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How to certify a copy of a document

Last updated: June 24, 2024. Notaries are often asked to certify that a photocopy of an original document is a true and accurate reproduction of the original. However, Notaries aren't allowed to certify copies in every state. Here are some important copy certification facts that all Notaries should know.

How do I certify a copy of a document?

The basic process for copy certification is described below. Some steps may vary depending on individual state laws:

1. The document's custodian requests a certified copy

The keeper of the original document (also called the "custodian") appears before you and asks you to certify a copy of the original document.

2. The Notary compares the original and the copy

The custodian presents the original document and the copy so that you may confirm the copy is identical to the original. In some cases, the custodian may present the original document and you may be asked to make the copy.

3. The Notary certifies that the copy is accurate

Once you have confirmed the copy matches the original, you complete and attach to the copy a notarial certificate stating that the copy is true, accurate and complete.

Can all Notaries certify copies?

Not in every state. Some states (such as Michigan and Nebraska) do not allow Notaries to certify copies of documents as an official notarial act, and some states limit the types of documents or records that Notaries may certify:

California Notaries may only certify copies of powers of attorney, or copies of the Notary's own journal entries if requested by the Secretary of State or a court.

Florida Notaries may not certify copies of vital records or public records if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record.

Texas permits Notaries to certify a copy only if the original is a non-recordable document. A potentially recordable document cannot be copy certified.

Notary copy certification rules for U.S. States and D.C.

US Map showing which states allow copy certification

Allows copy certification

Does not allow copy certification

Discover the copy certification rules for your state


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record or other document that can be certified by a public records office (Notaries Public: The Handbook)


Allows copy certification only for tangible copies of electronic records (see below).

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may give a give a notarial certificate stating that a tangible copy of an electronic record is an accurate copy of the electronic record (AS 44.50.060[3]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a public record or publicly recordable document (ARS 41-311.3). Effective June 30, 2022, a Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (Chapter 66 [House Bill 1115] of 2021).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital or public record if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record (ACA 21-14-106[b]).

A Notary must supervise photocopying or the Notary must make the copy. A Notary may keep a copy for his or her records to confirm later that the certified document was not altered (Arkansas Notary Public and eNotary Handbook).


Allows copy certification only for a power of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or an entry of the Notary’s journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court (GC 8205[b][1]; GC 8206[e]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record or document that can be obtained from the Secretary of State’s office, the state archives, a clerk/recorder of public documents, or a document that indicates on its face that copying the original is illegal (CRS 24-21-505[4][b] and [c]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must copy or supervise copying of original and compare the original document presented to the copy. A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record, a document that is required to be recorded by an agent or employee of Connecticut or any political subdivision of the state, or a document issued by a federal agency and federal law prohibits copying of such document (CGS 3-94a[2]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must copy or supervise copying of original and compare the document to the copy. A Notary may not certify a copy of an official or public record (29 DC 4321[3]). A Notary may not certify a copy of a birth certificate (Delaware Secretary of State’s website, “Frequently Asked Questions”).

District of Columbia

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item (17 DCMR § 2408.8). A Notary may not notarize copies of diplomas or GEDs from the District of Columbia Public Schools or the University of the District of Columbia. In addition, Notaries may not notarize copies of documents issued by Departments or Agencies of the District of Columbia (Notary Public Handbook).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must make the copy of the original (FS 117.05[12][a]). A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital or public record. A Notary may supervise the making of a copy of a tangible or electronic record or the printing of an electronic record and attest to the trueness of the copy (FS 117.05[12][a]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record, public record, or publicly recorded document. A Notary must ensure the original document is photocopied and the photocopy must be made under the Notary’s supervision (OCGA 45-17-8[a][6]).


Allows copy certification (HRS 456.1.6).

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (HRS 456-14[c]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must personally photocopy the original document. A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record or recorded document (Idaho Notary Public Handbook). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (IC 51-104[3]).


Allows copy certification.

Public Act 102-160 allows a Notary to certify a paper or tangible copy of an electronic document is a true and correct copy.


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may certify tangible copy of an electronic record if the Notary made the acknowledgment or proof (IC 32-21-2.5.12[c]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital or public record (state website FAQ). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (IC 9B.4.2A).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must be presented with original document to ensure the copy is a true copy of original. Documents on file with an agency such as a vital records office, court clerk, or the Secretary of State’s office cannot be certified (Kansas Notary Public Handbook). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record (Chapter 64 of 2021 [Senate Bill 106] Section 4(b) [not yet codified]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a document that is recorded or in the custody of any federal, state, or local governmental agency, office, or court (KRS 423.310[1][d]). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (KRS 423.310[5]; 30 KAR 8:005 Section 4[6]).


Allows copy certification

A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (RS 9:2760).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a birth certificate or other document issued by a government agency (Notary Public Handbook and Resource Guide).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (ACM St. Gov’t 18-203[c]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: The Notary must make the copy or supervise the making of the copy by a photographic or electronic copying process (GL 222, Sec. 1).


Does not allow copy certification.


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not notarize a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate (Notary Commission Guide).

A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (MS 385.646[a], [g]-[i]).


Notaries who are custodians of an electronic document may certify a tangible copy of the electronic document is a true copy (1 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 5, R. 50.6.5.A).

Notaries may take a verification on oath or affirmation of an attorney or custodian of the original document that a paper printout of an electronic record is a true copy (MCA 89-3-101[2][a]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of the following: a vital or public record or publicly recorded document (RSMo 486.600[4]); a document which states on its face that it cannot be reproduced (Missouri Notary Handbook). A Notary may certify a paper copy of an electronic record (RSMo 59.569.2, .5 and .6) if it is to be presented to a recorder of deeds (RSMo 59.569.9).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: The original document must be provided to Notary and personally copied by Notary (website, “Apostilles and Authentications”). A Notary may not certify a copy of a public document that is considered an official record (Notary Public Handbook). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (MCA 1-5-603[5]).


Does not allow copy certification.


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a photocopy of a birth, death, and marriage certificate, or a copy of a divorce and annulment decree (NRS 240.075[5] and 440.175[2]). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (Chapter 243 of 2021 [Assembly Bill 325], effective July 1, 2021 [not yet codified in statute]).

New Hampshire

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record (RSA 5-C:98 II).

Effective February 22, 2022, a Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (RSA 456-B:2.VI).

New Jersey

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy ((NJSA 52:7-10.7.c).

New Mexico

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: Until January 1, 2022, a Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record, public record, or publicly recordable document (NMSA 14-12A-2.D). Effective January 1, 2022, a Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (NMSA 14-14A-3.C).

New York

Allows certification that a tangible copy of the signature page and document type of an electronic record is an accurate copy (Executive Law Section 135-c, effective through January 30, 2022). Upon repeal of Executive Law Section 135-c12 on January 30, 2023, Executive Law Section 135-c.6[d] with the same authorization and standards takes permanent effect.

North Carolina

Does not allow copy certification.

North Dakota

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy or certified copy of a vital record, recordable document, or a public record containing an official seal (NDCC 44-06.1-23[7]). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of an electronic record is a true copy (NDCC 44-06.1-03[2]).


Does not allow copy certification.


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of an official record (49 OS 113.D). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic document is a true copy (16 OS 87[C]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a public record certified by a custodian of records (Notary Public Guide). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic record is a true copy (ORS 194.225[3]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify copies of certain federal, state or county records, including vital records ( website, “Sample Notary Public Statements”). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic record is a true copy (57 Pa.C.S. 304[c]).

Rhode Island

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must copy or supervise copying of original (EO Sec. 2[c]). A Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record, public record, or publicly recordable document available from an official source other than a Notary (EO Sec. 4[a][1]).

South Carolina

Does not allow copy certification.

South Dakota

Does not allow copy certification.


Does not allow copy certification.

A Notary may take the oath or affirmation of an attorney or custodian of an original document that a paper printout of an electronic record is a true copy (TCA 66-24-101[d][3]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a publicly recordable document, including a vital record ( website, “Frequently Asked Questions”). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic record is a true copy (Property Code Section 12.0013[d]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a public record or publicly recorded document (UCA 46-1-2[4]).


Allows copy certification


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of a document that is in the custody of a court (COV 47.1-12). A Notary may not certify a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate (Handbook for Virginia Notaries Public).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic record is a true copy (RCW 42.45.020[3]).

West Virginia

Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary must keep on file a copy of each original record they certify as a true copy for (WVC 39-4-30[b]). A written, signed request must be presented to the Notary which states that a certified copy cannot be obtained from the office of a recorder, or custodian of public documents in West Virginia, that making a copy of the document does not violate state or federal law, and that the Notary keeps a copy on file (West Virginia Notary Handbook).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not a certify copy of a vital record (Notary Public Information brochure). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic document as a true copy (WS 140.04[3]).


Allows copy certification

Special rules/restrictions: A Notary may not certify a copy of an official record issued by a public entity, such as a birth or marriage certificate, a court record, or a school transcript, unless the officer is employed by the entity issuing or holding the original (WS 32-3-123[iv]). A Notary may certify a tangible copy of electronic document as a true copy (WS 32-3-111[f]).

If I can't certify a copy of a document, is there an alternative?

An alternative procedure called "copy certification by document custodian" may be permissible. With this procedure, the document's custodian or holder signs a statement attesting to the accuracy of the copy, and the Notary notarizes the custodian's signature on the statement. The difference is that rather than directly certifying the copy, the Notary is notarizing the custodian's signature on a statement vouching for the copy's accuracy.

Can I advise a signer regarding copy certification alternatives?

You have to be careful not to provide unauthorized legal advice to the signer. You can mention that you may perform a copy certification by document custodian, but should not suggest or recommend that to the signer. For example, if asked to certify a copy, you may say "State law does not authorize me to certify a copy of your document. However, in this circumstance, I may be able to notarize your signature on a written statement in which you certify the copy." You should not say something like, "I can't do this and must perform a copy certification by document custodian instead." The important difference here is that you may mention you can perform the procedure, and let the signer choose that option if he or she wishes, but you should not tell the signer what to do — that could constitute legal advice Notaries aren't allowed to give.

What if a signer asks me to certify a copy of a vital record, like a birth or marriage certificate?

In some jurisdictions, such as Delaware, Florida and Pennsylvania, Notaries are not permitted to certify copies of vital records. However, it's the signer's responsibility — not the Notary's — to check if copying a document violates a law or will be accepted by a receiving agency.

David Thun is the Assistant Managing Editor at the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

Handling Certified Copies Of Public Records And Other Unusual Requests


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James McPartlen

08 Mar 2025

I have an original Power of Attorney document from Massachusetts. I need to use it to sell property in New York for a friend who is mentally disabled. The New York lawyers need certification of the Mass. POA, but the original lawyer/notary won’t certify it. How do I get certification of this POA without the original notary public? Is it possible? It has never been revoked. I have used it for banking without issues.

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2025

Hello. We apologize, but we're not clear what type of "certification" the attorneys are requesting. While Massachusetts Notaries are authorized to certify copies of documents, a Notary would not be able to "certify" an original document without a copy. We would suggest that you contact the attorneys making the request and ask them to clarify what type of certification they want and if they can provide you more detailed instructions.


05 Mar 2025

Hello - I am in Massachusetts and need to make certified copies of my late mother's German Birth Certificate and (expired) German Passport. Can a Massachusetts Notary certify copies of these documents? Thanks

National Notary Association

06 Mar 2025

Hello. A Notary cannot normally certify copies of vital records such as a birth certificate because the original document is held by the issuing recording agency. However, if you have the original German passport, a Massachusetts Notary would be able to certify a copy of the original passport. The Notary would either need to make the copy or supervise the copying, and then compare the original to the copy: ‘Copy certification’ … [means] a notarial act in which a notary public is presented with a document which the notary public copies, or supervises the copying of, the document by a photographic or electronic copying process, compares the original document to the copy and determines that the copy is accurate and complete” (GL 222, Sec. 1).


03 Mar 2025

My best friend is applying for citizenship in Ireland. She needs two photographs of herself notarized. She also needs a copy of her Driver's License notarized. I believe I can notarize a certificate which states I compared her License to the photocopy but how would I notarize her photographs. The application states to notarize the back of the photos but that does not sound right. Would I staple the photos to a certificate which states I am verifying they are photograph of her?

National Notary ASsociation

03 Mar 2025

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


14 Feb 2025

Sorry the email was in my junk folder about you asking what state I am in. I just now saw it. I am in Colorado. (My original qs: "I took my passport and son's to UPS to get a copy notarized/certified. The lady did that, but said my son had to be the one to sign off on the notarized paper and the book log she keeps. Is not the purpose of the notarized passport to prove that the copy is identical to the original, and not certifying that the person that the passport is of is present? I asked her if I could sign since he is a minor and she said that he had to do that. Is that legal for a minor to sign? Is it illegal to not allow the parent? for example what if he wasn't with me at the time or if he was a newborn?" ) Thanks.

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

Hello. Colorado does require that a Notary's journal entry include “(d) The signature or electronic signature of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed" (CRS 24-21-519[3]). However, we are puzzled because as you said in your question, certifying a copy of a document in Colorado does not normally require the customer's isgnature. While it seems reasonable that the Notary would ask your son to sign the journal entry if the Notary certified a copy of your son's passport, we are not clear why she would ask for his signature for another part of the copy certification process. Unfortunately, we cannot advise you regarding the legality of asking for your son's signature during this notarization. For any legal questions regarding whether you may or may not sign in his place or refuse for him to sign a document as his parent, you would need to consult with a qualified attorney.

J Matt

05 Feb 2025

Texas allows notaries to confirm the true and exact copy of an original document. I've been told that the notary needs to keep a copy of the document as part of their records when performing this act. Is this accurate?

