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Notary Essentials: The difference between acknowledgments and jurats

The two most common notarizations requested are acknowledgments and jurats. But not everyone knows the difference between these two acts. Here are some important points you should know.

What is an acknowledgment?

The purpose of an acknowledgment is for a signer, whose identity has been verified, to declare to a Notary or notarial officer that he or she has willingly signed a document.

Individual Acknowledgement Document
Click to expand.

An acknowledgment requires the following steps:

  1. The signer must appear in person before you.
  2. You must positively identify the signer according to your state’s rules.
  3. The signer may either sign the document before appearing before you, or in your presence. You may perform an acknowledgment if the document was signed prior to the signer appearing before you.
  4. The signer must declare (acknowledge) signing the document for its intended purpose.

In most states, the signer must be able to directly communicate with you that he or she willingly signed the document. However, ArizonaColorado and Mississippi permit a signer to communicate with a Notary through an interpreter who is personally appears at the notarization. Colorado prohibits using an interpreter who has a disqualifying interest, such as the interpreter or a relative of the interpreter being a party to the transaction being notarized, or receiving a beneficial or financial interest from the transaction.

What is a jurat?

The purpose of a jurat — also known in some states as a “verification upon oath or affirmation” — is for a signer to swear to or affirm the truthfulness of the contents of a document to a Notary or notarial officer.

Click to expand.

A jurat requires the following steps:

  1. The signer must appear in person before you and sign the document in your presence. You may not perform a jurat for a signature that was made prior to the signer appearing before you.
  2. In some states, you are required to positively identify the signer.
  3. You must administer a spoken oath or an affirmation, and the signer must respond out loud. Silent answers such as a nod of the head are not acceptable.

While not required by law, it is strongly recommended that you have the signer raise his or her right hand to emphasize the seriousness of the oath or affirmation.

A jurat cannot be executed by someone offering to take the oath in someone else’s name — the original signer must swear or affirm the oath in person before the Notary.

Acknowledgment and jurat certificates

Because acknowledgments and jurats are different notarizations with different purposes, each requires its own certificate wording. You cannot use a jurat certificate for an acknowledgment, or vice versa. Make sure you use certificate wording that is acceptable under your own state’s rules.

In general, an acknowledgment certificate will contain the words, “acknowledged before me” or similar wording. Jurat certificates will contain the words, “subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me.”

If you have questions about the certificate wording, check your state’s Notary handbook or contact the NNA Hotline for help.

Notary Certificate Forms for desktop

Notary Certificate Forms for mobile

Related Articles:

Common Notary certificate issues explained

View All: Notary News


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Mary Ellen Henry

18 Mar 2025

I have an unusual situation. I have someone wanting me to notarize a document signed over a year ago. And another document that has a stamped signature. Is it okay to notarize these documents?

National Notary Association

21 Mar 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


16 Mar 2025

Hello, When signing a document with a POA, on the notary acknowledgment, I entered the attorney in fact instead of the principal and recorded the document. Can this bi fixed? If so, how? Thank you very much in advance for any feedback

National Notary Association

17 Mar 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

13 Dec 2024

I will not notarize any document unless the person is present. Period. I don't care if it is an acknowledgement, jurat, etc. Actually, there is too much liability as well. When I don't work for an attorney, I will gladly give up being a notary, as it's not worth the liability.


16 Nov 2024

If a notary realizes that the signer of an affidavit lied on the affidavit after the document was signed and sworn to, what should said notary do? Is the notary in any way liable for that lie that was sworn to ?

National Notary Association

18 Nov 2024

Hello. We're sorry, but you would need to consult with an attorney for legal advice regarding any potential liability on your part in this situation.

Eugene henry

31 Jul 2024

Whose signature goes in the line name of person acknowledging. The notary or the principal?

National Notary Association

02 Aug 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


08 Jan 2024

Thank you for clarifying the differences between the two documents so clearly. I am a new notary and was definitely confused. I want to learn as much as I can before performing any notarizations.


08 Jan 2024

Thank you for explaining this in the lamest terms. Especially now, a lot of companies expect us to be the ones to attach the proper document. I have read a lot of definitions and explanations of the two papers. Not one of those articles made it this clear. Thank you!

