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5 tips for Notaries charging travel fees

Updated 8-13-24. Mobile Notaries often ask if they can charge additional fees for travel when they must drive to a notarization assignment. Before you charge any travel fees, here are five important tips:

1. Travel fees are separate from notarization fees.

Fees for notarizations are regulated by state law. But travel fees are separate from the notarization fee, and you need to treat them as such. If the maximum fee your state allows for an acknowledgment is $5 and a signer asks you to drive to their town, you could charge a maximum of $5 for the notarial act, but the amount for driving to the signer's location would have to remain separate and shouldn't be lumped together with the notarization fee.

If your state law specifies how much you may charge for a travel fee, you should follow those guidelines. For example, Maryland allows Notaries to charge up to the approved federal mileage rate (67 cents per mile for 2024), plus a flat fee of $5 for travel. 

Nevada permits Notaries to charge a separate travel fee if agreed upon in advance with the signer prior to the notarization. Nevada permits a maximum travel fee rate of $15 per hour ($10 per hour for an electronic notarization) for travel between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. or $30 per hour ($25 per hour for an electronic notarization) for travel between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. The Nevada Notary may charge a minimum of two hours for such travel and must charge on a pro-rata basis after the first two hours. Also, Nevada law states that once a Notary and signer agree on a travel fee, the Notary is entitled to the fee even if the signer cancels the notarization while the Notary is in transit to the appointment or if the Notary cannot complete the notarization due to the signer’s actions.

2. Agree on the travel fee in advance.

Whether your state sets the amount Notaries may charge for travel or does not regulate travel fees (such as Texas), it's always a good practice to agree upon the amount with the signer before the notarization takes place.

Some state officials provide guidelines for notifying customers about travel fees. In California, the Secretary of State's office has published the following guidelines in its newsletter: “A notary is permitted to charge a fee, aside from the notarization fee, for traveling and other services completed as part of their notarial service, such as duplication of copies, provided that the customer is apprised of these charges in advance” (Notary News, 2000).

Other states set rules for charging travel fees in their laws:

  • Montana requires the Notary to explain to the signer that the travel fee is in addition to the Notary fee and that the travel fee is not set by law. The travel fee charged must be equal or less than the federal mileage rate set by the IRS (see Maryland information above). 
  • South Carolina does not set specific travel fees but requires the Notary and signer to agree on the fee in advance. The Notary must also explain to the signer the travel fee is separate from the notarization fee and that the travel fee is not set or required by law. 

Even if your state does not require it, agreeing on the amount of the travel fee up front helps eliminate confusion about the payment. You can do this when the signer contacts you to set up the appointment, or later when confirming the time and meeting place. As mentioned above, make it clear to the signer that the travel fee is separate from the fee you charge for the notarial act.

If your state requires you to post or present your fee in writing, make sure to include the travel fee in your fee schedule.

3. Explain your policy if the notarization is not completed.

You should also let the signer know your policy regarding charging travel fees in advance if the notarization can’t be completed. For example, do you still charge your travel fee if you arrive at the appointment but the notarization has to be rescheduled or canceled? Or, what if the signer lacks proper ID, preventing you from completing the notarization?

Again, follow any laws in your state that address this issue, and be sure to let the signer know the terms of your travel fees beforehand. Clear communication is the best way to avoid any disputes with your signers.

4. Request payment in advance (optional).

One possible way to help avoid fee disputes is to request payment of the travel fee in advance. That way, you are sure to receive payment for your driving time and fuel expenses even if the notarization cannot be completed. Before doing so, check to see if your state has any rules regarding asking for payment in advance.

5. Record the travel fee.

If required by your state's law (such as in Nevada), be sure to record the travel fee in your Notary journal. If your state does not require you to record the travel fee in your journal entry, it is your choice whether to do so or not. It's also a good practice to record the travel fee on any invoice or receipt you provide to the signer. Make sure that the fee amount is clearly identified as “travel” and is listed separately from the notarization fee.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

A guide to Notary travel fees across the United States

View All: Notary News


Add your comment

09 Jan 2025

I'm in Nevada where the fees are $15 an hour for normal hours and $10 for e-sig during normal hours. What if the signing includes both traditional signatures AND e signatures. What rate do I charge? I looked in the handbook and the SOS website and I cannot find any infor on this.

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

The law does not address how you can charge in this situation. While you are entitled to both, it may be a good idea to charge only one of the fees.


26 Aug 2024

Can a client sign your notary journal book via e-signature and sign the document e-signature

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2024

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in, and if you ar using an electronic Notary journal?

Guy Case

01 Jul 2024

Hmm. What are travel fees? Most of what I read in this article, I believe, are related to vehicle costs. The states that use state/federal mileage allowances seem to be addressing operational costs of the vehicle. Allowances is the key word here. The IRS doesn't say the rate is what it costs to operate a vehicle. They say, for business purposes a business can deduct x amount as a business expense. Is the driver of the vehicle worthless? Does the driver deserve to be paid for driving the vehicle? Ask an attorney or CPA if (s)he charges for the time to drive 2 hours to a client. Why do legislators and SOS still view NPs as a low value or no value service. How often do you here 'you are a public servant'? Have you ever said that? Are judges, legislators, SOS staff, police officers, fire fighters public servants? They get paid a salary, correct????? Just think, NPs getting a salary!!!!!!! Those states that set a rate for wet notarizaions and a different rate for in person electronic notarizations don't seem to understand that vehicle expenses are the same either way. Err. NNA, in this notary's opinion, you could easily quadruple your value/worth to NPs if you took-on these antiquated and ridiculous regulations to the benefit of your NP members rather than simply writting an article about this topic. Respectfully, Guy PS: I live in a state that doesn't set ancillary fees so I'm not impacted by this issue. Yet, I still think NNA should 'teach' the legislators and SOS for common sense regulations on this issue.


30 May 2024

In Texas is there a special license needed for a mobile notary?