National Notary Association

10 Feb 2025

Hello. No, that is not correct. Keeping a copy of a customer's records that you notarize is a potential violation of the signer's privacy. Texas prohibits Notaries from recording a signer's identification number assigned by a government agency or biometric information such as a thumbprint in a Notary's journal records.

Tee Rod

28 Jan 2025

I need some guidance. I need to mail out a copy of my passport and I am a Wells Fargo customer and they use their own forms. Would I need a jurat form or acknowledgement form

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2025

Hello. If there is not a notarial certificate on the document that indicates what kind of notarization is required, you will need to contact Wells Fargo to request instructions. Please see this article for more information:


27 Jan 2025

I am a notary in PA. A client has asked for a true copy of their green card. Is that considered a vital record? Can I verify a true copy of a green card in PA?

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

A green card is not considered a vital record, and therefore can be copy certified by a Notary Public in Pennsylvania.


24 Jan 2025

I went to my local Chase bank notary in Indiana to get documents certified for Australia, however, Australia's rules dictate that the certification must be done on the document copy with specific wording, link below: My notary informed me they could only use their form to notarize a certified copy. How would you suggest I proceed? Thank you

National Notary Association

03 Feb 2025

Hello. If the Notary cannot use the provided certificate wording, and the receiving agency will not accept alternative Indiana certificate wording, one option would be for your to contact an Australian consulate or embassy in your state to ask if they can certify the documents for you.


17 Jan 2025

I took my passport and son's to UPS to get a copy notarized/certified. The lady did that, but said my son had to be the one to sign off on the notarized paper and the book log she keeps. Is not the purpose of the notarized passport to prove that the copy is identical to the original, and not certifying that the person that the passport is of is present? I asked her if I could sign since he is a minor and she said that he had to do that. Is that legal for a minor to sign? Is it illegal to not allow the parent? for example what if he wasn't with me at the time or if he was a newborn?

National Notary Association

24 Jan 2025

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are located in?


06 Dec 2024

I live in Virginia and need certified true copies of various documents (passport, German marriage certificate and German birth certificates etc). The notary stamped and signed each document copy, but there is no statement that indicates that they are true copies. Is this a valid noatization?

National Notary Association

09 Dec 2024

Hello. According to the state's Handbook for Virginia Notaries Public, a Virginia Notary may not certify copies of birth, death, or marriage certificates. (HNP, Page 9) “‘Copy certification’ means a notarial act in which a notary (i) is presented with a document that is not a public record; (ii) copies or supervises the copying of the document using a photographic or electronic copying process; (iii) compares the document to the copy; and (iv) determines that the copy is accurate and complete” (COV 47.1-2). Sample notarial wording for a copy certification is found in the state's Handbook for Virginia Notaries Public (HNP, Page 12) (

Adriene L. Porras

06 Dec 2024

A client here in Texas has to have p.o.a over her son in order to handle his finances. She wrote out a handwritten p.o.a for her son who is unable to write due to a stroke. She wants me to type up the handwritten p.o.a, then go with her to the nursing home and notarize her son's mark on the signature line. And then she needs me to make a copy of the p.o.a and certify that copy so that the nursing home and bank can have a copy. Can I do all of that legally? I'm a notary Public in Texas

National Notary Association

09 Dec 2024

Hello. Nonattorney Notaries in Texas may not prepare legal documents for customers. The customer would need to contact a qualified attorney to prepare a power of attorney document.

Bernadette M

05 Dec 2024

Hello, I am in Florida and a client is asking me to notarize a copy of their Indian Passport and a copy of their green card both by thumbprint. I know I would need 2 witnesses for a notarization by mark but what of the certificates? Thanks,

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


04 Dec 2024

I am a Colorado Notary. My client has a California Drivers License and they would like me to certify a copy as proof of their identity and home address for a business investment. Am I allowed to do this?

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2024

Hello. The Colorado Secretary of State's Notary Handbook provides the following examples of documents that are acceptable for copy certification: “The Secretary of State’s office most frequently sees examples of notarized copies in the following areas: ”• Employment matters—e.g., diplomas, awards and honors, ratings; ”• Business affairs—e.g., licenses and permits, powers of attorney, contracts and agreements; ”• Adoptions—e.g., home studies, financial statements, health assessments; ”• International travel—e.g., passports, drivers’ licenses, other documents for backup of originals” (NH). Colorado prohibits copy certification of the following types of documents: “A notarial officer shall not certify a copy of a record that can be obtained from any of the following offices in this state: “(i) A clerk and recorder of public documents; “(ii) The secretary of state; “(iii) The state archives; or “(iv) An office of vital records” (CRS 24-21-505[4][b]). “A notarial officer shall not certify a copy of a record if the record states on its face that it is illegal to copy the record” (CRS 24-21-505[4][c]).


02 Dec 2024

Can a notary certify a copy of my passport in delaware?

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2024

Hello. In Delaware, “A notarial officer may not attest to a copy of an official or public record that must be certified by a public official” (29 DC 4318[d]). For example, Notaries may not certify a copy of a recorded deed nor of a birth certificate (Delaware Department of State website, “Frequently Asked Questions”). The “Delaware Notary Handbook” lists examples of records that a Notary may not copy certify. These include deeds, mortgages, vital records, recorded powers of attorney, probated wills, military discharges, certain documents under the Uniform Commercial Code, pleadings, and any document marked “filed” or “recorded.”


18 Nov 2024

Can I notarize a copy of a International birth certificate in Florida for my grandma who lives in the US? I know the copy to be true/accurate.

National Notary Association

20 Nov 2024

Hello. No, you may not notarize, because the document is a vital record issued by another country: “A notary public may supervise the making of a copy of a tangible … record … and attest to the trueness of the copy …, provided the document is neither a vital record in this state, another state, a territory of the United States, or another country, nor a public record, if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record” (FS 117.05[12][a]).


29 Oct 2024

Hello, I am located in Alabama and need to obtain a notarized copy of my passport for an overseas visa application. Is that possible, or do I need to obtain a "copy certification by document custodian" instead?

National Notary Association

01 Nov 2024

Hello. Alabama permits copy certification, but a Notary may not certify a copy of a vital record or other document that can be certified by a public records office.


24 Oct 2024

Hello , I live in California San Francisco City. can a notary certify a copy of my naturalization certificate ?it does contain the statement “do not copy” or words of similar import.

National Notary Association

24 Oct 2024

Hello. No, California Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of naturalization certificates.

17 Sep 2024

I have been asked to certify a signature on a copy of a Digital Certified Translation of an international degree. Can I do that? I am in Virginia.

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2024

Hello. Can you please clarify if you are asked to certify that the copy is accurate, perform an acknowledgment or jurat for the signature only, or if you are being asked to certify in any way if the translation is accurate?


12 Sep 2024

Hello , I live in florida can a notary certify a copy of my naturalization certificate ?

National Notary Association

27 Sep 2024

Yes, a naturalization certificate can be copy certified in Florida as long as it does not contain the statement “do not copy” or words of similar import.

Victoria Hanvey

09 Sep 2024

I have a client who needs a death on deed transfer notarized, well she has a second copy that needs to be signed. Can I notarize the second copy of the deed or does the copy have to be certified for me to sign it? Or do I need to attach my Notary Certificate to the 2nd copy making it able to be notarized? have called so many people to get an answer and can’t get help. I am in VA.

National Notary Association

10 Sep 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Adell Norton

03 Sep 2024

My grandson who lives in North Carolina is applying to a college in Australia. They have sent him an offer and he is currently trying to accept it. They requested "official notary-certified copies of al documents (passport, high school transcript and diploma which need to be certified by an American Justice of the Peace." Could you please give us any information on how he could get this done? We appreciate your time.

National Notary Association

03 Sep 2024

Hello. North Carolina Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of documents. You would need to contact the Australian school or an Australian embassy or consulate to explain the situation and ask what other options they would accept.


14 Aug 2024

Hello, I have been asked to certify a document. I think this is a request for certified true copy of a utility bill. I live in California and I am a Notary. Is this something I can do and what is required?

National Notary Association

15 Aug 2024

Hello. California only authorizes Notaries to certify copies of a power of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or an entry of the Notary’s journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court (GC 8205[b][1]; GC 8206[e]).


26 Jul 2024

I was asked to certify a certified copy of a bill of sale as well as a print out of a utility bill. Is this something I am able to do in Florida?

National Notary Association

02 Aug 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


21 Jul 2024

I am in the State of Alabama. I need to get my indian Passport re-issued in USA. As part of that the indian Embassy asks for : Notarized Color Copy of a Valid US Visa. So is copy certification allowed in Alabama. Or if not can i get the acknowledgement on a piece of paper notarized and attach this to the copy of the document

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Hello. Alabama Notaries may certify copies except for vital records or other documents that can be certified by a public records office.

Liz godbold

05 Jul 2024

My son needs to get his passport notarized so that he can play professional volleyball in Spain. We live in California. Can you tell us what to do?

National Notary Association

08 Jul 2024

Hello. Since California Notaries may not certify copies of passports, we suggest contacting a Spanish consulate or embassy in your area to see if they can assist you.


08 Jun 2024

I live in Pennsylvania but need to get a notarized copy of my passport for Nevada. Can I just take this to a bank that has a notary?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2024

Hello. Pennsylvania Notaries are authorized to certify copies of documents (57 Pa.C.S. 305[d]).


21 May 2024

I am stationed overseas and am needing to submit a divorce decree.Can I have a scanned PDF version of a divorce decree from Nevada notarized for newborn passport overseas?

National Notary Association

22 May 2024

Hello. We are sorry, but your questions appear to be legal questions that require a authority authorized to offer legal advice. would recommend that you contact an attorney, a consulate, or (if you are military personnel) the judge advocate general's office to request instructions for how you need to proceed with submitting these documents.

mike lovell

06 May 2024

I have a person that needs certified copies of a few documents including her passport for an application to the Ireland board of nursing. The notary she originally found said that they are no longer able to certify copy government documents but said that sometimes lawyers may, is that something that is standard in Illinois? Can the documents be taken to an apostille for certification or can I notarize the certificates documents. Thanks in advance for your advice.

National Notary Association

13 May 2024

Hello. Illinois Notaries may certify copies of documents: “'Notarial act' means an act, whether performed with respect to a tangible or electronic record, that a notary public, a remote notary public, or an electronic notary public may perform under the laws of this State. “Notary act” includes … certifying or attesting a copy….” (5 ILCS 312/1-104). Please be aware that an apostille is NOT the same as a copy certification; an apostille simply verifies that the Notary who performed the notarization on a document has a valid commission.


24 Apr 2024

Do I need to attach a Certification to a remotely notarized document to certify that the document is true and accurate? What is this certification called?

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Margo Tyahla

18 Apr 2024

For the Journal entry of a certified copy, who should be the signer?

National Notary Association

25 Apr 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


15 Apr 2024

I am a notary public in the state of Texas. I've had a couple of customers asking if we can notarize a copy of their passport are we able to?

National Notary Association

25 Apr 2024

Hello. There are potential issues with requests to notarize a copy of a passport in Texas. Please see the Texas section of this article for full details:

Robert Joel Siegel

27 Mar 2024

May Oregon Notaries notarize US Passports.

National Notary Association

29 Mar 2024

Hello. Oregon Notaries may certify copies of passports, according to the Oregon Notary Public Guide: “However, some records may be copied such as the Oregon Driver’s License, U.S. Passports and most professional licenses, diplomas, certificates, letters, etc., because copies of these documents cannot be obtained otherwise. Check to see if the document has a ‘Do Not Copy’ warning on it, or call the agency in question” (NPG).


12 Mar 2024

I’ve been asked to notarize a naturalization certificate. It’s being sent to her employer to update her citizenship in their system. I was sent a copy of the certificate as well as the messages between her employer to review. I do not see anything stating if this is allowed or not.

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2024

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Lauren P.

06 Mar 2024

I was asked to notarize a US Passport in New Jersey. How should I handle this?

National Notary Association

06 Mar 2024

Hello. New Jersey Notaries may certify a copy of a document, including a passport. NJ law states the following guidelines for certifying copies of documents: “A notarial officer who certifies or attests a copy of a record or an item that was copied shall determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item” (NJSA 52:7-10.8.d). For more guidelines, please see this article:


09 Feb 2024

What is the proper wording to put on the copy of the document in order to certify it? I am a CA notary. Thank you.

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2024

Hello. CA Notaries may only certify copies of powers of attorney, or their own journal entries if requested by the Secretary of State or a court.

Patricia Solorzano

08 Feb 2024

Can a Florida Notary certify the copy of a document, if the original documents are mailed to the Notary Public and the Notary Public makes the copies? How would you go about completing the notarial journal entry? The custodian of the documents is know to me.

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2024

A copy certification my Notary Public cannot be done by mail. The document custodian must appear personally in front of the Notary. “A notary public may supervise the making of a copy of a tangible or electronic record or the printing of an electronic record and attest to the trueness of the copy or of the printout, provided the document is neither a vital record in this state, another state, a territory of the United States, or another country, nor a public record, if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record” (FS 117.05[12][a]).” You could complete a regular journal entry. The “type of notarization” would be “copy certification”.

Alfred Biela

05 Feb 2024

A Baltimore attorney is helping me with an Allonge to a note n regard to private financing of a house. The attorney indicates that the Notary can also act as a witness. They have to witness the document opposite where signature is and then notarize below. However, the Notary office nearby indicates on their website: "Some documents may require additional witnesses in addition to the notarization. Our staff will not be able to serve as witnesses, so please bring additional witness as required". Can you help me understand how this should be handled?

National Notary Association

16 Feb 2024

Hello. If an individual Notary business chooses not to also serve as non-Notary document witnesses when performing notarizations, that is their choice.

Marilyn zemba

02 Feb 2024

I need to notarize or certify d document!


