David Thun
Test your knowledge of four important basics of notarization — acknowledgments, jurats, identifying signers and making journal entries.
NNA Staff
A new administrative rule in Arizona gives Notaries a raise, but the higher fees also come with some important requirements.
David Thun
The simplest way to know what type of notarization is needed on a document is to look at the Notary certificate. But what do you do if there’s no certificate?
Michael Closen
While skipping a step in a notarization may seem harmless, it can get you in serious legal trouble. Notary law expert Michael Closen examines a real-life case where this happened.
David Thun
Some states have introduced a type of notarization known as “signature witnessing.” Here’s what makes it different from a traditional acknowledgment.
Gail R. Delaney
Many states strictly regulate how immigration service providers can advertise, especially in other languages. Here's what Immigration Forms Specialists need to know about ads.
David Thun
In 2018 a wide variety of new Notary laws and administrative rules raising Notary fees, creating new journal requirements, adding testing and training guidelines, and more take effect.
NNA Staff
North Carolina is the first state in the nation to establish a statewide eClosing program. Secretary of State Elaine Marshall discusses the program and its future.
Michael Closen
Notary law expert Michael Closen discusses the investigation of possible Notary errors in a confidentiality agreement allegedly made between Stormy Daniels and President Donald Trump.
Michael Lewis
With millions of immigrants seeking assistance with their status, it can be a challenge finding the right help. Here are three resources for legitimate and effective assistance to immigrants.