Sandi Hauck

27 Dec 2023

I'm with Marcia. 14 April 2020, when did it come about that the signer does not have to be present when signing an acknowledgement? It's the main thing driven into our heads. The signer must be present when signing. Please explain.

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2024

Hello. For an acknowledgment, the signer must personally appear before the Notary with the signed document to acknowledge the signature and be identified. However, the document may be signed prior to appearing before the Notary. With a jurat, however, the document must be signed in the presence of a Notary.

C. Cox

27 Dec 2023

Thank you for sharing, this information was helpful.

Kelly rosas

24 Oct 2023

I’m New and am planning next week to go to county clerks office for my oath however i just want to clarify that I need to have my bond when i do this so it’s recorded at the same time?

National Notary Association

25 Oct 2023

Hello. If you can please let us know what state you are applying for a commission in, we can assist you with information for your state. If you are applying for a commission through the NNA, please email our Customer Care team at and one of our representatives can guide you through the process.

Geneva Wilkerson

23 Oct 2023

so I have someone that’s providing an account of a series of events as a kind of character reference, but it’s done on their own, and not in a structured court format does not require a jurat or an acknowledgment

National Notary Association

25 Oct 2023

Hello. If a signer requests a notarization for a document, the signer must choose the type of notarization they wish you to perform. You may not select the type of notarization on the signer's behalf. If the signer is unsure what type of notarization they need, they should speak to the document receiving agency to request instructions or consult an attorney for advice.

Tom Thompson

23 Oct 2023

I response to the comment by Shelley Swezey 28 Jul 2023, I totally agree with you as I se this All of the time with State of PA Documents. It is very confusing to say the least. Maybe NNA could ask the question to the State of PA to shed light on this subject for All Notary's working with PA Documents and have an article about it.

Denise M Middleton

24 Aug 2023

very well

Shelley Swezey

28 Jul 2023

Why do so many State prepared forms not include the proper wording for "any" type of notarization. Often times they just have the signers line and the Notary signature line and a space for the seal. OF ALL THINGS, why would a STATE not know to put the correct state approved notary type/wording on their forms? I come across this SO MUCH in Pennsylvania. Also, I have had clients call the entity who's form is requesting the notarization and they did not know how to answer the "which type of notarization" question, either. Then what do you do?

05 Jun 2023

Who has to be present for a POA to be notarized? The POA is for me does the person who will whole this position need to be present at that time? Do I also need two witnesses for this to be legal?

National Notary Association

07 Jun 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but those are legal questions that must be answered by a qualified attorney.

Cheryl LaRose

30 Apr 2023

Thank you for the explanation. I now have a better understanding of the different and what is required with a Jurat.

13 Mar 2023

This article was tremendously helpful! Does anyone know the best place to buy the jurat and acknowledgment stamps for Texas? Any links or info would be greatly appreciated!

National Notary Association

15 Mar 2023

Hello. You can find Texas Notary products available from the NNA here:


13 Mar 2023

Thank you for the information.

Jennifer Ballance

13 Mar 2023

Thank you for your bulletins. They always gives me a wealth of knowledge. Most States now don’t require you to take a class before becoming a Notary.

National Notary Association

13 Mar 2023

Thank you Jennifer, we're glad we could help!

Amy Starke

01 Nov 2022

How would this work: An attorney has created a POA for his client who is Federally incarcerated. The notary "acknowledges the legal document" for the inmate to sign via the attorney. Attorney is able to get in the within 24 hours for signature. Is the notary valid based on attorney proxy and inmate availability? Copy of inmate/signer's drivers license was available for the notary and validated by attorney. Will the one day difference hold and make it valid? Hope this makes sense. Texas based

National Notary Association

02 Nov 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Christy A

10 Oct 2022

There are redundant paragraphs in the above article. No big deal...just needs to be edited.

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2022

Hello. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We've removed the repeated paragraph.


01 Jul 2022

Would either notarization acknowledgment or jurat required the document to be signed ? or personally known in the acknowledgement will replace the signature of the person presenting the document?

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2022

Hello. Both an acknowledgment and a jurat require the document to be signed. For an acknowledgment, the document may be signed prior to appearing before the Notary, but the signer must personally appear before the Notary to have the signature notarized. For a jurat, the signer must sign the document in the Notary's presence, then take an oath or affirmation.