13 Dec 2023

Hello, I recently put in a FOIA request for my immigration records, but I only received my documents in a digital form. In my research it said that USCIS can provide certified copies of records and mail it in hard copy if requested. How ever when I requested this via email I was told "the national records center does not certify records". Would it be possible, in the state of Maryland, to have a Notary print out the documents I received from USCIS and certify them instead?

National Notary Association

15 Dec 2023

Hello. We would recommend you contact USCIS and ask them if it is permissible for a Notary to certify copies of the records you requested using the procedures you described.


04 Dec 2023

I am in Illinois and have been asked to notarize a copy of a death certificate. I believe that is not allowed under state law. Am I correct? Is there a work around in Illinois?

National Notary Association

05 Dec 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but there is no workaround. Illinois Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of documents. UPDATE 2-12-24: While Public Act 102-160 allows a Notary to certify a paper or tangible copy of an electronic document is a true and correct copy, certified copies of vital records can only be issued by the recording office that holds the original vital record.

Renee Howell

02 Dec 2023

I am in NY and have a person asking if I can verify a printout of a webpage is an exact copy of what is online. Is that possible?

National Notary Association

04 Dec 2023

Hello. You wouold only be able to certify the copy if the printout is a tangible copy of the signature page and document type of an electronic record you notarized. In New York, “A notary public may certify that a tangible copy of the signature page and document type of an electronic record notarized by such notary public is an accurate copy of such electronic record” (EL Section 135-c.6[d][i]). "Such certification must (i) be dated and signed by the notary public in the same manner as the official signature of the notary public provided to the secretary of state pursuant to section one hundred thirty-one of this article, and (ii) comply with [Executive Law] section one hundred thirty-seven” (Executive (EL 135-c.6[d][i])."

Luz N.

08 Nov 2023

Can a Florida notary stamp a copy of a lease document printed from a docusign.

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


06 Nov 2023

How can I change my year of birth on my document?

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


31 Aug 2023

I need a certified copy of a bible birth record. The pages are onion skin and show through so the copy is notary good. A photograph looks nice. Can the notary photocopy the photograph and certify it?

National Notary Association

05 Sep 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are located in?


11 Aug 2023

How do I get Durable Financial Power of Attorney certified with the courts. It has been signed and witnessed with notary public. I am the state of Missouri

National Notary Association

11 Aug 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by an attorney.


29 Jun 2023

Can a Virginia Notary administer a Jurat after making a copy certification of a VA Driver's License if the administor an oath and have the driver's license holder sign the copy certification? Thank you.

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


06 Jun 2023

Can I certify a copy of a bank statement?

National Notary Association

07 Jun 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Max Fiebelkorn

11 May 2023

Hi, I am a Notary in Iowa and I was just presented with a couple of documents that were State Notifications of Record Searches with the phrase "This copy is not valid unless printed on certified security paper" at the bottom. Would these be considered private documents and would I still be able to provide a notarized copy certification when the copies have the word "void" printed all over it.

National Notary Association

12 May 2023

Hello. Is the document in question a vital record or public record? If so, you are not authorized to certify a copy of the document as an Iowa Notary.

Dennis C Seay

04 May 2023

our church will be voting to sell a small parcel of property as well as voting to give permission to church trustees to sign all legal documents related to the sale. Can a document be created stating all this and Notarized so the lawyer will feel good about the trustees signing?

National Notary Association

05 May 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but these are legal questions that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.

Syeda Rahman

25 Mar 2023

Hi I am US Citizen, I wrote a letter to Mauritius embassy to grant a visa to my brother to visit here, I have to attest it with my birth certificate and proof of residency, where should I go for it, thanks

National Notary Association

27 Mar 2023

Hello. If you were born in the U.S., you will need to contact the recording office in the county or city where you were born if you wish to request a certified copy of your birth certificate. For proof of residency, you would need to contact the embassy to ask what documents they will accept as proof.

will parrott

14 Mar 2023

can a notary in NC certify an copy if the document owner brings a "true Copy" form along with original documents?

National Notary Association

15 Mar 2023

Hello. No, North Carolina Notaries are not authorized to certify copies.

Theresa A McGregor

16 Feb 2023

If I have the original general power of attorney form, and I need copies, where can I go to get the copies certified in Texas?

National Notary Association

17 Feb 2023

Hello. Texas Notaries may certify copies of non-recordable documents. According to the TX Secretary of State's website, a non-recordable document is one that cannot be recorded with any type of governmental entity. For instance, a letter is not recorded with anyone, but there are times the sender of the letter would like to maintain a certified copy of that letter for his or her file.

Madison Abbott

07 Dec 2022

Once I have certified a copy of a document such as a passport or ID (which is allowed in Virginia) can certify additional copies of the document or would I need to complete the entire process each time a true copy is needed?

National Notary Association

08 Dec 2022

Hello. Each certification of a copy is a separate notarial act and requires you go through the full process.


01 Dec 2022

Can a Tennessee Notary certify the signature of a custodian of a passport, driver's license and property deed making an oath that the copies are true, correct and accurate copies of the original documents. i.e. Custodian making the certification and notary signing and sealing the certification. This is not in the Tennessee Notary Handbook

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2023

Yes, the custodian would indicate in a written statement that the copies are true and accurate, then, the Notary would notarize the signature on that statement.


25 Oct 2022

I am a notary in Florida and I have veen asked to notarized a copy of passport can a florida notary notarized a copy of a passport.

National Notary Association

01 Nov 2022

Hello. In Florida, “A notary public may supervise the making of a copy of a tangible or electronic record or the printing of an electronic record and attest to the trueness of the copy or of the printout, provided the document is neither a vital record in this state, another state, a territory of the United States, or another country, nor a public record, if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record” (FS 117.05[12][a]).

Tyrone Gilmore

14 Oct 2022

In CA what certificate would be used when certifying a copy of a Power of Attorney?

National Notary Association

10 Nov 2022

Hello. The certificate form for a copy of a power of attorney by a Notary is not contained in the statutes, unlike the forms of acknowledgment, jurat and proof of execution by subscribing witness. Rather, the statute specifies only that “[t]he certification shall state that the certifying person has examined the original power of attorney and the copy and that the copy is a true and correct copy of the original power of attorney” (Probate Code 43087[b] and [c]).

Diane Morris

12 Oct 2022

I am a Notary Public for Illinois. Thanks for this very important information regarding certifying copies of documents, even though I have never been asked that question yet. And I also looked at the chart and seen that Illinois can not certify any copies of documents.

Micheline Jn Jacques

12 Oct 2022

Great understanding

Tamesha Carter

01 Oct 2022

What documents can you perform a copy certification on in Virginia?

National Notary Association

04 Oct 2022

Hello. A Virginia Notary may not certify a copy of a document that is in the custody of a court (COV 47.1-12). A Virginia Notary may not certify a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate.

Jesus E Baddour

18 Sep 2022

Can a Florida notary public certify copies of their own documents?

National Notary Association

19 Sep 2022

No. A notary public may not notarize a document if the Notary has a financial interest in or is a party to the underlying transaction (FS 117.107[12]).


07 Sep 2022

We live in FL. My son and I sent out his divorce papers to be served to his wife who lives in a different county. It was returned because we did not send a certified copy of the document. We have the copies, but can I certify it, being that I am a notary and his mom?

National Notary Association

07 Sep 2022

Hello. No, you cannot perform notarizations for your son in Florida: "A notary public may not notarize a signature on a document if the person whose signature is to be notarized is the spouse, son, daughter, mother, or father of the notary public" (FS 117.107[11]).

Micki R Hairston

06 Sep 2022

I work for Medical office, small office only 1 personal and she is not a notary as she could not notarize herself. Atty office asking for notarized records but refused to send notary to get them, have never had this problem. Atty is for patient in Texas. She recommended we go to the bank to get completed, who is responsible for getting these documents notarized. She stated if we sent in not notarized our Physician would have to go to court and prove up.


05 Sep 2022

As mentioned under MN law, Marriage, Birth or Death Certificates are not included in copy certifications. As a side note, Military ID's are NOT to be copied, period. Federal law.

Jacqueline Pareja

05 Sep 2022

I am a notary in FL. I am asked to notarize a statement signed by someone indicating they in face give money to the interested party in order to qualify for affordable housing. In this case would I be notarizing just the signature correct? If I am notarizing the content how do I go about this? Thank you

National Notary Association

07 Sep 2022

Hello. We are not clear what you mean by "notarizing the content." The signer would need to tell you what type of notarial act they wish-you cannot choose the act on their behalf.

Vivian Tobias

05 Sep 2022

I am a Hawaii Notary. While I can't certify a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate, may I certify a copy of a driver's license, social security card or passport?

National Notary Association

06 Oct 2022

Yes, you may certify a copy of a driver’s license or social security card.

Nidia Sarmiento

05 Sep 2022

Thank you so much for this important update.

Roberta Arnone

05 Sep 2022

Vital Records in New York State. This guidance depends on each state's laws and rules. I can only speak to New York State where I am admitted as an attorney and commissioned as a Notary Public. The current New York Notary Public License law has not been updated since May 2020. I can tell you from 20 years of experience procuring the U.S. Apostille at the New York County Clerk’s office that although you will not see the following rule explicitly stated in the current New York Notary Public License law, a notary public in this state (NEW YORK) may not, under any circumstances, engage in any notarization of a vital record. Birth, marriage, divorce and death records absolutely must be purchased from the issuing governmental body as a certified copy. Post COVID, the process is much easier than ever before to accomplish this online by credit card. No matter who drafts the affidavit of custodian, it may not be signed and notarized if the above listed “vital records” documents are attached to it. It will be rejected at the County Clerk’s office. Best wishes to all!


05 Sep 2022

NYS - must Original signature. Photocopy is not allowed. Pls next lessons to start for NYS ,” I hope”.


25 Aug 2022

Follow-up questions. Does this mean in Pennsylvania we don't need a signature in our journal for any notarial act? Or just for making a certified copy? I thought we needed a signature in our journals for other notarial actis like affirmations and witnessing. Thanks!

National Notary Association

25 Aug 2022

Hello. In Pennsylvania, “An entry in a journal shall be made contemporaneously with performance of the notarial act and contain all of the following information: “(1) The date and time of the notarial act. “(2) A description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act. “(3) The full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed. “(4) If identity of the individual is based on personal knowledge, a statement to that effect. “(5) If identity of the individual is based on satisfactory evidence, a brief description of the method of identification and any identification credential presented, including the date of issuance and expiration of an identification credential. “(6) The fee charged by the notary public” (57 Pa.C.S. 319[c])." “A notary journal may not contain any personal financial or identification information about the notary’s clients, such as complete Social Security numbers, complete drivers’ license numbers or complete account numbers. Terminal numbers for these types of numbers, including the last four digits of a Social Security number, may be used to clarify which individual or account was involved” (PA DOS website, “Notary Public Equipment”).


19 Aug 2022

I'm a brand new notary in PA. Who signs the journal when you make a certified copy? We sometimes need to make certified copies of short certificates. Is it the person who holds the original, or the person who makes the copy? A customer brings us the short certificate, then an employee or the notary makes the copy and returns the orig.

National Notary Association

22 Aug 2022

Hello. A signature is not required for journal entries in Pennsylvania. You must enter the following information in each journal entry: “An entry in a journal shall be made contemporaneously with performance of the notarial act and contain all of the following information: “(1) The date and time of the notarial act. “(2) A description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act. “(3) The full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed. “(4) If identity of the individual is based on personal knowledge, a statement to that effect. “(5) If identity of the individual is based on satisfactory evidence, a brief description of the method of identification and any identification credential presented, including the date of issuance and expiration of an identification credential. “(6) The fee charged by the notary public” (57 Pa.C.S. 319[c]).

18 Jul 2022

I have been asked to notarize a passport renewal form. Can I do that in the state of Texas. I seen conflicting info online.

National Notary Association

18 Jul 2022

Hello. Can you tell us what type of notarial act is being requested for the document? (e.g., acknowledgment, jurat, copy certification, etc.)


04 Jul 2022

Can I notorize my own signature on my Will? Utah.

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Lupita Calderón

24 May 2022

Very impressive how the willingness of a people help you to grow. Thank you 🙏


08 May 2022

Hello newbie Texas notary here. Can someone tell me if when making the copies for a certified copy service, needs to be in color or can copies be made in black and white? Also, I was provided by the notary association the format for certified copy, can this format be modified, can I use my own template or must it be the one that was provided to me? And lastly, when making the copies for the clients , do they have to each one be included with my initial? Or is the cover sufficient with the number of copies that will be attached? Thank you.


09 Apr 2022

Are notaries in Michigan and Ohio able to certify a pet rabies vaccine certificate?

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2022

Michigan and Ohio do not authorize Notaries to certify copies of documents.

Ms. Doris D. Lee

29 Mar 2022

My client ask me can I notarize her birth certificate ? if not, then what notarial certificate can be used.

National Notary Association

30 Mar 2022

Hello. Notaries cannot certify copies of vital records such as birth certificates. Your customer would need to contact the recording office that issued the original birth certificate to request a certified copy from them.

John Weiss

29 Mar 2022

Does the following mean a court order is required to copy a Power of Attorney document? Or does it mean a court order is required for all documents EXCEPT a Power of Attorney? "California Allows copy certification only for a power of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or an entry of the Notary’s journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court (GC 8205[b][1]; GC 8206[e])."

National Notary Association

30 Mar 2022

Hello. California Notaries may certify a copy of a power of attorney document. If the Secretary of State or a court requests a certified copy of a CA Notary's journal entry, the Notary may certify a copy of the journal entry and provide it to the Secretary of State or the court.


31 Jan 2022

CA notary public For passport renewal How to certify copy of I797 for 12 years old?and how to certify affidavit for change of appearance for 12 years old?

National Notary Association

31 Jan 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


27 Jan 2022

Hello! I am a PA notary and I have a question re copy certification. I will be notarizing a Copy Certification by Document Custodian. It is a utility bill however the document custodian redacted the account number because he felt it was private information and did not want it to be part of the public record where the document will be used. Is this ok? Thanks!

