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Is there a special Notary certificate for blind signers?

Is there a Notary jurat certificate for a legally blind person? He does not sign with an “x”. He signs his signature. — A.N., Washington

No, there is no special jurat certificate for a legally blind person. To perform a jurat (called a “verification on oath or affirmation” in Washington), you would use the statutory short-form notarial certificate for a verification on oath or affirmation.

Hotline answers are based on the laws in the state where the question originated and may not reflect the laws of other states. If in doubt, always refer to your own state statutes. – The Editors

Confronted with a tricky notarization? Unsure how to proceed? NNA members have unlimited access to our expertly trained NNA Hotline counselors to help you with all of your notarial questions. Call 1-888-876-0827, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.

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Stephanie Compton

21 Mar 2022

I had a signer who has low vision. I know that it's not the same as being blind, but what she and her husband did to help her sign was to have a sheet of black construction paper with a rectangle cut out that was large enough to fit on a signature line. He would line up the construction paper so that the cut-out block was placed on the signature line. She was able to feel the paper and he could place her hand in the appropriate place if necessary. If she began to write outside of the block, he would stop her and gently place her hand in the appropriate place so that she could complete her signature. I hope this makes sense and I hope that it helps.

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