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Where do I obtain Notary certificate wording?

Photo of woman with long dark hair on phone. She is looking at papers in her hand. Text on image reads NNA Hotline Tip.

For the Notary certificate wording, I have read and seen different places where this form can come from. There are certificate forms for purchase on the NNA website and other places, such as Amazon. During my training, I was under the impression it was provided as part of the loan package from the contracting company. Am I supposed to purchase these? — J. S., Maine

Your impression is correct. The Notary Signing Agent is typically presented with documents in the loan package that already include the notarial certificate wording on each document requiring notarization. Document preparation companies have legal compliance personnel check to ensure that a particular state’s notarial certificates are used.

Notaries should always be prepared for unusual circumstances. For example, some states have specific certificate requirements. Usually, this becomes an issue when the borrower is outside their state of residence and must sign loan documents. If the law in the other state where the borrower is signing documents requires strict compliance with notarial certificate forms (for example, California), Notaries will carry certificate forms that can be used on documents with incorrect or incomplete Notary certificate wording. Also, a particular notarial certificate may not provide enough room for the Notary to legibly affix their seal. Notaries may use one of their own certificates if the space provided on the document is insufficient for the Notary's seal. Additionally, when a loan signing requires multiple signers but only one signer is present, the Notary who handles the documents for one of the signers after the first has signed can attach one of their forms.

Purchasing separate notarial certificate forms is highly recommended. If you are a member of the NNA, you can download your state’s notarial certificate forms from the NNA website as a member benefit for free.

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline consultants to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call 1-888-876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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Victoria Anton

27 Jan 2025

I carry loose certificates in my bag, I created a Word Document and a PDF file so I can print as needed rather than purchasing. I have also been known to hand a correct certificate to attorneys when I go in and they have a document prepared with the wrong certificate style. Some power of attorney documents have incorrectly worded certificates when I go to a rehab, nursing or hospital facility, so my soft notebook with the certificates comes in handy since I have at least four or five copies of each type certificate I may end up having to use. I am a FL notary and most title companies DO NOT provide correct statutory language in their notary certificates for a Florida notarization. So just an easy copy and paste in a blank document and a little formatting to create the file five years ago allows me to print whichever certificate I need when I am prepping a closing package. Saves a ton of money on purchasing certificates. Takes just a little time to look up what your state requires then you are always prepared with whatever ball they throw at you.

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