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Quiz: How Well Do You Speak Notary?


1. What is a “jurat?”

A. A small rodent often found in law offices and courthouses
B. The formal name for a jury summons
C. A notarization in which a signer promises that the contents of a document are truthful
D. A notarization in which a public official promises to uphold his or her duties

ANSWER: C. A jurat is a notarization where the signer makes a solemn promise that a document is truthful. For a Notary to perform a jurat, the signer must first sign the document in the Notary’s presence. The signer then swears or affirms that the document’s content is true and accurate. 

2. For Notaries, a “protest” is:

A. When a Notary verifies a signer is eligible for pension benefits
B. An archaic form of notarization used by banks to make legal claims about unpaid debt
C. A regular part of modern politics
D. A tactic young children often try when told to eat their vegetables 

ANSWER: B. A protest is a method under the Uniform Commercial Code for banks and financial institutions used to make a legal claim for an unpaid debt. While it’s an archaic process that has been largely replaced by modern collection methods, some states still allow Notaries to perform protests.

3.  A “venue” on Notary certificate wording indicates:

A. The location where the Notary’s commission is filed
B. The location where the signer resides
C. The location where a concert takes place
D. The location where a notarization takes place 

ANSWER: D. The venue on a Notary certificate — typically indicated by the words “State Of _____” and “County Of ______” — indicates the location where a notarization takes place.

4. What is an “attorney in fact?”

A. A person authorized to sign a document on someone else’s behalf
B. The opposite of an “attorney in fiction”
C. A lawyer who has been certified as ethical and honest
D. A law student signing a document who hasn’t passed the bar exam 

ANSWER: A. An attorney in fact is a person authorized to sign documents on behalf of another party, known as a “principal.” Notarizing for an attorney in fact may have special rules or requirements, depending on what state you are commissioned in.

5. An “embosser” refers to:

A. A dishonest boss who asks Notaries to perform improper acts
B. A Notary affixing a seal impression on a journal page
C. A type of Notary seal that leaves a raised impression on the page
D. A Notary seal that may be used by the Notary’s employer or coworkers

ANSWER: C. An embosser is a type of Notary seal that crimps paper to leave a raised indentation of the Notary’s seal impression on a page.  Embossers are not permitted for use by Notaries in every state, though some states permit Notaries to use embossers as an optional addition to a mandatory ink stamp.

6. The term “instrument” in the wording of a notarial certificate typically refers to:

A. A document
B. A piano
C. A thermometer
D. An agency of a higher power

ANSWER: A. When a notarial certificate refers to a signature on an “instrument,” the word “instrument” is referring to the document in question.

7. What must a Notary do when a signer “acknowledges” a signature?

A. Stamp the document and then take a photograph of the notarized signature
B. Confirm that the Notary recognizes the signer’s handwriting
C. Stamp the document and then post a notice on the Secretary of State’s website
D. Positively identify and require the signer to acknowledge signing the document willingly

ANSWER: D.  When a signer acknowledges a signature, the Notary must positively identify the signer using a method permitted by state law. The signer must then verbally acknowledge to the Notary that he or she is the person who signed the document willingly.

8.  What does an “affirmation” during a notarization require?

A. A signer must tell the Notary what a great person the Notary is
B. A Notary must tell the signer what a great person the signer is
C. A signer promises on their personal honor to tell the truth under penalty of perjury
D. A Notary promises to a higher power to tell the truth

ANSWER: C. An affirmation is a promise made by a signer on their personal honor to tell the truth during a notarization. An affirmation is different than an oath, which is a personal promise of truthfulness made to a deity or higher power. The signer may choose to take an oath or an affirmation before the Notary, based on the signer’s preference.

David Thun is an Associate Editor at the National Notary Association.

Additional Resources:

Glossary Of Notary Terms

View All: Quizzes


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26 Feb 2025

This quiz made me laugh at some of the answer choices. Thanks.


02 Oct 2023

answer for question number two is completely incorrect and misleading. Notary protests are not archaic and are still widely used in the United States and other countries. And it is not only for financial institutions. I ask NNA to review question number two and provide accurate answer.

Akila Simmons

27 Aug 2023

Fun quiz!

Stacey Garcia

20 Dec 2022

Fun quiz and got them all right! Ready for 2023

20 Dec 2022

I enjoyed taking the quiz.


28 Jun 2021

Hi we need more quizzes. On. Immigration

Patsy Chappell

06 Jun 2021

Thanks for the refresher. I enjoyed taking the quiz.

Patricia Bridges

08 Mar 2021

Great Review. I was smarter than I realized.


22 Feb 2021



22 Feb 2021


Toni Mills

16 Feb 2021

Enjoyed the quizz. Keeps us on our toes.

Aracely Tamez

16 Feb 2021

Thanks it was a nice refreshment

Cecelia Lara

12 Aug 2020

Thanks for the quiz, it was a nice refresher!

andrei Gondec

10 Mar 2020

I Just love them.

Creadell Hudson

13 Apr 2019

Wow I can't wait to start notarizing.

Clifton Palmer McLendon

03 Apr 2019

Question 8 contains pronoun-antecedent disagreements.

Juan Luis mantilla

15 Feb 2019

Am in Texas i have documents to sign in Ohio I want my wife to sign it up

Albert Roberts

12 Feb 2019

I enjoy these quizzes, as they keep you sharp and aware of what one may have forgotten.


10 Feb 2019

"Notary" is not defined by the law of many states; states that do define it have contradictory definitions. Thus it is not a useful word to use when people from different states are communicating.

09 Feb 2019

Learning about becoming a notary

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