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Improve Your Career And Income Helping Immigrants Complete USCIS Forms

Immigration documents training

Immigrants in Nevada have a growing need for help filling out official paperwork for the USCIS. If you want to learn how to help the local community of over 200,000 immigrants — and improve your career and income — then register today for a special 2-day training seminar where you will learn how to properly, and legally prepare immigration documents.

Latinos Unidos Event will host the seminar on May 21 and 22 in Las Vegas. This training is perfect for professionals such as legal assistants, paralegals, tax preparers, pastors, Notaries Public, insurance and real estate agents or anyone else who provides services to immigrants. If you also want to become a bonded Immigration Consultant, you’ll learn everything you need to do to start your business.

For more information or to register, visit or call 844-855-6761


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Eyleen Aponte

11 Mar 2024

I wanna learn more

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