National Notary Association

28 Jan 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


13 Jan 2022

1. Is there a format for "copy certification by document custodian" for state of Michigan? 2. Can multiple documents be listed and self-attested on a single form?

National Notary Association

28 Jan 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


24 Nov 2021

I live in Illinois I am in the process of getting my legally adopted daughter a passport. They want documents original or certified. Sending original seems risky. What’s my options for correct certification? Can only certain people provide that?

National Notary Association

01 Dec 2021

Hello. Illinois Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of documents. The only exception is when Public Act 102-0160 takes effect and allows a Notary to certify a paper or tangible copy of an electronic document is a true and correct copy. This new law takes effect the later of January 1, 2022, or a date determined by the Secretary of State’s office.

Kylie Diep

23 Nov 2021

Hi, I'm trying to get my australian passport certified in NJ. I know that there has been changes to NJ notary since Oct 2021. Before, notaries were only allowed to "certify by document custodian". With the changes, can NJ notary now certify passport as true copy?

National Notary Association

01 Dec 2021

“A notarial officer who certifies or attests a copy of a record or an item that was copied shall determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item” (NJSA 52:7-10.8.d).


19 Nov 2021

Hello, I am a notary in CA and I have been asked to certify a copy of a birth certificate from Idaho. Is that possible?

National Notary Association

19 Nov 2021

Hello. No, CA Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of vital records. The customer would need to contact the records office that issued the original birth certificate to request a certified copy.


25 Oct 2021

Can I notarize original certified copies of a California High School Diploma, Final Transcripts of records of a HS Diploma, Diploma of Associates Degree and the final transcripts of records of Associate Degree?

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2021

Hello. If you are commissioned in California, the answer is no. California Notaries may only certify copies for a power of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or an entry of the Notary’s journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court (GC 8205[b][1]; GC 8206[e]).

Scott J. Miller

21 Sep 2021

The Alaska regulation cited doesn't exist anymore. The Alaska Lt. Governor's Office has published guidance that notaries can follow the example of the document custodian certifying the copy and the notary issuing a jurat certificate for the document custodian.

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2021

Hello. According to the information we have, the Alaska statute in the menu above is still current.

Qiana DuBose

20 Sep 2021

I am located in the state of Michigan and would like to know if I am able to notarize vital records

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2021

Hello. No, Michigan does not authorize its Notaries to certify copies. Please refer to the Michigan section in the drop-down menu located in the article.

Adrianna Miranda

20 Sep 2021

State of California: What if a person comes in with two copies of what they want notarized and they are the exact same thing, he wants his mother to have an original and the bank is requesting an original, can we notarize both or will his Mother need to obtain a certified copy?

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

20 Sep 2021

What is being done to combat the new crime against home owners that are losing there homes to false notary, notarizing false documents and getting new deeds to their houses and kicking the real owners out. Will the states change the rules to have a better way to make sure that the deeds are real?


10 Sep 2021

I work in a Skilled Nursing Facility where families patients and law offices want copies of our medical records. How do I know the exact wording that I need to put with the paper records to show that it is a true and correct copy (should I once I visually inspect it myself? And how do I certify a copy of the medical records if they're putting it on a thumb drive and sending it to the law office. ? (I'm new at this)

National Notary Association

13 Sep 2021

Hello. Different states have different rules regarding certifying copies of documents. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Dewayne Kliewer

29 Aug 2021

I cannot fine my original will that was notarized and witnessed. id do have a copy of that will that was notarized and witnessed. Can I have the copy re-certified as an original by re-signing it and re-notarizing it?

National Notary Association

30 Aug 2021

Hello. That is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.

Sherlyta Kyree Hickson

15 Apr 2021

Are notaries in Arizona able to certify Social security card, birth certificate, and state issued ID?

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2021

Hello. According to the Arizona Notary Public Reference Manual, Notaries may not certify copies of a public record or a publicly recordable document, examples of which include (but are not limited to) marriage and divorce records, birth and death certificates, court records and real property deeds.


25 Mar 2021

I love in Arizona but our family Cemetery plot is in NJ. I have the original Certificate of internment. I am going to bury my brother soon and wonder if I can get a copy notorized as a true copy by an AZ notary?

National Notary Association

06 Apr 2021

Hello. Arizona Notaries may not perform a copy certification if the document in question is a public record or a publicly recordable document.

24 Sep 2020

I have been asked to certify a copy of a high school diploma. The school does not have official diplomas only copies of what the student received when graduating. Can I certify it's a copy of the original?

National Notary Association

30 Sep 2020

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


10 Sep 2020

As a California Notary, do I need to make a journal entry when certifying a copy of a power of attorney? I'm the only "signer", so if so what information would I include there? Thanks!

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


18 Aug 2020

How do I get a copy of a document that has already been notarized in the state of Texas?

National Notary Association

20 Aug 2020

Hello. Notaries do not retain copies of documents they notarize. You would need to contact the person or agency that holds the original notarized document to request a copy.

Theresa M Fajen

09 Jul 2020

I am a New Jersey Notary. Can I certify a copy of an original Revocable Living Trust?

National Notary Association

13 Jul 2020

Hello. No, New Jersey Notaries are not authorized to certify copies.

Mercedes Brown

09 Jun 2020

Iam a Florida Notary and I just notarized a Power of Attorney giving permission to their daughter who is in the deed of the house to be sold in Puerto Rico and they are asking for a court certification seal.I used to go and registered a long time until the changed from the raised seal to the stamp with the commission number.Due to Covid 19 they cannot travel.Please advice.

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


29 May 2020

Hi! I am here in Florida, and I would like to know if I can notarized a separated paper staying that the attached copy of a birth certificate is true copy from the original? Can I use the "Copy Certification by Document Custodian" form? Please, clarify. Thank you!

National Notary Association

29 May 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Jimmy McPeters

06 May 2020

This is a great explanation with one exception; How do you "attach" it to the copy. Do you notarize on the copy or "Attach a separate piece of paper? Attaching one seems it could be removed and attached to something else??


22 Apr 2020

Hello. I live in Chicago, IL and am requested to provide a certified copy of my passport. Now I was told, that notaries in Illinois cannot do that. Could I drive to Wisconsin or Indiana to get that done? Are the notaries from those states allowed to do that? And if they arenˋt, how could I find an alternative? For some reason, I can’t find a good answer online. Thank you for your help.

National Notary Association

23 Apr 2020

Hello. While Wisconsin and Indiana Notaries are authorized to certify copies of documents, please be aware that Notary availability may be limited due to COVID-19 public health orders. Also, some Notaries may not be accepting assignments at this time due to health concerns. We would suggest that you contact a Notary in advance to find out if they are available for an appointment before traveling out of state to seek a notarization.


06 Apr 2020

In the state of Colorado am I able to make a certified copy of a Social Security card? It is not a replacement.

National Notary Association

06 Apr 2020

“A notarial officer shall not certify a copy of a record that can be obtained from any of the following offices in this state: “(i) A clerk and recorder of public documents; “(ii) The secretary of state; “(iii) The state archives; or “(iv) An office of vital records. “(c) A notarial officer shall not certify a copy of a record if the record states on its face that it is illegal to copy the record” (CRS 24-21-505[4][b]).


18 Mar 2020

This bulletin is great for new notaries like me. Every day I feel more confident about my new business as a signing agent after reading these tips. Thank you


10 Mar 2020

I require certified copies of an arrest in Wisconsin but the Sherrif's office state that they do not certify copies. Would a notary be able to certify on their behalf?

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2020

Hello. Wisconsin Notaries may certify copies of documents except vital records such as birth and death certificates. “In certifying or attesting a copy of a document or other item, the notarial officer must determine that the proffered copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of that which was copied” (WS 706.07[2][d]).


04 Mar 2020

Can a notaries public make their own certified copies since technically they aren't signing a document (the Certificate is not the document being signed, it's just the notarial certificate) AND there is no transaction?

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2020

Hello. Each state has its own laws regarding whether Notaries are authorized to certify copies, and what documents may be copy certified. If you can tell us what state you are commissioned in, we will be happy to provide information on your state's rules regarding copy certification.


19 Feb 2020

Hi I am in Arizona. My spouse is active duty military and is currently stationed in a different state. They told me they needed certified copies of my drivers license, BC and social security card. I have originals of all these documents. Is a notary able to certify these documents?

National Notary Association

20 Feb 2020

Hello. Arizona Notaries cannot certify copies of birth certificates. You would need to contact the recording office where the birth certificate originated to request a certified copy from them.

Leslie Taylor

10 Feb 2020

I did not realize I was not allowed to do this. A few months ago a customer presented me with an official copy of the death certificate from Canada. (The document said “certified copy of original death certificate” or something like that). In order to get the pension of the deceased person, they needed a notary to verify the copy. I did it. I am in California. What are the legal implications?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2020

Hello. California does not authorize its Notaries to certify copies of death certificates. You would need to speak to a qualified attorney to answer any questions about potential legal consequences.


04 Feb 2020

I was recently offered a job in Kuwait and they require me to send in a Notarized copy of my driver's license by the secretary of the state in which I reside. My DL is from arkansas but I reside in Maryland. How does one go about getting this done? Thanks in advance.

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2020

Hello. Maryland Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of a driver's license. You may wish to contact an embassy or consulate for Kuwait in your area to request alternate instructions or to ask if a consular officer can perform the necessary notarization for you.

Monique Love

09 Jan 2020

I am a CA notary, and in the alternatives suggested above you suggest the "document custodian" can certify the copy is true and correct, and a notary can notarize the statement. Can elaborate on what is meant by "document custodian"?

National Notary Association

10 Jan 2020

Hello. In this context, the article is referring to the person who has possession of the document in question.


31 Dec 2019

Hello. I was asked to notarize copies of transcripts from another country as copies of originals, I said that I probably will not be able to this but i was not sure and wanted to ask if this was allowed in virginia. Is it allowed if there are some rules? the person asking seemed to think that I should be able to notarize this document.

National Notary Association

02 Jan 2020

Hello. Virginia Notaries may not certify copies of public records, vital records such as birth, death or marriage certificates, or court-issued documents. Also, a Virginia Notary must personally make the copy of the original document and compare the original to the copy in order to certify a copy of a document.

Cindy Wyant

02 Dec 2019

Hello I have to send a certified copy to get a passport with my new name on it (due to marriage) I live in NYS ...would I need to send in the original or can I get a certified copy from a bank etc?

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2019

Hello. While you did not specify what type of document you need copy certified, New York does not authorize its Notaries to certify copies of documents.

Eva Martini

11 Nov 2019

I need a foreign death certificate with an apostille certified. Can my bank do this

National Notary Association

12 Nov 2019

Hello. Apostilles are normally issued by a state agency such as the Secretary of State's office, not by banks. Please see here for more information:

Margarida Silva

11 Oct 2019

I'm currently gathering paperwork for my green card. USCIS requires to send copies of said documents to schedule an appointment but at the interview they require me to show all the originals. My interview is in Europe and I don't want to ask my mother for her original Certificate of Naturalization as I thing it's too much responsibility and I don't know if that is also illegal, but they ask for a citizenship proof to be sent and latter presented. Can a Connecticut notary certify a copy of the original for me to present at the interview?

National Notary Association

14 Oct 2019

Hello. We apologize, but you would need to contact USCIS or a qualified immigration attorney to request instructions how to proceed with this situation.


30 Sep 2019

Does anyone know where I can get a dual certified copy stamp/


05 Sep 2019

I mistakenly certified a copy of birth as a new notary in a state that does not authorize it. What could the potential consequences be?

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2019

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you tell us what state it was?


03 Sep 2019

I have a Pennsylvania birth and death certificate and Florida court (West Palm Beach) is asking for the certified true copies to be filed with the Florida Court. Can I make those copies and certified them to file?

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2019

Hello. If you are commissioned in Florida, the answer is no. Florida Notaries may not certify copies of vital records from any U.S. state (FS 117.05[12][a]).


12 Jun 2019

I was asked to notarize a copy of a marriage certificate - I'm in MA and the marriage certificate is from MA. Could I do this?

National Notary Association

14 Jun 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


12 Jun 2019

I was asked to notarize a copy of a marriage certificate - I'm in MA and the marriage certificate is from MA. Could I do this?

National Notary Association

12 Jun 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Attestation On Time

26 Mar 2019

very informative article, depicted in a brief way. laying out those alternative options is very useful, I hope this solves queries of many people related to Document Certification. Thank you.

wendy garcia

07 Mar 2019

I been asked several times if i can sign papers of a marrige were they sign all paperwork and i just notorize it can i do that?? Ive always refered them to the city hall were they peform marriges im located in dallas,tx

National Notary Association

07 Mar 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Attestation On Time

25 Feb 2019

Thank you, the article really makes sense on the importance of certified copy of a document. I have learned many things and tips are very useful for me.

Freeda e.

17 Feb 2019

I went to my bank to have my name removed from a joint account. We signed the forms, recieved a copy, and told it was effective immediately. My name was removed from the joint account. Days later, a letter from the bank stated the forms had to be notarized in order to take effect. The bank person never even told us that. I did receive copies of the forms. Can i stil get the signed forms notarized?

National Notary Association

20 Feb 2019

Hello. You would need to contact the bank to ask if they will accept the notarized documents or not.

Simone Thompson

06 Jan 2019

I'm in Texas and need to get certified copies of my birth certificate, diverse papers from 1st. marriage etc. can a notary do this ?

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2019

Hello. No, Texas Notaries cannot certify copies of publicly recordable documents such as a birth certificate.


11 Dec 2018

I need a certifief document from a police station in Utah. (For Citizenship purposes) But the police station claims they dont certify or notorize documents. What else can I do?

National Notary Association

13 Dec 2018

Hello. Can you please tell us what type of document do you need certified?


