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How to get work as a new Notary Signing Agent

Many new Notary Signing Agents are unsure how to land assignments when they are first starting out. “There are so many experienced NSAs out there I’m competing with,” they ask. “How do I stand out?”

As the co-owner of a nationwide signing service who changed my job successfully from full-time truck driver to a Signing Agent business, I want to assure you: You can get work even if you’re just starting out! My company often offers assignments to new Notary Signing Agents.

Experience isn’t the only factor companies look for. If you can show them you behave professionally, are well-trained and trustworthy, you can still get assignments even if you’re new in the field.

The important thing is communicating these qualities to companies you want to work with. Here’s how:

Talk to clients by phone or in person.

Marketing yourself is the key to any business success. The Notary Signing Agent/mobile Notary profession is a business of relationships, and nothing builds relationships better or faster than speaking directly with potential clients.

When I was starting out as a new Signing Agent, I was able to get signings because I picked up the phone and called a list of 5 to 7 companies every day. Sometimes I called the same services 3 times in the same day. Persistence paid off for me.

Many NSAs stick exclusively to email messages when looking for work because it’s easy and doesn’t require direct contact. But that’s a mistake. Speaking by phone or having a face-to-face meeting may feel more intimidating, but it gives a more personal touch when introducing yourself and can make a big difference in landing assignments.

If you aren’t comfortable on the phone or face-to-face, find someone to practice your introductions with to help you build confidence. See if there is a Notary network in your area you can join so you can ask colleagues for tips and feedback.

Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or go outside your comfort zone. It will help you improve your business marketing techniques. 

Lead with value

What does “lead with value” mean? When you introduce yourself to companies, don’t ask what they can do for you — let them know what you can do for them.

For example, when marketing yourself to companies, don’t start with, “Do you have any available signings for me?” Many Signing Agents use this approach, but it can come across as selfish.

To stand out, try saying something along these lines, “I’m contacting you to see how I can help you and add value to your customers who need loan signings.” This tells the company that you aren’t looking for something FROM them — you are offering something valuable TO them. Be sure to let them know if you have other potentially useful skills such as speaking other languages or authorization to perform remote notarizations in your state.

Show you’re professional and flexible

If I have the choice of hiring a Signing Agent, I will pick a new NSA who shows they will put in extra effort when dealing with my customers over an experienced Signing Agent who treats customers poorly and does things by rote. When a Signing Agent contacts me, here are 2 things that get me to want to offer them work, even if they don’t have a lot of signings under their belt:

Professional commitment. A Signing Agent will get my attention if they show they are willing to go the extra mile to offer good service. For example, when you introduce yourself to companies, a statement like: “While I’m just starting out, I guarantee my work. If I make a mistake on a document, you can count on me to fix it immediately” shows your commitment to first-rate service.

Flexible hours. If you are just starting out part-time as an NSA, maybe your schedule only allows you to take loan assignments during evenings or weekends. That’s OK. Turn it into a positive. Let companies know if you are available evenings or weekends. Many signing services, lenders and title companies often find it challenging to find Signing Agents available on short notice during these hours. Use this to your advantage.

Experience isn’t everything. Even when you are just starting out as a Signing Agent, presenting yourself the right way can help you find work. And once you land your first assignments, professionalism and good work habits will help make sure you earn a good reputation and open the doors to further success.

Gordon Collins is a Notary Signing Agent, the co-owner of Precise Signing Solutions with his wife Andrea Collins and the author of 5 Keys to Becoming A Preferred Notary in 2022.

Additional Resources:

How to become a Notary Signing Agent


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08 Aug 2024

I'm just recently became certified and trying to get my business off the ground. I have applied at several companies and have account with Snap Doc and Zig Sign but seem to not be getting anything. Am I'm missing something here? Can someone provide some tips how to apply yourself and get started or best company to start with. I'm in San Diego, CA here.

Amy walters

06 Aug 2024

I have been wondering about doing this ?I was single papers and taking to the lady. This there more places than Cort to do this wondering job does it pay will? If I start I should keep my other Job how much do I make . Is It a hard job ?

DeJean S. Marker-Brock

19 Jul 2024

I have become a mobile notary signing agent in January 2024. I have been a loan processor, mortgage broker and worked for a title company as escrow agent. In this business and like many other businesses you have to have an in at a company. I had someone stated that they needed me and it is working out for both of us. A lot of people have became NSA in the last several years and not enough to go around. Good luck to all.

