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New Notary Laws

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LegislationAug 21, 2013 - Arkansas
AR Senate Bill 807 - Senate Bill 807 makes a number of changes affecting the commissioning process and practice of Notaries in the state, including statements an applicant must make on the application for a commission and clarifying the color of ink Notaries must use in signing and sealing notarial certificates.

LegislationAug 09, 2013 - New Jersey
NJ Assembly Bill 3818 - Assembly 3818 clarifies that the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act applies to transactions involving the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of any interest in real property.

Rule/Regulation Jul 31, 2013 - Iowa
IA Administrative Rules (2013) - The Iowa Secretary of State amends its administrative rules for Notaries in light of its enactment of the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA).

LegislationJul 19, 2013 - Arkansas
AR Senate Bill 1137 - Senate Bill 1137 creates a “scrivener’s affidavit” for the purpose of correcting certain errors in documents affecting the title to real property that are recorded with a county recorder. The scrivener’s affidavit is required to be sworn and acknowledged before a Notary or notarial officer. The bill contains a statutory scrivener’s affidavit form.

LegislationJul 19, 2013 - Arkansas
AR Senate Bill 1013 - Senate Bill 1013 requires an advance health care directive to either be notarized or witnessed by two witnesses.

LegislationJul 01, 2013 - Wyoming
WY House Bill 98 - House Bill 98 raises the fee paid to the county clerk for filing the first page of a Notary bond or commission from $8 to $12.

LegislationJul 01, 2013 - Virginia
VA House Bill 2055 - House Bill 2055 no longer requires an applicant for a Notary commission to be a U.S. citizen, but requires an applicant to be a legal resident of the U.S., and authorizes the Secretary of the Commonwealth to revoke the commission of a Notary who ceases to be a legal resident of the U.S.

LegislationJul 01, 2013 - Virginia
VA Senate Bill 1093 - Senate Bill 1093 enacts the Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act, authorizing a property owner to transfer interest in the property to a beneficiary upon the death of the owner through a Transfer on Death Deed that must be notarized and filed in the local land records.

LegislationJul 01, 2013 - Idaho
ID House Bill 30 - House Bill 30 broadens the definition of “oath” to include declarations made under penalty of perjury. Such unsworn declarations do not need to be made before a Notary or notarial officer and do not apply to the taking of acknowledgments.

LegislationJul 01, 2013 - North Carolina
NC House Bill 332 - House Bill 332 contains amendments to many so-called “curative” Notary statutes, addresses certain misconduct performed by attorneys who are Notaries, repeals the previous requirement that an applicant for a Notary commission must obtain the signature of one publicly elected official and submit the recommendation with the commission application, provides that Notaries do not have a disqualifying interest solely because of the Notary’s employment by a party to the record or solely because the Notary owns stock in a party to the record, and clarifies that a personal representative of a Notary who is not a Notary does not have to comply with the requirement to notify the Secretary in writing of the Notary’s death and deliver the Notary’s seal to the Secretary for destruction, if the representative states under oath in an enforcement proceeding that he or she did not know the deceased was a Notary.
