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5 tips for marketing your Notary services

A Notary smiles at camera

Here are 5 Notary marketing tips for reaching new customers and turning them into long-term clients:

  1. Let people know you're a Notary.
  2. Always carry marketing materials with you.
  3. Come up with personal branding.
  4. Use social media.
  5. Always follow up with customers.

1. It never hurts to let people know you’re a Notary.

Attending a holiday party? Mention that you’re a Notary. Taking your kid to soccer practice? Let people know you’re a Notary. While you might not get business right away, people will remember you later — and if they know you are available and conveniently located, they’ll call you.

2. Always carry marketing materials with you.

Ask permission to leave flyers at popular venues in your area, such as coffee houses or restaurants. Some Notaries even provide pens or wear shirts and hats with their business’s name and logo. Any materials should include your name and contact information such as phone number and email. Include your hours of availability, what areas you travel to or additional services you offer.

3. Come up with personal branding.

You want people to remember you when they need a Notary. When starting your business, brand your advertising with a unique image, name or motto. For example, Monica Haverkamp of Fort Worth adopted the Texas state flag as her logo and used it in all her marketing materials when she first started offering Notary services. “Having a brand helps people remember you.”

4. Use social media.

Online platforms like Facebook, Yelp or a personal website can be a great way to get your name out to customers. People search for Notary services online more than any other way, so it’s essential to make sure they find you. Online reviews are one of the most important criteria customers use when choosing a business, and the more positive reviews you receive, the more likely you are to show up first in online searches. A listing on an online Notary directory such as will also help customers looking for Notary services find you.

5. Always follow up with your customers.

Send a message or card to thank customers and let them know you appreciate their business. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback or suggestions on how to improve your services. Remember to send cards during the holidays. Showing you care about your customers will help ensure they come back to you with more Notary assignments.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

The best and worst customer service practices for Notaries

Additional Resources:

4 steps to starting a successful Notary business (Infographic)


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National Notary Association

21 Nov 2024

Hello, did you order any training or educational materials from the NNA? If so and you did not receive them, please email and one of our representatives can assist you.

19 Nov 2024

Am I supposed to receive training materials for a new notary???

Walter M Maresco

18 Nov 2024

In New York this is the first time I didn’t get my notary public id card. It should be sent so I have proof to people I’m a notary. Cheap


18 Nov 2024

Is there a different fee for different types of notaries?

National Notary Association

20 Nov 2024

Hello. Yes, but it depends on the maximum fee schedule set by each state. Please see here for more information:

Eugene Beals

18 Nov 2024

Thank you for the information it was very helpful and informative.

National Notary Association

23 Aug 2024

Hello. While some states restrict Notaries from using certain foreign-language phrases, or from advertising that customers may misconstrue as improper legal or immigration advice, we are not aware of any state restrictions on general advertising of Notary services on social media. If you can tell us what state you are commissioned in, we will be happy to provide information on your state's Notary advertising rules and guidelines.

22 Aug 2024

I was told that we are not supposed to advertise on social media. Is this correct?

I. Delight Swartz

31 Jan 2024

Thanks for the awesome information.

Bonita Thorp

16 Jan 2024

I am having trouble finding a platform / company to work for as a signing agent. Can someone guide me?

Sheryl Armstrong

11 Jan 2023

Good day: Re: 5 tips for marketing your Notary services These startup initiatives are very helpful in introducing new clientele and to maintain them as long time customers. There are various styles of communication in which we can build relationships with people. Thank you for your sharing your ideas.

Priscilla Lozano

13 Dec 2022

Great tips! Thank you.

Wendy Lewis

12 Dec 2022

All great ideas. I do all of these. I run my families business which includes Notary Services and my own side Notary & Loan Signing Business. I have an attorney I conduct all Trust Signings for. Building relationships with those who regularly need a notary is a great way to have a steady flow of income.

Bernadine McKenney

12 Dec 2022

I see different companies online asking to join their notary signing agent company. How do you know if these companies are legit and not just taking your money,that they ask for a yearly fee? Thank you for your help.

Ibrahim kamel

12 Dec 2022

Very interesting

Eyvonne H. Johnson

08 Dec 2020

I'm getting solicitation from several companies and not sure if they are legit. Is there a site that I can confirm their legitimacy?

National Notary Association

04 Dec 2020

Hello. We're sorry, we don't recognize the name of the type of documents you mentioned. Can you provide us with more details, please?

R. Ann Ellis-Hall, Broker, Realtor Certified Signing Notary

30 Nov 2020

Do you offer training for signing 'TRUST' Documents?

Lilly Renee Jacquette

24 Sep 2018

need to increase my notary business


03 Sep 2018

In my experience, leaving your cards with hotel concierges will definitely get you some business.

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