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A guide to notarizing for physically impaired signers

A close-up of a person's arm in a cast

If you’re asked to notarize for someone unable to sign their name due to a physical condition, don’t panic. Some states provide alternatives when notarizing for a physically impaired signer, including:

  • Powers of attorney
  • Representative signers
  • Signatures by mark
  • Having someone else sign at the impaired person’s direction

Let’s take a look at some of these options below.

Powers of attorney and representative signers

In some situations, another person may be given power of attorney for someone who cannot sign in order to sign documents on behalf of the disabled individual. This other person is known as a “representative signer” or “attorney in fact” (though the representative does not necessarily have to be an actual lawyer).

In these cases, the notarization would be performed normally, but you are notarizing the signature of the representative signer. They would present proof of identity, and their name would be entered in the Notary certificate. However, be aware that in most cases a representative signer can’t swear an oath or affirmation in the name of the disabled individual.

Some states, such as Colorado and Nevada, require Notaries to use special certificate wording when notarizing for a representative signer. Hawaii, Montana, Oregon and Utah require the representative signer to show the Notary proof that they have the authority to sign on behalf of the person in question.

Signature by mark

If the impaired signer is alert, coherent and appears willing to sign, another option may be for the person to sign documents with an ‘X’ or similar mark unassisted in lieu of a signature. This is called “signature by mark,” which many states permit. For a signature by mark, the signer does not have to write out a full name. Instead, they make an ‘X’ or similar mark in front of witnesses, which can then be notarized. Depending on the state, you may need one or two witnesses.

If the signer wishes to use a signature by mark, make sure to follow your state’s requirements about the procedures. For example, California and Florida require two witnesses to be present if a signer wishes to make a signature by mark. In California, the witnesses to a signature by mark do not need to present identification for themselves unless they are also serving as credible identifying witnesses vouching for the signer’s identity. 

When using signature by mark, the signer must be able to make the mark on their own. Neither you nor a third party may physically hold or guide the signer’s hand to help them make a signature. If someone asks you or another person to do this, you must tell them no.

Let someone else sign for the impaired person

If the customer is completely unable to write or make any kind of mark, some states permit the Notary or another individual present to sign the document as directed by the customer. This is sometimes called “signature by proxy.” For example, if a person in Florida who is physically unable to sign wants the Notary to sign on their behalf, the signing must take place in the disabled person’s presence, with two other witnesses present who have no interest in the document being notarized. The person unable to sign must direct the Notary to sign by verbal, written or other means. Texas also allows a Notary to sign on a disabled person’s behalf but only requires one disinterested witness to be present.

Montana and Oregon do not allow a Notary to sign on behalf of a disabled person, but a disinterested third party may sign by proxy if the instruction is given in person by the disabled individual and in the presence of the Notary.

If you’re not certain how to proceed, contact your state Notary regulating agency or the NNA Hotline for help.

If there are no options available, don’t proceed

If the requirements for alternative methods of signing cannot be met, then do not proceed with the notarization. The customer will need to contact an attorney or other agency qualified to provide legal advice on acceptable alternatives to signing the document.

David is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

Notary Tip: How to be prepared for signers with special needs

5 tips when notarizing for medical patients

Additional Resources:

Notary Essentials


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08 Mar 2025

For "signature by proxy", is the proxy signing their own name or signing the customer's name?

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2025

Hello. For more information on signatures by proxy and guidelines for them in different states, please see this article: Also, it is important Notaries remember that not all states authorize signature by proxy notarizations.


12 Feb 2025



05 Feb 2025

In CT - I have a patient who cannot write in any capacity, but can speak. They need to sign permission to treat documents. How can we help them sign their documents? What are the guidelines for signature by mark in CT, and what resource would you recommend to find specific prescriptions of the law regarding this topic in CT? I'm struggling to find resources.

National Notary Association

10 Feb 2025

Hello. A "signature by mark" is not the same as the situation you are describing. In Connecticut, for a signature by mark, a person who is unable to write their name instead makes a mark such as 'X' in the presence of two witnesses. The witnesses or Notary may not make the mark on the signer's behalf. The situation you are describing is known in some states as "signature by proxy," where another party physically writes a disabled signer's name under certain conditions. Signatures by proxy are not permitted for notarizations in Connecticut.

