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Missouri AG Brings Criminal Indictment Against Key Player In 'Robo' Crisis

Missouri AG Brings Criminal Indictment Against Key Player In 'Robo' Crisis

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster has announced that DOCX, LLC — a key mortgage document processing firm at the center of the foreclosure “robo-signing” crisis — and its founder have been charged in sweeping felony indictments that accuse them of forgery and making false declarations related to mortgage documents.

Three Out Of Four Americans Distrust Financial System

Three Out Of Four Americans Distrust Financial System

An overwhelming majority of Americans — 77 percent — do not trust the nation’s financial system, according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University.

Utah Proposes Regulating Immigration Consultants

Utah Proposes Regulating Immigration Consultants

The Utah Legislature is considering a bill that would regulate nonattorneys who offer immigration services, and prohibit them from using misleading foreign-language titles such as “Notario Publico” to promote their services.

California, New York Attorneys General Question 'Robo' Settlement Terms

California, New York Attorneys General Question 'Robo' Settlement Terms

Attorneys General Kamala Harris of California and Eric Schneiderman of New York both say they will likely reject the terms of the nationwide foreclosure “robo-signing” settlement because they don’t go far enough to protect consumers and hold major banks accountable.

Oklahoma Bill Would Require Recordkeeping Of Election Documents

Oklahoma Bill Would Require Recordkeeping Of Election Documents

As the 2012 election year begins, the Oklahoma Legislature is considering a bill that would require Notaries to maintain a log of all absentee ballot affidavits they notarize for a period of at least two years after the date of the election.

Feds Ramping Up Oversight Of Financial Companies

Thousands of financial companies can expect increased attention from federal regulators in the coming months as the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ramps up its efforts to oversee every type of consumer credit-related practice, including such things as mortgage and foreclosure document preparation procedures.
