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How to fix a bad Notary seal impression

Updated 4-8-24. Notaries often ask how to fix a bad seal impression if the ink smears, the seal doesn't show up clearly during a notarization or the seal is placed upside down. While illegible Notary seal impressions are a common reason for document rejection,  fixing the problem can be simple.

Affixing a second Notary seal

If your Notary seal should get smudged, be administered too lightly, or come out unevenly inked, affix a second seal near, but not over, the first one. Make sure it is readable and able to be photocopied. In doing so, make sure not to cover or obscure any other text or images on the document.

If space is tight, you may turn your seal sideways. However, avoid affixing a sideways seal in the margins of a document, particularly if it is a real property document that must be recorded.

Attaching a separate or loose Notary certificate

If there is no room to affix a second seal impression, you should attach a completed separate Notary certificate (also known as a loose Notary certificate) with a proper seal impression. If you have to attach a loose certificate, remember to put a line through the previous notarial wording and include a note: “See attached certificate.”

The error some Notaries make when fixing a bad impression is attempting to repair the initial impression using some other method, such as pen and ink, or attempting to cross out a smudged image. However, any “tampering” with a seal is not allowed and could cause the document to be rejected.

Notary seal tip

Before affixing your seal, do a practice run. Making sample impressions on a scrap piece of paper will let you know how much ink to use and how hard to press when affixing the seal. Be sure to destroy your “practice” seal impressions immediately after doing this.

Stock up on stamps and certificates in our Supplies section. NNA Members can download certificates for free at any time.

Additional Resources:

How to use your Notary seal stamp

View All: Best Practices


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Tonya H.

12 Dec 2024

If the notary stamp only shows half of the impressions, can I mark through the bad one and stamp again right beside it?

National Notary Association

16 Dec 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


21 Nov 2024

In Montana do you strike through and initial an upside-down stamp? Thank you.

National Notary Association

25 Nov 2024

Hello. No, please see below for instructions from the state regarding seal and certificate issues: “(5)(a) A notary public may subsequently correct any information included on or omitted from a certificate executed by that notary if the change or correction can be evidenced by the information contained in the notary’s journal record of the transaction. “(b) A notary public may not change or correct an impression or electronic image of an official stamp, but may affix a subsequent impression on a tangible record or attach or logically associate with an electronic record an electronic image of a missing, illegible, or incorrect official stamp. “(c) Any changes or corrections must be dated and initialed by the notary public and a corresponding notation of the changes must be made in the journal record. Only the notary public who performed the notarization may make or authorize a change or correction to a previously completed certificate. If a notary public authorizes a third party to change or correct the information included or omitted on a previously completed certificate, the authorization must be granted in writing and a copy of the message authorizing the change and a copy of the changed certificate must be attached to the notary public’s journal record for that transaction“ (MCA 1-5-609[5]).


26 Oct 2024

What do you do if you accidentally stamp upside down? Do you draw a line through it and stamp correctly?

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2024

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Mary Salgado

02 Jul 2024

Do we need to do a second seal if our seal is legible but got smudged a little?

National Notary Association

25 Feb 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


29 May 2024

I have to change my embosser. I can get the new one in but it does not press down all the way and you cannot lock it. Any tips?

National Notary Association

29 May 2024

Hello. If you purchased your embosser through the NNA, please email and one of our Customer Care representatives can assist you.

Robyn Gregorieff

24 Apr 2024

I have used a seal right on top of the other before successfully. But that being said, you need lots of luck to do that. Just add another seal near it. Two stamps does not void the document I have also used embossed gold notary seal which does work well especially for official docs where you cannot use another stamp near the other

22 Apr 2024

Very helpful! I have called about this issue before.


22 Apr 2024

Thank you, it verifies it is ok to do it twice


20 Mar 2024

What if a seal is in the wrong spot on a document?

National Notary Association

21 Mar 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


20 Mar 2024

I wish I had found this thread sooner. The information is very useful. Thank you


24 Oct 2023

I have a Pennsylvania vehicle title that the seal smeared on in the initial assignment of title box. There is no room for me to affix it elsewhere. Can we have them fill out the "Re-Assignment of Title" portion of the page instead and I cross out the first box section, or would it be better for me to type the wording out on another form and attach it?