National Notary Association

03 Jun 2024

Hello. No. However, if you wish to perform loan document signings as a Notary Signing Agent, lenders and title companies that provide assignments may require you to obtain certification and a background screening.


04 Jan 2024

I am in NJ/NY

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2024

Hello. New York and New Jersey do not provide guidelines for Notaries charging travel fees. Please see this article for more information:

Kimberly Gailor

09 Oct 2023

The North Carolina guidebook states you can't charge for travel & mileage, but if I consider that as a separate transaction, can I get in trouble for charging it separately? Considering page 62 specifically mentions not charge the client this.

National Notary Association

11 Oct 2023

Hello. In North Carolina, a Notary Public may charge may charge actual mileage at the federal business mileage rate for any notarial act under Chapter 10B if the travel reimbursement is agreed to by the principal in writing prior to the travel (GS 10B-31)5).

Brand New Notary

20 Aug 2023

Hi! Are there any charging restrictions on mobile notary in Arkansas? Thanks in advance!

National Notary Association

21 Aug 2023

Hello. In Arkansas, “A notary public authorized to perform notarial acts in this state may charge and collect a fee for a notarial act if the fee: “(1) Is a reasonable amount as determined by the notary public; and “(2) The fee is disclosed to and agreed upon by the client or principal before executing the notarial act” (ACA 21-6-309[a]). “An electronic notary public may charge and collect fees that are: “(1) Reasonably established by the electronic notary public; and “(2) Disclosed and agreed upon by the client and principal before the electronic notarial act occurs (ACA 14-21-308[a]).


31 Jul 2023


National Notary Association

04 Aug 2023

Hello. In Washington state, “A notary may charge a travel fee when traveling to perform a notarial act if: “(a) The notary and the individual requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and “(b) The notary explains to the individual requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is in addition to the notarial fee in subsection (1) of [WAC 308-30-220] and is not required by law” (WAC 308-30- 0220[5]).


31 Jul 2023

Hi, I am from Massachusetts, I am a signing agent, how much my travel fees can be?

National Notary Association

01 Aug 2023

While fees for notarial acts are set by state law, Signing Agent fees for the additional services you provide for loan document packages are negotiated on a case by case basis between you and the companies you work with. You will need to determine what a reasonable fee is for your services and negotiate that fee with companies offering you assignments. Please be aware that some states have additional requirements or restrictions on Signing Agents working with loan signing assignments. See here for a list of state restrictions: Because Signing Agents are independent professionals, organizations such as the NNA, have to be careful to avoid discussions of specific Signing Agent fee amounts that can be construed as price fixing. This means we cannot recommend specific amounts for Notary Signing Agent fees, lobby for higher fees, or host discussions among Signing Agents agreeing to only charge certain fee amounts. For more information, please see this link:


31 Jul 2023

Is NC charging travel fee now? How much is it? I'm a new notary.

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2023

Hello. In North Carolina, a Notary Public may charge may charge actual mileage at the federal business mileage rate for any notarial act under Chapter 10B if the travel reimbursement is agreed to by the principal in writing prior to the travel (GS 10B-31)5).


31 Jul 2023

It seems to me that many notaries that are being hired as a signing agent by a title company or signing agency, etc. are not realizing that they are not being hired by the signer but by the company. The signer should not be involved in the fees, invoice or details because those are agreed upon in advance between you and the company hiring you which is a signing agent fee, not a mobile notary fee. This fee is different from general notary fees. As a signing agent you are doing much more than a mobile notary and being hired by a company is different because you are providing and performing many different services.

11 Jul 2023

In WA state can a notary charge $60 travel aside from the $10 for each stamping fee. Is there a limit to what they can charge for travel?

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2023

Hello. In Washington state, “A notary may charge a travel fee when traveling to perform a notarial act if: “(a) The notary and the individual requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and “(b) The notary explains to the individual requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is in addition to the notarial fee in subsection (1) of [WAC 308-30-220] and is not required by law” (WAC 308-30- 0220[5]).


03 Apr 2023

Hello, What are the guidelines around delivery fee for notarial acts in NY? Thanks

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2023

Hello. NY Notary fee schedules do not address the question of delivery fees.

KaNasia White

23 Jan 2023

Can NC charge a travel fee now

National Notary Association

24 Jan 2023

Hello. Effective July 8, 2022, a North Carolina Notary Public may charge may charge actual mileage at the federal mileage rate for any notarial act under Chapter 10B if the travel reimbursement is agreed to by the principal in writing prior to the travel (GS 10B-31)5).


21 Nov 2022

I’m in NJ. What can I charge for a notary at my home if it’s done after hours, say at night or weekends. Thank you

National Notary Association

30 Nov 2022

Hello. New fee schedules for New Jersey are pending. Please see this article for more information:

Tonya Robinson

25 Oct 2022

NC says it is prohibited to charge for mileage or travel. Does that mean that NC notaries should always require people to travel to us, or just that if we travel and charge - it should not be recorded in the ledger, with signature fees? it should be recorded separately?

National Notary Association

31 Oct 2022

Hello. North Carolina has updated its travel fee guidelines. Please see here for the latest information:

Joshua Horowitz

18 Jul 2022

Hi I’m a notary in New York what is the travel fee rules. Also I tell the customer on the phone how much I charge and when I get to them they have more documents to notarize. Should I adjust the price ? Also they tell me the bank is free. How do I answer. Thank you Josh

National Notary Association

19 Jul 2022

Hello. New York Notary laws do not address travel fees.


13 Jul 2022

Does NYS allow for travel fees?

National Notary Association

19 Jul 2022

Hello. New York Notary law does not address travel fees.


16 Apr 2022

I live in New York and interested in starting a traveling notary business. Can I charge one flat rate and then the notary fee?

National Notary Association

19 Apr 2022

Hello. New York does not regulate travel fees for Notaries. If you choose to charge a travel fee, you should inform the signer prior to the notarization that the travel fee is separate from the fee charged for the notarization. Please see here for more information:

Jerry Lucas

05 Apr 2022

Legal update: Missouri law 486.350 which allowed a maximum $25 expedited convenience service fee for mobile notary service was repealed on August 28, 2020.

