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How much can I earn as a mobile Notary or Signing Agent?

Amid the mobile Notary boom and increased public demand for mobile services, new Notaries are asking the enduring question: How much can I make? And while the answer can vary dramatically, consider these insightful responses from the NNA’s 2020 Notary Survey:

  • More than half of all full-time mobile Notaries earn $2,000 or more a month.
  • Nearly two-thirds of full-timers who have been in business for at least 3 years earn $4,000 or more a month, and 16 percent earn more than $7,500 a month.
  • 43 percent of all part-time, self-employed Notaries earn more than $500 a month; nearly 30 percent earn more than $1,000 a month.
  • 88 percent of full-timers and 80 percent of part-timers considered their businesses profitable enough to continue working as mobile Notaries.

NNA surveys in 2017 and 2020 of more than 3,000 mobile Notaries as well as feedback from the Notary community paints a clear picture: If you put in the time and effort, working as a mobile Notary or NSA can provide you with good income and the chance to be your own boss.

To help you get started, we asked successful NSAs and mobile Notaries how they make a profit in today’s market. And while everyone’s story is different, their success had 3 important factors in common: Gaining experience, dedication, and planning.

Experience Counts

Your earning potential depends on many factors, but one of the most important is dedicating yourself to earning experience. New Notaries usually don’t start out the gate earning large fees, so you must be patient, especially during the first year or two.

“It’s not a get-rich-quick business,” notes David McCallister, who operates A Notary Group in the Boise, Idaho suburbs. But once you get 12-24 months of experience, you can bring in higher fees. We asked Notaries who have been in business 1-2 years how much they earned. More than 60 percent reported $1,000 per month working part-time, and that figure jumped to $2,000 for more than half of the full-timers surveyed.

One reason to start a Notary business is demand for Notaries is consistent in many different types of transactions. Loan documents aren’t the only thing customers need notarized. Many people stuck at home decided to update their medical and legal documents during the pandemic. 2020 saw an unprecedented flood of requests to notarize wills, powers of attorney, pension forms, healthcare directives and more.

So, if you want to start a Notary business, how do you sustain it? The answer is planning ahead.

Starting a full-time Notary business requires dedication — and a plan

Taking the leap to start your own business is exciting, but also daunting. The cost of starting a Notary business is low compared to other careers, but, success still depends the effort you’re able to put into it. You need to plan your budget, marketing and work schedule.

Before becoming a part-time NSA, Heather Wilson of Heather the Notary in San Francisco, California, planned to start her own laundromat. While the laundromat didn’t work out, the business plan she developed gave her the basic knowledge she needed to launch a business, and that’s when serendipity stepped in.

“One of my [banking] clients had done a refi and got to talking to the NSA at the signing and found out she was making $50,000 to $60,000 per year working part time,” she says.

From there, Wilson took several training courses and began working part-time as a Signing Agent while keeping her banking job. She made a remarkable amount as a part-time Signing Agent — earning more than $20,000 per month. By September, she was essentially working two full-time jobs. She had to make a choice, and she chose to be a full-time NSA.

Wilson says it’s far more important to provide quality Notary services and maintaining a successful business than trying to get rich quick.

“I’m not in it for the money,” she says. “I’m in it for the long game. I treat it like a real job, a career.”

Priscilla Watson of Notary by P. Watson in Tampa, Florida, is also starting her own full-time Notary business. A medical industry professional, she sees being a NSA and mobile Notary as more stable than her current job.

Watson’s sister, who has been a Notary for several years, encouraged her to get her commission. But it wasn’t until the onset of COVID-19 that Watson took her sister’s advice.

“Jobs were becoming scarce, and I wanted a backup,” says Watson, who became a Notary in August 2020. Like Wilson, she quickly found she had to make a choice between working two jobs — and turning down an increasing number of signings — or choosing one over the other.

Watson is planning to go full-time as an NSA. She’s preparing to form a signing company with her sister, who also is a certified NSA. In addition, Watson has been certified as a fingerprint provider, taken apostille training and has gotten certified to perform remote online notarizations.

As Watson’s experience illustrates, providing a range of non-Notary services, such as fingerprinting, apostille services, field inspections, courier services or I-9 services can earn you extra income when you aren’t doing general Notary work or loan signings.

Working as a part-time Mobile Notary or Signing Agent

Not every NSA or mobile Notary wants to make it a full-time career. In fact, more than 61 percent notarize as a part-time gig. But even part-timers report they are doing well, reporting earnings ranging from anywhere as low as a few hundred dollars to $20,000 a month from notarizations.

While five-figure numbers are very rare, part-time work can still be profitable. For example, Patty Jansen of P.J.’s Mobile Notary in Silverton, Oregon, was looking for a way to stay connected to people and make a little money when she retired as a nurse in 2019. She handles about 50 assignments each month, earning $4,000-$6,000 monthly to supplement her retirement income.