Camille Lorz

20 Jun 2022

I really appreciate the articles that help me build knowledge and confidence in this new venture for me. I do have a question. As I recall we don't recommend any type of notary. It is up to the client to tell us what kind of notarial act they need. We can explain the difference but they must decide. So if they signed a document outside our presence but they insist on using a Jurat. Do we tell them we can't and they need a new unsigned document?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2022

Hello. If a customer requests a jurat, but the document was signed outside your presence, it is permitted to tell the customer that they must sign the document again in your presence in order for the jurat to be performed.


29 Mar 2022

Thanks for the details !

Kimberly Brunow

17 Mar 2022

Maybe someone can help me I have to notarize a document so let me try and lay it out. So there is a section that is for signatures and below is a line for the owners signature the below that is the date in which the owner signs. Then below that there is a line that says "Notary as to above owner" and then below that is a place where i put my stamp. Now for the line that says "Notary as to above owner", should I put my signature or should the Owner print his name there?

National Notary Association

18 Mar 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


14 Mar 2022

Thank you so much for sharing this information I recently attended a class where the instructor did not teach the class from the book but from their personal experience it would have been better if they would have taught from the book then it would have been easier to pass the course I'm sure that the state is not into making money on the retest but I know lots of that people will have to retake it because of the way that the course is taught.Thank you for sharing this it was great clarification and I now know the difference between an acknowledgment and a jurat much appreciated!

Naresh Dhiman

14 Mar 2022

Very good explanation. Thanks

Krystal Elder

14 Mar 2022

I greatly appreciate these types of updates and facts. Very helpful.

14 Mar 2022

I have read and understand the acknowledgment and the jurat. Thank you for the very informative bulletin.

Jonny Gatson

07 Nov 2021

If a notary forgets to put his seal on the document in California is the document valid if he signs it dates it everything else but no seal Or why wouldn’t he put a seal on it If there’s a place for a notary and it calls for a seal and there’s no seal what kind of document could a notary be witnessing

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2021

Hello. We're sorry, but we can't answer whether or not a document would be valid or not if a seal is absent. Any questions about the legal validity of a document would need to be answered by a qualified attorney. Regarding your question regarding California Notaries and seals: “A notary public shall provide and keep an official seal … The notary public shall authenticate with the official seal all official acts” (GC 8207).

Erica Simmons

27 May 2021

Thanks. I always like brushing up on the basic essentials.

Naya Villagomez

23 Mar 2021

So helpful! THANK YOU


22 Mar 2021

I'm new at this and ,for me, it's not always easy to to see the difference between a Jurat and an Acknowledgment. Most people have no idea what they want and most say that they don't really understand everything, especially in lengthy documents, because "it's all in legalese" Bottom line is, if I give them a Jurat and it turns out they should have had an Acknowledgment will I get into trouble? Thank you.

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2021

Hello. The important thing to remember is that Notaries are ministerial officers, which means you are not allowed choose the notarial act for the customer. The customer must choose what type of notarization they want. If the customer does not know, they need to contact either the issuing or receiving agency to ask for instructions. Unless you are a qualified attorney, choosing the notarization for the signer could be considered the unauthorized practice of law and possibly result in penalties or liability against you, especially if your choice causes the document to be rejected or invalidated.

Marcela Cavagnaro

22 Mar 2021

how do I know when to use one or another?

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2021

Hello. It is up to the signer to choose what type of notarization is wanted. Nonattorney Notaries are not allowed to choose a notarization on a signer's behalf.


22 Mar 2021

I look forward to reading the bulletin because it’s very informative. Thank you guys. I love the breakdown explanations. Please keep us informed.

Aida Gonzalez

22 Mar 2021

I know, about the new rule about those certificates and new wording in Florida state, but most title companies still using the old wording, and I had told them to update the affidavits they use several times, with no success, they ask me to add the wording needed. What can we do in this case? I'm adding the wording needed on each affidavit for them, why they don't see that lenders had updated our part, and they don't?

