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Notary Signing Agent Credentials: Making them easy to verify

Notary Signing Agent credentials

For Notary Signing Agents, having the right credentials is not always enough when it comes to getting loan-signing assignments. Contracting companies increasingly need to verify those credentials — such as certifications, background screening reports and more. But how do you do that?

When it comes to verifying NNA NSA Certification, Background Screening and Continuing Education Course, the easiest, most reliable way is through the secure website,

Companies rely on hiring properly trained and certified Notaries to handle their critical business functions. However, over the years, a few individuals have created and distributed fake certificates in PDF form, which they then used to trick some companies into offering them signing assignments.

Modern technology has made it easy to falsify real-looking certificates, and credentials in PDF or paper can often be difficult or time-consuming to verify. However, your listing on makes it easy for companies to verify your bona fides and offers higher security and assurance for companies that hire Notaries.

Advantages for Signing Agents

Any NSA who gets their background screening through the NNA automatically receives a one-year listing on Any credential you obtain through the Association is automatically updated in your profile. That includes:

You also can update your profile with certifications or credentials received from other organizations. It’s a good idea to keep your listing up-to-date to have the best chance at receiving assignments.

To update your listing, simply log onto your “My NNA” account at and click the “My Signing Agent Profile” on the left-hand menu.

Advantages for companies

Virtually every company involved in originating mortgages is operating under significant contractual or regulatory mandates to protect borrowers.

The last thing any settlement services provider wants to do is send an unqualified, untrained Signing Agent — or even one with a criminal record — to meet face-to-face with a borrower. But that’s the risk that comes with relying only on a PDF or piece of paper.

All the NSA credentials a company needs to verify are available on, making it easy to meet clients’ or government regulators’ requirements.

Related Articles:

5 tips for a perfect Notary profile photo

Why you should complete your Signing Agent profile

Additional Resources:

Errors & Omissions Insurance


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18 Jan 2024

How can I prove I passed the NSA exam to a signing agent?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2024

The NNA does not provide physical certificates for NSA certification. However, you can use the information on your profile as proof of certification. Once you successfully pass your NSA background screening AND our NSA Certification exam, you will have earned your NNA Certified and Background Screened Certification and your Certification will appear next to your listing on

Lisa Sciara

20 Dec 2021

When I go into people's home, businesses etc, sometimes they ask to see my verification of who I am. What do I show them? A drivers license doesn't seem to be so great. Should I get a state ID?

National Notary Association

30 Dec 2021

Hello. There are no specific rules regarding presenting verification of your identity as a Notary to a customer. You may wish to speak with the customer prior to the appointment and ask if an ID in your possession (such as a driver's license) would be satisfactory for them.

23 Jan 2021

Hello, I cannot find my Errors & Omissions Ins Certificate so I can upload to companies. They are asking for all the certificates. Where can I find mine? Thank you cheryl

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2021

Hello. If you obtained your E&O certificate through the NNA, please email our Customer Care team at for assistance.

Bridget Davis

02 Aug 2020

Do NNA certifications have an expiration date. I am signing up with Bancserv and their notary information is asking how long the NNA certification is valid for.

National Notary Association

03 Aug 2020

The NNA’s Notary Signing Agent Certification is effective for one year. Lenders and title companies typically require background screenings be performed annually. They want screenings no more than one year old at the time of loan signings. Your Certification date is the date your background screening was completed. Renewing NSAs should know the screening takes 5-15 days, and they should begin the renewal prior to the one-year term to avoid a gap in Certification.

12 Jan 2018

Where can I get an ID Card made at?

National Notary Association

16 Jan 2018

Hello. Most states do not issue ID cards to Notaries. (One exception is New York.) What state are you commissioned in?

20 Nov 2017

How can I make a copy of my background check

National Notary Association

21 Nov 2017

Hello. If you obtained your background check through the NNA and need a copy, simply login to to download a PDF version of your background screening report.

Gail Hite

08 Aug 2017


05 Jun 2017

I agree adamantly with Mr. Richter as to the release of a full background check report! Not only that, but the new policy about not being able to download a Background Certificate is most unfortunate. Most of the agencies, Title companies and Lenders I work with allow the certificate. Only a handful want the full report, which I will send to a SPECIFIC PERSON who has been authorized by that company to have them. Sending them out willy-nilly to a company website is asking for trouble! We don't know who is on the other end!!!! As much as I would like to think all the folks working in this industry are on the up and up, there are always a few bad apples. NOT AMUSING. So, I would like to press for a reinstatement of the ability to download the Background Check Certificate!!!!

Ardel Richter

23 May 2016

You have provided an excellent explanation of why a Notary needs a background check and also provided an independently verifiable method for anyone to check that a Notary has met the criteria required by a Lender without compromising the Notary's NPPI. Now I think the NNA should be in the forefront of educating hiring parties of the laws regarding release of information in a background check and that there is no need for them to receive, nor a Notary to release their full background check report to anyone without due process.

Cherry Bivone

25 Mar 2016

ID cards should be automatially issued when the Notary Public Commission Oath is completed and verified by each States' Secretary of State's Notary Public.

Ruth Stinson Russell

21 Mar 2016

ID cards for NNA/NSA issued by the NNA as part of supplies?

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