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Quiz: Are my Notary tools safe?

Keeping your Notary seal and journal safe is very important. A fraudster could use a stolen Notary seal to commit document fraud. Your journal contains sensitive private information about your signers. How safe are your Notary tools from falling into the wrong hands? Take our quiz and find out.


1. What do you do with your Notary tools when you aren’t using them?
BEST ANSWER: A. When you are not using your Notary tools, the safest place to keep them is in a locked and secure storage area such as a locked desk drawer or a safe. That way, your tools are safe from unauthorized use and access by someone else. In fact, some states, such as California, have laws requiring Notary journals to be stored in a secured, locked area. Even if not required by law in your state, this is the best way to secure your Notary tools.

2. Do you ever let anyone else use your Notary seal?
BEST ANSWER: B. You are the only person authorized to possess and use your Notary seal. No one else, including your boss, co-workers, or family members should have access to it or be allowed to use it.

3. If someone asks to view entries in your Notary journal, what do you do?
BEST ANSWER: D. Journal entries often contain sensitive personal information about your signers. If someone asks to view an entry in your journal, you should not let them conduct “fishing expeditions” by flipping through the pages of your journal, because then they can see the private information of people unrelated to their request. Instead the best practice is for you to find the requested entry and cover other unrelated items on the page so the requester can see the information they need, but other unrelated entries. Answer C is not correct for the reason that when you provide a photocopy, you must only provide the specific entry requested, and no others on the page.

4. If you have your Notary tools with you in your car and have to stop and leave the car, what you do with your Notary tools?
BEST ANSWER: B. If you have to leave your Notary tools in your vehicle temporarily, don’t leave them in sight of passersby, even if you lock your car — many Notaries have reported having their car windows broken and Notary tools stolen from their vehicles after leaving their seal or journal on a seat. The best place to store them is a locked, out of sight location such as your car trunk or a lockable storage compartment in your vehicle, where they are both locked away and out of sight of would-be thieves. An even better practice is to keep your Notary tools in a locked bag or attaché and take it with you when you leave the car.

David Thun is the Assistant Managing Editor with the National Notary Association.

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28 Jul 2022

Vermont has an open records law that requires me to allow the public to inspect my records unless the record falls under a specific exception in the law. Just showing one requested entry would violate the open records law.

Barbara Jones

02 Aug 2022

Thank you for the quiz

I would like to think you also for this test , it will keep me on top of mf information

10 Aug 2022

Think you all so much , Looking forward for next time.

Stacy Love

24 Aug 2022

this quiz is very informative

Sharon K. Collins

01 Sep 2022

I took the quiz to make sure I keep on top of things. Knowledge is power. Thank you NNA.

Al Cannistra

13 Sep 2022

Disagree on #3 - a photocopy is very easy to crop to show only their item of interest. Also, covering all but their item and using a phone to snap a picture or pdf (aka photocopy) is quite easy to do.

Sheryl D. Armstrong

03 Oct 2022

The knowledge quiz enhanced my learning abilities and kept me abreast on how to remain professional. The time spent reviewing was very informative and vital. Thank you, NNA

11 Oct 2022

I never receive my tools

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2022

Hello. Did you order your tools through the NNA? If so, please contact our Customer Care team at and one of our representatives can assist you.

Maryse Andresol

18 Oct 2022

Ism very satisfied

MARyse Andresol

18 Oct 2022

After receive my tools what I can do?

National Notary Association

18 Oct 2022

Hello. Even if not required by your state, it is a good practice to keep your Notary tools in a locked, secure area only you can access when they are not in use. Please see this article for more information:


10 Jan 2023

Thank you for the quizzes


18 Feb 2023

I am at odds with #3. If someone requests to see an entry or entries, one would think they would only pertain to them. Why not simply photo copy or take a screenshot for them, instead of allowing them to see the journal? They have no need to see anyone else's sensitive information is what we keep being told.

Hellen Smoaks

14 Aug 2023

I 100% agree that this is very sensitive information and shouldn’t be shared. Was just a slip of the eyes and hit the wrong button. Lazy eyes ain’t no joke!

Sophia Copeland

20 May 2024

I totally agree, just take a snapshot of the individual requesting a copy of his or her documents only. Why would it be necessary to exposé private information of those that we require ID from ensuring that their signatures match at the same time guarding their privacy then we expose their signatures for a COPY. Please make this make sense.

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