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Terri Shannon

22 Mar 2021

I am just wondering how any Notary passed the exam to be a notary and didn’t understand the difference between a Jurat and an Acknowledgment? Isn’t the execution of these acts what we are being paid to do? I always wonder when I go to a signing and the person is signing as CEO or For instance as “manager” of a car title company and I ask for I.D. And a list of officers giving the person the right to sign in that capacity why people consistently say, “I have signed documents with notaries for years and no one asks for that!” I believe that I am checking their ability to sign in the capacity they are signing.

Nicholas Gabriel Hudak

22 Mar 2021

thank you very much. always good to know and reiterate, for new and experienced persons as well.

María Ceja

22 Mar 2021

Title companies have attorneys to draw their documents

22 Mar 2021

Iam new and i really appreciate all your information .help a lot to make better job bless a lot to each one

Barbara shinholster

22 Mar 2021

This really help me


19 Mar 2021

On many documents, the jurats are pre-filled with the signer's name etc. I know I cannot have a signer swear in his/her capacity as attorney-in-fact but only in his/her individual capacity, in which case I cross off all of the POA language in the jurat. What about as a Trustee of a Trust? Do I cross out all of the Trustee/Trust language in the jurat and only leave the signer's name?

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


18 Jan 2021

Does every notarial act need a acknowledge and or jurat form attached? How do you know when what is needed?When is a loose certificate used?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2021

Hello. Acknowledgments, jurats and other notarial acts related a signed document do require notarial certificate wording. However, a notarial act such as a request to administer a verbal oath or affirmation to a customer that does not involve a signed document would not require certificate wording. It is the signer's responsibility to tell the Notary what type of notarization the signer wants. For more information about the use of separate or "loose" certificates, please see here:


14 Dec 2020

I'm making up a will and an advance directive for myself. Both will have two witnesses, and notarized. Does this require "acknowledgement" wording, or the "jurat" wording? Thanks so much!

National Notary Association

15 Dec 2020

Hello. You would need to consult with an attorney for guidance in preparing and notarizing this legal document.

Cheri-Michelle DeHaas

29 Jul 2020

Would notarizing court documents be considered a jurat or an acknowledgement? I only ask because I get them confused. I would only be witnessing the signatures placed on the document and then applying my signature and stamp. Thank you.

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2020

Hello. The person or agency making the notarization request would need to tell you if an acknowledgment or jurat is required.


14 Apr 2020

Acknolwedgement Section - since when can a person sign BEFORE s/he appears before the notary? This is not what the required notary course teaches before we become notaries. We were told we must witness the signature. Confusing - is this part of the new law effective January 1, 2020?

National Notary Association

15 Apr 2020

Hello, Marcia. To help us answer your question, can you please clarify what state you are commissioned in?

Deborah S Milligan

14 Apr 2020

This was great, thank you. I have saved several of your articles, they are very informative.

Tommy Shearer

14 Apr 2020

Thank you, this was very helpful.

06 Jan 2020

Hi , i am new on this , for a notarization on a title for a vehicle which kind of notarization i need to do? what form: ?

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2020

Hello. The signer would have to inform you what type of notarization they wish you to perform, such as an acknowledgment or jurat. If the signer is not certain, the signer would need to contact the agency that issued the document for instructions. As a Notary, you are not permitted to choose the type of notarization performed on the signer's behalf.


20 Oct 2019

When would it be okay to notarize a document without and acknowledgement or jurat?

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2019

Hello. Depending on state law, Notaries are sometimes authorized to perform other notarizations apart from acknowledgments or jurats. For example, some states authorize Notaries to certify copies of documents or administer verbal oaths and affirmations without a written document. Can you provide us more information about what state you are commissioned in and what type of notarization is being requested?


18 Oct 2019

Thank you for the explanation. is there any additional training


16 Apr 2019

Do you have to turn in acknowledgments or jurats somewhere? Or does the notary simply save them? The class did not go over this part.. Our company basically notarizes documents that prove a person's identification and signature for an assortment of different forms- account surrenders, spousal consents, withdrawal and trust forms. Thanks for your help!

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2019

Hello. Acknowledgments and jurats are performed on documents. Any completed certificate wording and seal images or impressions are affixed or attached to the document-there is no elements that the Notary would retain or "turn in." However, some states do require Notaries to maintain journal records of each notarization they perform. Even if not required, a journal record provides valuable evidence that the Notary performed his or her duties properly in the event a notarization is challenged or questioned at a later time. For more information, please see here:

Melanie B

16 Apr 2019

Where can i get free acknowledgement and jurat forms from ( Florida)

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2019

Hello. NNA members can download certificates for their state here:


27 Mar 2019

Thanks for the helpful tips.