19 Oct 2018

My husband is in the Airforce, currently stationed in Florida. He needs a certified copy of my ID/Drivers License. I live in Texas. What would be the best course of action to get his accomplished?

National Notary Association

19 Oct 2018

Hello. Texas Notaries may make a certified copy of a non-recordable document. A non-recordable document is one that cannot be recorded with any type of governmental entity.

Missie Aulls

17 Sep 2018

I work for a company that is made up mostly of employees from India. Many of them approach met regarding certifying copies of their documents so that they can apply for OIC cards. We have discovered an Affidavit in Lieu of Originals form. The requestor will complete the form along with the list of documents. I am doing is notarizing the employees signature, correct?

National Notary Association

17 Sep 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


07 Aug 2018

Hello, I am in the state of Kentucky. Can a Kentucky Notary notarize a power of attorney/attorney in fact(s) paper?

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2018

Hello. Are you referring to notarizing a signature on a document granting power of attorney, or notarizing the signature of a person acting as attorney in fact to sign on another individual's behalf?

Lynette Torgler

30 Jul 2018

My husband is incarcerated. We are in the state of California. He needs me to send him his birth certificate, social security card and high school diploma. I have all the original documents. We don’t want to send the originals because we may not get them back etc. Can I take them to a notary? I have power of attorney.

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2018

Hello. Unfortunately, California Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of the documents you listed. For the birth certificate and high school diploma, you would need to contact the recording office and school that issued the originals to request certified copies.

Jeffrey Baez Torres

24 Jul 2018

I need to get a ceritified copy, of a case. It was to correct a birth certificate. Can a notary certify a copy of the original petition?

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2018

Hello. It depends on state law. What state are you located in, please?

Brenda Sankey

09 May 2018

Hello, I'm in Oregon. Can I notarize a certified copy of a Naturalization certificate?

National Notary Association

10 May 2018

Hello. The signer will need to contact USCIS directly to request a Certified True Copy of the naturalization certificate from them. The following USCIS page has instructions for requesting a Certified True Copy:

Yumi Z

16 Apr 2018

I'm a notary in the State of AZ. One of my company executives was requested to provide “Original or certified copy of a utility bill confirming your domicile address“. Unfortunately, all of his utility accounts are paperless. So, I was requested to Certify the printout of Utility bill from his online account (in this case his AT&T bill). As most of businesses who usually issue bills or statements have been suggesting to go with paperless, I think these types of Certified Copy might increase. Anyway, I would like to know if I can certify the printout, also HOW to do it and I would greatly appreciate if you could share any SAMPLE Notary block to use. I hope you can help me!

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2018

Hello. According to the Arizona Notary Reference Manual issued by the state, page 29, ( in order to certify a copy of a document, "The notary must have access to a copy machine and cannot use a photocopy provided by the requestor." Based on this information, it appears that as an Arizona Notary you may not certify a printout of a utility bill printed from an electronic file, because as the Notary you did not make the copy.

Karl Bruss

02 Apr 2018

I am in Texas. Can a notary verify my diploma for a consulate? Do they notarize the original or a copy, if so?

National Notary Association

02 Apr 2018

Hello. Texas Notaries may only certify copies of non-recordable documents. If the diploma is recorded with a specific governmental entity or is potentially recordable with such an agency, then a Texas Notary cannot notarize it. We would suggest first contacting the school that issued your diploma to find out if they can issue you a certified copy.

Michael Shine

30 Mar 2018

I have a lot of Statement i preaented to multiple Branches wuth no outcome. So i will try this out Thank You

02 Mar 2018

Hello, As notary in Washington, DC can I notarize a copy of a degree as a “copy certification by document custodian” if the holder writes a statement saying they verify its a true copy and I in turn notarize the signature?

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2018

Hello. Yes, a DC Notary may notarize a signature on a statement regarding a copy of another document. However, you are not authorized to directly certify copies yourself.


15 Feb 2018

I am in Maryland. I am in the process of obtaining an apostille for two documents. One of those documents is my father's financial POA originally signed and notarized in Maryland in 2011. My parents do not have an original of that POA, or of their wills for that matter. I have reached out to the attorney, but if I am unable to get in contact with her, is a Maryland notary able to notarize a copy so I can take that to the Clerk of Circuit Court to be certified as the next step in the apostille process? Of course, the Clerk of Circuit Court will not certify a copy. Thank you for any help.

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2018

Hello. Maryland Notaries may not certify copies of any documents except entries from their Notary journals.


08 Feb 2018

Hi, my bank in Missouri recently notarized a copy of my birth certificate (to send along with a passport application) and added a statement regarding it being an exact facsimile of a reproduced document. When my husband took his birth certificate to be copied and notarized by another notary for his passport application, he was turned away. Can you explain the difference?

National Notary Association

08 Feb 2018

Hello. Missouri Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of birth certificates. From the Missouri Notary Handbook: "Birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, divorce decrees and school documents (diplomas, transcripts) cannot be certified. Certified copies of these documents should be obtained from the issuing agency.”

Mike C.

29 Jan 2018

A caveat for Pennsylvania notaries, under the the proposed RULONA regulations, which the laws are in force as of October 2017: � 167.65. Certified or attested copies and depositions (a) ...(f) Records for which a notary may not issue a certified copy include: (1) Vital Records (birth and death certificates) (2) U.S. Naturalization Certificates (3) Any government-issued record which on its face states “do not copy,” “illegal to copy” or words of similar meaning (4) Any record which is prohibited by law to copy or certify This certainly defines the responsibility of the presenting person (customer) to the Notary for documents that are allowed to be certified in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under notarial commission. The regulations do define acceptable documents, including passports, that are allowed. I am not an attorney, but have been advised to NOT certify these specified documents in PA.


14 Jan 2018

I need a certified copy of my driver's license and ss card for but no notary will help or even know how in Columbus ga. I need help for my PTIN

National Notary Association

16 Jan 2018

Hello. Georgia Notaries may make certified copies “provided that the document presented for copying is an original document and is neither a public record nor a publicly recorded document certified copies of which are available from an official source other than a notary and providedthat the document was photocopied under supervision of the notary” (OCGA 45-17-8[a][6]). According to the Georgia Notary Public Handbook published by the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority, Georgia Notaries may certify a copy of a Social Security card.

Erma Moreno

27 Nov 2017

Question: California, can I notarize a copy of a foreign High School diploma or a statement from the custodian that is attesting to the accuracy of the copy

National Notary Association

28 Nov 2017

Hello. CA Notaries may not certify copies of diplomas. If asked by the signer, you may notarize the signer's signature on a statement attesting to the copy's accuracy, but Notaries should not suggest this procedure to signers, as making the suggestion may be considered improper legal advice.

timothy chadrick

03 Nov 2017

how much are notaries allowed to charge for certified copies?

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2017

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


01 Nov 2017

I need to get me State ID in Texas. My mother recently passed away and paper work got lost. I turned 18 and do not have an original or cerfitied copy of my birth certificate. However, I do in fact have a copy of my birth certificate ( not certified). Is it possible to have a notary stamp and sign it in order for it to become certified, and use it to get my State ID?

National Notary Association

02 Nov 2017

Hello. No, Texas Notaries are not permitted to certify copies of publicly recordable documents such as birth certificates.


12 Oct 2017

Hello, For employment visa purposes, I was asked to mail a notarised copy of my passport. They suggest it is done by a federal government agency, but I cant find such a thing. Does this exist (in California)? If so, does a certified copy emitted by a public notary holds the same value?

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2017

Hello. California Notaries may not certify copies of passports. We would recommend contacting the agency requesting the copy certification to ask what specific alternatives they will accept to a Notary certifying the copy.


29 Sep 2017

How do I get a certified copy of my mother's birthday certificate from Mexico it has already been translated to English.

National Notary Association

03 Oct 2017

Hello. You would need to contact the office that issued the original certificate. Alternately, you may want to contact a local Mexican embassy or consulate to ask if they can assist you.


21 Sep 2017

Can a California notary notarize a copy of a college diploma? If not, where should the owner of the diploma be referred to?

National Notary Association

21 Sep 2017

No, California Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of diplomas. The person should contact the school that issued the diploma to request a certified copy.


14 Sep 2017

hello so i am trying to replace my social security card because i lost it and they say i need to certified copy of my drivers license and birth certificate how do i get that

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2017

Hello Alyssa. Different states have different rules regarding Notaries certifying copies of documents. What state are you located in?


02 Sep 2017

Hi, I have a question. I need to get my high school diploma notorized . I live in Louisiana and my diploma from New Jersey. Can I get notorized in Louisiana? It's for a job in china

National Notary Association

05 Sep 2017

Hello. If you hold the original diploma document, Louisiana Notaries are authorized to certify copies of original documents ( (RS 35:2[C]). However, if the school holds the original and only issues certified copies, you would need to contact the school to request a certified copy from them.


03 Aug 2017

My son born in a military hospital overseas and has Consular Report of Birth Abroad (Birth Certificate). what I to is, can have a copy of this document certified in the state of Massachusets? His father lost the original and DMV wants a certified copy in order for my son to get is license.

National Notary Association

03 Aug 2017

“A notary should not certify a copy of a birth or death certificate since cities and towns have their own procedures for certifying birth and death certificates. Refer the person instead to the state Bureau of Vital Statistics or county clerk’s office in the county where the birth occurred. For foreign birth certificates, refer the person to the consulate of the country of origin” (Governor’s website, “Notary Public Frequently Asked Questions”).


25 Jul 2017

Hi, in order to get a mobile food permit in the county where we live in Texas, we have to provide a certified copy of the corporate resolution authorizing the corporation to file an application pursuant to these rules and designating the officer authorized to execute the application". My husband and I are the officers of the corporation. So does this mean we have to create a resolution that authorizes us to submit an application and then get it notarized? It seems like a redundant exercise.

National Notary Association

25 Jul 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but that's a question we can't answer. You would need to speak with an attorney familiar with Texas business law to answer any questions regarding preparing legal documents for your corporation.


19 Jul 2017

If I am living outside of the U.S. can I have a friend or family member (FL) take my original college diploma to a notary to have a copy made and notarized? In other words does the owner of a document (diploma) have to be physically present in order for a notarized copy to be made?

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2017

Hello. The Notary would have to make the copy of the diploma being certified. State law does not specify that the owner must be the person making the request: “A notary public may supervise the making of a photocopy of an original document and attest to the trueness of the copy, provided the document is neither a vital record in this state, another state, a territory of the United States, or another country, nor a public record, if a copy can be made by the custodian of the public record” (FS 117.05[12][a]).


19 Jul 2017

Odd question - many of us get our utility statements online and we don't get a paper copy in the mail anymore. Some Nevada entities require a certified copy of the bills to show residency, so is there a way to print out the webpage with all of the information and certify that it's a copy? I've been a notary for what seems like an eternity and never been asked this before. Thanks in advance for any help.

National Notary Association

03 Aug 2017

Hello. The following is from the Nevada Secretary of State's website ( Must I see the original document when notarizing a certified copy? No, the law allows you to certify to a document presented to you. The notarial wording used to certify a copy does not indicate that you are certifying to an original document.


18 Jul 2017

Hello, I have a few questions: (1) Can a California notary notarize a copy certification of document custodian's US green card? Thus, the document custodian swears/affirms that a copy of the US green card is a true copy, and the notary certifies the signature of the document custodian using a Jurat form. Is my understanding correct that this is allowed? (2) Does the document custodian have to be the owner of the green card or can it be anyone who possesses the green card? Thank you.

National Notary Association

18 Jul 2017

Hello. We contacted our Hotline team to help answer your question and here is what they said: 1. Yes, but the signer would have to request this and has to tell the Notary whether or not an acknowledgment or jurat is needed. 2. The law doesn’t stipulate, since the Notary isn’t responsible for determining who the custodian is.

david a. ellenbrook

04 Jul 2017

My divorce degree states it is "A True Copy Attest" signed by the clerk and Master. Is this the same as a notarized copy in New York state? Thanks

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but we were unable to locate a reference to the act and positions you described in MA Notary statutes. You may wish to contact the office that issued the divorce decree or an attorney to see if they can answer your question.


29 Jun 2017

Hello: I am applying for a professional License in the UK. They had asked I get a certified copy of passport, license, diploma, professional license. Does the State of CT certify copies of documents previously mentioned?

National Notary Association

29 Jun 2017

Hello. Notaries in Connecticut may certify copies of documents, provided the document is not a vital record such as a birth, death or marriage certificate, a document that is required to be recorded by a state employee or a federal document that is prohibited from being copied by federal law. (CGS 3-94a[2])


01 Jun 2017

I am looking to obtain a marriage license in new York state. I was born in Canada and only have a certified copy of my long form birth certificate. The marriage license requires a "raised seal" on the birth certificate which I have not been able to successfully obtain from the Canadian offices. How do I get a notorized copy of my birth certificate?

National Notary Association

02 Jun 2017

Hello. New York does not authorize Notaries to certify copies of documents.

Fareeda Rigard

31 May 2017

My sister has an older POA copy that my sister came down and had mom sign unbeknowing to us....and then we had mom update her POA about a year later...thought it would be best since my sister was out of state and my mom agreed...Now my mom in home and mt sister is bring back out her old POA documents so she can have is also married ..Should I get my copy certified?

National Notary Association

31 May 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but that's a legal question we can't advise you on. You would need to speak to an attorney about any issues regarding the validity of POA documents held by you or your sister.


30 May 2017

Can a notary in the state of Tennessee certify a copy of a birth certificate?

National Notary Association

30 May 2017

Hello. No, TN Notaries are not authorized to certify copies.

Carina Askins

08 May 2017

My husband's work has asked for dependent information for insurance purposes. They want birth certificates and marriage license. Do you know if it's ok to give them copies of everything or will I need to get certified copies? The birth certificates are from AL, MI, Puerto Rico. The marriage license is from AL.