Nadine Grant

17 Dec 2021

I am in Massachusetts. While I do accept the fees agreed upon by SS and title companies, I am having trouble figuring out the fees when I am called by someone for general notary work. How do I calculate the travel fees for MA?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2021

Hello. Massachusetts does not set a travel fee schedule for Notaries. For more information, please see here:


21 Oct 2021

What are the rules for Oregon?

National Notary Association

22 Oct 2021

Hello. In Oregon, a Notary Public may charge an additional fee for traveling to perform a notarial act if: (a) the Notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the fee is in addition to the allowed statutory fee and is not set by law, and (b) the person requesting the notarial act agrees in advance upon the amount of this additional fee (ORS 194.400[2]).

Deneane Robbins

07 Oct 2021

Hello. A little frustrated that everytime I go to look something up for Washington state there is very limited information. And some of the free documents I go in to get are not free for Washington? I am a member paid for the course and other credentials and there is not alot of information on Washington State. Thank you.

National Notary Association

08 Oct 2021

Hello. Here are some links to pages where you can find Washington-specific information. You can read Washington's state Notary laws by going to this page: and selecting "Washington" from the drop-down menu. You can find out about new Notary laws being considered in Washington state by going to this page: and selecting "Washington" from the drop-down State menu. The U.S. Notary Reference Manual includes an overview of Washington Notary rules and guidelines. You can find it here and access it by logging into your NNA member account: We hope these resources are helpful to you. Please let us know if you have any other questions or need further assistance.

Chantel a

14 Sep 2021

Hi I live in Hawaii and I was previously employed as a notary but I quit. I want to start my own mobile notary service but I’m unsure of what I need to start. How can I charge people?

National Notary Association

17 Sep 2021

Hello. Please see here for more information:

14 Sep 2021

Where can I find allowable fees to charge for travel, printing, paper, toner, etc…. for Florida mobile loan signing agent

National Notary Association

17 Sep 2021

Hello. Fees for non-notarial services provided by Signing Agents are not set by Florida Notary law. While fees for notarial acts are set by state law, Signing Agent fees for the additional services you provide for loan document packages are negotiated on a case by case basis between you and the companies you work with. You will need to determine what a reasonable fee is for your services and negotiate that fee with companies offering you assignments.


13 Sep 2021

Hello, I live in Alabama and am very new to Notary work. I plan to start with general notary work. Are there rules/laws about travel fees in Alabama?

National Notary Association

13 Sep 2021

Hello. Please see here for more information about Alabama:

09 Aug 2021

I have been a notary over 30 years and I just used it for my job. I was a title clerk for a Bank. I kept up my notary commission after I retired. This site is so interesting and educational.

09 Aug 2021

I just realized I don't charge the maximum fee in Ohio (5.00).

26 Jul 2021

This site is so helpful, I have been a notary for over 20 years & with the laws constantly changing it is easy to navigate and I never new that I was one of the states that could make up my own travel fees. This is website is so informative & up to date. I highly recommend all notaries use this site - the laws always change but they never let you know @ least where I live they don't.

13 Jun 2021

In Georgia, Can we charge for additional signers? If so, how much? Lastly, what can we charge for travel fees, if any?

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. The maximum fees that a Georgia Notary may charge for a notarial act are (OCGA 45-17-11): Taking an acknowledgment: $2; Administering an oath or affirmation: $2; Any other certificate: $2. The Georgia Notary Handbook states the following regarding travel fees: “The law does not address travel fees for notarial acts. In the absence of any statutory rule, notaries are allowed to charge a fee for travel as long as the signer is aware that a travel fee is charged and that the travel fee is billed separately from any fee for notary service, and carefully detailed regarding the additional charges”


06 Jun 2021

Hello. I am a notary in GA. I understand that Georgia can charge $2 for the notarial act and an additional $2 per signer. Totaling $4. Is that correct? Also, we can charge additional $2 for each additonal signers and documents correct?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2021

Hello. No, that is not correct. The maximum fees that a Georgia Notary may charge for a notarial act are (OCGA 45-17-11): Taking an acknowledgment: $2; Administering an oath or affirmation: $2; Any other certificate: $2.


30 May 2021

Hello, does NJ allow notaries to charge for travel fees?

National Notary Association

02 Jun 2021

Hello. New Jersey does not set travel fees for Notaries in its laws. For more tips and suggestions regarding charging travel fees in states that don't provide specific statutory guidance, please see here:

Linda from Florida

14 May 2021

I am from Florida, what can I charge per mile or can I put a specific amount? and where do I find this info in th Florida laws. I know its 117 but cannot locate it.

National Notary Association

26 May 2021

Hello. Florida does not set a schedule for travel fees. Notaries may charge up to $10 per notarization for traditional notarial acts (FS 117.05[2][a]), and up to $25 per notarization for a remote online notarization (FS 117.275).

Johnetta Viers

29 Mar 2021

What about Alabama?

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2021

Hello. Alabama does not have a statutory travel fee schedule for Notaries.

Danis Greathouse

24 Mar 2021

What would be the travel fee for the state of Georgia, if any?

National Notary Association

01 Apr 2021

Hello. According to the Georgia Notary Handbook: “The law does not address travel fees for notarial acts. In the absence of any statutory rule, notaries are allowed to charge a fee for travel as long as the signer is aware that a travel fee is charged and that the travel fee is billed separately from any fee for notary service, and carefully detailed regarding the additional charges.”

Cheryl bowden

14 Mar 2021

Can I charge a travel fee in Arizona?

National Notary Association

15 Mar 2021

Hello. When traveling to perform a notarial act, “notaries public may be paid an amount up to the amount authorized for mileage expenses and per diem subsistence for state employees as prescribed by title 38, chapter 4, article 2” (ARS 41-316.B). The Arizona Department of Administration determines this mileage fee through its General Accounting Office. For the latest authorized mileage fees, check the fee schedule online at


23 Feb 2021

There are many mobile notary services in Indiana and the law doesn't specifiy if notaries can or cannot charge (clerical /administrative) or (convenience/appearance fees) for mobile services. Can we or can't we charge for those types of fees?

