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Robo-Signing In Your Workplace

While the mortgage industry has cracked down on “robo-signing” involving foreclosure documents, accusations of unethical document signings and notarizations continue to impact law firms and other businesses.

2013 Mortgage Hiring Forecast

Changes in the mortgage industry as well as an improving financial outlook bode well for Notaries who are seeking a new job or searching for additional sources of income.

Mortgage Fraud Index Drops To Five-Year Low

While the news is promising, experts believe the fourth quarter drop is likely a temporary one, with activity already warming up again in the first quarter of 2013.

States Still Falling Short On REAL ID Requirements

The deadline for states to adopt REAL ID standards passed on January 15, 2013, and three quarters of U.S. states still fall short of the new requirements. Only 13 states currently issue driver’s licenses and other IDs that comply with the enhanced security standards, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Quiz: E and O

Quiz: E and O

Knowing what your Errors and Omissions policy covers is an important part of keeping yourself safe from liability. Take our quiz and see if you can separate the E&O facts from fiction.

Common Signing Professional Errors

The Notary Bulletin recently reached out to NSAs via social media to ask about their experiences and get their advice on how to avoid, prevent or resolve some of the more common errors.

NNA Offers Condolences To Friend Of The Association

The staff of the National Notary Association offers its heartfelt condolences to our good friend Thomas Smedinghoff and his family after the loss of his daughter Anne, a young diplomat who was one of five Americans killed in Afghanistan on April 6.

New laws clarify Notary's role in real estate transactions

States continue to define the role of Notaries in the real estate process with three recently enacted statutes — a Utah law that clarifies the function of Notary Signing Agents, and new laws in New Mexico and the District of Columbia that allow a homeowner to transfer property upon death to a beneficiary using a notarized document.