National Notary Association

25 Oct 2023

Hello. You would need to contact the state motor vehicle department to request instructions.


30 Apr 2023

Good information! Thank you

Nerissa Cannon

24 Apr 2023

Great info. It's what I do!

Claude G Wilbur

02 Mar 2023

If a document has no room for signatures and stamp, is ok to put them on the back of the document?

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Karon Moore

03 Jan 2023

Very helpful! Thank you, Karon

Sheryl D. Armstrong

06 Oct 2022

Thank you for making the everyday tasks easier by supporting tips and procedures that are clear and ideal. As per on how to clean the notary stamp; and how to properly use a seal so it may not smear or smudge; or to affix a second seal impression for a correction.

Lois m lewis

27 Apr 2022

Good information

Bitalee Victoria Bickel

19 Apr 2022

Thank you for the information... Great reminders

Kirk Paulson

18 Apr 2022

If a notary stamp is smudged or blurry can I just have the notary restamp next to the other one even if the new stamp has a new expiration date. Paperwork was rejected for a bad stamp and during that time the notary received an updated stamp. California

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2022

Hello. No, in California, Notaries are not allowed to correct certificates after the signer has left their presence. The only way to fix a mistake is for the Notary and signer to meet again to complete a new notarization.


13 May 2021

I’m in New Jersey, what if I stamp upside down?

National Notary Association

28 May 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

James Morgan

13 May 2021

Yes can I notarize a form for my wife to get her disability parking tag I live in Louisville ky

National Notary Association

26 May 2021

“A notarial officer shall not perform a notarial act with respect to a record to which… the notarial officer’s spouse or other member of the notarial officer’s immediate family is a party, or in which any of those individuals has a direct beneficial interest. A notarial act performed in violation of this subsection is voidable” (KRS 423.310[4]).

Jason Morales

11 May 2021

In PA i had to put another stamp because my first stamp seal was faded. When i submitted the paper work, the notary company told me to next time put a slash through the seal, and initial the top of it and then put another stamp on it. Is this true

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2021

Hello. The law does not specify whether or the incorrect seal impression should be slashed out. As a result, if the lender wants you to slash through and initial the incorrect impression because of their internal policies and procedures, you can do so.

Fern Hines

11 May 2021

This is a helpful conversation as I have challenges from time to time. I am now on my second set of Notary Seals. I have never stamped twice on a certificate- just did not know it was allowed. I’ve also learned to make sure my surface under the documents is smooth. I guess my bigger question is what is the lifespan or approximate number of stamps of a Seal? My problem is my seals start to lighten over time no matter all my tips. Can they be re-inked?

Jason Morales

11 May 2021

My seal messed up and the company told me to put another seal next to it and take my pen and cross out the bad seal and initial it, is this true.

National Notary Association

11 May 2021

Hello Jason. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


11 May 2021

So if you make a second stamp on the same page do you always cross the bad one out or is that only if you are going to put the second seal on a certificate page?

National Notary Association

19 May 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Suzette Dubina

24 Apr 2021

I don’t understand why they went with ink versus the previous impression stamp?? The old way is so much cooler!

LeRoy Casey

19 Apr 2021

Some documents (DMV docs are really bad here in CA). I've made a tool: Cut out a piece of clear plastic the size of your seal. Place it on the document to be notarized to see if your seal will fit in the space provided.


19 Apr 2021

I recently saw a mini seal built into the cover of a pen it’s very small but readable. I ordered one for 80 buck now is always in my shirt pocket self inking very cool, James Bondish stuff. But it’s the small size legal in Florida?

National Notary Association

29 Apr 2021

Hello. Florida Notary law states “The rubber stamp seal must be affixed to the notarized paper document in photographically reproducible black ink” (FS 117.05[3][a]). However, state law does not specify a specific shape or size requirement for the seal.

Erica Vogel

19 Apr 2021

Hi There, the notary that notarized my notary cert last week accidentally put her stamp over the date. You can see the date on the document if you look closely. Do we need to add a new page? There's now way to fix it on the document. I was thinking it would be fine until I read this. We are in Texas. Thanks!

