can be found here: You can find information about other states offering remote notarization here:

22 Mar 2023

Where do we take the test for Illinois RON?

National Notary Association

05 May 2023

Hello and thank you for contacting us. Illinois has not yet published its official RON rules yet, but we expect them to do so soon. Once the new rules are published, we will update readers.

14 Feb 2023

Are you allowed to place your embossed seal and wet ink on a document after/during a RON? The client is requesting a wet ink/ raised seal but can only attend the notary session remotely.

National Notary Association

14 Feb 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

20 Jan 2023

I am notarized in the state of Indiana. I would just like to verify how do I become a RON?

National Notary Association

23 Jan 2023

Hello. You can find more information about remote online notarization in Indiana here:

Jennifer Harrison

06 Jan 2023

Can this type of notarization be done in California? So nobody signs the journal is that right? Do you have to have the video recording? Thank you!

National Notary Association

10 Jan 2023

Hello. California does not authorize its Notaries to perform remote online notarizations at this time.

Al Louie

27 Dec 2022

When will California allow RON to be used by local Notaries?

National Notary Association

27 Dec 2022

Hello. California does not authorize its Notaries to perform remote notarizations at this time.


22 Dec 2022

Does Minnesota allow remote RON ?

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2023

Hello. Minnesota permits Notaries to register to perform remote notarizations. For more information, please see here:

Beth Gais

19 Oct 2022

Is RON approved for PA? I am getting conflicting notes about it from different websites. One says it is not available the other says it is. Can you please verify?

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2022

Hello. Pennsylvania permanent RON laws took effect Oct. 29, 2020. Information about becoming a PA remote Notary and performing RONs in Pennsylvania can be found here:

Vanessa E Cruz

19 Sep 2022

Hi, I am in Texas-What equipment do I need to start working as a RON? I have do have my certification and commission.

National Notary Assocation

26 Sep 2022

Hello. Please see here for more information:

12 Jul 2022

I've been trying to get my application for RON in the State of FL hands for approval for almost 2 months now. My 1st submission was denied because I did not submit the form listing all repositories I've used since Jan 2022. I didn't send it because I'm not licensed for RON. I tried to explain that to the State. I was told that even though that's the language on the application, what they want is who I'm GOING to use. That was $10 waisted because I sent it priority mail. So, I had to re-send my entire application, again. Even though I have confirmation that the Post Office delivered it (another $10 for Priority Mail), the state informed me they never received it. I had to wait 10 business days before I could get the state to investigate anything. They emailed me back stating that the Post Office was holding my package and had never released it to them for pick up. I filed a claim with the Post Office last week and still have not heard anything. I can't keep throwing $10+ out the window to get this application approved. Can someone give me a better alternative? I thought about driving it and doing it in person until I realized it was a 300 mile trip one way. Thank you in advance.

National Notary Association

02 Aug 2022

Hello. We're very sorry to hear about the difficulties you have gone through submitting your application. Unfortunately, we were unable to find an alternative option for you to submit your application. If you are not able to resolve the situation with the post office, our best suggestion is to contact the FL Department of State's Notary Commissions and Certifications Sections at 1-850-245-6975 and ask if they can provide you with any guidance. Again, we're sorry we were unable to find another option for you, but hope you will be able to resolve your situation.

Sa Ha

05 May 2022

Hello, How to get RON certificate in Georgia? I'm confused with all these unclear articles. It doesnt explain step by step. Where should I register? Where should I take the course? Where should I send request and pay the fee to get RON certificate? Thank you.

National Notary Association

18 May 2022

Hello. Georgia's temporary remote notarization rules expired April 15, 2022. At this time, Georgia Notaries cannot perform remote notarizations. We will publish any updates in the Notary Bulletin if this status changes.