26 Mar 2019

Thank you for all the information and updates.

Cherry Mertens

25 Mar 2019

Very good. Simple to understand and love the example. Some title company’s need to get the right forms.

Jack Williams

25 Mar 2019

Is it possible to use both an Acknowledgement and Jurat on the same document? Such as on a sworn statement regarding an accident, that the signer confirms their statement is true and that they signed it? Thanks

National Notary Association

26 Mar 2019

Hello. Please see this article for more information:

Nancy DiVito

25 Mar 2019

Thank you, this is simplifying with explanation with the difference. Quick page for reference and knowledge.


09 Nov 2018

Regarding a home closing....If a Notary Attestation To Qualify is signed by the notary but they did not check off any of the boxes could that be an issue?

National Notary Association

14 Nov 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


08 Nov 2018

Regarding a home closing....If a Notary Attestation To Qualify is signed by the notary but they did not check off any of the boxes could that be an issue?

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Sherre Reese Hebert

30 Oct 2018

When the document says to swear, my signer is raising their right hand and swearing that the information contained is the truth to the best of their knowledge, so help me God.


16 Aug 2018

Where can I download marriage certificates


29 May 2018

This is a good article but pointless, or maybe the notaries i've ran into aren't doing their Job properly, but as a pro se litigant i don't have the handy little convenience of my own personal notary so I have to utilize the courts. I can't say how many times I am surprised that I can go into the court house, expect to be sworn for a jurat and then surprised that the Jurat was not properly administered. Only one Notary i've ran across, someone outside of the court clerks actually administered the swearing in part of it. So apparently swearing in is not an actual requirement of a Jurat.

Denise O'Dell

31 Mar 2018

I'm a California notary and recently signed loan documents for a Kentucky purchase. Because notary wording on the deed stated capacity I attached a loose certificate. They are now requesting I attach both both an acknowledgement and a jurat because their wording included "subscribed, sworn and acknowledged." I attached a Jurat because of the "subscribed and sworn" in the wording. "Is it okay to attach both?

National Notary Association

02 Apr 2018

Hello Denise. You may perform both an acknowledgment and a jurat for a signer if requested to do so, but the signer would have to appear before you again in person with the original document in order to do so. Essentially, you would be performing two new notarizations for the signer-an acknowledgment and a jurat. You may not attach blank certificate wording to the document for someone else to complete, or provide unattached, blank certificate wording to another person to complete.

Floyd Golladay

27 Mar 2018

A friend needed to have a power of attorney for her father who is that a nursing home. Mentally he is stable. He cannot walk is this problem. He wants to give his daughter power of attorney. She asked if she could have two Originals signed and notarized. Is there anything wrong with this?

National Notary Association

27 Mar 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but any questions regarding instructions for preparing a power of attorney would need to be answered by a qualified lawyer.

Jacquelyn Melton

26 Mar 2018

Why are all of these 3 years old. Some new persons have surely commented.?

Marion C Caryl

26 Mar 2018

Could you please have an article on signatures. Many now sign with what I call a "graphic" vs. cursive signature. Notary instructions say to have the signer sign exactly as typed or printed. Impossible to tell with a graphic signature. Are there any specific rules? (New Mexico.) I often do documents originating in other states too.

Janna Walden

05 Mar 2018

Thanks you! Very helpful!


03 Mar 2018

Hello. Does a “sales deed” need an acknowledgement or a jurat form? Thanks.

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2018

Hello. The signer would need to contact either the organization that created the sales deed or the agency that will receive it to ask if the document requires notarization or not.


07 Nov 2017

Where may i obtain a jurat certificate in the state of North Carolina

National Notary Association

07 Nov 2017

Hello. You can find sample certificate wording at the NC Secretary of State's website:


26 Sep 2017

Can my notary sign both the acknowledgement and JURAT line? There is a statement with both an acknowledgement and a JURAT line...

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2017

Hello. We apologize, but we don't have enough information from your post to answer your question. We suggest contacting our hotline team at and providing your state and more details about the notarization being requested.