“I thought it would be a good fit, and it’s been a great fit,” she says.

Kellie Carroll, a San Francisco Bay-area NSA and Mobile Notary, also wanted to supplement her income when she retired 2 years ago. Carroll previously worked part-time in a retail store and as a fitness instructor. The store failed and the gym closed its doors due to the state’s lockdown orders — but Notary work met her needs. She says that she picks and chooses her assignments and has gotten enough loan signing work — about 320 signings in the past year — to bring in between $1,000 to $1,500 every month.

Noreen Burke, a semi-retired computer analyst consultant from El Cajon, California, has been a Notary since 2007. She got her commission while working in real estate. Her part-time NSA work isn’t her only sideline — she has steady gig as a bookkeeper as well.

“I love being a Notary,” she says. “At my age you either can slow down or keep going.”

For all these part-timers, being a Notary has been a good sideline and has brought enough income to make the training, commissioning, and business costs worthwhile.

Sustaining success

While there’s demand for Notary services, NSAs and mobile Notaries need to be ready to meet challenges and keep their business going.

Andrea Auguston of Andrea’s Mobile Notary and Loan Signing, which is located in Los Angeles, California, puts it bluntly: “It’s not a glamorous job,” she says, but quickly adds: “I wouldn’t trade my job for anything.”

Every self-employed Notary has maintain a balancing act to stay successful.

One of the more overlooked facets of mobile Notary/NSA works is the need to actively market yourself. Sitting back passively isn’t an option, especially during times when the market cools down.

For McCallister, who estimated earning between $5,000 and $7,500 each month from his mobile Notary and loan signing work, getting jobs may look easy, but he has lots of competition. To stay prosperous, he advertises his services on many signing service platforms.

One of the first things Wilson did was get business cards and provide small giveaways for signing clients. She also continued educating herself.

“I study the documents. I understand the documents,” she says, and she found a mentor in one of the escrow companies who has helped her hone her skills.

Others agree staying up to date on Notary laws and practices is crucial. Joyce Ellis McNeal, a part-timer in Flint, Michigan, says that she continues to take classes and NSA training, and relies on the online resources of the NNA, particularly its YouTube channel, to keep her skills up.

Perhaps the most important thing that any Notary can do is plan for lean times. That’s what Beth Hathoot, owner of Compustyle Style, Inc., in Phoenix, Arizona, has done and it has allowed her to weather the good and the bad days equally.

Hathoot has been a Notary since 1994 and an NSA since 2001 — and has experienced the highs and lows of the profession, including the housing bubble of the early 2000s, the Great Recession and COVID.

She offers a gamut of other Notary services from apostilles and general Notary work to working with estate planning attorneys.

Hathoot has simple advice for new Notary businesses: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Success in anything isn’t guaranteed without hard work and commitment, but as Watson, the once reluctant Notary who’s now going full-time says, “Become a Notary because you to want to do it.”

Click here to download a mobile Notary income infographic.

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Related Articles:

The 3 tiers of a successful Notary business

12 key lessons for building a successful Notary business

The 5 most common Notary Signing Agents assignments

Additional Resources:

What’s the difference between a mobile Notary and a Notary Signing Agent?


Add your comment

Quernell L Hill

14 Aug 2024

Looking to become a public notary.

National Notary Association

15 Aug 2024

Hello. We'll be happy to help you! This page has general information how to get started:

E. Ann Butler

01 Jun 2023

NNA please inform your readers of the potential of your Notaries not receiving their agreed fees in a reasonable amount of time. This is sad how clients treat and abuse notaries by delaying payment when the signing was successful. A Notary may wait 40 or more days before they receive payment. Then, the Notary calls to inquire about the status of payment and the client (Signing Agents) gives the Notary a runaround, plus is very rude on the phone. Additionally, Agents have been offering extremely low post-pandemic amounts to complete a signing, especially when the signing requires distant driving with high rate of gas prices. A notary cannot afford to take the job.


24 May 2023

I want to become a notary to make money while being home. Can I get some information to become a part-time notary? I am already a Notary and it expired in Feb 2025. Please give me information to make money as a Notary.

National Notary Association

25 May 2023

Hello. You can find more information here:

David McMullen

18 May 2023

Thank you for the information. Though I have a premier educational background, at 61 years old, I cannot seem to get hired. My wife sent me this link to investigate becoming a mobile Notary/NSA. I have two questions. I live in Cecil County Maryland, about 1 mile from the Delaware border. Cecil County is more rural compared to New Castle County Delaware. If I get a mobile Notary/NSA in Maryland, what would it take for it to be effective in Delaware? My second question has to do with the personality type that is the best fit for this type of work. Is there some type of personality test that I can take that could indicate if this is something I would enjoy doing? Thank you.