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2021

Hello. You would need to contact the document's issuing agency, receiving agency or a qualified attorney to ask if the document will require correction.


19 Apr 2021

Thanks for the great information.

Phyllis Denison

19 Apr 2021

I live in Tucson, AZ. My Notary business has been slow as I seldom do loan signings and then, only those that people bring to me - my neighbors in the Mobile home park where I live. So, with the extremely low humidity, my seal will dry out. I learned to expose the print head and then, blow on it! Works every time! Thanks for the article and the information.

Daliah West

12 Jan 2021

Thank you SO MUCH for this info! VERY HELPFUL!


21 Dec 2020

Hi, I am in Texas. Is there any way to complete a notarization if your embosser stamp has an expired expiration date? I have renewed my notary and I have the ink stamp with the newly updated information and the updated certificate but forgot to order a new embossed stamp. Is there a way to cross out the incorrect information, write in the correct information and initial it?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2020

Hello. You should not use a seal that has outdated or incorrect information. You would need to obtain an updated embosser that has your correct information.


23 Nov 2020

Hello how can i fix a notary car title mistake he put the seal in the wrong area

National Notary Association

24 Nov 2020

Please contact your state motor vehicle department to request assistance.

Stacey Rodgers

13 Apr 2020

I practiced for years in Missouri and was trained to put a X and initial the incorrect seal. Now I'm in Texas does the same rule apply or your method?


21 Jan 2020

I stamped a car title with my seal upside down will I have a problem or the person have a problem going to the DMV license plate agency? Sate is NC.

National Notary Association

22 Jan 2020

Hello. The customer would need to contact the motor vehicle agency to ask if they will have an issue accepting the upside-down stamp and request instructions if the agency has an issue with the notarization.

Elizabeth Melendez

06 Jan 2020

Commissioned in Texas. Am I required to also use an embosser as well when doing notarizations or does my ink stamp suffice? I noticed some places use both.

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2020

Hello. Texas Notaries may use either an ink seal or an embosser, but the seal impression must be photographically reproducible: “The seal must be affixed by a seal press or stamp that embosses or prints a seal that legibly reproduces the required elements of the seal under photographic methods. An indelible ink pad must be used for affixing by a stamp the impression of a seal on an instrument to authenticate the notary public’s official act” (GC 406.013[c]).


18 Oct 2019

I am a new notary I am wondering if i bought a long stamp with my name expire date and on stamp has the state seal do i have to put that and my embossed seal on each document? also if my embosser only goes up so far on a piece of paper can i place it side ways on the document?

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2019

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


28 Aug 2019

California - I am an Engineer an a client had a Mylar notarized, the notary used their stamp and it smeared. Can we, as the Engineer, erase the stamp? The City will not accept the mylar as is. The Notary should have known that you don't use stamps on mylar in CA.

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2019

Hello. It would not be appropriate for you to tamper with a Notary stamp on a document, even if it is smeared or illegible. We would recommend that you contact the city office and request instructions for correcting the issue.

Kathleen A Lutsch

26 Apr 2019

Thank you so much for this reminder. These brush up articles are always helpful.

Yvonne Ruiz

23 Apr 2019

My seal imprint is getting lighter. I’ve barely had it since last January. I thought the ink lasted longer. I have ink drops. How many drops can I add to my stamp? Thanks

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2019

Hello Yvonne. If you purchased your stamp from the NNA, you can contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-876-6827 for assistance.

Phyllis Denison

22 Apr 2019

My seal is self inking. So, finding that if I haven't used it for a week or so, when I do, I first breathe on it and then use it. I get a perfect impression everytime!

Trent Schreiner

22 Apr 2019

I am in Arizona. What do you mean by term Notary Certificate?

