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Can I notarize in a state where I'm not commissioned?

Photo of woman with long dark hair on phone. She is looking at papers in her hand. Text on image reads NNA Hotline Tip.

Are Notaries allowed to complete notarizations in a different state other than where their commission is issued?  For example, if the notary is commissioned in North Carolina, can they complete notarizations in South Carolina?B.H., North Carolina

Your jurisdiction as a North Carolina Notary only authorizes you to perform notarizations within North Carolina. See GS 10B-9: “A person commissioned under this Chapter may perform notarial acts in any part of this State.…”

For more information on jurisdiction rules in other states, please see our article and video “FAQ: Can I notarize documents in other states or countries?

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline consultants to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call 1-888-876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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Erica M

28 Feb 2025

Hi I live in Georgia but work for a company in Maryland. They would like me to be able to notarize documents for them. Is that possible if I have my GA notary?

National Notary Association

03 Mar 2025

Hello. No, your Georgia Notary commission does not authorize you to perform notarizations while physically located in Maryland.


21 Feb 2025

Hi, I am finding conflicting information. I am an Oregon resident. I work for a company that operates out of Washington and Alaska. I work from home in Oregon, and work in Alaska for part of the year. I am not an AK resident. AK requires its notaries to be residents. We need a notary on site in our remote Alaska location, but none of us our state residents. I see that if I become an Oregon notary, I can't notarize documents in AK. So how are we supposed to notarize documents in the middle of nowhere AK if neither of these states cooperate? The state of AK requires us to submit notarized paperwork by the way

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

Hello. We apologize, but we are not clear what you mean by "conflicting information" regarding Alaska commissioning requirements. AS 01.10.055 requires Alaska Notary commission applicants to be residents of the state. If you require a Notary present at a workplace in Alaska, then you will need either a commissioned Alaska Notary on site or have an Alaska resident who meets all qualification requirements apply for a commission to perform notarizations at your Alaska workplace.

06 Feb 2025

I have a NC notary license and work in NC. I recently moved to SC and received the SC notary license. Can I perform notaries in both states? Also if I am able to do I need to upload my SC to the NNA website and do background check & E&O for SC as well?

National Notary Association

10 Feb 2025

Hello. If you are commissioned in both North Carolina and South Carolina, you may perform notarizations in both states. For assistance with background check and E&O insurance, please email our Customer Care team at and one of our representatives can assist you.

Marie Domenech

06 Sep 2024

I live in Virginia and work in Maryland. I would like to serve in both VA and MD, and as an online notary. Is this possible? Which state should I commission in first?

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2024

Hello. You may apply for a Notary commission in any state where you meet the eligibility requirements. However, please be aware that authorization to perform online notarization is a separate process and does not apply to any other Notary commission you hold for a different state. For example, if you receive a Virginia Notary commission and become authorized to perform online notarizations in Virginia, this would not carry over if you choose to apply for a Maryland commission-you would need to apply separately to perform traditional and online notarization in Maryland. An applicant for a commission as a Virginia Notary Public must (COV 47.1-4): (a) Be at least 18 years old; (b) Be a legal resident of the United States; (c) Live or work in the Commonwealth of Virginia; (d) Be able to read and write the English language; and (e) Never have been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States, Virginia or any other state unless pardoned, had rights restored or had the conviction vacated. Please see this link for the requirements to perform online notarizations in Virginia: To apply for a Maryland commission you must meet the following requirements: An applicant for a commission as a Maryland Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be of good moral character and integrity and abilities, (c) live or have a place of employment or practice in the state of Maryland, (d) have completed the course of study and examination required by law (see “Course” and “Exam” below for the effective date), (e) if living in Maryland, be a resident of the senatorial district from which appointed, and if living outside Maryland, be a resident of a state that allows Maryland residents working in that state to serve as Notaries (ACM St. Gov’t 18-102[A]). Please see this link for information on how to perform online notarizations in Maryland:


23 Aug 2024

Hello, if I am a notary in SC and am thinking of moving to WV but want to continue to do SC work online that requires a notary, will I be able to use my SC notary while living in WV? Or would I also need to get a WV notary and is that possible to have two? Thank you!

National Notary Association

23 Aug 2024

Hello. Only registered South Carolina voters may hold a SC Notary commission. If you move to another state, you would need to resign your SC commission and apply for a Notary commission in your new state.