National Notary Association

19 May 2023

Hello. A Maryland Notary commission can only be used in Maryland. You cannot notarize in Delaware using a Maryland Notary commission; each state would require you to obtain a separate Notary commission.

Carl Newsome

15 May 2023

What are the different types in Texas and requirements and prices?

National Notary Association

17 May 2023

Hello. Texas Notaries are authorized to charge the following fees: Traditional Notarizations: The maximum fees that a Texas Notary or the Notary’s employer may charge for a notarial act are (GC 406.024[a]): Taking an acknowledgment or proof: $6 for the first signature and $1 for each additional signature; Administering an oath or affirmation, with certificate and seal: $6; Providing a copy of a record or paper kept in the Notary’s office: 50 cents per page; Taking a deposition: $6 for the oath, certificate, seal and other business connected with the deposition, plus 50 cents per 100 words; Protesting for nonacceptance or nonpayment, register and seal, $4; each notice of protest, $1; certificate and seal to a protest, $4; protesting in all other cases, $4. Certificate under seal not otherwise provided for: $6 Performing any other lawful notarial act: $6. Online notarizations: “An online notary public or the online notary public’s employer may charge a fee in an amount not to exceed $25 for performing an online notarization in addition to any other fees authorized under Section 406.024” (GC 406.111).

09 May 2023

I am new signing agent and have not yet received any commission as yet. I am not a new Notary and is looking forward to the challenges of being a Signing Agent. I look forward to expressing my opinion on this platform as soon as i am engaged. Thank you for all the encouraging comments.

Lela Scott

17 Jan 2023

I have my credentials for signing agent. How do i began to get jobs?

National Notary Association

23 Jan 2023

Hello. Please see this article and video for more information:

Ardel Richter

16 Jan 2023

Statistics from 2020 certainly no longer apply for 2022 when this business hit rock bottom as interest rates increased eliminating nearly all refinances. Also, as business decreased while the volume of notaries increased, the oversaturation resulted in lower fees being offered. Recycling outdated statistics serves nobody well. Add RON to the mix and I think it's time that the NNA should create a new current survey.

Julie Kolb

16 Jan 2023

I have seen advertisements for mobile notary but they are requiring you to pay over $500 to get started with them. Do you think this is legitimate requirement and worth the money?

Lorraine R Bornio

16 Jan 2023

I would like to see these stats done for 2022.

Judith Dupuis

16 Jan 2023

I noticed that this information was all collected by 2020. I have seen this activity drop considerably since 2020. Signing fees have been cut in half, gas prices increased, office supplies increased. I do this part time and when I started in 2020 I considered this a full time option at some point. I don’t see that this is close to feasible. Many signing agents are taking the low fees to survive but in turn this brings all fees down. I love doing this type of work but will remain part time until things change.

Rebecca Vadas

16 Jan 2023

This article needs to be revised. Signing agent jobs have drastically dropped due to high interest rates. Therefore, the average notary income is much lower than what is stated in the article.


24 Dec 2022

I wouid love info about the state of Alabama. I just received my notary license and need help getting a bysujsss started.

National Notary Association

27 Dec 2022

Hello. These links have info that can help you get started with a Notary business as a mobile Notary:

Kelly Short

04 Oct 2022

I keep hearing that mobile notaries can earn good money but I’m not understanding because here in Tennessee, the law says you can only charge $25 per signature for mobile notary services. Is that in addition to other charges? I feel like I must be missing something here. Can anyone explain how this works?

Dawn M Ortiz

11 Aug 2022

How do I get started. I already have my notary certificate

National Notary Association

19 Aug 2022

Hello. Please see here for more information:


04 Jul 2022



02 Jun 2022

I started in 2022 but hit a wall when almost every title company refused to give me business, even for free initially, and even one where I bought and sold over 300 properties through as a principal, which I found very odd. I also get rejected by signing companies, and in most cases can't accpet the text alerts fast enough, because other notaries somehow respond faster to the notary requests via text.

29 Apr 2022

Thank you! helpful!

Jerrica Ake

07 Apr 2022

I’ve been a notary since 2014. I just started my own independent contractor in the state of Oklahoma. I advertise on social media but I’m looking for an agency that I can contract through to get more jobs. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


22 Oct 2021

Can you confirm whether or not they use Notary Signing Agents in New York State Thanks

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2021

Hello. Please see the listing for New York on this page:

Mary Louise Barrios

20 Oct 2021

Very interesting article 👍awesome, i just became a Notary Public Underwriter, im very excited.