National Notary Association

26 Feb 2021

Hello. While Indiana Notary law doesn't specifically address the question of clerical or convenience fees, the state does have guidelines regarding travel fees: “A notary public may charge a reasonable fee for traveling to perform a notarial act. The travel fee requested may not exceed the federal travel fees established by the United States General Services Administration” (IC 33-42-14-1[e]). Also, regarding notification of fees, state law says the following: “If a fee is charged for a notarial act, the notary public shall display, in advance, a list of the fees that the notary public will charge” (IC 33-42-14-1[c]).

02 Feb 2021

what is a good estimated perdiem for traveling cents by millage in the state of texas

National Notary Association

04 Feb 2021

Hello. As stated in the article above, Texas does not set travel fees for Notaries in its statutes.

tawana ingram

02 Feb 2021

if I lie in irving texas and will be a notary in dallas/fort worth and surrounding areas does anyone know what a estimated perdiem might be

Ebone Greene

24 Jan 2021

Can you tell me what the fee section says for Indiana for travel and cost per seal ?

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2021

“A notary public may charge a fee of not more than ten dollars ($10) per signature for each of the following notarial acts: “(1) Taking an acknowledgment. “(2) Administering an affirmation or oath. “(3) Attesting to or witnessing a signature. “(4) Taking a verification on an oath or affirmation. “(5) Attesting to or certifying a copy.” (IC 33-42-14-1[a]). Travel fees: “A notary public may charge a reasonable fee for traveling to perform a notarial act. The travel fee requested may not exceed the federal travel fees established by the United States General Services Administration” (IC 33-42-14-1[e]).


18 Jan 2021

Hey I have a question, I'm a notary in ND and was curious to know if, for example, I travel to a school to notarize someone's document and charge them for the notary and travel fee and then someone at the same school needs something notarized also can I charge them a travel fee even though they are standing right next to me?

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Hello. In North Dakota, the Notary and signer must agree on the travel fee in advance. “A notary may charge a travel fee when traveling to perform a notarial act if: “1. The notary and the person requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and “2. The notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is both separate from the notarial fee and neither specified nor mandated by law” (NDCC 44-06.1-28).

18 Jan 2021

What about travel fees in New Jersey?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2021

Hello. New Jersey does not address travel fees in its Notary statutes.


26 Oct 2020

I’m Floridian could you tell me please the travel fee in my state?

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2020

Hello. Florida does not set travel fees for Notaries in its statutes. Florida's Reference Manual for Notaries states that if Notaries charge fees for other services not directly related to the notarization, the Notary must provide the customer with an itemized list of charges beforehand.


18 Oct 2020

Can you assist me with my the travel fee for NJ Thanks

National Notary Association

19 Oct 2020

Hello. New Jersey does not set a schedule for travel fees in its Notary statutes. If you choose to charge a travel fee, agreeing on the amount of the travel fee up front helps eliminate confusion about the payment. You can do this when the signer contacts you to set up the appointment, or later when confirming the time and meeting place. Be sure to make it clear to the signer that the travel fee is separate from the fee you charge for the notarial act.


13 Oct 2020

Where can I find information on travel fees in Vermont?

National Notary Association

16 Oct 2020

Hello. Vermont does not prescribe or regulate fees for notarial acts or travel fees.


09 Oct 2020

What are the travel fees in the state of Pennsylvania for a mobile notary thanks

National Notary Association

12 Oct 2020

Hello. Pennsylvania does not set a statutory travel fee schedule for Notaries. For suggested guidelines for handling travel fees in states without statutory guidance, please see this article:

29 Aug 2020

What are the travel fees in the state of Tennessee for a mobile notary thanks jim

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2020

Hello. Tennessee does not have a set travel fee or Notary fee schedule except for remote online notarizations. Effective April 6, 2015, “a notary public or the notary’s employer is entitled to demand and receive reasonable fees and compensation for the notary’s services” (TCA 8-21-1201[a]). “An online notary public or the online notary public’s employer may charge a fee in an amount not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each for performing an online notarization in addition to any other fees authorized under this chapter” (TCA 8-16-311).


03 Aug 2020

Any Wisconsin laws on travel fees? I did not see any.

National Notary Association

03 Aug 2020

Hello. Wisconsin Notary law does not address travel fees.

brenda gethers

17 Jun 2020

I live in Ga and had a document notarized by a mobile notary, the cost was $10.00. Per the fee summary 2.00 is the fee for Ga. Can a notary in Ga charge travel fee?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2020

Hello. According to the Georgia Notary Handbook, “The law does not address travel fees for notarial acts. In the absence of any statutory rule, notaries are allowed to charge a fee for travel as long as the signer is aware that a travel fee is charged and that the travel fee is billed separately from any fee for notary service, and carefully detailed regarding the additional charges”

Marie Morgan

17 Jun 2020

What is Ga notary feesv

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2020

The maximum fees that a Georgia Notary may charge for a notarial act are (OCGA 45-17-11): 1. Taking an acknowledgment: $2; 2. Administering an oath or affirmation: $2; 3. Any other certificate: $2.

15 Jun 2020

What about RON fees?

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2020

Hello. RON fee schedules are set by individual states that have authorized RON, and are separate from travel fees.

Maria-Soledad Leon

15 Jun 2020

Washington State?

National Notary Association

15 Jun 2020

“A notary may charge a travel fee when traveling to perform a notarial act if: (a) The notary and the individual requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and (b) The notary explains to the individual requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is in addition to the notarial fee in subsection (1) of [WAC 308-30-220] and is not required by law” (WAC 308-30-0220[5]).


21 May 2020

I am a notary in MI. I know the max Is $10. What about travel to or travel fees? I can’t find any caps or laws?

