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Should I record a signer's license number in my journal?

Do I write the signer's driver license number in the journal entry?G. C., Florida

The State of Florida does not require Notaries to keep a journal for traditional notarizations. In situations where state law does not address this issue, we recommend that you keep a journal but for privacy reasons note just the type of ID and expiration date. 

Notaries in other states should follow their commissioning state's laws regarding entering ID numbers in a journal entry. 

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline consultants to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call 1-888-876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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Michelle Broadbelt

02 Mar 2025

Should a Georgia notary public record the driver’s license number and the expiration date? How should a notary comply if they erroneously blacked out the DL number?

National Notary ASsociation

03 Mar 2025

OCGA 45-17-8(g)(2) specifies the following entries must be recorded in the journal for a notarial act at the request of a self-filer: Name of the self-filer; Self-filer’s address; Self-filer’s telephone number; Date, time, and location of notarization; Type of government issued photo identification document presented by the self-filer, unless the identity of the self-filer was confirmed based on personal knowledge; Elements of the identification document presented, if applicable, including any identifying number; Self-filer’s signature; Type of document presented for notarization.


31 Dec 2024

Hello, do Arizona Notaries need to record driver's license numbers in their journal or just the type of ID used and the state issuing it?

National Notary Association

03 Jan 2025

Hello. In Arizona, each journal entry must include at least the following entries (ARS 41-319.A): The date of the notarial act; A description of the document or type of notarial act; The printed full name and address of each individual for whom a notarial act is performed; If a paper journal is used, the signature of each individual for whom a notarial act is performed; The type of satisfactory evidence of identity for each person for whom the notarial act is performed, if other than the Notary’s personal knowledge, including a description of the identification document, its serial or ID number, and its date of issuance or expiration; The fee, if any, charged for the notarial act.

10 Oct 2024

Kentucky - If I am notarizing a document and do I need to record the persons type of ID provided and number?

National Notary Association

11 Oct 2024

Hello. Kentucky only requires a journal record for electronic online notarizations (KRS 423.380[1]). For records of electronic online notarizations, a Notary must record the following: “An entry in a journal shall be made contemporaneously with performance of the notarial act and contain the following information: “(a) The date and time of the notarial act; “(b) A brief description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act as authorized in KRS 423.310; “(c) The full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed; “(d) If identity of the individual is based on personal knowledge, a statement to that effect; “(e) If identity of the individual is based on satisfactory evidence, a brief description of the method of identification and the identification and the means used as well as the date of issuance and expiration of any identification credential presented; and “(f) The fee, if any, charged by the online notary public” (KRS 423.380[3]; see also 30 KAR 8:005 Section 6[2]). Also, Notaries may not record identification number or biometric information: “A journal entry shall not record an identification numbers assigned to an individual by a governmental agency or any biometric identifier” (30 KAR 8:005 Section 6[5]). 30 KAR 8:005 Section 6(2)(f) requires the audio-visual recording or a link to the recording to be part of the official journal of online notarial acts.

07 Aug 2024

I asked a previous question about PA and recording driver license numbers. If I have recorded drive license numbers how do i fix this in my journal so that it is compliant? Obviously I will not continue to record them but I do want to fix the past.

National Notary Association

25 Sep 2024

You can go through and redact the prohibited information in your journal with a black marker or a rolling privacy stamp.

02 Aug 2024

In PA when doing a notary act, should you record the person's driver's license number? I feel as though a senior notary told me that I should be doing this, but when doing the training for my recommissioned it felt like you should not?

National Notary Association

02 Aug 2024

Hello. In Pennsylvania, no, you should not record a full driver's license number: “A notary journal may not contain any personal financial or identification information about the notary’s clients, such as complete Social Security numbers, complete drivers’ license numbers or complete account numbers. Terminal numbers for these types of numbers, including the last four digits of a Social Security number, may be used to clarify which individual or account was involved” (PA DOS website, “Notary Public Equipment”).

Alan Cohen

03 May 2024

In NJ, I always record the ID number of driver’s licenses in my journal. This is how I identify the person. Is this allowed in nj? I also feel it prevents fraud. If not allowed what other info can I use? Thank you

National Notary Association

06 May 2024

Hello. New Jersey does not require or prohibit recording the serial number of an identification card in your journal. You are required to include a brief description of the method of identification and the identification credential presented, if any, including, if applicable, the type, date of issuance, and date of expiration of an identification document (NJSA 52:7-10.18.b).


13 Oct 2023

Hello, I am in New York and I am unclear as to whether it is illegal to record an ID # in a Notary Journal. I understand it's not required, however is there a law stating that it is prohibited in New York?

National Notary Association

16 Oct 2023

Hello. You have a responsibility to protect the privacy of your signers and should not ask for sensitive personal information for a journal entry unless required.


02 May 2023

Hi, does Indiana prohibit notaries from documenting the signer's drivers license number in journal?

National Notary Association

04 May 2023

Hello. In Indiana, “A notary public (other than a court clerk notarizing instruments for the court) shall not record in the notary’s record journal: “(1) an identification number that was assigned by a governmental agency or by the United States to the principal and that is set forth on the identification card or passport presented as identification; “(2) any other number that could be used to identify the principal of the document; or “(3) a biometric identifier, including a fingerprint, voice print, and retina or iris image” (75 IAC 7-6-1[a]). “This section does not prohibit a notary public from recording a number related to the mailing address of the principal of the document or the instrument” (75 IAC 7-6-1[b]). “A notary public who inadvertently records information prohibited under subsection (a) must redact such information prior to providing public access to or copies of the notary record book” (75 IAC 7-6-1[d]).

Jack Crawford

21 Mar 2023

I am a CA notary. The instructions in the front of the NNA Notary Journal with sample entries shows that we should record the type of ID along with the number and expiration date, so that's what I do.

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2023

Hello. In California, Notaires must record a statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer in their journal entry (GC 8206[a]).

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