Sandra Hassell

27 Sep 2021

Hi im commission in the state of Pennsylvania how do i get started signing..and i want to become loan signing link on snapdocs who else can i join to help me get signinhs

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2021

Hello. You can find more information about becoming a Pennsylvania Signing Agent here:

Kristen Doyle

21 Sep 2021

I am a Notary but would also like to be a Mobile Notary. What do I need to do? Thank you

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2021

Hello. This infographic has information about working as a mobile Notary that may be helpful to you:

Patricia Busch

14 Sep 2021

Not sure if I want to become a "Fingerprinting or Notary", It's hard when you don't have a car, I'm working on it, thanks 👍

betty ann walborn

09 Sep 2021

I have been a Notary Public since june 1st, 2020. My boss was very encouraging and helped me start the 1st part of 2020. He was so busy with Loan Document Signings, he did my help to take all the walk ins for Notaries. Then towards the end of summer in 2020 he wanted me to get my NSA License, again he helped me achieve this and by January of 2021 I was going with him on Loan Signings. He wanted me to go to observe him performing the Loan Signing. I was in the office preparing the documents for him, so I was familiar with the different documents. Unfortunately my boss passed away late January 2021. Here I was left taking over the business and I was missing him every day to help me along the way. March 1st is when I legally took over the business and I am so grateful to him for believing in me and helping me on this journey. I am really enjoying the business and helping people in the Laughlin, NV. community. I have been doing other parts of this Business as well. I have made a profit every month since then. Thank you for the great articles.

Cynthia j Hughes

26 Aug 2021

Need help getting started correctly, business plan development

National Notary Association

26 Aug 2021

Please see here for more information:


20 Aug 2021

I am interested in becoming a loan signing agent. Please send more information the article was very interesting.

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2021

Hello. You can find more information here:

Diedra Albury

28 Jul 2021

I’m Trying To Get Started With My NSA. But Unfortunately I Don’t Know Where To Begin. HELP

National Notary Association

05 Aug 2021

Hello. Are you looking for information how to become an NSA? If so, please see here:

Cole Frank

27 Jul 2021

Very insightful article but the notary signing agents mentioned in the article don't really explain *how* they are able to turn a profit. Marketing is mentioned but little more than that. Would love to know how some of these folks are even making multiple thousands of dollars per month.

tom doyle

20 Jun 2021

while gross fees are important, its the net profit that is critical. along with the above survey, i would like to know the number of hours worked, average distance traveled, operating expenses i.e. phone, printing, equipment. One person reported 50 signing in a month but earning $4-6,000 per month. I have done 75 but 40-50 is typical but my gross is $7-9,000 per month with largest $13,000. to do this i drive 1,000 -1500 miles per month and work 12-15 hours per day and additonal on Sat and Sun.

Wilma R. Petrzelka

18 Jun 2021

This is an excellent information for notaries. Thank you National Notary Association (NNA) for providing us this survey. It helps me realized how valuable it is being a loan signing agent. Although COVID-19 stopped me for accepting more signings. Hoping for the best now that California is reopening its doors.

Will Williams

16 Jun 2021

I'm ready to get started. I have my commission letter. What are the next steps

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are applying for a commission in?

Pamela Kay Pearson

15 Jun 2021

This information has been very helpful. I am in process of retirement. I am currently notarizing part time. Looking forward to gain more experience.

Melissa Will

15 Jun 2021

Info was very helpful. Thank you

Tea Godfrey

15 Jun 2021

I started part-time as an NSA just over a year ago. These numbers match my experience but since Jan 2021, the number of available signings has dropped dramatically. In fact, my business is less than 1/3 what it was this time last year. The need for mobile Notaries has dropped severely.

Ardel Richter

15 Jun 2021

Wondering about 2 things: How many notaries took part in this survey? Were they selected by NNA or self-selected?

National Notary Association

15 Jun 2021

Hello. All survey participants were Notaries who responded when we published the survey in October 2020, with approximately 3,000 total respondents from across the United States.

Henry Ward

14 Jun 2021

I am interested in becoming a notary signer.

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. You can find more information about becoming a Signing Agent here:

Teresa E Horton

14 Jun 2021

Good info. Good article. Good resources.

Ardel Richter

14 Jun 2021

Much appreciate this information. Suggest you put a permanent link to it on your website. Am gratified to learn that, relatively speaking, I'm doing better than I expected--being in a low-population/volume area.

Jaime white

14 Jun 2021

Very motivation information for us who has time and new Notary. Will use this has a motivation to earn a salary. Thanks for sharing success in this wonderful job to serve others and make a living

Tikki Smith

14 Jun 2021

What should be the going rates for charges when doing notaries?

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. Fee schedules for notarial acts are set by state Notary laws. Regarding fees for non-Notary services provided by Signing Agents, because Signing Agents are independent professionals, organizations such as the NNA, have to be careful to avoid discussions of specific Signing Agent fee amounts that can be construed as price fixing. This means we cannot recommend specific amounts for Notary Signing Agent fees, lobby for higher fees, or host discussions among Signing Agents agreeing to only charge certain fee amounts. For more information, please see this link:

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