National Notary Association

22 Apr 2019

Hello Trent. "Notary Certificate" refers to the wording that the Notary completes, signs and affixes the seal impression to during the notarization. You can find more information here:

Theresa Shannon

22 Apr 2019

In the State of Nevada it is my understanding that we void - a single line through with our initials next to the bad stamp and then execute a proper clear stamp,

K James

25 Jul 2018

I signed my signature underneath my stamp. Is that bad? I am from New York

National Notary Association

26 Jul 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

06 Jul 2018

Thank you! Great Idea!!! Testing on a scrap piece of paper.


06 Apr 2018

My seal and stamp has the wrong expiration date on them. They have 8/27/2024 instead of 8/19/2024. Is there anything i can do without having to replace them. I just got them and error is my mistake. I ordered them that way. Please advise.

National Notary Association

06 Apr 2018

Hi Tasha. If you ordered your seal through us, please contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-876-6827 or and they should be able to assist you.

National Notary Association

29 Mar 2018

Hello. That would depend on the receiving agency's preferences. The signer may wish to contact the receiving agency to ask if they would have any issues accepting the upside-down seal.

Sabrina Donnell

15 Mar 2018

Thank you for the helpful tips.

12 Mar 2018

This is all great feedback I will put to use --thank you!


01 Nov 2017

Great info. I will for sure remember this!!


02 Sep 2017

the metal plate in our corporate seal is offset, how do i adjust it

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2017

Hello Diane. Just to clarify, when you say "corporate seal" are you referring to a Notary seal embosser?

Katie D.

16 Aug 2017

Should the bad seal be lined out? CA commission

National Notary Association

22 Aug 2017

Hello. Simply affix a new seal image. It is not necessary to line out the incorrect one. The receiving agency generally looks for a clear, clean image.

Diane Deren

25 May 2017

at s rehab facility, the patient did not have his ID, but his wife had a completed poa with her so we did proceed. However, the wording did not say Attorney in Fact. I added some explanation to the Health Surrogate form to add her info. Ok?

National Notary Association

25 May 2017

Hello Diane. We apologize, but we can only answer specific questions about the notarization itself. We cannot answer questions regarding completion of a document such as a Health Surrogate form.


21 Apr 2017

For a PA car title transfer, I stamped in the wrong place and then stamped in the incorrect place (there are 3 or 4 spots that a notary could stamp, depending on the transfer action). The junkyard that is taking the car is now requesting an affidavit to state that the place I incorrectly stamped is indeed incorrect. Do I just include a letter from myself?

National Notary Association

21 Apr 2017

Hello. We're sorry but you would need to contact the junkyard directly to ask if they will accept the letter.


22 Mar 2017

Hello, I am in Cardiff and looking to get our Notary Seal fixed, Can you please recommend anywhere?

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2017

Hi Sarah. If you purchased your seal through us, you can call 1-800-876-6827 for assistance.


14 Mar 2017

In Florida uf An stamp is placed upside down. What is the rule to follow?

National Notary Associations

14 Mar 2017

Hello. The customer should contact the agency receiving the notarized document to find out if they will accept the upside-down stamp. If the agency will not accept the document, the customer should ask the receiving agency for instructions how to proceed further.

Maria Eva Garcia

14 Mar 2017

Very helpful to do has happen to me twice

Wendy Thomas

02 Mar 2017

Thank you for reprinting! From this article, you should not cross bad seal out and initial?

National Notary Association

02 Mar 2017

Hello. It should not normally be necessary to mark out a bad seal impression with an 'X'-the fact that it is unclear and the presence of a second seal impression is usually enough to indicate why a second seal was required. However, be careful when affixing the second seal impression not to obscure any text on the notarial certificate or document.


27 Feb 2017

(California) -- If there is room to place a second stamp next to or near the smudged one, do I "X out" the bad one? Or leave it as is?

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2017

Hello. It should not normally be necessary to mark out a bad seal impression with an 'X'-the fact that it is unclear and the presence of a second seal impression is usually enough to indicate why a second seal was required. However, be careful when affixing the second seal impression not to obscure any text on the notarial certificate or document.


27 Feb 2017

I am commissioned in WV, and have a question about whether a seal is required on all documents. If I need to notarize a document that does not ask for the seal to be placed on it and there is no space to put it, am I required to place the seal on it anyway?