National Notary Association

27 May 2020

“Before the notary public commences to travel in order to perform a notarial act, the notary public and client may agree concerning a separate travel fee to be charged by the notary public for traveling to perform the notarial act” (MCL 55.285[7])

June E Bradford

04 Mar 2020

For Arizona you reference the link to the statutes here in a couple of different replies; however, when I click the link I am unable to locate the amounts we are allowed to charge for mobile notary services? I believe I located the mileage rate is 44.5 cents per mile (unchanged since 2006?), and I know the fees range from $0 to $10, but unable to locate amount allowed to charge for perdiem? Thank you in advance for your help!

National Notary Association

04 Mar 2020

Hello. The travel mileage rate set by the AZ General Accounting Office is 44.5 cents per mile. More information can be found in Section 95, "Maximum Mileage, Lodging, Meal, Parking and Incidental Expense Reimbursement Rates" here:

20 Feb 2020

what is the travel fee in California

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2020

Hello. California does not set a statutory travel fee schedule. According to the Secretary of State's 2000 Notary Newsletter: "“A notary is permitted to charge a fee, aside from the notarization fee, for traveling and other services completed as part of their notarial service, such as duplication of copies, provided that the customer is apprised of these charges in advance.”


03 Feb 2020

Does anyone know how much you can charge for travel fees in CT

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2020

Connecticut Notaries may charge a maximum of 35 cents for each mile of travel (CGS 3-95).


28 Jan 2020

Does anyone know how much you can charge for travel fees in CT

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2020

Connecticut Notaries may charge a maximum of 35 cents for each mile of travel (CGS 3-95).

Lizette McGinn

27 Jan 2020

What are the allowable travel fees for Washington State, Please, TIA.

National Notary Association

28 Jan 2020

Hello. Washington state does not set a schedule for travel fees. A Washington Notary may charge a travel fee if: (a) The Notary and the individual requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and (b) The notary explains to the individual requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is in addition to the notarial fee and is not required by law (WAC 308-30-0220[5]).


26 Jan 2020

Does anyone know how much you can charge for travel fees in CT

National Notary Association

27 Jan 2020

Hello. Connecticut Notaries may charge a maximum of 35 cents for each mile of travel (CGS 3-95)

Christie Jones

17 Aug 2019

I live in Oklahoma and haven't been able to find if there are any laws governing travel fees. I understand that I cannot charge more than $5.00 for a signature and $0 for an absentee ballot. Can you help me with the travel fees for Oklahoma?

National Notary Association

19 Aug 2019

Hello. Unfortunately, Oklahoma does not provide statutory guidelines for charging travel fees.


26 Jun 2019

Given the seriousness of our jobs - we are way under paid. I live in CA and fees are slightly higher but so is everything out here. I think the fees need to be much higher across all the states.

Conni Canaday

14 Jun 2019

The information for Nevada is incomplete, it should also include: The notary public may charge a minimum of 2 hours for such travel and shall charge on a pro rata basis after the first 2 hours.

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2019

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've added the information to the article.

Samuel Jefferson Jr

10 Jun 2019

Could you please provide me with the information for the state of Virginia on their requirements for travel fess. Thank you

National Notary Association

12 Jun 2019

“A notary may recover, with the agreement of the person to be charged, any actual and reasonable expense of traveling to a place where a notarial act is to be performed if it is not the usual place in which the notary performs his office” (COV 47.1-19[D]).


10 Jun 2019

Question to Cynthia.. are you able to find notary jobs or signing agent job if you are signing agent? Because I also live in Texas and I'm kind of stuck getting started. Thanks


27 May 2019

I would really love to be and inspector and check the offices and take pictures could you send some information to me.

National Notary Association

28 May 2019

Please see this article for more information:


27 May 2019

I know that $5is all n.c. can charge .what if the signer wants to give you $a few more dollars for your work is ok or not .I do not charge a traveling fee I live in north carolina

National Notary Association

30 May 2019

Hello. No, you can only accept a notarization fee up to the maximum amount set by your state law.


16 Feb 2019

A notary in NY affiliated with a UPS charged my brother 10 dollars to get a one page document notarized. I thought NY regulates the notary fee at 2 dollars. She didn't explain why the fee was 10. Moreover she made my brother go to the lobby of her own apartment building to get the document notarized!!! How can this reasonably be considered a travel expense when he traveled to her??? Again however she never explained the 10 dollar charge.

National Notary Association

20 Feb 2019

Hello. The maximum fee that New York Notaries may charge is $2 per person for an acknowledgment or jurat (EL 136).


23 Nov 2018

Are travel fees in Wisconsin permitted? Are notary services charged per signature or by document in Wisconsin. Notorial act is vague. Thank you.

National Notary Association

27 Nov 2018

Hello. According to the Notary handbook published by the state, Wisconsin Notaries may charge up to $5 per document notarized when taking an acknowledgment, The state does not address travel fees for Notaries in its laws.


07 Oct 2018



17 Sep 2018


National Notary Association

18 Sep 2018

Hello Albert. As stated in the article, California does not set travel fees for Notaries. However, the Secretary of State's office has published guidelines in its newsletter that Notaries may charge travel fees or other services, but the customer must be informed about these fees before the notarization takes place. You and the customer should agree upon the amount of any travel fee charged prior to the notarization.


16 Sep 2018

Is there a resource I can check out to figure out what a fair and normal traveling fee should be? Thanks.

National Notary Association

17 Sep 2018

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


13 Sep 2018

What should I charge as a notary public in California, and what should my travel fee be? Thanks.

National Notary Association

14 Sep 2018

Hello. The maximum fee that may be charged for a notarization in California is $15. California does not set amounts for travel fees, however, the Secretary of State's office has published guidelines in its newsletter that Notaries may charge travel fees or other services, but the customer must be informed about these fees before the notarization takes place.

26 Aug 2018

I'm a total newbie. No car. In Chicago. I read I can only charge $1 per signature..? I have to use Uber. Any suggestions?