Emily Smith

17 Dec 2024

Could someone who has a physical and cognitive impairment use a signature stamp to sign legal papers?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

June Siegel-Hill

07 Nov 2024

THis is for David Thun, the person who wrote this. You said just two months ago above, that Virginia does not have Signature by Mark, yet on p.13 of your NNA Primer, it states we have it. I'm in the middle of a crisis now dealing with a signer who can't physically sign and this information is wrong. Furthermore, I've done this a number of times because your Hotline tells us we CAN do this. In addition, your Hotline told me this week that even a fingerprint can serve as a signature for a paralyzed signer. In our Code it states that any mark can be used as a signature. I think it's rather dangerous to give out the wrong information.

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2024

Hello June, this is David Thun responding to your question. I'm sorry for your confusion, and to help address your issue I forwarded your concerns and questions to the Hotline team and we discussed your message and how to help you. Based on our discussion and our previous conversations with you in the comments section of our article on signatures by mark, we hope the information below will help clear up any misunderstandings. You are correct that a signer may make a mark instead of writing a full name as a signature in Virginia. Virginia does now have a law that states the following: § 8.3A-401. (Effective until July 1, 2025) Signature. (a) A person is not liable on an instrument unless (i) the person signed the instrument, or (ii) the person is represented by an agent or representative who signed the instrument and the signature is binding on the represented person under § 8.3A-402. (b) A signature may be made (i) manually or by means of a device or machine, and (ii) by the use of any name, including a trade or assumed name, or by a word, mark, or symbol executed or adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a writing. Code 1950, § 6-370; 1964, c. 219, § 8.3-401; 1992, c. 693. However, the state does not provide specific instructions or special processes that must be followed when notarizing a mark as opposed to a full written signature. As we stated in our Nov. 13, 2023 response to your previous question on this issue, "...a mark made by the singer is treated as a regular signature. The optional recommendation of writing the name of the signer near the mark can be done by either the Notary or one of the witnesses." The Hotline team confirmed to me that this is still the case in Virginia. Where I think the confusion came in is that when we said their are no guidelines provided to perform a signature by mark, you may have taken that as us saying that you cannot notarize a signature by mark. I apologize for any confusion caused. To be clear and restate what we previously discussed with you, you may notarize a signer's mark in Virginia in the same way as a normal written signature. However the state does not require any special steps or additional measures when notarizing, the optional suggestions in the NNA primer are just that, optional suggestions. I hope this helps clarify the question of signatures by mark for you.

Dawn N

10 Oct 2024

Located in MD - have a recently paralyzed person, can speak but cannot sign or make a mark. Where can I find guidance to be able to notarize a POA for this person?

National Notary Association

10 Oct 2024

Hello. The signer would need to consult with a qualified attorney to request legal advice or instructions regarding signing and notarizing a power of attorney document in this particular situation. Maryland provides the following guidelines for notarizing signatures by proxy if a signer is physically unable to write their name: “If an individual is physically unable to sign a record, the individual may appear before the notarial officer and direct another individual other than the notarial officer who is concurrently appearing with the individual before the notarial officer to sign the individual’s name on the record” (ACM St. Gov’t 18-208[a]). “If another individual is directed to sign an individual’s name under subsection (a) of this section, the notarial officer shall insert on the record the following words or words of similar import: ‘Signature affixed by (name of other individual) at the direction of (name of individual)’ (ACM St. Gov’t 18-208[b]).


01 Jul 2024

If the POA signs, do they sign their name or the person they are representing name?

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2024

Hello. Please see this article and video for information and guidance:

Christine Correa

19 Apr 2024

I have a stroke patient. Who cannot speak. She can communicate by blinking. She wants to have an advanced healthcare directive notarized in CA. She does not have use of either of her hands and she cannot verbally communicate. Is there any way I can notarize the directive?