14 Apr 2022

Thank you - I am a new Notary - and new to OneNotary - I've been doing my training and research - But I have questions as I go - I am in Minnesota - and On the NNA website - There are both an - (Individual-Notary-Acknowledgement-Form) and a (Representative-Notary-Acknowledgement-Form) - (Along with the Oath-Affirmation-Notarial-Certificate) I have come to the part on OneNotary of uploading my documents - I just want to make sure they will work - OneNotary requires an Acknowledgement - But does not specify if it needs to be an (Individual-Notary-Acknowledgement-Form) or a (Representative-Notary-Acknowledgement-Form) And where it asks for Jurat - I have uploaded the (Oath-Affirmation-Notarial-Certificate) I hope this makes more sense in reference to my concern

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2022

Hello. In Minnesota, a notarial act must be evidenced by a certificate (MS 358.65, Subd. 1). The certificate must: “(1) be executed contemporaneously with the performance of the notarial act; “(2) be signed and dated by the notarial officer and, if the notarial officer is a notary public, be signed in the same manner as on file with the commissioning officer or agency; “(3) identify the jurisdiction in which the notarial act is performed; “(4) contain the title of office of the notarial officer; and “(5) if the officer is a notary public, indicate the date of expiration, if any, of the officer’s commission” (MS 358.65, Subd. 1).

Vince P

13 Mar 2022

Does VA & NJ allow online notary docs for boat ownership trailer registration transfers?

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2022

Hello. You should contact the state motor vehicle departments in those states directly to ask if they will accept a remote notarization for the type of document you are describing.

Mae Collinsworth

04 Mar 2022

I am a RON notary, and I'm confused on what a digital certificate is. Some online notary websites want me to upload a digital certificate. What is that?

National Notary Association

04 Mar 2022

Hello. You can find more information about digital certificates here:

24 Jan 2022

Does the state Georgia provide RON and what are the steps to getting it started?

National Notary Association

25 Jan 2022

Hello. Georgia currently has temporary rules in place for using audio-visual communication during notarizations. Please see here for more information:


21 Jan 2022

I've had my RON certification since early May of 2020 and while I've had a brisk business since I started my traditional signing service, I've not had one request for a RON. I don't need any more instructions or videos about how to become licensed; I need to know how to market this service. Additionally, Indiana authorizes 13 vendors of approved RON technologies. How on earth do I guess which one(s) to work with? Finally, "Indiana authorizes online Notaries to charge up to $25 per remote online notarization." Does that mean that I can only charge $25 for a refinance? Hardly seems worth it. Thank you for your response.


20 Jan 2022

I’m located in Maryland

National Notary Association

20 Jan 2022

Hello. “A notary public or person acting on behalf of a notary public may charge a fee, not to exceed $ 4, for the performance of a notarial act under [ACM St. Gov’t] § 18-214 of this title” (ACM St. Gov’t 107[a][2]).


17 Jan 2022

South Carolina is suppose to Participate in the Spring for RON.


17 Jan 2022

How do you charge for RON fees? State says no more than $4 but the RON vendor charges $25 per document. How does this work? Thanks

National Notary Association

20 Jan 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Krystle Leach

12 Jan 2022

I completed the RON course on your website for Florida. I passed the exam and received my certification. What are my next steps?

National Notary Association

20 Jan 2022

Hello. Please contact our Customer Care team at and they should be able to assist you with your next steps.

Kapil Shah

23 Dec 2021

I want to notary the Civil documents for a Mexican National living in Mexico spouse of an Indian National. Can you provide me direct link and contact to whom I can approach to complete this process?

National Notary Association

28 Dec 2021

Hello. You would need to contact a Notary in Mexico or a Mexican embassy or consulate in the United States to request assistance.

09 Dec 2021

I am a NSA in Texas and want to start RON. Once I begin, Can I preform RON services in other states who accepts RON?

National Notary Association

13 Dec 2021

Hello. If you become authorized through your Texas Notary commission to perform RONs, you may only perform RONs while you are physically located within the borders of Texas.

27 Nov 2021

How much can i charge in the state of Oklahoma to do Immigration forms ?

National Notary Association

01 Dec 2021

Hello. Oklahoma law states the following regarding Notaries offering immigration-related services: “No notary public, except those who are licensed attorneys or otherwise authorized by law to represent persons on immigration or citizenship matters, shall hold himself or herself out as having expertise in providing legal advice on any proceeding, filing or action affecting the immigration or citizenship status of another person” (49 OS 6.B). “Any notary public who provides nonlegal assistance on any proceeding, filing or action affecting the immigration or citizenship status of another person shall give the following notice to that person verbally and in writing: ‘I am not a licensed attorney or representative of any government agency with authority over immigration or citizenship and, therefore, cannot offer legal advice about immigration or any other legal matters’” (49 OS 6.B). If the Notary operates a business or advertises notarial or nonlegal immigration services in a language other than English, the above notice must be given in both English and the other language(s). Further, use of the term “notario publico” or “notario” in such business or ads is prohibited (49 OS 6.B).

