Rachel Fraser
Required journal and education plus permanent RON are just a few changes Illinois Notaries can expect starting January 1, 2022.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks what to do if a signature being notarized isn't legible. The NNA Notary Hotline has your answers.

NNA Staff
An Arizona Notary asks if notarizing a Spanish-language document is permitted. The NNA Notary Hotline answers your questions.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks if making photocopies of notarized documents for records is permitted. The NNA Notary Hotline has your answers.

NNA Staff
A California Notary asks if a Permanent Resident Card is acceptable proof of a signer's identity. The NNA Notary Hotline has your answers.

NNA Staff
California State University, Northridge officially renamed its administration building as “Valera Hall” in honor of NNA Chairman Milt Valera, and Executive Vice President Deborah Valera.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks if filling in venue information is required if notarizing in your home county. The NNA Notary hotline answers your questions.

NNA Staff
A Notary asks if it's required to provide their Social Security number when notarizing. The NNA Notary Hotline has the answer.

Rachel Fraser
NJ Notaries will soon be required to use a stamp and journal as well as provide RONs. Learn what’s new under Assembly 4250 here.

NNA Staff
A California Notary asks if they can administer an oath of office to an attorney. The NNA Notary Hotline has the answer.