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Signing Agent Tip: Background screening delays addressed

background-check-form-resiz.jpgSome Notary Signing Agents have been experiencing delays in getting their background screenings completed because the Superior Court in San Diego County, California, has been challenged in responding to requests for information. Here’s what you need to know.

The delays can affect any NSA who has lived in San Diego County in the past 7 years. That includes current residents and NSAs who have moved away from the county within that time.

Records requests for San Diego County currently take 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Normally, records for background screenings are available in just a few days.

Any NSA who has lived in San Diego County in the past 7 years may want to consider initiating a background screening earlier to allow for the delay. Most lenders and title companies require the NSAs they hire to have background screenings no more than one year old. Any current or past resident of San Diego County who waits to get a background screening could experience a lapse that might cost them loan signing assignments.

The court is expected to resolve its issues sometime this summer.

“We are going to continue to monitor the situation,” said Steven Bastian, NNA Vice President of Product Management. “As soon as it is resolved, we will update the NSA community.”

Related Articles:

Why Notary Signing Agents need background screenings

Five myths about background screenings explained

Additional Resources:

Signing Agent Background Screening Process


Add your comment

10 Jan 2025

i passed the recent background screening on 1-7-2025 and you need to update this in my profile

National Notary Association

13 Jan 2025

Hello. Please contact our Customer Care team at or 1-800-876-6827 and one of our representatives can assist you with this matter.

15 Mar 2023

I live in Placer county and my background check is delayed. Not sure why if my county is not on the closure list.


25 Oct 2018

This blog is very helpful when I overcome this all I want to know how verification is done in the address and this blog helped me. Thanks and keep updatinf=g.

Robert L Hynoski

29 May 2018

Would be better if comments appeared after I read the article.


28 May 2018


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