National Notary Association

22 May 2024

Hello. If there is no means for the signer to directly communicate with you, then you cannot perform the notarization. The signer's family may wish to consult an attorney to ask if there are any alternative options available given the signer's physical impairment.


30 Jan 2024

Hey in the state of GA if someone had a stoke and is paralyzed can the spouse sign the POA ? And is there anything special that needs to be done ?

National Notary Association

31 Jan 2024

Hello. We're sorry, but those are legal questions that you would need to contact a qualified attorney to answer.


12 Jan 2024

We are in PA. My grandmother is unable to sign due to dementia. How would I go about gaining a POA to take care of her?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2024

Hello. You would need to consult with an attorney for options how to proceed.

Andrea Feucht

26 Sep 2023

I have a family that would like their mother to sign a document and have me notarize it. However, the mother has an activated POA. Can I still notarize the signature?

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Nancy Ferris

18 Sep 2023

What are the requirements for signature by mark in TN?

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2023

“‘Signature’ or ‘signed’ includes a mark, the name being written near the mark and witnessed, or any other symbol or methodology executed or adopted by a party with intention to authenticate a writing or record, regardless of being witnessed” (TCA 1-3-105[30]). “‘Subscription’ includes a mark, the name being written near the mark and witnessed” (TCA 1-3- 105[32]).

Christiane Lourenco

02 Aug 2023

Virginia Notary here -- how do I notarize a document where signer is physically unable to sign...meaning unable to do even do a simple X or fingerprint?

National Notary Association

04 Aug 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but Virginia does not provide options for use of a signature by mark or signature by proxy during a notarization. If the signer is physically unable to sign in any way, you would not be able to perform the notarization.

Maritza Matei

28 Apr 2023

Hello, If a person is paralyzed from neck down, how can that person sign to give a representative power of attorney? In other words, what are her options to notarize her signature?

National Notary Association

01 May 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state the notarization will be taking place in?


08 Apr 2023

This happened to me... A broker signed a document for real property in a sale. The buyer was in California and the broker need the buyers signature to carry out the sale. So the broker signed the document with the buyers name and then because the broker was also a notary, she also notarized it and presented the document to a Judge as if it were legal.

Carla Bankhead

14 Mar 2023

How do I notarize trust documents, including POAs, for a paraplegic person in Nevada?

National Notary Association

05 May 2023

In Nevada, if a person is physically unable to sign a document, that person may direct a person other than the notarial officer to sign the person’s name on the document. The notarial officer shall insert ‘Signature affixed by (insert name of other person) at the direction of (insert name of person)’ or words of similar import (see: NRS 240.1655.8). Both the person who is physically unable to sign the document and the person directed to sign the person’s name on the document shall appear before the notarial officer at the time the document is signed (see: NAC 240.340.1).

Martha Thorpe

24 Mar 2021

In Texas, a notary can sign for a person with a disability that prevents them from signing with one credible witness. Is there a form that must be completed as well or is it okay to just add the following line below signature; Signature affixed by notary in the presence of (name of witness), a disinterested witness, under section 406.1065, government code. I would need to complete a credible witness form and the CW has to sign my journal correct?

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


21 Dec 2020

I went to a persons home where they had MS and only a couple of days prior they lost the control of their hands so what do I do in that situation where he doesn’t have a power of attorney to have anybody else sign for him and no attorney in fact?

National Notary Association

29 Dec 2020

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

joey ray

15 Dec 2020

I am autstis with mind 12year old my older sister forced by grabbing my arm twistied it and signm my ame on papers. i have no idea what they are. she lied put me in mental hospitals that said not mentally ill just autistic. why in hospital took all my belongings incuding 10thousand in money. what can i do....

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2020

Hello. If you are a victim of abuse, you should contact local law enforcement or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233).

Tiffany Phelps

08 Sep 2020

Where do I find Wisconsin code for signature by mark? Can thumbprint be used in WI?

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2020

Hello. Wisconsin does not provide guidelines for notarizing a signature by mark. However, the state does provide guidelines for notarizing a signature by proxy if a person is physically unable to sign their name: “If an individual is physically unable to sign a record, the individual may direct an individual other than the notarial officer to sign the individual’s name on the record. The notarial officer shall insert ‘Signature affixed by (name of other individual) at the direction of (name of individual)’ or words of similar import” (WS 140.09).

