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How to make sure your Notary certificates comply with state law

A person holding a pen while reviewing documents at a desk with papers.

Completing a Notary certificate records what was done in performing your notarization. 

The wording or language in a Notary certificate is an essential part of the notarial act itself because it officially records and describes the details of the notarization. Custom wording drafted by a signer or wording from another state might not comply with your state’s requirements. While the language used to convey these details varies from state to state and form to form, it should contain certain specific elements. 

The 4 Ws of the notarial certificate

To figure out what you’re supposed to do, take a close look at the wording. Ideally, every notarial certificate should answer four key questions: where, who, when and what?

  • WHERE means the location where you notarize the document. The certificate should include the words “State of…” and “County of…” at the beginning of the certificate. This is often referred to as the venue.
  • WHO means the person whose signature you’re notarizing. Most Notary certificates will contain a blank space to insert the signer’s name.
  • WHEN means the date you perform the notarization. A Notary certificate should contain a space to enter the date of notarization.
  • WHAT refers to the type of notarial act you’re being asked to perform. Look for key words: the word “acknowledged” usually refers to an acknowledgment; the words “sworn” or “affirmed” can indicate a jurat or verification on oath or affirmation.

In addition to answering the “4 Ws,” make sure there is a line for your official Notary signature and space for you to affix your Notary seal, if required.

There are exceptions to the 4 Ws. For example, some oath/affirmation certificates do not include a venue. Make sure to familiarize yourself with your state’s Notary requirements and guidelines.

Out-of-state Notary certificates

If the Notary certificate comes from another state, you may wonder whether you can complete it. As a general rule, you may complete an out-of-state certificate as long as the wording complies with your state’s laws and it doesn’t ask you to do something you are not allowed to do.

There are exceptions. California Notaries, for example, are required by law to use specific certificate language exactly as it appears in statute for both acknowledgments if the document will be filed in California, and for all jurats regardless of where the document is filed. California also requires all acknowledgment, jurat and proof of execution certificates to include a boxed consumer notice above the venue that states the Notary is only identifying the document signer and is not verifying the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of the document. 

Florida Notaries must ensure that any acknowledgment and jurat certificate contains nine elements prescribed in statute:

  1. The venue stating the location of the notarization in the format “State of Florida, County of ________”;
  2. The type of notarial act performed, whether an oath or acknowledgment, as evidenced by the word “sworn” or “acknowledged”;
  3. A statement that the signer either personally appeared in the physical presence of the Notary at the time of notarization or appeared via audiovisual technology at the time of notarization;
  4. The true date of the notarial act;
  5. The name of the person whose signature is being notarized (“It is presumed, absent such specific notation by the notary public, that notarization is to all signatures.”);
  6. The specific type of identification the Notary is relying on in identifying the signer, either based on personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence;
  7. The Notary’s official signature;
  8. The Notary’s name — typed, printed or stamped below the signature;
  9. The Notary’s official seal affixed below or to either side of the Notary’s signature.

Texas law states, “The traditional notary public shall attach a notarial certificate to all written notarial acts that names the principal, the date of the notarization, the state and county in which the notarization is performed, and the type of notarial act performed. The notarial certificate shall be signed and include an impression of the notary’s seal” (1 TAC 87.40[c]). 

You should also know that some states, such as Georgia, don’t require specific certificate language in their statutes.

Hybrid Notary certificate wording

In some cases, a Notary certificate will combine wording for more than one type of notarization in the same certificate. This is often called a “hybrid certificate.” An example of hybrid wording is, “Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me on (date).”

Keeping in mind what we said earlier about out-of-state certificates, with the example of the hybrid certificate above, you should perform a jurat or verification upon oath or affirmation. Why? Because the wording indicates you must administer an oath and watch the principal sign the document in your presence. An acknowledgment generally does not require you to do either. 

Two certificates

A document for the purchase of real property may contain two certificates: one for the buyer, and one for the seller. If both the buyer and seller are at the signing table, you would complete the first certificate for the buyer and the other for the seller. In this case, you are performing two notarizations, and you would record each notarization in your journal separately.  

No notarial wording

What if the document doesn’t contain a Notary certificate? In general, you can’t perform the notarization without one. You’ll need to have the signer tell you which notarial act to perform or find out which one the document needs. Then you may complete and attach a separate certificate form with the appropriate notarial wording.

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Related Articles:

How to fill out a Notary certificate

Avoid common Notary certificate mistakes

5 steps to a proper notarization

Additional Resources:

Tips & Tutorials

NNA Hotline

View All: Best Practices


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07 May 2024

I am a Texas SA, and I've been assigned a seller's package for a property in Georgia. All of the certificates in the package are for Georgia, including the venue, and a couple of certs have no venue at all. Do I simply correct the state in the venues, or do I need to ask the lender? Do I just add a venue to the others?

National Notary Association

10 May 2024

Hello. You cannot notarize a certificate with an incorrect venue location. You should contact the lender to ask if you may line out the incorrect information and enter the correct venue, or if the lender wishes you to complete and attach a separate notarial certificate with the correct information.

12 Feb 2024

I am in New Mexico. If the certificate is missing State of, County of and/or appeared before me ______ can I add that in?

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2024

Yes, you can manually add in that information.

