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New Notary Laws

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LegislationJan 01, 2014 - California
CA Assembly Bill 625 - AB 625 reclassifies an inmate ID issued by the California Department of Corrections in the first “category” of written IDs that are acceptable to present to a Notary in Civil Code Section 1185.

LegislationJan 01, 2014 - California
CA Assembly Bill 35 - AB 35 prohibits Notaries from practices amounting to “price gouging” for providing services to any person filing an application under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

LegislationJan 01, 2014 - California
CA Assembly Bill 924 - AB 924 authorizes the Secretary of State to deny, suspend or revoke the commission of a Notary for grand theft of the carcass of cattle or other animals as provided in Penal Code Section 487a(a).

LegislationJan 01, 2014 - North Carolina
NC House Bill 589 - House Bill 589 authorizes that instead of two witnesses as required by law, a Notary may witness the marking and sealing of an absentee ballot; however, a Notary may not charge to witness or affix a Notary seal to an absentee ballot application or certificate.

LegislationJan 01, 2014 - New York
NY Assembly 9762 - Assembly 9762 allows an affidavit to be signed under penalty of perjury overseas without the intervention of a Notary or officer authorized to administer oaths.

Rule/Regulation Nov 13, 2013 - Arkansas
AR Administrative Rules (2013) - The Arkansas Secretary of State has published permanent rules for electronic notarization authorizing Notaries to apply for a commission to perform e-notarizations using public key cryptography technology to create an electronic signature.

Rule/Regulation Oct 22, 2013 - Rhode Island
RI Administrative Rules (2013) - The Rhode Island Department of Administration has promulgated administrative rules of practice and procedure for investigating, prosecuting, and adjudicating allegations against Notaries Public.

Rule/Regulation Oct 20, 2013 - Louisiana
LA Administrative Rules (2013) - The Louisiana Secretary of State has published administrative rules to implement its Notary program.

LegislationOct 09, 2013 - Pennsylvania
PA House Bill 25 (RULONA) - Pennsylvania becomes the fourth state to enact the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA). HB 25 comprehensively rewrites all of Pennsylvania’s Notary statutes, pulling in existing law and supplementing it with the new RULONA provisions.

LegislationOct 09, 2013 - Pennsylvania
PA House Bill 25 (UUFDA) - Pennsylvania enacts the Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act (UUFDA) as part of House Bill 25.
