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Can I Notarize A Copy Of A Driver’s License?

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Am I able to notarize a copy of someone else’s driver’s license?M.R., Reseda, CA

It depends. If you mean certify a copy of the driver’s license, the answer is no. A California Notary may only certify a copy of a power of attorney document (Government Code, Section 8205[a][4]) or
copies of entries in the Notary’s  journal if ordered by the Secretary of State (GC 8205[b][1]) or by a court (GC 8206[e]). However, if a signer wants to photocopy his or her driver’s license and sign a written statement in which he or she certifies the accuracy of the copy of the driver’s license, you may notarize the signer’s signature. In this case, the signer must instruct you whether to perform a jurat or acknowledgment for the signature on the written statement.

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline counselors to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call (888) 876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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Marsha Romero

06 Feb 2025

Does Maryland allow certification of true copy of drivers license? A client needs it notarized & apostilled to use in foreign country for it to be valid there.

National Notary Association

10 Feb 2025

Hello. Maryland Notaries are authorized to certify copies of documents: “A notarial officer who certifies or attests a copy of a record or an item that was copied shall determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item” (ACM St. Gov’t 18-204[d]). The following instructions are from the state Handbook for Notaries Public: “The following is a step-by-step process for certifying a copy of a record: “1. The person requesting the notarial act must personally appear before the notarial officer, either in-person or by using communication technology. “2. The notarial officer must properly identify the person requesting the notarial act. “3. Record the details of the notarial act in the notary’s journal. “4. If the copy of the record was not already created by the person requesting the notarial act, observe the copying of the record. If the record was already copied by the person requesting the notarial act, examine the original and the copy to ensure the copy is a full, true, and accurate reproduction of the original record. “5. Complete and sign the notarial certificate on the record (including the expiration date of the notary’s commission if it is not on the notary’s stamping device). If no notarial certificate is present on the record, affix the correct notarial certificate found below. “6. Apply the notary’s stamping device to the notarial certificate on, affixed, or logically associated with the record. To answer the second part of your question, Notaries do not issue apostilles. The customer would need to contact the appropriate state agency after the document is notarized to request an apostille from them. Please see this article for more information:

02 Jul 2024

As a WA state notary public, I was asked to perform a copy certificate of a WA state driver license. Can I photo copy the client's driver license and use the notary venue (5) For certifying or attesting a copy of a record: State of ….... County of ….... I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession of …..... … (Signature of notary public) … (Title of office) My commission expires: … (date) (Stamp) look forward to your reply...

National Notary Association

15 Jul 2024

Hello. WA Notaries may certify copies of documents: “A notarial officer who certifies or attests a copy of a record or an item that was copied shall compare the copy with the original record or item and determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item” (RCW 42.45.030[4]). When certifying a copy, the state Notary Public Guide recommends that the Notary make the copy. The certificate wording for certifying a copy can be found here:


24 Aug 2023

If a customer want's to notarize his copy of CA driver's license or copy of his passport, but that document does not have a correct notarial wording. That copy of CA drivers license or copy of passport is required by the embassy in order to issue his new passport or Childs passport. If a customer puts his signature next to his copy but does not have a correct notarial wording, Can I still notarize that document or customer's signature by attaching loose Jurat or Acknowledgement? What notary form should I use Jurat or Acknowledgement in California? In California can customer brings in his own copy for copy certification and I can compare it with original and can be notarized? Does customer has to write anything on copy of his CA drivers license if it does not have any notarial wording (California notary)? Please advise.

National Notary Association

28 Aug 2023

Hello. California Notaries cannot certify copies of driver's licenses or passports. Please see this article for more information:


24 Aug 2023

If client brings in copies of California drivers license or California ID or copies of foreign country passport or copies of visa or copies of I-797 C and ask to notarize them since they have been required by embassy to either issue them a new passport or Childs passport. What should I do in this scenario? If client's puts in their signature on the copies of visa or CA drivers license or passport, and says this is the true and correct copy of the original, can I notarize their signature? Please advise ?

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2023

Hello. You cannot certify copies of identification documents as a CA Notary. However, if a customer requests you notarize the customer's signature on a statement by the customer attesting to the accuracy of the copy (sometimes called a 'copy certification by document custodian', you may notarize the customer's signature on the statement.


22 Aug 2023

Can California notaries notarize copies of visa, passport or California's drivers license ??

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2023

Hello. No, California Notaries may not certify copies of documents except a power of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or an entry of the Notary’s journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court (GC 8205[b][1]; GC 8206[e]).


14 May 2021

How would a Texas notary accomplish this via RON?

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2021

Hello. Copy certificate of a driver’s license via RON is allowed in Texas. How this would be accomplished would be based on procedure set forth by the online Notary platform the Notary Public uses.


21 Aug 2018

Is this the same for notaries in the state of Wisconsin? A coworker has asked me to notarize a copy of his driver's license and I'm nervous about it.

National Notary Association

22 Aug 2018

Hello. Wisconsin Notaries may certify copies of documents, but are not allowed to certify copies of vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates (WS 706.07[2][d] and WS 69.01[26]).


27 Oct 2017

Is the same case for notaries in the state of Virginia?

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2017

Hello. Virginia Notaries may certify copies of documents, provided the document is not a public record. “‘Copy certification’ means a notarial act in which a notary (i) is presented with a document that is not a public record; (ii) copies or supervises the copying of the document using a photographic or electronic copying process (iii) compares the document to the copy; and (iv) determines that the copy is accurate and complete” (COV 47.1-2).

Zelma Baldwin

26 Aug 2016

Brazil require a motorized copy of my drivers license in order for me to get a visa. The retirement say it MUST be notarized. What am I supposed to do?

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2016

Hello. If your state does not permit Notaries to make this type of copy certification, you may wish to contact a Brazilian consulate or embassy in your area to find out if a consular officer can assist you or provide instructions for an alternate procedure.

Mary Nigorizawa

25 May 2015

Took exam in April. When will test results be sent?

National Notary Association

28 May 2015

Hi Mary. I've forwarded your message to our Customer Care team and ask them to contact you to help you get the information you need. Have a good day.

John Clark

25 May 2015

As a California notary, If a signer makes a statement asserting truth, and insists on an acknowledgement of their signature rather than a verification with a jurat, I am uncomfortable with this. Is fraud in their mind? I walk away. Comment please.

National Notary Association

28 May 2015

Hello John. As ministerial officers, Notaries must follow the instructions requested by the signer and may not make decisions related to the document's content or instruct signers what notarial act is needed. If a signer asks for an acknowledgment and the notarization can be performed according to state law, it would not be appropriate for you to refuse simply because you think a different notarial act may be required for the document. However, if you have a concern about any unusual circumstances regarding a notarial request, you can make a note of the details in your journal record.

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