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2018

Hello. You may wish to see if any of the alternate income opportunities in these articles would work for you:


20 Jun 2018

Nevada permits a maximum travel fee rate of $10 per hour for travel between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. or $25 per hour for travel between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. * WITH A TWO HOUR MINIMUM FEE

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2018

Hello. Nevada Notaries may charge a minimum of two hours for such travel and must charge on a pro rata basis after the first two hours (NRS 240.100[3][d]).


18 Jun 2018

Hi. I am getting my certification in Washington state. As I have been reading the laws and wondering how some notaries can charge more than what it says. I had a mobile notary come to my father's house to have a paper notarized. She charged $20 per sign, $35 travel fee and $3 a mile. Cost my dad $80. Notary fees are only $10 now that I have been studying. And even though this was a good thing for my dad at the time, I have also learned on what to have to prove who he was. He couldn't find his license (he hadn't driven in years) so she went on some app that could find his Dl#. She could have had me verify instead. Do notaries get audited? I don't understand how that is done unless not having an audit.. Feeling like my dad was taken advantage of. I am very excited about being a notary public and hoping this isn't the norm! C

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2018

Hello Melinda. You are correct that the maximum fee for a notarial act in Washington state is $10 per notarial act (WAC 308-30-020[1] and [3]). Also, Washington Notaries who wish to charge a travel fee must first agree on the fee with the customer prior to the travel, and must also explain to the customer that the travel fee is separate from the statutory notarization fee and the travel fee is not required by law (WAC 308-30-020[4]). If you have reason to believe the Notary committed misconduct and wish to file a complaint with the state, you can find instructions at:


18 Jun 2018

I am in Washington State and would like to know the fees for being a traveling notary.

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2018

Hello. Washington Notaries who wish to charge a travel fee must first agree on the fee with the customer prior to the travel, and must also explain to the customer that the travel fee is separate from the statutory notarization fee and the travel fee is not required by law (WAC 308-30-020[4]).

Jenise jarrett

18 Jun 2018

Nothing is addressed about the amount that can be charged for a print fee. If you are breaking the appointment down that definitely should be a factor. Also I'm in Utah. What are the travel laws here?

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2018

Hello. A Utah Notary may charge a travel fee, not to exceed the approved federal mileage rate when traveling to perform a notarial act if: (a) the Notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is separate from the notarial fee allowed by law and is neither specified nor mandated by law, and (b) the Notary and the person requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance (UCA 46-1-12[2]). The current federal mileage rate for 2018 is 54.5 cents per mile for business travel by car,

Susan Cochran

18 Jun 2018

In looking at your published laws for Indiana, on your website, they are the current laws and not the coming laws of July 2018. For the new laws I understand there is a fee of $10.00 for Indiana and the mileage fee is the state set limit per mile. Nowhere does the new state law address any other charges, such as administrative fees, document fees, copying fees, etc. Can additional fees be legally charged??

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2018

Hello Susan. Effective July 1, 2018, Senate Enrolled Act 539 will allow Indiana Notaries to charge a reasonable fee for traveling to perform a notarial act. The travel fee requested may not exceed the federal travel fees established by the United States General Services Administration. (Chapter 14, Section 1 [e]) The standard federal mileage rate for 2018 is 54.5 cents per mile. Senate Enrolled Act 539. We did not find any guidelines in the new law addressing other charges for non-notarial services.

Hartley Saunders II

18 Jun 2018

I'm a Maryland notary and interpreted our travel fee law as $0.31 per mile up to a maximum of $5.

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2018

Hello. The Annotate Code of Maryland, St. Gov. 18-112[b] states, "A notary public may charge 19 cents per mile, or a higher amount set by regulation of the Secretary of State, and a fee not to exceed $5, as compensation for travel required for the performance of a notarial act."


31 May 2018

Hello ,I'm in Florida how much can I charge for a travel fee if my state sllows

National Notary Association

01 Jun 2018

Hello. Florida Notary law does not specify the amount that may be charged for travel fees. However, the Governor's Reference Manual for Notaries states that if you charge fees for other services not directly related to your notary services, you should provide your customer with an itemized list of charges beforehand.


29 May 2018

I'm a notary in Mississippi but I'm not quite sure of the travel amount. Do I also charge this travel amount when I do loan signings?

National Notary Association

29 May 2018

Hello. In Mississippi, a notary may charge a travel fee when traveling to perform a notarial act if "1. the notary and the person requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and 2. the notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is both separate from the notarial fee ... and neither specified nor mandated by law” (1 MAC Pt. 5, R. 050.5.11[B]). A Notary may require payment of fees for notarization and for travel prior to performance of a notarial act (1 MAC Pt. 5, R. 050.5.12[A]). These fees are non-refundable if: (a) the act was completed; or (b), in the case of travel fees, the act was not completed for reasons stated in Rules 5.1 – 5.6 after the Notary had traveled to meet the principal (1 MAC Pt. 5, R. 050.5.12[B]).


29 May 2018

Where can I find traveling fees for California. Also if you travel to a clients place and they don't go through with the notary because they changed their mind after you got there, Can you charge them for your travel time anyway?

National Notary Association

29 May 2018

Hello. Specific travel fees are not set by California's Notary laws. However, in a 2000 newsletter, the Secretary of State's office said the following: "A notary is permitted to charge a fee, aside from the notarization fee, for traveling and other services completed as part of their notarial service, such as duplication of copies, provided that the customer is apprised of these charges in advance."


29 May 2018

I do not recall seeing anything regarding travel fees in the WV Notary Handbook. Did I miss it, or is it buried somewhere in State Code?

National Notary Association

29 May 2018

Hello. West Virginia Notary law does not provide guidelines for charging travel fees.


28 May 2018

I am a notary in Georgia and am confused about being a travel notary. If someone asks for me to travel to their location, how much can I charge to drive to their location to notarize something?