Nellie Lennon

23 Jun 2017

Very helpful and easy to understand.


30 May 2017

Will an affidavit with an acknowledgement attached INSTEAD of a Jurat be rejected?

National Notary Association

31 May 2017

Hello. That would be up to the agency that will receive the document. The signer would have to contact that agency and ask them if this would be an acceptable alternative.


14 Sep 2016

A friend asked me to notarize a document for him, he is leaving on vacation for 6 weeks and he said it was a form so that his ex-wife would be able to request their child's passport in his absence, but the form had an oath statement right below his signature which it said he was to sign in front of a Notary, I did an acknowledgement and now I am questioning if I should've done in jurat, help?

National Notary Association

14 Sep 2016

Hello. A Notary cannot choose what notarial act is appropriate for a document. If the Notary is uncertain what notarial act is needed, the Notary should ask the signer what type of notarization they want and let the signer choose. If the signer is not certain, the agency that issued or will received the document should be contacted for instructions.


07 Sep 2016

Hi. I'm a notary for less than a year and do not do many. A notary who works in a law office asked me to notarize two affidavits for her on separate occasions. She purposely put the document out of my reach and only gave me the page for the notary signature. Shouldn't I be able to inspect the document to see that it actually is for her personally?

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2016

Hello. A Notary cannot notarize an incomplete document. If the signer is deliberately removing part of the document and concealing it from you during the notarization, you should not proceed with the notarial act.

Janice Wong

01 Sep 2016

I understand notaries can not choose the type of notarization for the signer, but what if the signer makes the wrong choice. The signer wants to attach a jurat loose certificate even though the document has acknowledge wording for another state. What should the notary do?

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2016

Hello. It is not the Notary's place to decide whether a notarial act selected by a signer is "right" or "wrong" for a particular document. If a signer asks for a jurat to be performed and jurat wording to be attached to the document, the Notary should follow those instructions. It is acceptable, however, to note in the journal entry that the signer specifically asked for a jurat although there was pre-printed acknowledgment wording on the document.

Ron Zick

27 Apr 2016

Practical blog post ! I loved the specifics ! Does someone know where my assistant can locate a blank a form example to fill out ?


23 Mar 2016

Hi there, I understand why going through a translation is not permissible for acknowledgments or jurats which have a verbal ritual requirement. However, does this limitation also apply to simply witnessing a signature? I am in WA.

National Notary Assocation

24 Mar 2016

Hello. Yes, you would still need to be able to communicate directly with the signer for a signature witnessing. A signature witnessing requires that a signer be identified through either personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence. (RCW 42.44.080[1], [3] and [4].) In the event you needed to ask the signer questions about an identification document to help verify the signer's identity, it is essential that you be able to communicate with the signer directly. An interpreter might have reason to misrepresent what the signer is saying to you and opens the notarization to the possibility of fraud.

John R. McCoy

16 Mar 2016

I have suggested several times in the past that clients fill out a "sign by mark" certificate when their signature in not able to be pronounce or read. What good is ID if you can't read the person's signature?


26 Jan 2016

I will be doing a lot of papers that have to do with work permits and immigration. Do I have to do a special training or just do normal notarization??

National Notary Association

27 Jan 2016

Hello Jacqueline. Many states require persons offering immigration-related services to be licensed or registered with the state. Also, please be aware that many states restrict Notaries from advertising immigration-related services to prevent fraud targeting immigrants. To help us answer your question, what state are you commissioned as a Notary in?


25 Jan 2016

Great article. In the great state of CA, we can not choose for the customer which helps keep us out of trouble of making that mistake of having the wrong form when there is no wording at all. Of course, this I still why I subscribe to the Hotline!

Sandra E Brooks

25 Jan 2016

Great refresher and thanks !! I thought you mentioned a quiz, can you advise where it is listed. I saw the tax one and completed it .

