For Notary Signing Agents, having the right credentials is not always enough when it comes to getting loan-signing assignments. Contracting companies increasingly need to verify those credentials — such as certifications, background screening reports and more. But how do you do that?
When it comes to verifying NNA NSA Certification, Background Screening and Continuing Education Course, the easiest, most reliable way is through the secure website,
Companies rely on hiring properly trained and certified Notaries to handle their critical business functions. However, over the years, a few individuals have created and distributed fake certificates in PDF form, which they then used to trick some companies into offering them signing assignments.
Modern technology has made it easy to falsify real-looking certificates, and credentials in PDF or paper can often be difficult or time-consuming to verify. However, your listing on makes it easy for companies to verify your bona fides and offers higher security and assurance for companies that hire Notaries.
Advantages for Signing Agents
Any NSA who gets their background screening through the NNA automatically receives a one-year listing on Any credential you obtain through the Association is automatically updated in your profile. That includes:
You also can update your profile with certifications or credentials received from other organizations. It’s a good idea to keep your listing up-to-date to have the best chance at receiving assignments.
To update your listing, simply log onto your “My NNA” account at and click the “My Signing Agent Profile” on the left-hand menu.
Advantages for companies
Virtually every company involved in originating mortgages is operating under significant contractual or regulatory mandates to protect borrowers.
The last thing any settlement services provider wants to do is send an unqualified, untrained Signing Agent — or even one with a criminal record — to meet face-to-face with a borrower. But that’s the risk that comes with relying only on a PDF or piece of paper.
All the NSA credentials a company needs to verify are available on, making it easy to meet clients’ or government regulators’ requirements.
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Additional Resources:
Errors & Omissions Insurance