Many new Notary Signing Agents are unsure how to land assignments when they are first starting out. “There are so many experienced NSAs out there I’m competing with,” they ask. “How do I stand out?”
As the co-owner of a nationwide signing service who changed my job successfully from full-time truck driver to a Signing Agent business, I want to assure you: You can get work even if you’re just starting out! My company often offers assignments to new Notary Signing Agents.
Experience isn’t the only factor companies look for. If you can show them you behave professionally, are well-trained and trustworthy, you can still get assignments even if you’re new in the field.
The important thing is communicating these qualities to companies you want to work with. Here’s how:
Talk to clients by phone or in person.
Marketing yourself is the key to any business success. The Notary Signing Agent/mobile Notary profession is a business of relationships, and nothing builds relationships better or faster than speaking directly with potential clients.
When I was starting out as a new Signing Agent, I was able to get signings because I picked up the phone and called a list of 5 to 7 companies every day. Sometimes I called the same services 3 times in the same day. Persistence paid off for me.
Many NSAs stick exclusively to email messages when looking for work because it’s easy and doesn’t require direct contact. But that’s a mistake. Speaking by phone or having a face-to-face meeting may feel more intimidating, but it gives a more personal touch when introducing yourself and can make a big difference in landing assignments.
If you aren’t comfortable on the phone or face-to-face, find someone to practice your introductions with to help you build confidence. See if there is a Notary network in your area you can join so you can ask colleagues for tips and feedback.
Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or go outside your comfort zone. It will help you improve your business marketing techniques.
Lead with value
What does “lead with value” mean? When you introduce yourself to companies, don’t ask what they can do for you — let them know what you can do for them.
For example, when marketing yourself to companies, don’t start with, “Do you have any available signings for me?” Many Signing Agents use this approach, but it can come across as selfish.
To stand out, try saying something along these lines, “I’m contacting you to see how I can help you and add value to your customers who need loan signings.” This tells the company that you aren’t looking for something FROM them — you are offering something valuable TO them. Be sure to let them know if you have other potentially useful skills such as speaking other languages or authorization to perform remote notarizations in your state.
Show you’re professional and flexible
If I have the choice of hiring a Signing Agent, I will pick a new NSA who shows they will put in extra effort when dealing with my customers over an experienced Signing Agent who treats customers poorly and does things by rote. When a Signing Agent contacts me, here are 2 things that get me to want to offer them work, even if they don’t have a lot of signings under their belt:
Professional commitment. A Signing Agent will get my attention if they show they are willing to go the extra mile to offer good service. For example, when you introduce yourself to companies, a statement like: “While I’m just starting out, I guarantee my work. If I make a mistake on a document, you can count on me to fix it immediately” shows your commitment to first-rate service.
Flexible hours. If you are just starting out part-time as an NSA, maybe your schedule only allows you to take loan assignments during evenings or weekends. That’s OK. Turn it into a positive. Let companies know if you are available evenings or weekends. Many signing services, lenders and title companies often find it challenging to find Signing Agents available on short notice during these hours. Use this to your advantage.
Experience isn’t everything. Even when you are just starting out as a Signing Agent, presenting yourself the right way can help you find work. And once you land your first assignments, professionalism and good work habits will help make sure you earn a good reputation and open the doors to further success.
Gordon Collins is a Notary Signing Agent, the co-owner of Precise Signing Solutions with his wife Andrea Collins and the author of “5 Keys to Becoming A Preferred Notary in 2022.”
Additional Resources:
How to become a Notary Signing Agent