National Notary Association

28 Feb 2017

Hello. The WV Secretary of State's website says that a Notary must use the rubber stamp seal on every notarization and the seal must be placed on the document so that the information is legible. (


13 Jan 2017

My husband had a court document "notarized" in Ohio, (stamped and signed, but nothing else.) California is rejecting the notarization because it lacks information on how the identity of the signer was verified, and where he appeared to sign it. Can the document be re-notarized on the same page, or should the whole thing be rewritten and resubmitted. (Uncontested divorce papers.)

National Notary Association

17 Jan 2017

Hello. You would need to speak to the agency the documents are being submitted to, or speak with a qualified attorney to request instructions on how to re-notarize the document in a way that is acceptable to the receiving agency.

Victoria Dickert

09 Jan 2017

Good article especially since I have a broken embossing stamp. I replaced it with a self inking stamp which is faulty,which makes 2 to be returned. I can't return the faulty stamps if I destroy them. What do you suggest that I do?

National Notary Association

09 Jan 2017

Hello. If you purchased the faulty stamp through the NNA, you can contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-876-6827 for assistance.

Linda Cox

08 Jan 2017

In Illinois should you draw a line through the bad stamp and initial?

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2017

Hello Linda. Illinois Notary law does not provide specific guidelines in this matter. The state Notary Public Handbook only instructs Notaries not to place their seal impression over their signature.


04 Jan 2017

I am in Hawaii and would like to know if a stamp is upside down by mistake, will it be accepted?

National Notary Association

04 Jan 2017

Hi Norma. That's up to the agency receiving the document.

Skylar Marton

03 Jan 2017

I live in NY where a seal is not required. I fill out the portion of the document which states State, County, Notary Signature, Comission Expiration, Etc. I also affix my seal onto the document. If my seal comes out smudged, do I still have to correct for this since it is not required and I filled out the other portion?

National Notary Association

03 Jan 2017

Hi Skylar. While use of a seal not required in New York, it is possible that a receiving agency may reject a document if you choose to use a seal and the seal impression is unclear.

Kelli Doyle

03 Jan 2017

Is it possible to use white sticker paper to cover over the bad seal, and re- stamp the seal over it with the proper impression? I'm in California; And while I haven't had an unclear stamp issue yet, I'm sure I will in time; stamps don't last forever!

National Notary Association

03 Jan 2017

Hello Kelli. The CA Secretary of State's office has instructed Notaries not to use correction tape, correction fluid or other means to cover errors on a seal impression. From the CA SOS 2016 Notary Newsletter: " If the seal impression is not clear, the notary public should affix a new impression and never attempt to fix the old one, even if this requires attaching a separate notarial certificate." (

02 Jan 2017

can an Arkansas notary become an accredited representative? if so, how do you go about being certified?

National Notary Association

03 Jan 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but can you clarify what you mean by an accredited representative, please?


02 Jan 2017

Also, check and do not place document over a crack in a desk or other uneven things like a pile of papers. This will make the seal not print correctly. I did that once in a Attorneys office.


02 Jan 2017

Luckily here in New Jersey seals are not required they're only helpful so we don't have to keep writing the necessary details (which is printed name, title of office, state of office, and commission expiration). However sometimes I have made bad deal impressions for one reason or another and I think because in nj seals aren't required I just write over the info with a pen and I've never had those documents get rejected.

Gloria Henderson

19 Dec 2016

Can I write in me seal information if there is very little space for the seal or should I attach a loose certificate?

National Notary Association

19 Dec 2016

Hello Gloria. So we can answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in? Or, if you are an NNA member you can contact our Hotline team at for assistance.

22 Nov 2016

Hi from California. My stamp recently needed re-inking, and I somehow seemed to have put too much ink in it (it was generic ink provided by my employer, not purchased from NNA). Now it's a guessing game if my stamp will smudge into one big blob every time I notarize! I've tried everything, even pressing it into piles of paper towels to try to get rid of the excess ink. I don't want to take it apart and risk getting ink all over everything (not to mention ME). Should I just order a new stamp and get the ink you sell?

