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Why bilingual Notaries are in demand

A hand hovering a finger over a chat icon with symbols for different languages

If you speak more than one language, you may be in high demand as a Notary or Signing Agent.

In fact, signing services such as Diamond Star™ Notaries place a premium on bilingual and multilingual Notaries.

“Bilingual language skills are not a requirement for the Notaries we hire,” said Diamond Star President Philipe Doren, “but I do look first for bilingual Notaries. If they can speak in the native tongue of our non-English speaking clients, they will be called first.” (Update 12-30-24: While Doren is not hiring Notaries at this time, his Notary Cafe listing invites Notaries to email him to discuss helpful tips for Notary Signing Agents. — The Editors)

In addition to English, Diamond Star received the most requests for notarizations in Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese dialects and other Asian languages.

How well should a Notary Signing Agent speak other languages?

Doren himself speaks five languages, and said that bilingual NSAs should be able to conduct signings with a high level of language proficiency.

“Conversational language skills aren’t enough,” explains Doren. “Business fluency is very important. They need to be able to conduct a closing the exact same way as they would in English.”

In other words, Signing Agents need to know how to provide clear explanations and answer questions without crossing the boundary into offering advice. Doren said NSAs who possess this level of language fluency have an almost automatic advantage over their competition.  

Demand for bilingual Signing Agents is high

The demand for competent bilingual NSAs is great enough that Doren said he has worked with Notaries who lack experience with foreign-language assignments or have rusty language skills.

While bilingual Notaries aren’t paid any differently than their monolingual counterparts, Doren says they are likely to receive more overall business, given the increased need for signings conducted in non-English languages.

Related Articles:

Three questions for Notaries to ask when dealing with foreign-language issues

Notarizing documents from other countries


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Iris Feliciano

12 Jan 2025

Notarizing a document ensures that the person signing the document verifies the identity of the person signing the document, not the content of the document itself. Not the contents of the contract. Most contracts are reviewed/or should be by a lawyer.

Rong zhou

10 Jan 2025

I want to know the results of my exam yesterday

National Notary Association

13 Jan 2025

Hello. If you took a Notary exam through the NNA, please contact our Customer Care team at or 1-800-876-6827 for assistance. Thank you.

Teresa Lopez

06 Jan 2025

Yes I speak Spanish fluently as a second language I would like to see the transcript you have for bilinguals also.thank you

Beverly Fawcett, Delaware

06 Jan 2025

Don't forget the Deaf community who rely on American Sign Language (ASL). If they come from another country, there is an International Sign Language, but not as many interpreters are fluent in that.

Eva Torres

07 Dec 2024

This advice is deeply flawed and could have disastrous consequences. Imagine being handed a contract for a life-altering loan, written in a language you don't understand. Would you blindly sign it just because a notary who happens to speak your language gave it a quick once-over? Of course not! The idea that a bilingual notary can reliably translate complex legal documents on the fly is absurd, dangerous and illegal. At the very least, a notary can not translate in an official capacity and notarize the document at the same time. It opens the door to misunderstanding, misrepresentation, and potential fraud. Even if the notary can "communicate" in the signer's language, that doesn't qualify them as a professional interpreter, especially when dealing with the intricate language of legal agreements. If a signer can't understand English, how can they possibly swear under oath (as required for a Jurat) that the contents of an English document are true? It's a recipe for disaster, leaving the signer vulnerable and potentially invalidating the entire agreement. Any reasonable person, or a jury in a court of law, would see this for what it is: a deeply unethical and irresponsible practice.

Maria Makos

09 Sep 2024

I was not born in America, since I came to the US when I was only 6 years and only spoke Spanish and Polish it was difficult for me. I understand we are multilingual, so let's help each other when it is difficult. I know how hard it was on my family when we only spoke two other languages and not in English .

20 Feb 2024

Comments like: "If the signer cannot read the English document he/she is signing, then they shouldn't be signing at all, regardless of what the notary says or doesn't say." make it sound like a non-English speaking person is out of options for dealing with legal paperwork. I hope that whoever utters this insensitive comment does not ever need help with a document drafted in a language he does not speak or comprehend.

David Towers

05 Feb 2024

I disagree with the premise of needing business-level language skills. The notary's primary job is to witness signatures and verify identity. If the signer cannot read the English document he/she is signing, then they shouldn't be signing at all, regardless of what the notary says or doesn't say.

Maria Makos

05 Feb 2024

I am a multi-lingual notary. Spanish, Italian and Polish I can read and write Italian and Spanish. Only speak Polish I would like additional details and respond to any questions. Thank you. Maria Makos

Laura Meza-Zúñiga

24 Apr 2023

Hello. Can you please let me know how to get added onto the list? I am a member.

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2023

Hello. Are you referring to the NNAs Notary directory? If you are a background screened and certified NSA through the NNA, you are eligible for a listing on and can include information that you are fluent in different languages in your listing. Please contact our Customer Care team at and they can provide you with further assistance.

Yen-Suong Le

11 Jun 2018

The picture has no Vietnamese language! I have been a long time Notary Signing Agent with Vietnamese as second language. If you need my services please let me know, I am willing to help.


11 Jun 2018

Great article! Thank you for sharing. I'm bilingual , this article helped me see how important my first language is in the Notary business!


11 Jun 2018

As a bilingual (Spanish) signing agent I find it frustrating that we aren't paid more for our services. Due to so much fraud in the past, many borrowers require care and the closings take extra time. We aren't just notaries, we are there to represent the title/escrow companies and lenders in the most professional, competent manner possible. And quite frankly, I don't want more business that takes longer without being compensated accordingly.

Anna Gutierrez, Sacramento Valley Mobile Notary

06 Mar 2017

Great article!

John Encinio

11 Dec 2014

I would like to see a copy of the "script" you use for Spanish speaking notaries.


10 Dec 2014

Besides Spanish, which languages are the most in demand? I live in St Louis where more Bosnian or Serbo-Croatian is spoken than Spanish (for now, anyway). I am fluent in Italian and can bone up if it will be worth the effort here. Fyi any signer that speaks Bosnian or Serbo-Croatian in the St Louis area will go at a premium.

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