02 Jul 2024

I work in PA and live in NJ. I am commissioned in PA but would like to also be a notary in NJ since I live here. How do I make this happen?

National Notary Association

12 Jul 2024

Hello. Our Customer Care team can help you. Please see this page for instructions how to get started:


28 Jun 2024

Hi, I've read so many different things online, I was hoping for clarification. I am a PA resident. I plan on working remotely for a company in another state. If I am a legal notary in my state, and I become a legal notary in the state I'll be employed, will it be legal to complete online remote notarizations for people (clients) in states other than where I live and work? Thank you!

National Notary Association

28 Jun 2024

Hello. If you are using your Pennsylvania commission to perform remote notarizations, then you would only be able to perform remote notarizations when you are physically located in Pennsylvania. The signer may be in any location when the remote notarization is performed. If you apply for a commission in another state and wish to use another state's commission to perform remote notarizations, you would have to follow the rules and laws of that state. For information on other state rules for remote notarizations, please see here:


28 Jun 2024

I’m a resident and commission in South Carolina and borders Georgia. Can a person from Georgia bring documents from that state for me to notarize.

National Notary Association

28 Jun 2024

Hello. Yes, as long as the signer personally appears before you in South Carolina for the notarization and the requested notarization meets all requirements of your state's laws.


13 Sep 2023

Hello! I am currently a notary in SC and I am near the NC border. Could I have both Notary commissions?

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2023

Hello. To be eligible for a North Carolina commission, you would need to either be a resident of the state or have a regular place of work or business in the state (GS 10B-5[b]).


11 Sep 2023

My question is I currently live between 2 states, I run a business in Ga & live here & I also live in SC & help my son out running his business as well. I am commissioned in SC , Am I able to get commissioned in Ga as well ?

National Notary Association

11 Sep 2023

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Georgia Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a U.S. citizen or a legal resident of the United States, (c) have and provide at the time of application the applicant’s operating telephone number, (d) be able to read and write the English language and (e) be a legal resident of the Georgia county in which the application is made or, if living out of state, be a resident of a state bordering Georgia and regularly employed or carrying out a business or profession in the Georgia county in which application is made (OCGA 45-17-2). To prove county residency, the applicant must submit one of the following to the superior court (OCGA 45-17-2.1): a valid Georgia driver’s license, U.S. passport, voter identification card, or other ID issued by a local or state or the U.S. government. A Georgia Notary commission may be denied by the clerk of the superior court due to: (a) the applicant’s criminal history; (b) revocation, suspension or restriction of any Notary commission or professional license in any state; (c) commission of any of the prohibited acts listed in OCGA 45-17-15(a); or (d) a finding by the Georgia Bar or any court that the applicant engaged in the unauthorized practice of law (GNH).

Donna Musolino

11 Aug 2023

I am a permanent resident of New York state and would like to apply for a Notary commission in the states of NY, NJ, CT, PA, DC, DE, MD, VA, NC. Can you direct me in how to go about applying? Thank you.

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2023

Hello. You can find instructions for applying in New York here: All other states you listed would require you to be employed or have a place of business or practice within those states in order to be eligible for a Notary commission.

Annmarie Joseph

09 Aug 2023

can i take the notary exam on-line. I am located in NY. Also how can I become a notary in all 50 states?

National Notary Association

18 Aug 2023

Hello. It is not possible to hold a Notary commission in all 50 states, due to some states limiting commissions only to state residents.

Robin Freeman

09 Aug 2023

I have two questions: 1. Is it possible to become a notary in all 50 states? and 2. If I have a notary commission in Delaware, am I also able to apply for a notary commission in PA, MD and NJ?

National Notary Association

10 Aug 2023

Hello. 1. No, not with a state-issued Notary commission. 2. You would only be eligible to apply for a Notary commission in the 3 states you mentioned if you are either a permanent resident or have a place of employment or practice in each of those states.

Tonda Boyland

08 Aug 2023

I live in Memphis TN.

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2023

What other states do you wish to apply for a Notary commission in?

tonda boyland

07 Aug 2023

How do you become a notary in all 5 states?

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are a permanent resident in, and what states you want to apply for a Notary commission in?

Myrna Murrell

07 Aug 2023

No, Unless you obtain a Notary Public that will allow you to be noterized in all 50 states as well as perform marriage ceremonies. This is what I want to renew and hope I can get the same statue renewing my Notary. Notaries for Banks and out of the country will require speical requirements to obtain a Notary Public in order to notarize documents etc.

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