National Notary Association

23 Nov 2016

Hello. If your current seal isn't working properly, you are certainly welcome to consider one of ours. You can see our available stamps at

Laural Honig

14 Jul 2016

That was very helpful thank you

Dawn Bunker

29 Mar 2016

Hi, what if you affix your stamp over the word "seal" on the acknowledgement? Would there still be a possibility for rejection?

National Notary Association

30 Mar 2016

Hello. Yes, if text on the document is covered or obscured by the seal impression, there is a possibility the recording agency may reject the document. In such a situation, the signer should contact the recording office for instructions.


28 Oct 2015

Very excited to read Q&A thanks!

Quandra Nickols

27 Oct 2015

Question. I notarize poa docs for several personal care homes in Pennsylvania. Another notary notarize four docs for a client in which 1 of the 4 was done incorrectly where notary signed her name and clients names in wrong the spot. I was asked to only notarize the retyped incorrectly notarized doc. Should I have had them redo all 4 docs to be consistent with seal. I haven't heard anything for 3 months so I guess the 4 docs were accepted with 2 different seals.

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2015

Hello Quandra. In the situation you describe, unless you are attorney it would not be appropriate for you to advise the signer to change the other 3 documents that were notarized without errors. Nonattorney Notaries are not allowed to offer advice to signers regarding preparing documents, and you would have no way to know if any changes you recommended would cause problems with the receiving agency.

R K Sneed

27 Oct 2015

Good information. No matter how methodical you notary habits, there are times when notarial can occur. It is good to know how these errors can be corrected.

Johnie Johnson

26 Oct 2015

Great information; had this happen a couple of times and was at a loss. Want be in the future.

Chris Allies

26 Oct 2015

If my seal does not have a complete clear image, I attach a Notary Clarity form to the document, as this is allowable in CA and the County Recorder's office will not reject the document.

Doris Davison

26 Oct 2015

Thank you. I would probably have tried to "fix" it with black pen.

Maria D. Pozsonyi

26 Oct 2015

I do a lot of documents translations for immigration purposes, but very often clients ask that I translate immigration applications and assist with filling these out. I am extremely careful at doing this and only sign my name as the interpreter/translator, but I am constantly worry about getting in some type of trouble. My question is: is there any type of form I can have them sign for them to acknowledge about being informed that I am not a lawyer and that I am not liable for any type of misrepresentation?...... State of Mississippi

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2015

Hello Maria. Non-attorney Notaries in Mississippi may not assist another person in completing a document (MAC Rule 5.9). Furthermore, Mississippi Notaries who are not attorneys may not represent themselves as immigration consultants, immigration paralegals or experts on immigration matters unless the Notary is an accredited representative or an organization recognized by the board of immigration appeals pursuant to 8 CFR Section 292, 2 (a-e) or any subsequent federal law. (MCA 25-33-27) Unless you are an attorney or accredited representative as described above, you should not be assisting immigrants with completing forms in any capacity.

Allison I. McConnell

26 Oct 2015

Thank you for sharing this information, especially regarding not reprinting in the margins of a document. Very, very important. It's much better and will save everyone a lot of time if you just affix the loose certificate and cross out the botched seal on the first page.

Paula Dunn

26 Oct 2015

Nice article - good reminder that sometimes the simplest of things are the most troublesome.

Jo Cooper

26 Oct 2015

Thanks for this information. I have made corrections in the past as you suggested, but wondered about the legality of doing such.

Gay Nell

04 Aug 2015

I did not see an answer to the question regarding a stamp was done up side down. Should I restamp the document or is it sufficient up side down?

National Notary Association

04 Aug 2015

Hello. An upside-down seal may be acceptable provided it does not obscure or cover any other wording. In this case, the signer should contact the receiving agency to confirm if the upside-down seal will be accepted.

Karla N. Lacayo

09 Jun 2015

Very helpfull. Thank you.


04 Nov 2014

What if you need to replace your seal because the seal doesn't give a complete impression from the day you received it?