Russell Brownlow

16 Jul 2024

I became a notary in 2018 when I owned a postal center. I sold the store in 2023. During that period of time I notarized enough documents to fill 3 log books. After selling my business i became a Notary Signing Agent and have been for 1 year and 3 months. I made a packet which contained my business card and pamphlet and spent a couple of days delivering them to mortgage companies, title companies, real estate companies, and hospitals in my area. I belong to NNA and advertise on the internet. Since I've become a Notary Signing Agent I have not received a single appointment. I'm still trying to get some appointments but no luck. I feel like I've waisted my money and time getting my commission. But I will continue to try.


16 Jun 2024

Hi, I recently received my commission in SC as a notary. I’m getting mixed messages about the potential for a successful career. It’s helpful to read both positive and negative comments. I’m studying for my certification exam in loan signing. Recently I attended a seminar for business development . One-of many things I learned was Diversifying your business. I think it’s important to be mindful of other avenues and to make your business a one stop shop for success. Let’s consider Walmart - food, clothing, income tax return, automotive, pharmacy and so on. The economy will always fluctuate, but diversification will always thrive. Consider investments, never put all your money into the same market and expect to achieve your best possible return. S. Lindsay


10 Jun 2024

How do I become a NSA? TIA

National Notary Association

11 Jun 2024

Hello. Please see this page for a step-by-step guide:

Lakicia Easley

10 Jun 2024

I appreciate the helpful tips!


10 Jun 2024

I have been a Certified Notary Public for 10 years and just became a Notary Signing Agent in the New Jersey.


10 Jun 2024

I’ve been a NSA since 2020. It was a crazy time then and I didn’t have to go after the business. Now there are a lot of notaries fighting for any business they can get and will do them for way less then I want to. Grateful I can pick and choose what I want. I have taken a day to market myself with my business resume and fees. That really helped. Title companies are really slow right now so for me I’ve decided to market my general notary work. I’ll keep you posted.

Debra Rodriguez

10 Jun 2024

Thank you for the tips. I am recently retired and now plan to work as an NSA. Being new to the field, I will be able to offer the flexibility needed in the rural community of my home town, and it's outskirts. Sharing your knowledge is refreshing. As of late, the majority of shared insight is not free. So to have read this article was really perfect timing. Much appreciated, ~ Deb

Sherrie Hendrix

16 May 2024

Thank you for sharing it does help

Arkita Hendrix

11 Apr 2024

I have been a notary for almost 4 years now.. Yes.. I will not sugar coat this industry.. If you want to make really good money in this industry.. you will need to know someone who knows someone in title companies that can get you on.. then maybe just maybe you can make a decent amount of money.. i have tried to get in to the title companies by all marketing ways.. and no success.. butttt if you are looking to work with just signing services.. you can do that too. but you have to be quick on the draw to get the notifications.. and the pay keeps getting lower and lower.. i do like the industry because im only doing it part time and will never leave my full time job to do notary as a full timer.. no way.. to me the mortgage industry is not recession proof enough for me.. but good luck to all who are in this industry.


04 Mar 2024

Thank you for your helpful and positive insights and comments.


17 Dec 2023

I am a NSA and I'm looking for companies in NJ who I can call to build my clientele. Does anyone where I can start?


05 Dec 2023

I've considered becoming a notary for a while, and now that I'm semi-retired and formal jobs are scant, I've been looking at it again. So, last night I found this site and read a number of the articles, and I also searched online for independent articles about what the potential is. From what I saw last night, I felt this might be very worthwhile for making added income. However, then I came across these comments covering the past few years and up through September 2023. Now it seems disillusioning to say the least. Most articles do make it seem very promising and cite income potential that is very encouraging. But those seem to have been from 2-3 years ago. Most of the comments in the last year, some from new recruits but several more experienced agents, say that it's very, very hard to get consistent work now, let alone become established wherever you are. Here in Texas I've read that you make $6.00 for a signature (really, all that trouble for $6?), which make it hard to imagine anyone doing this. But that said, I'm in the DFW area and would like to hear from others actively working in this area about what they feel the prospects are should I decide to invest the effort to become a notary or more. Thanks..

Trisha G James

01 Sep 2023

Hi I’m a new notary here in Jacksonville Florida, I have been reading and taking tips and writing notes from all notary networks , my question is this is there a notary assignment agency that has work for you meaning assignments with escrow and mortgage company’s and ossicle attorneys.