National Notary Association

09 May 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but we can't answer those questions. You would need to contact the company to ask them whether they will accept copies or not.


01 May 2017

I got guardianship of my cousin. I got a copy of my papers via email to replace the original. Do i have to go to the county i got guardianship or can i get it notarized in the county i live in. I live in Indiana.

National Notary Association

04 May 2017

Hello. You should contact the agency that issue or that will receive the documents to ask if there are any special notarization instructions.

Abraham P

25 Apr 2017

I have a copy of an official diploma and im trying to get the dmv to accept ut but they it isnt certified is that true or do they just not know what they are talking about

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2017

Hello. We don't have enough information to tell you if the copy is certified or not. However, you may wish to contact the school that issued your diploma and ask if they can provide you with an official certified copy if needed.


20 Apr 2017

I'm in Ohio. A bank in the UK is asking for certified copies of 3 ids, but they won't accept the notarized statement saying that I copied them and they're true, etc. They keep insisting that I need a lawyer to verify them, but as far as I can tell, lawyers in Ohio don't do that. So I told them I'd get the id issuers to verify the documents, and was told no on that too. They want a lawyer to sign each copy. Any ideas?

National Notary Association

20 Apr 2017

Hi Jessica. One possible reason for the confusion is that Notaries in some other countries have training and duty similar to attorneys in the U.S. These "civil law" Notaries can often perform duties U.S. Notaries cannot. If there is an embassy or consulate of the United Kingdom near you, you could ask the bank if they will accept a certification from a consular officer. Officers at embassies and consulates can sometimes notarize documents going to the consulate's home country.

Beverly Mclemore

03 Apr 2017

I signed a document and had it notarized and the attorney did not file that document (she deceived me to protect a family friend son ) my ex I have moved and can't find the document she is denying such documents is their any thing I can do to make her come up with said documents?

National Notary Association

04 Apr 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but this isn't a notarial question we can help you with. If you believe you are a victim of misconduct by an attorney, you may wish to file a complaint with the state bar.


22 Feb 2017

I was told to get copies of my driver's license and social security card notarized and that the words "Notarized Copy of Original" must be present along with the Notary's stamp and signature. I'm in New York. Is that possible?and if so where can I go? And if not what should I do as this is for a job? Thanks

Claudia Merino

06 Feb 2017

Hello - I'm in the state of VA and i've been asked to notarized a copy of a birth certificate from Argentina as "a true copy of the original". They have the original document, and actually the State Department suggested that they get their birth certificate notarized as a true copy of the original in order to get it certified by the Secretary of State of VA. Please advise. Thanks.

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2017

Hello Claudia. The state-issued "Handbook for Notaries Public" says on page 10 that Virginia Notaries may not certify copies of birth certificates. You can view the Handbook here:

Miriam Carpenter

21 Jan 2017

Can a notary certify a copy of a will?

National Notary Association

24 Jan 2017

Hello Miriam. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Ana Serpa

18 Jan 2017

My parents lost their naturalization papers and it costs $555 if not more for each to apply for a copy in original form. My parents are elderly and dad only gets SSI but its barely anything. They can not afford this. Now I do have copies of both their citizenship naturalization papers and wondered if there's any way I can get this notarized or some way that this copy is legit. Please please help me

National Notary Association

18 Jan 2017

Hello Ana. To help us answer your question can you tell us what state you are located in, please?

Ken Gable

06 Jan 2017

I have a friend who's husband passed away, but now cannot find the original will. She has a copy signed by the attorney. The advice given her by the attorney was that if she could not find the original, that she could lose half of estate. We live in the state of Pennsylvania. The is the same attorney who is the attorney of record that did the will. I am having trouble believing that statement. Any comments would be helpful!

National Notary Association

09 Jan 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but that's a legal question we can't answer. If you need a second opinion on your situation, you would have to contact another qualified attorney to answer any questions.


22 Dec 2016

I need documents certified for a foreign citizenship. These include my birth certificate, mother's death certificate, my marriage license, etc. I live in NYS. Can a notary certify these if I also bring the originals with me?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2016

Hello. No, New York Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of vital records.

Mauricio Ramos

22 Dec 2016

I have a question. I am in California by the way. I had a client who went to the secretary of the state office looking to get her birth certificate appostilled as a requirement for a visa application (Argentina). the sec of state office then told her and provided her with a copy of the certificate (California copy certification by document custodian) and instructed her to get this form notarized. is this correct for a notary to do?

National Notary Association

23 Dec 2016

Hello. CA Notaries may use a jurat to notarize a signer's sworn or affirmed statement if requested. If this is the notarial act the signer and Secretary of State's office have instructed you to perform, you may want to make a note of this in your journal entry so that there is a record of where you received the instructions from.


19 Dec 2016

What if a a copy certification by document custodian is not acceptable. I live in NYS and need a copy of my US passport certified. Obviously, I cannot get a duplicate passport. Is there anyone in NYS who can certify photocopies?

National Notary Association

19 Dec 2016

Hello Lynn. You may want to contact the agency requesting the certified copy and ask them what alternate certification options they will accept from New York state other than Notaries.


16 Dec 2016

Hi there! I'm a notary in California. My boss needs to have copies of his aircraft log book notarized to send back to South Africa. How would I word the acknowledgement for the copies?

National Notary Association

16 Dec 2016

Hello. Notaries in California are not permitted to certify copies of documents except for copies of powers of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]; Probate Code 4307[b][2]) or copies of entries in the Notary’s own journal if ordered by the Secretary of State (GC8205[b][1]) or by a court (GC 8206[e]).


13 Dec 2016

I live in Indiana and need a certified copy of my marriage license to renew my passport,can a notary do this for me?

National Notary Association

14 Dec 2016

Hi Robin. No, Indiana Notaries are not allowed to certify copies of official records or documents.

Patricia Hucks

13 Dec 2016

What steps does my mother need to take to get a certified copy of her drivers license or a notarized copy in NJ? The notary at her bank said the county courthouse. She's old I'm not there to help, is there an online option?

National Notary Association

14 Dec 2016

Hi Patricia. New Jersey Notaries are not authorized to certify copies. Your mother may wish to contact the state motor vehicle department in New Jersey to see if they can provide alternate suggestions.


13 Dec 2016

I have been asked to notarize a copy of a parents Canadian birth certificate to be used to solicit dual citizenship for their child. I cannot perform this act, but where would someone obtain this type of service?

National Notary Association

14 Dec 2016

Hi Catherine. The signers may want to contact a local Canadian consulate or embassy to ask if a consular officer can certify a copy.


12 Dec 2016

Who can issue certified copies in NYC?

National Notary Association

12 Dec 2016

Hello. Notaries are not authorized to certify copies in New York.


30 Nov 2016

I nee a certifited copy of my marriage licence. I live in PA but was married in NC. I have the original that was issued. Can I take the original and photo copy to a notary to have it certified?

National Notary Association

30 Nov 2016

Hello. No, Pennsylvania does not permit its Notaries to certify copies of marriage records. You would need to contact the office in North Carolina and ask them to send you a certified copy.


19 Nov 2016

Can a Virginia notary certify a copy of a notarized power of attorney that was signed in Maryland. The son has power of attorney over his fathers affairs including selling a house, but there is only one copy of the power of attorney and the son needs several copies or by default certified copies of the original.

National Notary aSsociation

21 Nov 2016

Hello. Virginia Notaries may certify true copies of any document except a document in the custody of a court, vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates, or court-issued documents.

Gayle Thompson

16 Nov 2016

Does Washington, D.C. authorize notaries to certify copies they have notarized?

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2016

Hello. The District of Columbia “Notary Public Handbook” states Notaries “do not have authority to certify a public record, a publicly recorded document, a school record or diploma, or a professional license. This would include birth, death and marriage certificates and certificates of good standing.”


14 Nov 2016

I have been asked to notarize a copy of a foreign passport but I am in NJ which I do not believe is allowed. Can a notarize a document that the person signs attesting that it is a copy of the original document without notarizing the copy itself? Is there an option for me as a notary to assist?

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2016

Yes, if the signer drafts a statement attesting that the document is a true and accurate photocopy of the original instrument and signs that statement, the Notary may notarize the signer’s signature on that statement. However, the Notary may not advise the signer as to how to draft the statement or what type of notarization is needed. In addition, the signer may want to check with the receiving agency to confirm if they will accept this procedure or provide other options.

Sarah poeling

13 Nov 2016

I have a copy of my birth certificate I got from my school and I tried to get my Social with it but they sent it back. What's wrong? What do I do?! I need help!

National Notary Association

14 Nov 2016

Hi Sarah. You will need to contact the agency you submitted the document to and ask them why they rejected it. If the document you submitted was not acceptable to them, you can ask what alternative documentation they will accept and request instructions how to submit it.


09 Nov 2016

I am a DC notary and our client needs to produce and original of her prenuptial agreement (which she cannot locate). Alternatively, she can provide an affidavit that states the photocopy in her possession is a true representation of the copy. Is this an affidavit I am able to notarize?

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2016

Hello. The District of Columbia “Notary Public Handbook” states Notaries “do not have authority to certify a public record, a publicly recorded document, a school record or diploma, or a professional license. This would include birth, death and marriage certificates and certificates of good standing”


09 Nov 2016

I am a DC notary and our client needs to produce and original of her prenuptial agreement (which she cannot locate). Alternatively, she can provide an affidavit that states the photocopy in her possession is a true representation of the copy. Is this an affidavit I am able to notarize?

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2016

Hello. The District of Columbia “Notary Public Handbook” states Notaries “do not have authority to certify a public record, a publicly recorded document, a school record or diploma, or a professional license. This would include birth, death and marriage certificates and certificates of good standing” (NPH). If the document in question falls into any of these categories, you may not certify a copy of it.


03 Nov 2016

Hi, I have a question regarding a power of attorney document. Im trying to get a copy of my sister´s birth certificate from Illinois, and I was told I need a general power of attorney. My sister is in Mexico therefore if she gets a general power of attorney will be from Mexico. How do I go about that? Does she need to go to a specific notary? Do I have to get it certified in the US by a notary?

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2016

Hello Manny. The questions you are asking would depend on the requirements of the recording office you are submitting the request to. We would recommend contacting the recording office that holds your sister's birth certificate in Illinois again to ask them if they have any special instructions regarding the power of attorney if it originates from another country.


20 Oct 2016

Hello, I have been asked to perform a notary to verify a death certificate for the deceased person's daughter. She needs a notarized statement saying she is in fact deceased and confirm with a copy of the death certificate. How can I go about this notarization safely? I am in the state of California. Thank you.

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2016

Hello Ashley. The signer would need to contact the agency that will receive the notarized documents for instructions as to what type of notarization is required for her statement. Please be aware that in California, Notaries may not certify copies of vital records such as death certificates. The signer would have to contact the recording office that holds the original death certificate to request a certified copy from them if she requires a certified copy.


20 Oct 2016

I live in Arizona and need a notarized copy of my German passport. When i had the passport renewed a few months ago, i went to my bank and the notary public notarized the copy without any problems. I went there today to have another copy notarized and the notary told me he could not do it and that all the times they have done so before , was wrong. How can i obtain a notarized copy of my passport?

National Notary Association

25 Oct 2016

Hello Petra. A German embassy or consular official may be able to notarize your passport for you. You may wish to contact a consulate or embassy in your area to find out if they can assist you.


18 Oct 2016

Thank you for the reply. What is the proper way of providing a certified copy in Texas? Must I have every page certified by another party, if so what party, or can I have someone notarize my statement that it is a true and correct copy? Thanks again.

National Notary Association

19 Oct 2016

Hello. When providing a certified copy of a journal entry in Texas, it is the Notary who certifies the copy and attaches a completed "Certified Copy of Notarial Record" certificate. A Notary may charge 50 cents per page for providing a copy of a record or paper kept in the Notary's office. (GC 406.024[a]) From the TX Secretary of State's website FAQ: "Can I get a copy of a notary’s record book? Yes. The entries in a notary’s record book are public information and a notary is required to provide a certified copy of the record book to any person who requests, and pays the fees for, the copies. Tex. Gov’t Code §406.014(b), (c). Although not required, the secretary of state suggests that you make all requests in writing, by sending a certified letter to the notary’s official address on file with this Office. Making your request in this manner provides evidence of the request. Should a notary fail to respond or provide copies, you may file a complaint with this Office and include the evidence of the request as supporting documentation."


17 Oct 2016

I am a notary in New York City (the Bronx to be exact) and a student may need to have his transcript/diploma notarized as part of a Apostille Authentication Request for Brazil. What would be the procedure for this? I believe i would have to draft a letter for the College Registrar to sign regarding the copy and notarize their signature. Please advise. Thanks!

National Notary Association

17 Oct 2016

Hello. New York Notaries are not permitted to certify copies or authenticate documents filed with consular offices.


17 Oct 2016

A couple more questions: First, I noticed in an entry above, you stated in general, if the "public" requested a copy of your notary book that you could cover all entries other than what they wanted specifically. An attorney has asked for a copy of my notary book in Texas dating back to 2010, including entries for a specific person. What is the best procedure for providing what they are really after, yet protecting information for all other entries? Also, my understanding is that I only have to keep records for 3 years in TX. This particular notary book begins in November 2012. The info they want is 2015 & 2016. It is my understanding that records in this book should suffice by Texas state law. With these dates in mind, this goes back to the first question on whether I can block info on other entries to protect that information which covers a lot of entries up to the 2015 date on info they are really after. If so, then I assume I can only provide "certified" copies of those pages with the information reflected that they want....???

