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How do I get a new Notary stamp if I change my name?

Photo of woman with long dark hair on phone. She is looking at papers in her hand. Text on image reads NNA Hotline Tip.

What is the process of changing my registered name and getting a new stamp? I got married this year and just changed my last name.C.G., Illinois

You must resign your Notary commission and reapply for a new commission in your new name (5 ILCS 312/4-101[a]).

“If you have moved from the county where you are registered or wish to change the name you are commissioned under, you must resign that commission and reapply for commission as a notary public.” (Illinois Notary Public Handbook)

For information on updating changes of name and address for Notaries in other states, please see our article, “What Notaries need to know about name and address changes.”

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline consultants to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call 1-888-876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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05 Feb 2024

Do I have to change my notary registration & stamp if I still have my maiden name hyphened with my new last name after getting married?

National Notary Association

05 Feb 2024

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


05 Feb 2024

New York State

National Notary Association

18 Mar 2024

Hello. New York Notaries who change their name through marriage may: (a) continue using the former name when functioning as a Notary; or (b) use the former name in the official signature and stamp, adding the new name in parentheses after the signature. Upon renewing the commission, however, the Notary must select one or the other name and use that name exclusively in performing notarizations (state Notary Public License Law publication). “If you are changing or have changed your name, you should use your new name when signing your renewal application” (Department of State website, “Frequently Asked Questions”).

15 Feb 2024

I have to change my last name on my notary stamp.

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2024

Hello. If you purchased your stamp through the NNA, please contact our Customer Care team at or 1-800-876-6827 and one of our representatives can assist you.

22 Feb 2024

I need to get my last name changed on this site to purchase an eseal. I already have a new stamp and commission. Please advise.

National Notary Association

22 Feb 2024

Hello. Please contact our Customer Care team at or 1-800-876-6827 and one of our representatives can assist you.

Makayla Baker (Thomas)

18 Mar 2024

I recently was married and finally received all of my documents for my name change. I am commissioned in Maryland, what do I have to do to update my name for my notary?

National Notary Association

18 Mar 2024

Hello. You will need to complete your change of name within 30 days of the change at


02 Apr 2024

I'm in Tennessee and I'm hyphenating my last last name. Do I need to get a new notary stamp?

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2024

Hello. In Tennessee, the name on your official seal must match the name on your commission exactly (RRT 1360-7-2-.01[1]).

Heather Valencia

14 May 2024

What do I need to do to change my name upon marriage in the State of CA? I was told that I need an amended bond but the bond company only issued me an endorsement to the original bond. Is that sufficient?

National Notary Association

28 May 2024

To complete a name change, you will need to complete a Name Change Application. Once approved, you will be issued an amended commission that reflects your new name. Next, you will need to file a new oath of office and an amendment to your bond with the county clerk within 30 days from the date the amended commission was issued in order for the name change to take effect. Within 30 days of the filing, you must obtain a new seal that reflects the new name. Once the amended oath and bond are filed, you may no longer use the commission, including the stamp, that was issued in your previous name. If you fail to file your amended oath and bond within the 30-day time limit, the name change will become void and your commission will revert back to the previous name and you will be required to submit another name change application. (California Government Code sections 8213 and 8213.6.)

Toye Robertson-Adams

22 May 2024

I have recently gotten married my notary stamp still has Robertson and I still notarize even though my name is now been changed to Adams. I live in Albquerque NM My commission is not up until December 2025

National Notary Association

07 Jun 2024

Hello. You can have your information updated by contacting the Secretary of State about your name change. Upon notifying the Secretary of state of a name change, “[a]n amended certificate of commission will be issued upon notification of a name change and the notary public shall be required to obtain a new official stamp showing the updated information” (NMAC “Name change amendments must be filed at A rider from the company that issued the bond showing the changed name is required to be uploaded. A $3.00 filing fee can be paid via e-check or credit card” (NOH).

Mary Clinton

29 May 2024

I just got married in Illinois. What are my options if I change my last name to his or hyphenate the two names?

National Notary Association

07 Jun 2024

Hello. In Illinois, “When any notary public legally changes his or her name, changes his or her residential address or business address, or email address, without notifying the Index Department of the Secretary of State in writing within 30 days thereof, or, if the notary public is a resident of a state bordering Illinois, no longer maintains a principal place of work or principal place of business in the same county in Illinois in which he or she was commissioned, the commission of that notary ceases to be in effect. When the commission of a notary public ceases to be in effect, his or her notarial seal or electronic notary seal shall be surrendered to the Secretary of State, and his or her certificate of notarial commission or certificate of electronic notarial commission shall be destroyed. These individuals who desire to again become a notary public must file a new application, bond, and oath with the Secretary of State” (5 ILCS 312/4-101[a]). The “Notary Public Handbook” instructs the Notary to inform the Secretary of State of an address change by email at According to the state Notary Public Handbook: “A person who changes their name must resign their commission and apply for a new appointment.”

Mary Clinton

07 Jun 2024

So according to the statute, as long as I notify the Secretary of State within 30 days of the name change, I should be fine. Correct? The State Notary Handbook isn't taking into account the wording of the statute.

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2024

You will also need to apply for a new commission under your new name.

17 Jun 2024

Hello I live in Texas but for married in Alabama in May and changed my last name. What steps do I need to take to change my last name on my seal or can I keep using the one I have?

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2024

Hello. To help ensure we provide you the right information, can you please clarify-are you commissioned as a Notary in Texas or Alabama?

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