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4 Tips For Notaries Preparing To Attend NNA 2015

4 tips for Notaries preparing to attend NNA 2015

NNA 2015 is almost here! Read these pre-Conference recommendations to help you get the most value out of your time in Orlando, Florida, next week:

1. Download and print your presentation notes before you arrive.

To help reduce the amount of paperwork our attendees carry during Conference, the notes for NNA 2015 presentations are being made available online in PDF format only. Conference attendees should have already received an email with a link to the presentation notes. (If you haven't received the presentation notes, please email us at and we can send you the download link.) Download the PDF files you need before you leave for Orlando. (We are providing complimentary Wi-Fi in your hotel room if you booked in our room block. Not every area of the hotel has Internet access or available printers, though the hotel’s onsite FedEx Business Center is available for printing.)

2. Plan your schedule in advance.

There’s going to be a lot of workshops at NNA 2015 so build time into your schedule to network and move from place to place. First thing every morning, look at your customized day’s events and make sure you don’t have any scheduling conflicts.

3. Bring business cards.

NNA 2015 is a great place to network with your fellow Notaries and companies looking for Notaries to perform assignments. An easy way to let people know about your Notary services is to bring business cards (or signature pens) printed with your name and contact information.

4. Pack a charger for your phone and laptop.

With Conference materials available exclusively online, attendees can use their phones and mobile devices frequently to access presentations and workshops. New to NNA 2015 this year, we will supply an in-demand charging station at the hotel, but bring your own phone attachments and adaptors as backup in order to stay connected.

Join our online Conference communities on Facebook and LinkedIn to connect with your fellow Notaries and for live Conference updates. The official hashtag for this year's Conference is #NNA2015.

David Thun is an Associate Editor at the National Notary Association

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Janice Foshag

25 May 2015

I'm just getting started in this business again, and looking forward to it. I'll be proofreading full time at home,

Fermin Marengo-Rios

28 May 2015

I am new at this and I want to listen to those that knows best to be informed about the business. I will just listen and learn. Then, I will decide what to do.

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