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What every Notary needs to know about journals

If you’ve ever asked why you need to keep a Notary journal, or what information a Notary needs to record in it, this article answers the most commonly asked questions.

  1. Should every Notary keep a journal?
  2. What kind of Notary journal should I keep?
  3. What information needs to be in the Notary journal entry?
  4. When should I make the Notary journal entry?

1. Should every Notary keep a journal?

Yes. Most states require or strongly recommend that Notaries own and maintain a journal or record book of the acts they perform.

Why is that? It is an important tool that provides a written record of the Notary’s official acts. It contains details of the transaction in the event a notarized document is lost or altered or if facts concerning the notarization are challenged in court.

For example, one California Notary told the Notary Bulletin how she was contacted by signers nearly a year after notarizing loan documents for them. A lender had misplaced the signer’s papers, and as a result, the deed to the signer’s home wasn’t properly recorded. The Notary’s journal record provided evidence that the loan documents had been notarized and helped keep the signers from losing their home.

Even if not required in your state, a well-kept journal can provide supporting evidence that you acted properly during a transaction if you are ever accused of an inadvertent or willful mistake. For example, while Florida only requires Notaries who perform online notarizations to keep a secure electronic journal of their acts, state officials have strongly recommended that all Florida Notaries voluntarily keep a Notary journal. 

Information in Notary journals also has helped investigators locate and arrest dishonest signers who attempted to commit fraud or forgeries.

Infographic on Notary journal features

2. What kind of Notary journal should I keep?

Some states require a journal’s format to include certain features.

For example, Arizona specifies that traditional and in-person electronic Notaries must keep a paper journal, while Notaries authorized to perform remote online notarizations (RON) in Arizona are required to record information about remote notarizations in a permanent, tamper-evident electronic format.

Tennessee requires the journal to be a “well-bound book” or “an appropriate electronic form.”

If not specified by state law, the NNA recommends that Notaries keep a paper journal with bound pages, or a secure electronic journal, and that entries be recorded in chronological order to prevent tampering.

3. What information needs to be in the Notary journal entry?

Some states specify in their Notary laws what information can and cannot be recorded in a journal entry. California requires Notaries to record the date, time and type of notarization; type of document notarized; the signature of each signer notarized; how each signer was identified; the fee charged, if any; and the signer’s right thumbprint if the document notarized is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property.

Illinois prohibits its Notaries from recording in journal entries any identification numbers, biometric identifiers such as thumbprints, electronic signatures, and names linked with unencrypted or unredacted Social Security numbers, driver’s license or state ID numbers, or financial information.

Montana and Texas require Notaries to record how each signer was identified but prohibit Notaries from recording a signer’s personal identifying numbers such as a Social Security number or the serial number of any identification documents presented. Texas also prohibits Notaries from asking for biometric information such as a thumbprint for a Notary journal entry. You should always follow your state’s laws when entering journal information.

If your state does not provide guidance, the NNA recommends including the following information in each entry:

Notary journal entry details
  1. The date and time of the Notary act (the date and time indicates when the signer appeared before the Notary Public)
  2. The type of notarization performed (for example, “acknowledgment” or “jurat” or “verification by oath”)
  3. The location where the notarization took place
  4. The title or type of document or transaction (for example, “deed” “personal letter” or “Affidavit of Identity”) and the date on the document, if any (for example, a date appearing at the top of the document or date of signing appearing opposite a signature line)
  5. The printed name and address of each signer (in some states, witnesses’ names are required for certain documents, such as wills, deeds and mortgages)
  6. The method used to identify each signer (personal knowledge, type of ID document, or credible witness(es))
  7. Any additional details about the notarization you deem important
  8. The fee charged for the notarization, if any
  9. The signature of each signer (some states require the signatures of witnesses if used)
  10. The right thumbprint of the signer, if permitted in your state (California requires this for all real estate-related documents and/or powers of attorney. However, in states where a thumbprint is not required by law for the journal entry, the signer may choose to decline to provide a thumbprint.)

4. When should I make the Notary journal entry?

The journal entry should be recorded while the signer is present and before you complete the notarization. This way you can make sure that you obtain all necessary information needed for the journal entry, such as signatures and thumbprints, before the signer leaves.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

Desktop ad for journals 2022

Mobile ad for journals 2022

Related Articles:

How to handle requests for your Notary journal entries

A Notary’s guide to completing journal entries

View All: Best Practices


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Wendy Hoekstra

20 Feb 2025

I am a notary in IL. When notarizing loan documents, if one document calls for an acknowledgement notary and one document calls for a jurat notary, is it acceptable to list both documents on the same line in the notary journal and only have the customer sign the journal once, or should there two separate line items for the different notary types, requiring two signatures? My notary journal does not ask for the type of notary.