National Notary Association

29 May 2018

Hello. The Georgia Notary Handbook states: "“The law does not address travel fees for notarial acts. In the absence of any statutory rule, notaries are allowed to charge a fee for travel as long as the signer is aware that a travel fee is charged and that the travel fee is billed separately from any fee for notary service, and carefully detailed regarding the additional charges”


17 May 2018

Are traveling fees allowed in NJ?

National Notary Association

18 May 2018

Hello. New Jersey law does not specify whether or not Notaries may charge travel fees in addition to their statutory notarization fee.

Dena M Martin

17 May 2018

In Ohio I can not find the info explaining what I can charge for travel fees. Could you explain this please? Thank you.

National Notary Association

18 May 2018

Hello. Ohio has not set specific travel fees for Notaries. Because each county in Ohio sets its own rules for Notaries, we would recommend you contact your county's court of common pleas (which regulates Notaries) or county bar association to ask for their recommendation regarding travel fees.


20 Mar 2018

Hello. I am in North Carolina. I know there is a set fee that can be charged per signature. Can a signing agent charge additional fees as long as they are listing as signing agent fees and not notary fees?

National Notary Association

20 Mar 2018

Hello. North Carolina limits Notaries only to the fees they may charge under state statute, up to the statutory maximum. No other ancillary fees may be charged. See here:

arturo cordova

08 Mar 2018

Is there a limit on travel charges in the state of NY and do they differ in NYC?

National Notary Association

09 Mar 2018

Hello. New York has not set specific travel fees for Notaries.


29 Jan 2018

In AZ, the mileage expense is 44.5 per mile. Can that be charged for the round trip to client and back to office?

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2018

Hello. When traveling to perform a notarial act, “notaries public may be paid an amount up to the amount authorized for mileage expenses and per diem subsistence for state employees as prescribed by title 38, chapter 4, article 2” (ARS 41-316[B]). The Arizona Department of Administration determines this mileage fee through its General Accounting Office. For the latest authorized mileage fees, check the fee schedule online at

Katherine Long Brown

26 Jun 2017

I'm in Florida and I am trying to find the correct fee and traveling fee to charge my clients

Ed Caudill

13 May 2017

How much can be charged per mile for a traveling fee in Arizona?

National Notary Association

15 May 2017

When traveling to perform a notarial act, “notaries public may be paid an amount up to the amount authorized for mileage expenses and per diem subsistence for state employees as prescribed by title 38, chapter 4, article 2” (ARS 41-316[B]). The Arizona Department of Administration determines this mileage fee through its General Accounting Office. For the latest authorized mileage fees, check the fee schedule online at (RM).


02 Apr 2017

Hi I live in Phila and I would like to know if I am able to charge a traveling fee and if so can I request the fee up front.

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2017

Hello Tyra. Unfortunately, travel fees are not specifically addressed by Pennsylvania law. The Department of State's website addresses fees for additional non-notarial services as follows: "Notaries public may charge a clerical or administrative fee for services they have provided in addition to the notarization of a document such as copying documents, postage, phone calls or completing forms. These clerical fees are not set by statute. Customers should be informed if a clerical fee is being charged in addition to the notary public fees prior to the notarization of a document. The customer's receipt should itemize these fees. Notaries public should separately itemize clerical fees from notary fees in the notary public register." (


26 Nov 2016

What about North Carolina?

National Notary Association

28 Nov 2016

Hello Cee. North Carolina Notary authorities strongly discourage the charging of travel fees. The North Carolina Secretary of State's office has maintained that the only fees Notaries may lawfully charge for their services are the statutory fees for notarial acts set forth in GS 10B-31.


19 Nov 2016


National Notary Association

21 Nov 2016

Hello. When traveling to perform a notarial act, in Arizona, “notaries public may be paid an amount up to the amount authorized for mileage expenses and per diem subsistence for state employees as prescribed by title 38, chapter 4, article 2” (ARS 41-316[B]). The Arizona Department of Administration determines this mileage fee through its General Accounting Office. For the latest authorized mileage fees, check the fee schedule online at

H. Allen

23 Sep 2016

I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I believe we can only charge $2 per notarial act. But, I was also told that it's up to our discretion from the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority. What can I legally charge for each act and travel fees?

National Notary Association

23 Sep 2016

Hello. According to OCGA 45-17-11, $2 is the maximum fee GA Notaries may charge per notarial act.


02 Aug 2016

What about the state of Illinois? I saw at least one mobile notary business site that charged fees out here, so I assume that we can charge a travel fee?

National Notary Association

02 Aug 2016

Hello. Illinois Notary laws do not address the issue of travel fees.


11 Jul 2016

Does Michigan have any regulations on travel fees?

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2016

Hello. Michigan law states that before the Notary commences to travel in order to perform a notarial act, the Notary and client may agree concerning a separate travel fee to be charged for traveling to perform the notarial act (MCL 55.285[7]).


01 Jul 2016

I live in Colorado. Does Colorado have any rules about how much to charge for the travel fee?

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2016

Hello. No, Colorado does not specify travel fees for Notaries.

Julie Brickley

25 Jun 2016

Curious thought.... If I do not charge a fees for notary service, are we bound by laws restricting travel fees? Prime example is when contracted as a Signing Agent. It appears that many people are confusing this with strictly being contracted as a Notary. In the case of a Signing Agent, I am being contracted to present and oversee the proper execution of documents on my customer's behalf (lawyer, title company, etc.) These services include print, present, capture signatures, fax, and courier/ship ALL documents. Sometimes they need notarized; sometimes they don't. I happen to be a notary public,making my service more valuable, and offer that as a courtesy in the proper execution of documents. Notarization is not, however, an itemized fee on my invoice, any more than it is itemized by a Title Company or Lawyer office. So, if I am not charging a fee for notarization, am I bound by the laws restricting travel fees for notarization? Any comments?