Cynthia Greene

25 Jan 2016

I am a new notary and I wish I could do the class over just to understand when we use the knowledgement and when we use the jurats, are they used in all transactions or just some ???very confused and don't want to mess up on my first signing

National Notary Association

25 Jan 2016

Hi Cynthia. The signer must choose whether to ask for an acknowledgment or jurat. Notaries may not make that decision on behalf of the signer, because if the Notary makes a mistake the document could be invalidated and the Notary could be held liable unauthorized practice of law. However, if a signer does not know which act the signer wants, a Notary may describe the difference between an acknowledgment and a jurat, and let the signer choose which one is needed. If the signer is still unsure, the signer should contact the agency that issued or that will receive the document and ask for instructions.

Gwendolyn Z. Green

25 Jan 2016

Thank you very much for this important information. You do keep us informed and it is appreciated.

Dave Kunkler

25 Jan 2016

very good, clear info. Majority of what I notarize are these two forms of notorization.

shelly swinehart

21 Dec 2015

Hi. I am a new notary in PA. I will be doing affidavits for my boss. Do I need him to take an oath every time I do an affidavit (sometimes 4 times a day) and also, do I need him to sign my journal each time or can I stamp his name?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2015

Hello. Yes, each affidavit is a separate notarial act and you would need to administer an oath or affirmation each time. You would also need to complete and have your boss sign your journal entry each time you notarize his signature.

Ada Narain

31 Aug 2015

Precise, informative, straight forward. I like the update, the explanations and examples. Keep sending them. Thank you

Timothy Smith

30 Jul 2015

People at my company seem to expect me to know which form, Jurat or Acknowledgement, is needed. Should I know? Also, if I am given a jurat to notarize but the document actually requires something else (e.g. Acknowledgement), how do I know and am I doing something illegal/wrong by notarizing the incorrect document?

National Notary Association

30 Jul 2015

Hello. Notaries can't choose the type of notarial act for a signer. However, you may describe the difference between an acknowledgment and jurat and let the signer decide which one is needed. If a signer asks you for a particular notarial act, unless you are an attorney you are not authorized to advise the signer to choose a different notarial act. It is considered the unauthorized practice of law for a nonattorney Notary to advise a signer regarding what notarization is required for a document.

Nohora Price

19 May 2015

This seminar was very helpful, thank you! :)


17 Apr 2015

Thanks for the response to my question "can a notary explain the difference of an acknowledgement and a jurat without instructing them which to choose? you responded that we can explain the difference without recommending either. This was very helpful. Thanks!

J. Hinton

10 Apr 2015

What You Need To Know About ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Expand on last part of 4th bullet point that starts "but the signer must acknowledge the signature". Thanks!

Saleem Shakur

09 Apr 2015

Good Informatiom

Hortensia Castillo

08 Apr 2015

Thank you for the information provided in this article. It is very helpful.

Don Anderson

08 Apr 2015

Thank you for the information. Very helpful and easy to understand.

Carmelina Carrillo

07 Apr 2015

Easy to understand, I really love your information.

Carmelina Carrillo

07 Apr 2015

Thank you for this information, I really appreciate your time and efforts to keep us up to date.

Linda Wilson

07 Apr 2015

I really enjoy reading all the articles. They educate me and help me understand the laws in my state. Thank you for going over Acknowledgements and Jurats. I notarize them both at my place of employment.

Susanne Pellicano

07 Apr 2015

I also enjoy reading the Notary Bulletin as it has answered many of my questions, not to mention this information helps me to stay inside the guidelines thanks to the detailed information in the articles. I also like to take the Quiz to acknowledge to myself that I am learning and feel comfortable with my decisions.

Notary Public

07 Apr 2015

Thank you for this article. It is very helpful, straight forward and easy to understand.


06 Apr 2015

Thank you very much for simplifying.


06 Apr 2015

I really appreciate these reviews; very valuable!

William Youngberg

06 Apr 2015

I don't want to be forced to leave a comment when I am blocked from reading the article with your required comment page. Can I please just read the bulletin?

National Notary Association

07 Apr 2015

Hello William. We're sorry--it sounds like there's a technical problem if something is blocking you from reading the article-you shouldn't be required to comment in order to do so. If you can please email us at and let us know what type of device and browser you are using, we'll try to resolve your problem. If it's possible for you to include a screenshot that would help also, but it's not required. Again, sorry for any inconvenience.


06 Apr 2015

I'm aware of this (went to OH Bankers seminar many yrs ago) but now you need to tell the title companies. Can't tell you how many title docs come w/wrong clause.

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