Raymond Edward Rosewell

26 Nov 2021

RON becomes law in Illinois January 1, 2021. Will NNA be offering training accepted by the state to certify notaries in RON?

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2022

Hello. We will let you know as soon as we can provide more information. Please continue to watch the Notary Bulletin and NNA website for updates.

26 Oct 2021

hi, I would like info on being an eNotary. where everything is electronic , like when signing for insurance.

National Notary Association

29 Oct 2021

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are located in?

21 Oct 2021

My membership is about to expire in a few weeks and I am wondering if I should renew as I have not received any legitimate assignments. I have passed your requirements .I reside in Florida which recently approved RON (2020). I have also fulfilled all of the Florida requirements. Is there something else I should do with NNA? Please advise

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2021

Hello. If you'd like some tips for marketing your business and getting the word out to potential customers, you can find a few suggestions here:

27 Sep 2021

which states permit remote online notarizations?

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2021

Hello. You can find a drop-down list of states, along with information about their remote notarization requirements, here:

07 Sep 2021

How do I become a RON Notary in the State of Maryland?

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2021

Hello. You can find information and instructions here:

vickie c wallace

07 Jun 2021

is this ron legal in NC?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2021

Hello. North Carolina has a temporary emergency video notarization law in place through Dec. 31, 2021. For more information, please see here:

06 Jun 2021

Wow. This is very complicated and it's only one doc. I can't even IMAGINE a full loan package or how many folks would want to watch me fumble around telling them what to do next!

Penny Kane

03 May 2021

Please this email to the email list

Carrie Friddle

25 Mar 2021

With the State of Texas opening back up, will we continue to be able to utilize RON?

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2021

Hello. Yes, Texas has permanent RON laws authorizing Notaries to apply to perform remote online notarizations. For more information, please see here:


05 Mar 2021

@national Notary Association I would like to apply any state who can accept foreign doing this. I want to use my usa company for it. I have ein number also for that company

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2021

Hello. In most cases, states require Notary commission applicants to either be a resident of that U.S. state, or in some cases have a place of employment within that state. For more information on individual state RON application requirements, please see here:


04 Mar 2021

as a non us resident with an usa LLC can you still be an online notary?

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2021

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you wish to apply for a RON commission in?

01 Mar 2021

How can I get a person on the phone? I have made numerous attempts to reach customer service but at no avail. My hold times have been over 30' and still unable to speak with customer service. I have not received my stamp and log manual? Please advise.

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2021

Hello. We're sorry for any delays you've encountered. We've forwarded your message to Customer Care and asked if they can contact you to provide assistance.

12 Feb 2021

Hello. I am new to being a Notary Public and have also just completed my NSA certification. Due to Covid my state of NH has temporarily granted online Notarization. I am looking to complete the RON certification and it will not allow to be to take the course even though it is granted for my state. Is there anotherway to get this certification?

National Notary Association

25 Feb 2021

Hello. You can find information on performing remote notarizations under New Hampshire's temporary authorization here:

Constance Hawthorne

11 Feb 2021

Hello: I will be a Notary soon. Is there a course for RON's that I can take? If I am a RON do I need a business license or can I work for an employer, eg Title company? There is so much information online, I need a good place to start. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2021

Hello. You can find more information here:

23 Jan 2021

Is there RON in Illinois? If so, how can I become one?

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2021

Hello. Illinois currently has temporary emergency rules for remote notarization in place. For more details, please visit here:

Cherie Hanson

18 Jan 2021

Hi , I live in California where RON isn’t allowed . Can I get my commission in other states as well , like Arizona for an example ? If so then can I preform a Ron loan document signing where the person lives in Arizona and I live in California ? Thank you

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Hello. You would not be eligible for an Arizona Notary commission unless you are either a resident of Arizona state for income tax purposes and claim your Arizona residence as the primary residence on state and federal tax returns, or are registered to vote in Arizona (ARS 41-312.E). Also, AZ Notaries authorized to perform RONs may only perform remote online notarizations while the Notary is physically located in Arizona.