Jestina Slaney

31 Mar 2020

I live with my elderly dad whom has dementia in Las Vegas Nevada own his home . Which he wants to live in an never sell ,an I have 3 younger grown children that wants to put him in hospital can I get guardian ship thru notary public with his permission n initials to take care of him. And keep his house ? what are my rights as being the oldest? Thank you for your reply or recommendation

National Notary Association

01 Apr 2020

Hello. Any questions you have about obtaining guardianship of a parent are legal questions, and you need to contact a qualified attorney to assist you with answering them.

Cherie roney

15 Feb 2020

How I get a pice of paper norterzied ov my aunt when she cant sign she had a storke and we lived together all our life a and I take care of her and she has raised me since birth and my little boys

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2020

Hello. You would need to contact a qualified attorney for advice and instructions.

Terry L Clements

12 Feb 2020

Looking for specific information notarizing documents for the physically impaired in the State of Maryland?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2020

Hello. Maryland does not provide guidelines for notarizing using signature by mark or signature by proxy for a physically impaired signer.


01 Dec 2019

What are the laws in California for signing a DPA and the signer is quadriplegic?

National Notary Association

06 Dec 2019

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.

Summer Schrag

14 Oct 2019

Oklahoma Statute Title 58 Section 1072.2 allows signature by proxy on a durable power of attorney. The proxy must sign in the principal's presence and by his direction.

M.E. Wadsworth

27 Aug 2019

In California, is a right thumbprint allowed for a signature by mark, if the signer can't hold a pen (e.g., Parkinsons or paralysis) but meets all other requirements?

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2019

Hello. Yes, if the signer can make a thumbprint unassisted, that may serve as a signature by mark, provided all other requirements under CA Notary law are met.

Miguel V

26 Aug 2019

hi there, for reference purposes, where in TX code does it state that a notary can sign for a disabled person? is there a URL? thanks

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2019

Hello. It's Texas Government Code 406.0165.

Vanessa Minser

26 Aug 2019

What is the case in CA, if a person is unable to sign? Is a fingerprint sufficient?

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2019

Hello. Yes, if the signer can make a thumbprint unassisted, that may serve as a signature by mark, provided all other requirements under CA Notary law are met.


26 Aug 2019

if a signer is unable to sign the document could a finger or thumb print be used?

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2019

Hello. Yes, if the signer can make a thumbprint unassisted, that may serve as a signature by mark, provided all other requirements under CA Notary law are met.


25 Jun 2018

Not a comment, but a question! A dementia person paperwork includes doctors letter stating patient unable, I have two credible witnesses and presented acknowledgement, names of CW on all paperwork including deed, but deed not signed by C Witnesses. Does the deed need to be sign by them in lieu of the dementia person? even thought their names are in all paperwork and on deed? I so much appreciate your input. Roxana

National Notary Association

27 Jun 2018

Hello. Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Jon Parker

08 May 2018

I had a similar situation where one of the borrowers had Parkinson's Disease. Though the co-borrower had POA for the primary, the lender demanded the primary sign where required in the loan package. 109 out of 290 pages and two hour and a half later I was shaking my head.

Janelle Jefferson

07 May 2018

Find out if there is a better time of the day for a shaky signer, maybe early in the morning or right after exercise or a meal.

Anita M Ferguson

24 Jan 2017

If ID's are still a concern and you are at their home they should have some ORIGINAL medical record to show the disability. If not walk away. Just because their is a cast does not mean there was an injury. If there was an actual physical impairment then yest the above Mark X or thumbprint may be acceptable if approved in your area.

Maria sarraff

27 Sep 2016

In lieu of a signature a fingerprint is also allowed

Joseph Berning

26 Sep 2016

Not sure why a comment is necessary?

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2016

Hello Joseph. We do not require comments for Bulletin articles. If you are having any problems viewing an article, please email us at with a description of the problem and the type of device you are using, and we'll see if we can help you resolve the issue. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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