Alice S. Davidson

22 Jun 2023

If you are presented a document that a person is wanting notarized, how exactly do you phrase the question to them to find out what type notarization they need--an Acknowledgement or Jurat?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2023

Hello. Please see this article for more information:

Kimberly Taylor

31 May 2023

Hello I’m a Notary in Mississippi and I bought certificates from a recommended vendor on the SOS website that didn’t come with the venue wording at all. Can I write in or get a custom stamp and add the venue wording to my loose certificates?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2023

Yes, you can write in or stamp the venue wording into an attachment certificate.

Annie Uy

15 May 2023

So even if a document is to be filed outside of California, we have to attach a loose certificate (even for acknowledgements) because they probably won't have "the required notice that the Notary completing the certificate is only verifying the identity of the signer and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of the document...that must be in a "BOX" above the venue on the certificate"?

National Notary Association

13 Jun 2023

Hello. California Notaries may complete an acknowledgment using out-of-state certificate wording as long as the following three requirements are met: 1. The notarization being requested is an acknowledgment. 2. The document is being filed outside California. 3. The certificate wording does not require the Notary to determine or certify that the signer holds a particular representative capacity or make other determinations and certifications not allowed by California law. In all other situations, a California Notary must use the state’s prescribed notarial certificate wording. Please see here for more information:


15 May 2023

Often on the Notarial certificate Venue wording is missing " State of, County of" . Can I just add it via writing it in by hand " State of, County of"? I am commissioned in Maryland.

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2023

Yes, when that information is missing you may enter it by writing it in.

Nika Kubu

13 Mar 2023

Often on the Notarial certificate Venue wording is missing " State of, County of" . Can I just add it via writing it in by hand " State of, County of"?

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


06 Jun 2022

Where in state law in the state of Florida does the statute say HYBRID certificates are accepted/authorized by law? I know of no where in the statutes that state a HYBRID is allowed or an example. Florida does give examples of each certificate authorized for use. Based on Florida law, the acknowledgment is one act and the jurat is a totally different act. So what should be done is either a) ask which certificate do they (whoever drew the document) actually want; b) attach a loose acknowledgment AND jurat to the document. This also makes a difference when charging. Florida doesn't give me a split fee when doing a hybrid and how it is to be written in a journal. These HYBRID certificates are NOT authorized since they are not authorized by law and most likely will not record if recording is necessary.

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2022

Hybrid certificates are allowed in Florida. The state of Florida does not required specific wording in Notarial verbiage. However, any jurat or certificate of acknowledgment must contain the following elements (FS 117.05[4]): 1. The venue stating the location of the notarization in the format “State of Florida, County of ________”. 2. The type of notarial act performed, whether an oath or acknowledgment, as evidenced by the word “sworn” or “acknowledged”. 3. Whether the signer personally appeared in the physical presence of the Notary or by means of audio-video communication technology at the time of notarization. 4. The true date of the notarial act. 5. The name of the person whose signature is being notarized (“It is presumed, absent such specific notation by the notary public, that notarization is to all signatures.”). 6. The specific type of identification the Notary is relying on in identifying the signer, either based on personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence. “A notary public shall certify in his certificate of acknowledgment or jurat the type of identification, either based on personal knowledge or other form of identification, upon which the notary public is relying. In the case of an online notarization, the online notary public shall comply with the requirements set forth in part II of this chapter” (FS 117.05[5]). 7. The Notary’s official signature. 8. The Notary’s name – typed, printed, or stamped below the signature. 9. The Notary’s official seal affixed below or to either side of the Notary’s signature. There is no difference in the fees when using a hybrid certificate.

17 Sep 2018

I have a question, pertaining specifically to Indiana but possibly helpful to those in other states. What do you do in the cases where a pre-printed certificate leaves no space to affix your seal? Should we be attaching a new loose certificate?

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2018

Hello. If there is no room to affix a seal impression, you should attach a completed loose certificate with a proper seal impression.


13 Oct 2016

Re: California using specific certificate language and document will be filed in California: if the document doesn't have the California required wording, I attach an acknowledgment form regardless of where it will be filed. In this situation, and since we have to use CA wording, why does it matter where it will be filed?

Reg Harper

23 Sep 2015

And for California notaries, let's not forget the new law that went into effect 1 Jan 2015 regarding the required notice that the Notary completing the certificate is only verifying the identity of the signer and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of the document...that must be in a "BOX" above the venue on the certificate!! I still see MANY pre-printed Acknowledgements and Jurats that do not have this notice on a loose certificate is the only option for completion.

Thalia Arenas

21 Sep 2015

I am a California notary. What if it has some acknowledgment wording but isn't like the new statue reads and it is a document coming from the U.S. Department of State, specifically pointing to the "Issuance of a U.S. Passport to a Minor Under Age 16" where one parent gives the other parent permission to obtain the passport for their child. Can I write in the wording, attach a loose acknowledgment, or does a federal document supersede state law that I could notarize it as is?

National Notary Association

22 Sep 2015

Hello. As a CA Notary, you must use notarial wording that meets all the requirements of CA law. The signer should contact the issuing agency to ask if they will accept an attached certificate with the correct CA wording.

David Wire

21 Sep 2015

Here in California, with the changes that went into effect in January, 2015, we often get documents with pre-printed language or formatting that is no longer acceptable. In many cases, a loose certificate is the only option.

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