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How to get your 1st Signing Agent assignment

One of the first things new Notaries ask is “How do I get my first assignment?” There is no single answer. When starting my own career, I realized that I needed to do more to land that all-important first assignment. Here is what worked for me:

Identify your market

Figure out what type of businesses you want as clients. When doing your research, you will soon find that not all title and signing companies hiring Notaries for loan assignments do business the same way. For example, some companies want you to send them an invoice right after the assignment is completed; others want you to only send an invoice at the end of the month. Still others do not want you to send them an invoice at all because they use an automatic pay system. Ask lots of questions and do lots of comparisons.

With this in mind, you should get an idea of which companies would be the best fit for you. Once you have successfully identified your potential clients, the next step is a little easier. Develop two plans: One is for businesses that operate within your state; the other is for out-of-state businesses.

It is important to develop two different plans because title/signing companies use different methods to find qualified Notary Signing Agents for their needs. 

Going after out-of-state clients

Here’s my approach to getting loan assignments from out-of-state clients:

  1. Go to websites that allow Notaries to create a professional profile like These sites allow you to create a Notary Signing Agent profile that your potential customers will view. I would recommend new Notaries check out some of the other professional Notary profiles first to get some ideas of what to put on your profile. Always make sure to emphasize your strengths.
  2. Meet with other professional Notaries in your area. This will accomplish several important critical things for your business. It helps to network with other professionals in your field who may be overwhelmed with assignments and need someone to assist them (win-win). It will help you find a mentor that can help you get started.
  3. Attend national conferences for Notary Signing Agents. National title/signing companies are usually vendors at these events, and they often look for Notary Signing Agents who are interested in new clients.  The National Notary Association has an annual conference that is ideal for new NSAs to meet and build relationships with national companies.

Going after in-state clients

Here are my suggestion for getting in-state loan assignments:

1. Go to your bank or other local financial institution and ask for a referral to the title company they use on loan assignments. I got my first loan assignment by asking someone from a bank that I did business with to give me a referral.

2. Go to title companies in your area and take a survey. This is another very effective way of securing business from them. Show up (not at the end of the month) with a clipboard in hand to ask a couple of survey questions, such as:

  • Do you use Notary Signing Agents?
  • What do you look for in a Notary Signing Agent?
  • What has been the biggest issue using Notary Signing Agents?

3. Attend local land title functions in your area. To find out where and when the next event is go to your browser and type in “Your State Land Title Association” and your search will bring up your local land title association website. At the website you will be able to see all the local events happening in your area. Plugging into these events will give you great exposure to your marketplace.

Getting that first loan assignment might seem scary at first. Once you set your goal and go after that assignment, you will meet some of the most interesting people and make lifelong friends. Please feel free to drop me a note and tell me how you do with these suggestions or other things you have done for that first assignment. 

Daniel Lewis of Carmel, Indiana, is the founder of Lewis Notary Services, Inc., a nationwide scheduling service. He is the 2010 NNA Notary of the Year and also the co-author of the Notary business guide book, “Make Your Business Our Business.” 



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25 Aug 2022

Got literally one call since completing the training two months ago and when they found out I had just finished the course, they hung up. My advice.. Unless you have someone to help you get your foot in the door, don't waste your money.

10 Aug 2022

How do I become Fidelity Approved in Ohio. Help!!

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2022

Hello. “Fidelity Approved” is a status provided by Fidelity National Title Company for some NSAs they work with. For information on how to apply for this status, please contact Fidelity or a loan officer or signing service you work with that also works with Fidelity to ask for application instructions.

linda kirkendoll

13 Jan 2022

I am a NSA and Mobile Notary that is bonded and insured, also a newbie by four months. However, only one client through snapdocs, any suggestions ? Are there any signing agent service that will actually hire newbies.


18 Oct 2021


National Notary Association

18 Oct 2021

Hello. This page has a link to information about Fidelity's Bancserv Notary Services:

sharron b ellis

27 Aug 2021

Just received my Certification this month, I'm ready to get started, however,Il live in Florida where the Covid Virus is on very high alert. Please offer any help in how I can start up the R.O.N. business.

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2021

Hello. For information about Florida RON procedures, please see here: For tips and a video on getting started with a Notary business offering RON, please see here:

Elaine Sloan

10 Aug 2021

How do I get Fidelity approved? In the state of Nevada?

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2021

Hello. Please see here for more information;

Elizabeth Rodriguez

08 Aug 2021

How do I get fidelity approval in California?

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2021

Hello. Please see here for more information:

Sylvia Becker

19 Jul 2021

How do I get Fidelity approval in my area? South Florida


31 Mar 2021

How do you get do I read your comments/questions that notaries have posted?

Shae Jones

29 Dec 2020

Yes this had been very useful and I have taken notes. Thank you so much for sharing this information.

Pat Wijeyewickrema Chandradasa

26 Dec 2020

Looking for a job as NSA. New to the field.

Lynette McDuffie

06 Aug 2020

This info was very enlightening. I've been a notary for 20 years but primarily in the military. I want to become a signing agent so stumbling upon this info was great. Even the comments have been helpful.


02 Oct 2019

How do you receive Fidelity approval?

Lisa Jackson

20 Sep 2019

What is Fidelity approval?

Emily Dietz

25 Jul 2019

Nicholas - that is like a golden ticket! Google it or ask on the LSS group page. Hope it's already taken care of by now, but don't let it get away from you. I am trying to get Fidelity approval because everyone in my area seems to require it. Best wishes!

Nicholas L. Kontgas

11 Jul 2019

I am NNA certified, LSS certified, and I have created accounts on numerous registries and websites. I get around four messages (mostly from SnapDocs) for signings, but after two weeks and with a 100% response rate, I haven't received a single signing. I finally called one of the signing companies that turned me down, and she said the reason is that I'm not Fidelity approved. She sent me an application to get approved, and now I don't know where to send the application to. This is very frustrating.

Lauren Webber

07 Apr 2019

I have 25 years in the insurance business. What path should I take to becoming a NSA?

National Notary Association

08 Apr 2019

Hello. Please see this page for more information:

Ty Burroughs

18 Oct 2018

I recently received my Certification as a Signing Agent. I am optimistic that I will receive multiple signing requests. Hopefully, I will find corporate partners that value the experience of a Licensed Realtor!

Diann carreker

22 May 2018

I am having a hard time getting a contract. I have not had one client. I am getting really frustrated.

Camelia Smith

08 May 2017

Thx for the info. it helped to put things in perspective. This is new field for me and have contacts in the escrow industry...each require approval via Fidelity and/or signing agency which ask re: experience. Can you advise re: streamlining this process? Also, I am 63 years of age! What are the chances of modest success?

Linda Winkenbach

12 Feb 2017

I'm a newbe and have contacted every title company in my area. They all require 2 years of experience before they'll add you to their list. Even with a referral from a loan agent...

juan espinoza

15 Nov 2016

What is this?

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2016

Hello Juan. Are you having any issues with the comments section? If so, please email us at with a description of the problem you are having and we can try to help you resolve it.

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