Yolanda Adams

18 Jan 2021

I know RON is not legal in CA. However, I'm still curious about it. Your article very briefly mentions the notarial journal. My question is: For those states that do allow RON and require journal entry, how is that journal entry accomplished? Is it an electronic journal? If so, what are the safeguards on that electronic journal for privacy and perpetuity?

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Hello. Please see this article for more information about RON journals:


03 Dec 2020

How do we charge for RON (GNW)? And do we charge for additional seal and how much? I am in Wisconsin.

National Notary Association

04 Dec 2020

Hello. In Wisconsin, “A notary public may charge no more than $25 to perform a notarial act for a remotely located individual” (WAC DFI-CCS 25.6).

20 Nov 2020

Hello. I am a remote notary and I just received my certificate for signing agent. If I got another bond for $15K along with the bond I currently have for $10K would that cover me for the $25K bond I need for signing agent or do I have to get a separate bond for that? Also, once I get the background check done will that then completely certify me as a notary signing agent?

National Notary Association

04 Dec 2020

Hello. Please see this page for an FAQ about becoming a Signing Agent:

Mary Chumbley

04 Nov 2020

How should an NSA handle Funds when conducting a Remote Online Notarization for mortgages?

National Notary Association

10 Nov 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Michael R Glatfelter

06 Oct 2020

I am RON certified in Florida. I have a digital certificate. I tried to do a RON but now have to pay for signature verifications. I am confused. What can you do to clear this up? I have spent a lot of money getting the authorization and the digital cert through Docverify. Thanks.

National Notary Association

08 Oct 2020

Hello. We're sorry, but we're not clear what you mean by "have to pay for signature verifications"-can you please explain in more detail what you mean by "signature verifications" and what agency is asking you to pay for this, please?

01 Sep 2020

How do I become a RON in New York since it is only temporry

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2020

Hello. Please see here for more information:


01 Sep 2020

What is an e-sign refi via docusign? How do I go about performing one?

Fred Johnson

31 Aug 2020

I am in Los Cabos Mexico and need a document notarized. I need this document to be notarized and sent to my RE agent in Idaho.


27 Aug 2020

Does MN allow RON? Where can I learn.

National Notary Association

03 Sep 2020

Hello. For information on becoming a remote online Notary in Minnesota, please see here:

Alex Santos antos

31 Jul 2020

I am a registered mobile notary for both NJ and PA. Neither do RON'S, but have acknowledged a temporary approval due to the pandemic. How do I apply for the RON if it's not on your website? Is it good for Apostille? How long would the RON be good for, especially if I want to add it to my repertoire?

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2020

Hello. Details about New Jersey and Pennsylvania's emergency rules can be found here:

Nefrintina Hawkins

22 Jul 2020

Hello. I am in Texas how do I become a RON? What the link to get started

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2020

Here you go:

Sandy Summers

21 Jul 2020

who do I contact to become a RON in Texas?

National Notary Association

22 Jul 2020

Hello. You can find detailed information on how to become a Texas RON here:


14 Jul 2020

If I am a Texas resident, operating a business/facility in Texas, can a Florida notary remote/audio-video notarize my document? Or do I have to use a Texas notary?

National Notary Association

17 Jul 2020

Hello. You may wish to consult with an attorney to ask if there are any special requirements or restrictions that would prevent you from using a Florida remote Notary to perform the notarization.


15 Jun 2020

Arizona is now allowing notaries to apply for a Remote Online Notary license, however their rules state that you can't charge more than $10. Based on my research, $10 is about the minimum charge for technology needed to do RON through the various providers, so in essence it would be unprofitable for an Arizona notary to do RON. Any idea on how to make the Secretary of State aware of this issue?

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2020

You can contact the Secretary of State's office at this web page:

Chris Craft

21 May 2020

I am a notary for the state of Texas. Can I notarize online for any state or country once i register for RON?

National Notary Association

27 May 2020

In order for a Texas Notary Public to perform a remote online notarization, the Notary must be physically located within the boundaries of Texas at the time of notarization. However, the signing party may be located anywhere.


19 May 2020

I can I perform marriage ceremonies via RON?