National Notary Association

04 Nov 2014

Hi Bonnie, You will need to replace your seal following the guidelines in your state's laws. If you purchased your seal through the NNA, you can contact our Customer Care team for assistance at 1-800-876-6827 or

Carole Pateman

04 Nov 2014

I was shocked when my boss (an attorney) came to me with a denied Notary seal. It was fine when first done, but the paper made it smudge after the fact..weird....I had to fill out another paper stating who I was and redoing the seal... California commission


04 Nov 2014

I WISH that is was that easy!! I have gotten beaten up by vendors who want everything to be perfect, including my seal! Here is my solution: I carry a clipboard with cardboard from a used up 8 1/2 x 11 sized notepad. My stamp stamps flat and clear on this, when the surface at the location of a signing isn't flat enough, like my desk at work is flat. When in doubt about the signing surface, I use the work order with signing information and contact phone numbers that the vendors ask you print and take to the signing, and test it. Otherwise, I find that being methodical and careful works well, too. Interesting--I am the office manager at my DH's law office, and both he and his associate have no trouble with me stamping twice, if necessary. Go figure. =/

Debbie Hicks

04 Nov 2014

I live in Tennessee and I have once accidently affixed my seal upside down. I noticed it as I handed the document back to the signer. They took it and I never heard back that it needed to be redone. I am very careful to watch for that now. Howerver should I have redone the seal?

Judy Hearne

04 Nov 2014

Yesterday J was notarizing several documents in a relocation package, (new employee moving from OH to TN, where I am also employed), and my expiration date seal was large enough that it went into the "state" line for the next notary to complete. (In other words, I had to notarize signatures in TN and another notary will need to notarize the spouse's signature in OH.) will this be a problem for her/him, or can they just write their state name beside my seal?

National Notary Association

04 Nov 2014

Hello Judy, If the seal impression obscured or covered notarial certificate wording, the obscured certificate wording should not be used when notarizing signatures on the documents. The issuing or receiving agency should be contacted for instructions on how to proceed.

Emmanuel Dempsey

03 Nov 2014

Very good article.Very useable information. Thanks

Gary Halvorsen

03 Nov 2014

My I use the Association logo on my business cards ?

National Notary Association

18 Nov 2014

Hello Gary. If you are an Association member, NNA members have access to specially designed member logos that can be displayed on all your business materials. We provide the logo in multiple versions: PDF, PNG, and EPS. Member logos can be found here: Members may also order business cards with the NNA logo directly from us here:

Priscilla Figueroa

03 Nov 2014

I too had problems with upside down seals impressions. I put a big dot with whiteout in the front of the seal in the correct position on the plastic part, and I always look for the big dot staring at me before I stamp my paperwork. Hope this helps.


03 Nov 2014

Room can be an issue on some forms when it has to be done on the top or bottom. My biggest booboo is stamping upside down!!!


03 Nov 2014

Good article. When I was a newbie Notary, a recorder rejected my smudged & re-stamped deed, as I had lined-out the bad one.

Letitia Gaye Casey

03 Nov 2014

if a notarization on a deed comes back as "rejected" by the Recorder or the Court due to an illegible seal, does the entire notarization need to be re-done or can a new seal be added to the original rejected document on the jurat?

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2014

Hello Letitia, In order to help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Cheryl Dawson

03 Nov 2014

My seal was uneven last week and I panicked, trying to artistically repair. Luckily there was an extra blank copy and I just started over. But I'm so glad to see these alternatives!

Janice R. Jowers

03 Nov 2014

What if you accidently stamp a seal upside down. Does this need correcting?

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2014

Hi Janice, To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Mary V. Damman

03 Nov 2014

Very good advice. Can we just use the gold seal and affix to record

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2014

Hello Mary, We apologize-can you please clarify what you meant by your reference to a 'gold seal?' Some persons use this term to refer to embossed Notary seals, but it is also similar to a reference to the Medallion Signature Program used by some financial institutions which does not involve notarization. Also, to help us answer your question can you tell us what state you are commissioned in, please? Thank you.


03 Nov 2014

I messed up my seal before and found my methods to fix it identical to yours, so thank you for sharing this information and its good to know I'm doing the right thing.

Rebecca Farrens

03 Nov 2014

Very helpful. Thank you.

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