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Quiz: All about jurats


1. During a jurat a Notary must:

A. Administer an oath to the document signer
B. Administer an affirmation to the document signer
C. Administer a protest to the document signer
D. Either A or B

Answer: D. A jurat requires a document signer to make a legally binding promise that the contents of the document are truthful. The signer has the choice of taking an oath (a promise of truthfulness to a higher power) or an affirmation (a promise of truthfulness made on personal honor), depending on the signer’s preference. Oaths and affirmations are equally binding and the signer may choose either one when requesting a jurat.

2. When requesting a jurat, a signer must:

A. Provide the Notary with a copy of the document’s contents
B. Promise that the Notary will not be held legally responsible for the signer’s actions
C. Sign the document in the presence of the Notary
D. Sign the document before appearing before the Notary

Answer: C. When requesting a jurat, the person requesting the jurat and taking the oath or affirmation must sign the document in the Notary’s presence. Even if the individual previously signed the document, the document must still be signed in the Notary’s presence.

3. When administering an oath or affirmation for a jurat, it is recommended that the Notary should:

A. Have the signer raise their right hand
B. Make sure the signer answers the Notary’s questions with a clear “yes”
C. Avoid jokes or inappropriate behavior while speaking
D. All of the above

Answer: D. An oath or affirmation is a serious promise of truthfulness, with binding legal consequences. While not required by state law, it is a recommended standard of practice for the Notary to ask the signer to raise their right hand to demonstrate the seriousness of the promise being made. When responding to the Notary, the signer should answer with a clear, spoken response. They should not respond with a nod or ambiguous sounds such as “uh-huh” or “mm-hmm.” And both parties should avoid jokes or inappropriate behavior.

4. True or False: A person may take an oath or affirmation in someone else’s name.

Answer: False. An oath or affirmation is a personal promise to tell the truth. One person may not swear that another individual has told the truth. For example, if John Doe appeared before a Notary with power of attorney to sign documents on behalf of Mary Smith, John could not take an oath saying, “Mary Smith swears that the contents of this document are true” even though John has been granted power of attorney. However, John could swear in his own name: “I, John Smith, swear that the contents of this document are true.”

5. Acknowledgments and jurats are different notarial acts, and do not use the same Notary certificate wording.

Answer: True. Acknowledgments and jurats are separate acts. With an acknowledgment, the Notary verifies that an individual has willingly signed the document. With a jurat, the Notary verifies that the signer has sworn or affirmed the truthfulness of the contents of a document. Each act requires separate certificate wording — you may not use acknowledgment wording to complete a jurat, and vice-versa.

David Thun is the Assistant Managing Editor with the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

How to complete a jurat

View All: Quizzes


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Jevi Oclarit

24 Apr 2017

Great way to test your knowledge about Notary Facts


25 Apr 2017

The National Notary Association is doing a great job furnishing it members with a Good Education on their field in order each associate will succeed in her or his works. Thanks.

Jean R. Hyppolite

25 Apr 2017

I Would to have a test every week like that to improvise myself. Thank you to share this quiz !

Junior Joseoh

26 Apr 2017

Thanks for the review


27 Apr 2017

My state, Vermont, has a bill in the legislature that would require the oath-taker to provide ID for a "verification on oath or affirmation", but not for other oaths or affirmations. So is a jurat a "verification on oath or affirmation" or something else?

National Notary Association

01 May 2017

Hello Gerry. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us the number of the bill you are referring to?

Graciela Mercado

28 Apr 2017

Love the quizzes! NNA staff are beyond AWESOME.

MELVIN J. Newson

30 Apr 2017

These tests will keep us on top of our game. No room for error.

D. Ragland

10 May 2017

Thank you. This is great!


10 May 2017

The test was a great way to keep up my knowledge on this.

Carol Tanner

10 May 2017

This was great. I could use a quiz at times. I think it would keep me on my toes.

Gary B.

14 May 2017

This is standard notary knowledge, All notaries should be getting 100% anything less is unacceptable.

Gary B.

14 May 2017

This is standard notary knowledge, All notaries should be getting 100% anything less is unacceptable.

Celestine French

22 May 2017

Thanks for so much updated information.


26 Jun 2017

Thank you for the quizzes. Keep them coming!

Janet Zajac

13 Mar 2018

Thank you so much for these mimi quiz’s I find them very helpful.


13 Mar 2018

Thanks for this test, and for keeping me on my toes!

Rhonda Moore

18 May 2018

I is a great way to refresh your skills I like it


08 Mar 2019

it's a great refresher

Joseph J Victor

06 Oct 2020

Very refreshing!

yvonne walton

27 May 2021

Always good yo refresh the mind.


03 Aug 2023

I am new but appreciate the quiz.

Jeff Newsome

13 Nov 2023

good test

29 Apr 2024

Not only a great way to test your knowledge but also, a great way to get use to understanding the Notary Public everyday vocabulary.

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