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Searching The Country For Notary MVPs

noty 2018.jpgThe Notary of the Year Award is given to an outstanding Notary who sets a high standard for other Notaries to emulate by demonstrating professionalism and unwavering ethical conduct. In addition to excellence in the performance of notarial duties, recipients of the Notary of the Year honor are distinguished by their achievements in one or more of the following activities:


  • Community service.
  • Mentoring other Notaries.
  • Working to enact Notary legislation.
  • Providing notarial services to the less fortunate.
  • Trailblazing new technologies.
  • Public speaking to promote the Notary office.


Does that sound like someone you know? If the answer is yes, please fill out a nomination form before November 1. You can nominate yourself, a friend, a family member, a coworker or any Notary you think deserves to be the NNA’s 2019 Notary of the Year. NNA membership is not required.

Join us at NNA 2019 in St. Louis where we will honor the recipient during our Gala Banquet on Tuesday, May 7. Register at

Kat Garcia is the Content Strategy Manager with the National Notary Association. 


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Gloria Valdez

08 Oct 2018

I am nominating myself ..yes..I am a loan agent and a mobil notary...I work 24/7 and as a single mom with a 23 an 19 beautiful girls that attend full time college I have to work hard to support them in whatever they migh need. I am currently working with many Notary signing offices. Thank you so much!

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