20 Jun 2016

I am in Washington state and charge separate flat fees for refi, seller docs. When charging a borrower a mileage fee based upon geographic area, and disclosing the fee to the borrower as a separate fee for my travel, the signing company got upset and asked me to drop the fee and explain to the borrower that it was my misunderstanding and that it was included in my notary fee they were paying me. Signing company said it affected the borrower disclosure docs and they never heard of notaries charging separate travel fees. Living in a rural area where average signings can add up to 100 miles including doc drop off, I feel it is fair. Do the travel fees affect borrower disclosures from the lender/escrow?


20 Jun 2016

Where would I go to confirm the laws/regulations for Louisiana.

National Notary Association

20 Jun 2016

Hello. For more information on Notary commissions in Louisiana, visit the LA Secretary of State's website: AndCertifications/Pages/default.aspx

Cheryl Kaster

20 Jun 2016

Whether a refi signing or any other purpose, before agreeing to set an appointment, I do everything in my power to confirm that 1) the signer has current positive I.D., 2) the signer is physically able to sign (I do fair amount of hospital mobile appts), 3) the signer is able to communicate with me in my language, and 4) the signer is aware of what they are going to be signing. Once I get there I make my own, independent assessment through conversation, etc., about the awareness and willingness issues as well, but at least if any of those items are questionable or answered in the negative, then I can avoid a fruitless road trip. I do the same thing if the parties are coming to me. Saves time and effort when there are issues that would prevent me from notarizing.


25 Jun 2015

I am in Virginia

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2015

Hello. Virginia law states, “(A) notary may recover, with the agreement of the person to be charged, any actual and reasonable expense of traveling to a place where a notarial act is to be performed if it is not the usual place in which the notary performs his office” (COV 47.1-19[D]).

Liz N.

24 Jun 2015

What is the fee schedule for Orange County New York. I dont charge because I was never sure what to charge now I need to start.

National Notary Association

25 Jun 2015

Hello Liz. The maximum fees that a New York Notary may charge for a notarial act are (EL 136): 1. Taking an acknowledgment or proof: $2 per person, plus $2 for each witness sworn in; 2. Administering an oath or affirmation including, as applicable, any jurat certificate: $2 per person (except where another fee is specifically prescribed by statute); 3. Executing a protest: 75 cents per protestand 10 cents per notice of protest, not exceeding five notices (EL 135).

Howard Blum

23 Jun 2015

I disagree with the basic premise of breaking out various costs on billing your clients. I think it is okay to do internal journalizing how you break down your fees, but from my vantage point just give a figure for your services and not confuse people with lots of line items or open up the opportunity for them to 'nit-pick' parts of your fees.


22 Jun 2015

I do this to make money, not to have my investments wasted. You can prevent driving out for a refusal by communication. I confirm my signings as soon as I possibly can call and I ask for additional phone numbers and an email address when I confirm. If the appointment is several days out, I call before I leave my home or office (I work from both) and I can gauge if the borrower is iffy. Refusals to sign are very expensive for us. I have only had 6 RTS's but for each one I missed another job. The lenders and Title companies don't care if they cheat you. Therefore, I charge the largest travel fees that my vendors will accept. I have done nearly 600 signings in the last 2 years, I live in a rural town near a mid-sized city (where most of the jobs are) and I am willing to travel to other rural addresses. Distance costs $ and there are few NSA's in my area. I will often give a break to those companies that have paid me fully when the borrower(s) refused to sign, like a Quickens no print that I sandwiched in between two other signings last Friday, $75.00 to MY preferred vendor. Remember WE accept jobs from THEM, and if the borrower refuses to sign and you accept a $20.00 print fee for 300-400 pages of your paper and toner expense AND gasoline and car wear and tear, you can expect the same in the future. I fire those companies, but I don't tell them, I am just not available. THAT explains our real fees.

Montez Powell

22 Jun 2015

I reside in GA. How much can I charge for services not notary and am I elgible for loan signing or being a proctor for students locally and Alabama.

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hello. To answer your questions, 1. According to the Georgia Notary Handbook, the law does not address travel fees for notarial acts. In the absence of any statutory rule, Georgia Notaries are allowed to charge a fee for travel as long as the signer is aware that a travel fee is charged and that the travel fee is billed separately from any fee for Notary service, and carefully detailed regarding the additional charges. 2. The state of Georgia has traditionally been an “attorney-closing state,” meaning that only licensed attorneys may conduct the settlement at which closing documents are signed. 3. If you are interested in becoming a proctor, we suggest contacting local educational institutions that to see if they require proctoring services.


22 Jun 2015

Im in florida

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hello. The Governor's Reference Manual For Notaries, page 9, states: "If you charge fees for other services not directly related to your notary services, you should provide your customer with an itemized list of charges beforehand."


22 Jun 2015

I'm in California and I'd like to know where I would go to confirm what the rules/laws are regarding travel fees?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hello. The last time this question was addressed was in the CA Secretary of State's 2000 Notary Newsletter: "A notary is permitted to charge a fee, aside from the notarization fee, for traveling and other services completed as part of their notarial service, such as duplication of copies, provided that the customer is apprised of these charges in advance." If you have other questions you can reach the CA Secretary of State through their website at


22 Jun 2015

OK, My state allows $5.00 per notarization, and, I primarily receive my assignments through either title companies or signing companies. So, the assignment is a refinance signing with a round trip of 90 miles. I would not know the number of notarizations in the package before I receive the documents. So I have $51.75 for mileage at 57.5 cents per mile. How can you calculate the notarization charges when the client wants to know your fee up front before giving you the assignment?? How would this process work with real estate closings??

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hello Stuart. We're sorry, but federal law prohibits us from hosting any discussion that could be construed as setting or fixing fees for signing agents. Please see here for more info:

Cynthia Hopmann

22 Jun 2015


National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hi Cynthia. We're sorry, Texas Notary law does not specify what travel fees Notaries may or may not charge separate from the fee for notarization. If you choose to charge a travel fee, we recommend you follow the guidelines listed in the article above.


17 Jun 2015

This information in the article is very helpful, where would I go to confirm if my state allows for travel fee?

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2015

Hi Cynthia. What state are you commissioned in, please?

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