National Notary Association

20 May 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

16 May 2020

does the state of Nevada do RON?

National Notary Association

18 May 2020

Hello. A registered Nevada Notary who meets all state requirements may perform RONs. Please see here for more information:

Tonnie McGee

16 May 2020

That RON is great I can't wait to try it.

12 May 2020

Hello, I am currently a notary and would like to be able to provide RON services as well. How would I go about that process for the State of Texas

National Notary Association

13 May 2020

Please see here for more information on how to become a Texas Remote Online Notary:

Rose Hedrick

11 May 2020

Does Montana recognize RON? Please give me an example of 'web-cam' and alternative. Thank you.

National Notary Association

12 May 2020

Hello. Information on performing RON in Montana, along with a partial list of approved technology providers, can be found at the Secretary of State's website:

Cheryl J. Ross

07 May 2020

In the state of Missouri, they have provided us with authorization to do RON. But the companies we have to get approvals from, is stating they have a back long of 30 days to assist with getting started on their platform. I suspended my service due to an abundance of caution. I miss the money and the interaction, but I love my life more.

Kelly Charpenet, CA Notary Public

06 May 2020

WTF, California! Get with "it!"

Michael Harris

04 May 2020

This was the first demonstration that I have seen on RONs - helps. I still do not like the concept. I also have concerns about long refi packages. How does this work with multiple signers?

Louis Lamannis

04 May 2020

Has anyone in Minnesota actually completed a full Refinance closing using RON through a Signing Service.... and could you let us know Your opinions on the pitfalls and Plus's of the service!


01 May 2020

Hello, I am currently a notary and would like to be able to provide RON services as well. How would I go about that process for the State of Florida

National Notary Association

04 May 2020

Hello. Please see this link for information:


24 Apr 2020

Does Maryland permit RON?

National Notary Association

24 Apr 2020

Hello. Maryland has issued temporary emergency orders authorizing RON. For more information, please see here:


13 Apr 2020

I am looking for online Remote, Electronic And Traditional Notarization I am outside the USA and need my spouse to sign a form that is requeste by a retirement fund Can you direct me how to do that? Thank you for your prompt attention

National Notary Association

15 Apr 2020

Hello. You would need to contact a Notary authorized to perform remote notarization directly, or a RON technology provider that also offers RON services. Please see this article ( for a partial list of remote notarization technology providers and links to their websites. However, please be aware that this is only a partial list and does not indicate endorsement of a specific RON technology provider by the NNA.

Monica Shepard

10 Apr 2020

And it was only 25.00

Kathleen Huff

09 Apr 2020

Does KY do RON signings?

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2020

Hello. Yes.


09 Apr 2020

7 1/2 minutes for one doc. I shutter to imagine how long a full re-fi would take. I seriously have to think this one through.

Celestine Christie

09 Apr 2020

During these trying times, someone needs to change legislation in the state of Georgia informing and requesting of them, that this is and should be an option ... as people are still buying homes, still needed documents notarized, etc.


06 Apr 2020

Do you have any idea if CA is looking into RON? Are the states that are doing this able to do home loan signings this way?

National Notary Association

06 Apr 2020

Hello. California does not authorize its Notaries to perform RONs at this time.

mel carter

04 Apr 2020


National Notary Association

06 Apr 2020

Hello. The NNA does not recommend a specific platform or provider; it is up to individual Notaries to decide what platform or provider best meets your needs. A partial list of providers can be found here: however, this list is not complete and does not constitute an endorsement of any of these companies by the NNA.

Linda Chong

04 Apr 2020

how do you market for RON signing?

02 Apr 2020

I am an Ohio remote online notary. You would think during this social distancing and online phase we are operating more in because of the pandemic the business would be booming. Why have I not received one single RON request?

Deborah Eyerdam

31 Mar 2020

How do I become an RON notary

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2020

Hello. That depends on what state you are located in. You can find general information here:

Hope Carr

24 Dec 2019

I am getting tired of not being able to read NNA articles that are posted on the notary site...

National Notary Association

26 Dec 2019

Hello. We're sorry you are having issues accessing our articles. If you can please contact us at, and let us know what type of device you are using and what kind of issue you are encountering, we will be happy to try to help you resolve the issue.

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