National Notary Association

17 Oct 2016

Hello. A Texas Notary must retain journal records for the term of commission in which the notarization occurred OR for three years following the date of notarization, whichever is longer. (1 TAC 87.44). Regarding your question about what information the attorney is requesting, if the attorney is requesting information only on entries related to a specific individual, then only copies of entries related to that individual should be provided. If the attorney is requesting copies of an entire Notary journal-including entries not directly related to the specific individual in question, we would recommend contacting the Texas Secretary of State's office at 1-512-463-5705 for their recommendation whether or not it is acceptable for you to comply with such a request.


17 Oct 2016

I am a notary in Texas and have been asked to provide a certified copy of my notary book. Who should I go to in order to have the copy certified? Thank you.

Jesse Rosario

16 Oct 2016

Can a notary in Florida make a certified copy of court document (official court papers showing name change for non-marriage reasons) from a court in Alabama?

National Notary Association

17 Oct 2016

Hello. Florida Notaries may not certify copies of vital or public records. According to the Governor's Reference Manual for Notaries, this includes documents filed in a court proceeding or recorded by a clerk of the court. If the documents in question fall under either of those categories a FL Notary may not certify copies of said documents.


03 Oct 2016

I need notarized copies of my German passport, US Greencard, German Birth certificate for a dual citizenship application. I read that notary publics in Maryland are not allowed to certify photo copies....where do I go to get photocopies of these documents certified?

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2016

Hello. Consular and embassy officials are sometimes able to notarize documents related to their home countries. You may wish to contact a nearby German consulate or embassy and ask if they can assist you.

Akasha Cowdin

23 Sep 2016

I am in Oregon and have been asked to notarize a copy (that I made) of a passport from Ireland. I know the party. Is this allowed?

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2016

Hello. Yes, provided that the document is not a public record and certified copies are not available from an official source such as the agency that issued the passport. Check to confirm that the passport does not have a ‘Do Not Copy’ warning on it.

Kathy Inguaggiato

22 Sep 2016

Hi, I need to have a certified/notarized copy of my New Jersey driver's license for dual citizenship for Ireland. Is there particular language that should be included in the New Jersey Copy Certification by Document Custodian Affidavit? ty

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but New Jersey Notaries are not authorized to certify copies. You will need to find an alternate source for a certified copy.


20 Sep 2016

I live in a state (New Jersey) that does not allow notaries to certify documents. How else can I get documents certified?

National Notary Association

20 Sep 2016

Hello. It depends on the type of document you need certified. Certified copies of vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates can be obtained from the recording office that holds the original. Certified copies of academic records can normally be obtained from the school. If you need other types of documents copy certified, you may wish to contact an attorney or the agency that has requested the certified copies to find out what alternatives to a Notary certifying the copies is acceptable.

Sam Schwartz

20 Sep 2016

I need certified copies of a POA. We have the original and the copies. Can we get these copies certified in Washington DC ? If so, how ?

National Notary Association

20 Sep 2016

Hello. Notaries in the District of Columbia are not authorized to certify copies of documents. You may wish to consult an attorney to ask if there are other options available for certifying your documents.


28 Aug 2016

Hi, Can a NJ notary public notarized a certified true copy of court a dismissal order from the Philippines? Thank you

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2016

Hello. No, NJ Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of documents.


25 Aug 2016

I have received a request for copies if all my notary lig books feom 2004 to present from an Estate Joint Executrix. How long do I have to respibd? It is a delicate matter as it involves family. Also, can Icover any identifing numbers for IDs that were listed prior to 2010? Thanks for your help.

National Notary Association

25 Aug 2016

Hello. In order for us to answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are writing from? As a general rule with copies of journal entries when requested by the public, any entries not related to the request should be covered or otherwise concealed to protect the privacy of other signers.

Tim Ingvaldson

18 Aug 2016

I have a fairly unique situation and was hoping you could provide some insight. I live in Minnesota and am trying to get my hours verified to take a state test; however the individual that needs to verify these hours is now deceased. I was wondering how I should sign the verification form. Should I sign my name where his should be or leave it blank? In either case I plan to provide a notary certified affidavit explaining the situation and why this individual was unable to personally sign the form.

National Notary Association

18 Aug 2016

Hello, Tim. Unfortunately, we can't advise you regarding how the document should be signed. We suggest contacting the agency that is conducting the test and asking them how they would like you to proceed. If they request a notarized statement from you, be sure to ask if they have any specific instructions regarding the notarization.


15 Aug 2016

I applied for 3 my sons a passportes i send them all original documents seem they lost them .so they sent me again they need original or certify copy .birth certf and citizen certfc ... What to do??

National Notary Association

17 Aug 2016

Hello. You may wish to contact the recording office that holds the original birth certificates to ask if they can issue you certified copies.

David Stitch

18 Jul 2016

I live in Ohio and need a certified copy of my daughter's birth certificate for child support. How would I go about obtaining one?

National Notary Association

20 Jul 2016

Hello. You can contact the records office that holds the original birth certificate and request a certified copy from them.

Etelvina Romo

17 Jul 2016

Can I notarize copies of billing payments?

National Notary Association

20 Jul 2016

Hello. Can you please tell us what type of notarization you are being asked to do, and if there are signatures and a written statement on these documents?

Marissa Parisi

07 Jul 2016

my wallet was stolen, had my ss card license and insurance card in it. basically everything i need to get a new license. I have my birth certificate and a bank statement but that leaves me one point short, which i have a paper copy of my insurance card if i get that notarized will that be able to count towards my 6 points? Marissa -NJ

National Notary Association

08 Jul 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but we're not clear what you are referring to when you mention "points." If you have a question regarding the criteria to get a new driver's license, you'll need to contact your state motor vehicle department for information.

Beatrice Kushnerl

05 Jul 2016

Hello I'm a Florida resident. May can my bank notary certify a copy of my deceased ex husband wil to send to the life insurance company?l

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2016

Hello. For any questions regarding submitting a copy of a will and testament to a life insurance firm you should contact the life insurance company or an attorney for instructions.


04 Jul 2016

I live in TX and I need to get a copy of my SS card in order for a professional certification. However, the SSA needs to have an original or certified copy of a US Passport of Drivers License. Obviously, I am not comfortable with mailing in my original passport or ID, and I work full time and so I can't go to the local office. I have been trying to find out if a TX notary can make a certified copy of either of these documents, but no such luck. Do you know if they are able to make certified copies of IDs or passports in Texas? I know that they can't for vital records recorded by the government such as birth certificates, this is done by those local agencies, but since I don't see way to get a certified copy except for the notary, I would assume that you could, unless I am missing something. Thanks for your help!

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2016

Hello. Texas Notaries may not certify copies of passports.


14 Jun 2016

I'm in FLorida - someone is requesting notary of a printed document (verification of employment). Request that the printed document from the computer be notarized - there is no place for notary certificate/signatures ect. Can this be done??

National Notary Association

14 Jun 2016

Hello. In order to notarize the document, it would have to include either preprinted notarial certificate wording or a certificate with the appropriate wording would have to be completed and attached by the Notary.

Florin Dragomir

12 Jun 2016

I live in Romania and work for Holland America Line (cruise line) based in Seattle, WA. My bank in Romania is asking for my employment documents (employment letters, assignment letters, statement of earnings, employment validation letter) to obtain Apostille. These documents are signed and stamped by Human Resource department in Holland America Line's Seattle office. How can I obtain Apostille for these documents? Thank you

National Notary Association

14 Jun 2016

Hello. In Washington state, the Secretary of State's office handles requests for apostilles for documents sent abroad. Information on obtaining an apostille can be found here:

Vikas Bhu

29 May 2016

My wife and I are living in Australia. My wife lost her SSN number and needs to apply for SSN card replacement on our US address. We need "Documents Certified by custodian of the original record", document can be US passport. We don't know where to go for this kind of Document certification in Melbourne Australia. is it possible to get this kind of notarization from US Consulate in Melbourne Australia? Thanks.

National Notary Association

31 May 2016

Hello. Consular officers can sometimes perform notarial services for documents sent between the consulate's home country and another nation. You may wish to contact the consulate and ask them if they can perform this service for you.

Misty Olson

25 May 2016

Can a notary in Nebraska certify a copy of a passport? Thank you!

National Notary Association

25 May 2016

Hello Misty. No, according to the Nebraska Official Notary Public Handbook, a Notary may not certify or copy certify that a government record is valid or authentic.

Marika Lawford

18 May 2016

Hi there. My husband and I are Australian currently living in New Jersey. We are in the process of obtaining a loan for a property back home which requires a Justice of the peace to witness our documents. In Australia JOPs are pharmacists, lawyers, nurses, doctors and we are able to locate one easily, usually our local pharmacist will sign it. Who is considered a JOP here in New Jersey who would possibly be able to witness our documents? Thanks.

National Notary Association

18 May 2016

Hello. We apologize, but we can't offer legal advice regarding what type of U.S. official may serve as a witness to a real estate transaction in another country.You may wish to consult with your consulate for guidance, or with an attorney familiar with Australian real estate law.


09 May 2016

Hello, I currently live in the state of Indiana. I need to renew my passport but have married since my last issue. I am required to provide a certified copy of my marraige license. Can a notary do that or do I need to go somewhere else?


27 Apr 2016

Hello, I just got my aabb accredited DNA test results back and I am only able to get copys. The passport agency states all documents need to be certified or originals. Do I have to get the DNA test certified through the company I got the DNA test from?

National Notary Association

28 Apr 2016

Hello. We're sorry,but we can't answer questions regarding the process of certifying DNA testing-that is not a function Notaries perform.


26 Apr 2016

Hi, I live in Georgia. I hope to marry in Brazil this year. They are requesting a "Single Status Letter" (Which I have signed/raised stamped with DeKalb's Probate Court of DeKalb Count). As well as Georgia Birth Certificate. Do you know if I need to get my GA Birth Certificate (certified copy) Notarized with my County Probate Court, stamp as well? Or will the Raised Stamped GA Seal do just fine? I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to get this Citified Copy of the Birth Certificate Notarized or Not in the State of Georgia.... "Foreign citizens, however, must have their signature notarized by a notary public and the notary's signature must be certified by a county clerk/register of deeds prior to the Consulate's authentication. 2.2. Notary Public must clearly indicate with his/her seal the county where he/she is registered. The notary public’s seal must be stamped directly on the document. 3) Obtain a certificate from the county clerk: 3.1. Every notary public is registered with the county government. Applicants must go to the county clerk’s office of the county where the document was notarized and request a certificate stating/proving that the notary is, in fact, registered."

National Notary Association

27 Apr 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but we can't answer questions regarding a foreign country's document processing requirements for travel or a marriage. We suggest that you contact the Brazilian consulate in Atlanta for assistance. Their number is (404) 949-2400.


22 Apr 2016

Hello, I live in Virginia and need to get my indian marriage certificate notarized. How do I go about? Thanks

National Notary Association

25 Apr 2016

Hello. Virginia Notaries may not notarize copies of marriage certificates. You may wish to contact a nearby Indian embassy or consulate to ask if a consular officer can certify a copy for you.

Ali jama

14 Apr 2016

I have a birth certificate from Somalia how can notarize it in california

National Notary Association

15 Apr 2016

Hello. California Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of birth certificates. If there is consular office or embassy of Somalia near your location, we suggest contacting them and asking if a consular officer would be able to notarize the document for you.


24 Mar 2016

I need a work experience document to be certified as 'Certified True Copy of the Original'. Can a public notary in California do this?

National Notary Association

28 Mar 2016

Hello. No, California Notaries cannot certify copies of this type of document.


16 Mar 2016

I need to make notarized copies of my degree and transcripts which I received from the state of Arizona and my marriage certificate which I received from Missouri. I now live in the state of Georgia. Can I get them notarized by a Georgia Notary public?

National Notary Association

16 Mar 2016

No, Georgia Notaries may not certify copies of public records or a publicly recorded document when certified copies are available from a source other than a Notary. (OCGA 45-17-8[a][6]). You would need to contact the agencies that issued the original documents to request certified copies.

Margaret Rittenhouse

09 Mar 2016

What does a certified copy of a deed mean and how do I get it. We live in NY state.

National Notary Association

14 Mar 2016

Hello. Notaries in New York may not certify copies of documents. If you need a certified copy of a recorded document, you should contact the recording office where it is filed for assistance.

kymm lankford

01 Mar 2016

I need to get certified copies of my divorce paperwork. I'm in NC.. not sure where to go

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2016

Hello. North Carolina Notaries are not authorized to certify copies. You may want to try the state Department of Health and Human Services Vital Records site for assistance:


24 Feb 2016

Hello. I am in the State of Georgia. Can a GA notary certify a copy of College Diplomas, College Transcripts, Power of Attorney and Real Estate Deeds.

National Notary Association

26 Feb 2016

Hello. Georgia Notaries may certify copies of school diplomas. However, because GA Notaries may not certify copies of publicly recorded documents or when certified copies are available from an official source other than a Notary, you may not certify copies of student transcripts or real estate deeds.


19 Feb 2016

Hi I am an Illinois notary. Is it possible to notarize englush translation of foreign birth certificate here? What's the procedure? Thank you

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2016

Hello. Illinois Notaries are not authorized to notarize translations of vital records.

Kimberly Petreman

26 Jan 2016

Hello.. I live in TN and was wondering if I am able to notarize a copy of a marriage certificate or death certificate or marriage license..also if someone presented me with certified copies of each, would I be able to notarize or would they need a signature page ? Thank you so much!

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2016

Hello. No, Tennessee does not authorize Notaries to certify copies of any documents, including marriage or death certificates.


04 Dec 2015

Hi, The medical board examination is asking for a certified copy of my ID, can my bank do it in Florida?

National Notary Association

07 Dec 2015

Hello. In Florida, Notaries may certify copies of some documents, but it depends on what type of ID it is. Can you specify, please?


01 Dec 2015

If I have a notary make a copy of a passport, will work as a certified copy for the IRS?

National Notary Association

01 Dec 2015

Hello. You would need to contact the IRS to find out if they would accept a Notary-certified copy of a passport. Also, be aware that not all states authorize Notaries to certify copies of documents.