26 Jun 2023

I do I-9s through N3 Notary. They usually will ask you to do them for twenty dollars. I get quite a few in my area in Prescott Arizona because most notaries think it is not worth it. I meet them at my local Starbucks and it generally takes 10 to 20 minutes. Because they need notaries they will pay me more to go to different areas. Their pay is directly to my checking account I have set up through Not going to make you a lot of money but I generally get 5 to 10 a month and they pay me within ten to fifteen days. Most notaries I have heard from don’t want to do this so I get the business.

13 Jun 2023

I have done all the steps to become a NSA , including being bonded, background screened, and paying to be on a higher tier. I have also taken a class for RON, passing the first time. However, I have not received any calls and I have updated my profile to ensure I stand out. It does not seem there are offers coming in , which is a bummer since I am really excited to start the work. I am learning the different documents I will occur, e.g. I-9 verification, oaths/affirmations, apostille, Wills , power of attorney, healthcare directives, amongst others. I have even taken the extra mile to have a certificate to be ordained to perform weddings. Is it normal to not receive any calls for work even with my listing. Does the signing agent website work or are there other websites I should invest more time on?

Bobbie Purvis

13 Jun 2023

Hello, I recently passed my test and I am ready to work part time evenings and weekends.

Darrick Glass

20 May 2023

I need a link to see these I call or email to get assignments.

Shwana Jay

25 Apr 2023

I have been a nsa for 5yrs and when I first started out it was good not great but good and I even paid to be top tier I was getting the assignment the pay just be so low but I will negotiate because I’m not running doing their work and not get paid now a lot of the companies I did signing for I have to argue about my pay and they take to long to pay you I feel like if the work as been done pay me then not a month later


05 Mar 2023

I have been a NSA for 23 years.I have seen it all the ups and the down. Right now it is a very difficult time to become a notary signing agent for full time work. There is some work out there for everyone but the pay is low. So if you want to do this very part time it's fine even for new NSA's.


22 Oct 2022

Thanks 👍🏾


27 Aug 2022

I think your comment about adding value is helpful. Agencies have many choices and flexibility and professionalism go a long way.

21 Jul 2022

I am going on 4 years nsa, when I started out it was hard for me to figure out how to do scanbacks, I really messed it up! But with practice and patience, I figured it out. I was listed on the nna top tier and the assignments just came. It was no time before several companies called me personally! I was really busy. Now I don't get even half the assignments, I can't figure out why. We are busy with regular notary all the time by word of mouth . Don't fall for it when anyone says to advertise cause I spent thousands and got zero work. Just drop an email reminding companies you will travel, an are up and running ready to work and you will get work. But in no way is any notary work enough to pay all the bills, unless you save every penny ,then good luck cause there's never a for sure signing or notary job so it's hard to plan a future. It's a for sure unstable income. I followed all the tips, advertised and marketed myself and still no solid income for my husband and I after four years.


04 Jul 2022

You said a signing agent who "goes the extra mile" and "puts in extra effort" stands out. Why? We are business owners. We don't have to go the extra mile. We are paid to do a task and as long as we do the task correctly and well, that's what matters. I don't understand this vibe of NSAs being in the beggar position. We provide a service. It's not selfish to ask for work when the reason we are contacting title companies is for... work. It's a business, not a social club. Emails are easier, yes. Oftentimes, when you call directly you cannot get past the secretaries. Escrow officers will often dodge you. Maybe they're busy. Maybe not. I think calling "3 times" in a day is annoying. I'd be annoyed on the receiving end. Most of these places have in house notaries, after all. I don't see how talking on the phone is so much better than an email. I've done it before and the people you speak with are busy, the conversation is rushed, and it hasn't led to anything significant for me.

Elida Williams

28 Jun 2022


Netiece L Brooks

27 Jun 2022

Thank you, these sites online simply tells you what to do to prepare to become a Notary Signing Agent but doesn’t supply the ACTUAL link to get the job. It’s misleading. Please assist!

National Notary Association

27 Jun 2022

Thank you for your comment. Notaries who work as Notary Signing Agents are small business owners who receive assignments from various companies within the mortgage finance industry, such as title companies and signing services. We hope this gives you more context while you're doing your research. You can find more information about getting started as an NSA and setting up your NSA business at

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