Ann Martinez

30 Nov 2015

Can I notarize a photocopy of Bachelor's Degree as a certified copy for a teacher that is going to teach out of country? I am in Ohio.

National Notary Association

01 Dec 2015

Hello. From the Ohio Secretary of State's website: "Notarization of a photocopy of the original school record requires the owner of the original document signing an affidavit on the photocopy, in the presence of a notary public." (

Frank Prestia

21 Nov 2015

Hi, I need to obtain certified copies of my Australian Passport and Drivers Licence, I went to three banks waited in line only to be told that they don't certify copies of ducuments. Where can I go to get them certified?

National Notary Association

23 Nov 2015

Hi Frank. If there is an Australian embassy or consulate near your location, you can try contacting them for assistance. Sometimes consular officers can perform notarizations for documents related to that country.

Scott Crusoe

16 Nov 2015

I am a Illinois Notary, Illinois will not let me Certify to be a True Copy. But the Lawyer said I can put a statement on there attesting to the document that the person presents me and notarize that. What should the statement say and how should I notarize it.

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2015

Hi Scott. I'm sorry, it's not entirely clear from your description what the attorney is asking you to do. If the attorney is asking you to write and sign a statement, then notarize your own signature, that would not be appropriate, as a Notary cannot notarize his or her own signature. However, if the attorney is asking you to notarize a signed statement from the document custodian attesting to the copy's accuracy, please see the information on "Copy Certification by Document Custodian" in the article above.


12 Nov 2015

Hi, I live in New York. I have an original document from a court in Florida stating that I am the legal representative of my mother's estate. I need to provide a certified copy of this document to the Treasury Department. They told me to go to the bank and get a "bank-certified" copy. The bank is unfamiliar with this and tells me it is not in the business of making certified copies. Treasury Direct has repeated that they will only accept a bank-certified copy. Do you know where I can go in New York to obtain such a certified copy? Very frustrating. Thanks in advance.

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2015

Hello Michael. Banks do not certify copies of documents. You should contact the agency making this request and ask them to clarify what type of certification they are asking for. If the agency can't clarify their instructions, you should contact an attorney for assistance.


10 Nov 2015

I have certified copies of my evaluation transcript. Will the CA Bar Association accept the certified copies with the same validity as the original?


28 Oct 2015

I live in Florida and applied online for Medicare & they're asking me for original documents or certified copies for proof of residency, birth & citizenship and I don't want to mail my originals in case they get lost. What paper can I use to proof residency? And can a notary public in Florida certify my original papers (Cuban birth certificate, naturalization certificate with my picture on it, etc.)?

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2015

Hello. Florida Notaries cannot certify copies of public records or vital records such as birth certificates. (FS 117.05[12][a]) You will need to contact Medicare to ask them what documents they will accept as proof of residency.

Molly Goossens

22 Oct 2015

I'm in Oregon. The citizenship papers are from New Zealand.

National Notary Association

23 Oct 2015

Hello Molly. In Oregon, justices of the peace preside over local courts that handle minor law violations such as traffic violations, officiate weddings, and some small claims cases. (See A registry of judges is available here: Please note that while judges in Oregon have authority to perform notarial acts, Oregon prohibits Notaries from certifying copies of public records certified by a custodian of records such as a county clerk. If the document in question falls into this category it may not be copy certified by an OR Notary and you would need to contact the issuing agency to issue a certified copy.

Molly Goossens

20 Oct 2015

Heyla, I need a certified copy of my citizenship papers.. I was told that a 'justice of the peace or solicitor' might be able to help me. I'm just not sure what that means. Suggestions? Thanks

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2015

Hello Molly. Different state have different rules regarding copy certification and the duties a "justice of the peace" may perform. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are in?

Kiera Gadson

19 Oct 2015

I am in Virginia and have been asked by a physician to certify copies of her college diplomas to send as part of a credentialing package to Africa. The country she is applying to has asked for notarized/certified copies of the diplomas. Can I do that in Virginia?

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2015

Hello. Virginia permits its Notaries to certify copies of documents, except copies of birth, death or marriage certificates, or copies of court-issued documents. (from the state "Handbook for Virginia Notaries Public"). If the copies you are asked to certify do not fall into one of these categories, you may certify the copies.

Sandy Ghitman

20 Sep 2015

I live in San Diego, CAlifornia, I must present a certified copy of my guatemalan passport and my US Residence Card as true to the original to an entity in Dublin, Ireland, who has not accepted “copy certification by document custodian". The agencies that issued the documents, such as USCIS or Guatemalan consulate will not do it. Please give me another leade.

National Notary Association

21 Sep 2015

Hello. If the Guatemalan consulate won't assist you, you may want to contact a local Irish consulate or embassy, explain the situation and ask them what alternatives they can accept.


18 Sep 2015

Good Day, I have been asked to certify a true copy of a background check. The document was issued by the Dept. of Public Safety and Human Services in the state of MD (where I am located). This particular document does not include any notarial certificate and I'm unsure if I'm allowed to notarize this? This is for an international adoption.

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2015

Hello. Maryland Notaries may not certify copies of documents other than their own journal records. According to the Maryland Handbook for Notaries Public, page 17, "A notary public has no authority to certify a copy of a public record, a publicly recorded document, a school record or diploma, a professional license, or any other public or private document or record which does not pertain to the notary public’s official acts."


18 Sep 2015

I am a notary in MA and have been asked to certify a copy of a marriage license from Aruba can I do this?

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2015

Hello. No, the Governor's website recommends that the signer contact the consulate of the country of origin for assistance with vital records.

D Noguerra

16 Sep 2015

I am in the State of California, am I able to notarize a Secretary of state authenticated birth certificate and an attached affidavit?

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2015

Hello. While you may be able to notarize a signature on the attached affidavit, CA Notaries may not certify copies of birth certificates or other vital records.

Kathy Eddy

14 Sep 2015

I live in Ohio and Iadopted my daughter from Russia. We only have one copy of her Birth certificate, can I take it to the court house and get a certified copy or have a notary certify a copy?

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2015

Hello. Ohio does not permit Notaries to certify copies of birth certificates. If the birth certificate was originally issued abroad, a consulate or embassy of the issuing country may be able to assist you in certifying or requesting a certified copy of the certificate.


04 Sep 2015

Hi, I have an Indian customer who wants to have copy certificates for multiple documents such as DL, Passport, utility bill, etc for his Indian passport renewal. He wanted me to do one "copy certificate by document custodian" for all the documents. Is it possible to do so? Or I should advise him to do seperate form for each document. I'm a Californian notary. Thanks!

National Notary Assocation

10 Sep 2015

Hello. CA Notaries are only authorized to directly certify copies of their journal entries if requested by a court of law or the Secretary of State's office, or powers of attorney. Whether you can notarize the customer's statement that the copies are accurate or not may vary depending on the individual documents he needs--for example, in CA copy certification by document custodian is not permitted for vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates because the originals are held by the recording agency. We suggest that you contact our Hotline team at or by phone at 888-876-0827 for additional assistance with this matter.


03 Sep 2015

I have a certified copy of a Will and they want me to notarize it. Is that okay? I live in California

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2015

Hello. Notaries in California may only certify copies of powers of attorney (GC 8205[a][4]), or copies of entries in the Notary's journal if ordered by the Secretary of State or a court.(GC 8205[b][1] and GC 8206[e])


30 Aug 2015

Im not sure if you've answered this question or not, but .... My husband and I were married in Mesa, AZ. He is in the military and we currently live in NC. I am from PA and the PA DMV needs a certified copy of our marriage certificate since I have to mail the document. If i have the original am I able to go to a notary to get a certified copy to send to the DMV?

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2015

Hello. Arizona Notaries cannot certify copies of public records such as marriage certificates. You would need to contact the recording office that issued the original certificate to request a certified copy.


17 Aug 2015

I am a notary in California. Can I notarize a marriage certificate with a certification of document by custodian?

National Notary Association

20 Aug 2015

Hello Jimmy. Because a marriage certificate is a vital record, normally only the records office that holds the original marriage certificate may issue a copy certification. The signer should contact that office if he or she needs a certified copy.


05 Aug 2015

We are in Iowa and some original real estate documents have been lost on the way to be recording. Can we certify a copy of a Warranty Deed and Easement to be recorded with the Recorder?

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2015

Hello. You would need to contact the recorder's office to find out what steps they wish you to take in this situation.

doug chanco

27 Jul 2015

can a notary certify the following documents: a birth certificate a divorce decree a marriage certificate thanks dougc

National Notary Association

04 Aug 2015

Hello, thank you for your question. Because copy certification laws vary from state to state, we would need to know what state you are commissioned in to answer your question. You can also contact our Hotline at for assistance.

j barham

21 Jul 2015

can a PA Notary certify a copy of a birth certificate?

National Notary Association

28 Jul 2015

Hello. No, PA Notaries are not permitted to certify copies of birth records.

M Frost

08 Jul 2015

I have been asked to notarize a copy of a social security card. The SS number was submitted on college paperwork incorrectly. In ready your information I would assume I need to complete a "copy certification by document custodian". Is this correct or am I unable to do even that because I am in New York State. Please advise. Thank you.

National Notary Association

15 Jul 2015

Hello. For assistance with this question, please contact our Hotline counselors at or 1-888-876-6827.


01 Jul 2015

I am told that notaries in Oklahoma cannot certify copies as "true to the original". Not only will they not write it on the copy, but they refuse to notarize a statement on an attached piece of paper, with their stamp going through to the copy below. The OK Secretary of State's notary office told me to obtain an Apostille. They do not understand that it is the "true to original" that I need, not verification of the notary's legitimacy. Please tell me whether I am being misinformed. Thanks.

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2015

Hello. Oklahoma Notaries are permitted to certify copies of documents. 49 OS 113[D] states, "“(T)he notarial officer must determine that the proffered copy is a full,true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of that which was copied. In the case of official records, only the custodian of the official records may issue an official certified copy”


29 Jun 2015

Hello, I need to provide certified copies of my Nigerian Internal passport and my utility bill here in New Jersey. How do I go about this? THANK YOU

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2015

Hello. I'm sorry, but New Jersey Notaries are not authorized to certify copies of documents. You may want to contact the agencies that issued the documents in question for assistance.

22 Jun 2015

I live in the state of Georgia and I have been ask to notarized that the copy of a birth certificate was made from the original in my presence. Can I legally perform the service with a certification by document custodian?

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2015

Hello. Normally only the records office that holds the original birth certificate may issue certified copies. The signer should contact that office if he or she needs a certified copy.


10 Jun 2015

I recently notarized several power of attorney forms at a hospital in New Jersey. The family feels they may need more copies of this document with a raised notary seal. Am I able to certify copies of this document with a raised seal being that I was present when they were originally signed?

National Notary Association

11 Jun 2015

Hello. No, New Jersey does not authorize its Notaries to certify copies of documents.


02 Jun 2015

hi, I need to certify my educational documents which i got it from Universities in India. I need to have the signature, seal and stating "This is a true and accurate copy of the original". I live in NewJersey where can I get this done. please suggest. thanks

National Notary Association

04 Jun 2015

Hello. Unfortunately, Notaries in New Jersey are not authorized to certify copies of academic documents. For assistance in authenticating your documents, you may need to contact a local Indian consulate or embassy (embassy and consular officials are usually authorized to notarize documents relating to their home nation) or contact the university directly to request help.


20 May 2015

I am in the state of Delaware and I have been asked to certify a copy of a marriage certificate, but I do not know where and how to go about getting the document certified. The certification is for divorce purposes.

National Notary Association

20 May 2015

Hello Ananga. Notaries in Delaware are not authorized to certify copies of official or public records such as marriage certificates (29 DC 4322[d]). The person making the request would need to contact the office that holds the original marriage certificate to request a certified copy.


11 May 2015

Can an copy of a power of attorney be certified as an original.

National Notary Association

12 May 2015

Hello. By definition, a copy is not an original document.

Drina Marino

06 May 2015

I have an original and 2 carbons of a cemetery interment document I've been asked to notarize. Can I notarize these 2 carbons. Am in the state of new jersey

National Notary Association

07 May 2015

Hello Drina. What kind of notarial act is being requested for the carbons? For example, are you being asked to notarize original signatures on the carbon copies, or certify them as accurate copies?


24 Apr 2015

I have a unique question involving a request to notarize a document printed from a computer. I personally know the parties involved with this request. We are located in the State of Georgia. I have been asked to notarize a copy of a Birth Certificate, along with the Social Security Card of an individual. The BC was printed from a document located on the computer of the mother of the requesting individual. The mother passed away within this past year and they are unable to find the original document, but have requested a copy of the BC from Kansas. I don't thing I can legally do this, but just wanted to confirm my instinct. Thank you for your help!

National Notary Association

24 Apr 2015

Hello Debbie. State law does not permit you certifying a copy of a birth certificate. Georgia Notaries may not certify copies of public records or a publicly recorded document when certified copies are available from a source other than a Notary. (OCGA 45-17-8[a][6]). However you may certify a copy of a Social Security card provided the photocopy is made under your supervision.

lisa marie mason

06 Mar 2015

ok i habe my sons birth certifacate. i been to get him a state id i only have a copy of id ss card i never reseved the origanal i sent away fro it they say his birth certifacate is not enough documents to do so he needs a photo id n with out a ss card i cant get a is or the ss card im stuck and dont know how else to go about doin this please hepl any info will be greatly apprecated .

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2015

Hello Lisa. I'm sorry, but we don't handle matters related to replacing social security cards. Your best resource would probably be to contact your local Social Security office and ask for assistance in obtaining a replacement card for your son. More information regarding replacing a lost card is also available from the Social Security Administration here:

verna kuykendall

15 Jul 2014

This is an excellent explanation - clear and concise! Thank you.

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