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

Hello. You should make a separate journal entry for each notarial act.

Eileen Fitzpatrick

18 Feb 2025

Hello. There are two of us here that notarize documents and we only do a handful each year. Would it be allowed to share the notary record book? Is this required in Wisconsin?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2025

Hello. While a Notary journal is not mandatory in Wisconsin, if you choose to keep a journal you may not share it with another Notary-each Notary must keep their own journal due to privacy concerns. In Wisconsin, a Notary is permitted to release the documents or the information to a 3rd person only with the written consent of the person who requested the services of the notary public (WS 140.02[5m][b]).


18 Feb 2025

In Texas when filling out the journal are we supposed to record the date the driver license or picture id expires?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2025

Hello. No, but Texas Notaries must indicate in the journal entry whether the signer is personally known by the Notary; was identified by an ID card issued by a governmental agency or by a U.S. passport; or was introduced to the Notary and, if so, the name and residence address of the introducer (GC 406.014[a]).


17 Feb 2025

I'm from the state to Indiana. There are three notaries where I work, and in our line of business we all notarize waiver of liens strictly for work purposes and do not notarize outside of work (our choice.) None of us utilize a journal and have fortunately not been called into court for any issues. My question is, would one journal be okay for all of us to use since we do not notarize outside of the workplace?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2025

Hello. Indiana only requires a Notary journal for records of remote notarizations. It is optional (but recommended) to keep a journal for traditional pen-and-paper notarial acts. However, you should not share a journal with another Notary for privacy and security reasons. If Notaries choose to keep an optional journal, each Notary should keep their own individual journal of notarial acts.


08 Jan 2025

I’m a new notary in Washington state. I did my first signing and forgot to have them sign the book. Can I put that I forgot under the signature line? Also the document I notarized said principal name - would that be my name or the signers name? There were 2 signers.

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

Usually, the “principal name” is the printed name(s) of the signer(s). Rather than enter “I forgot” in the signature column, you may want to write some notes in the “additional information” column as to the circumstances. Required Entries: “An entry in a journal must … contain the following information: “(a) The date and time of the notarial act; “(b) A description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act; “(c) The full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed; and “(d) Any additional information as required by the director in rule” (RCW 42.45.180[4]). “A tangible notarial journal shall: … “(b) Have the capacity to record for each notarial act: “(i) The information required by RCW 42.45.180(4); “(ii) A description of the notary public’s method of identifying the principal; and “(iii) The principal’s signature, or the signature of an authorized party in compliance with RCW


13 Jul 2024

Hi I am writing again because I didn't specify my state. I'm a notary in Washington state. I have never had anyone request a copy of a entry in my journey. Until now. They need it for a court issue. Can I give them a copy? Do I redact the other info around there's? Can they ask me for this or should their lawyer do it? Is the a procedure for this situation? Thank you

National Notary Association

15 Jul 2024

Hello. The person making the request should present the request to you in writing, providing details of the specific notarial acts they are requesting information about. When providing a copy of a journal entry, you should cover any other entries on the same page that are not related to the request to protect privacy.


04 Jun 2024

Hi, I'm a new notary in Wyoming. I just did my first notary and I didn't get the signer to sign my journal, do I need to reach out to her and have her sign my journal too?

National Notary Association

29 Jul 2024

Hello. While Wyoming requires Notaries to keep a journal, the state does not have a specific requirement that the signer must write their signature the journal entry.


13 May 2024

I Highly recommend the Clever Fox leather bound Notary journals. I get mine on Amazon. It gives much more room per entry so you can be sure to keep everything neat and readable.


23 Apr 2024

Notary in Texas, I currently have a Notary Journal but realized I forgot to ask the signer to sign my book back in January can this person sign my book now? Or should I leave it blank and if so, is this something I can get in trouble for? The person was in front of me when signing original document and is a current coworker who I see often.

National Notary Association

29 May 2024

The signer’s signature is not a required element for a Notary journal in Texas.

June E Siegel-Hill

04 Apr 2024

I'm in Virginia and we don't have a requirement for a journal at all. I do maintain one though and my question is, How many years should we hold onto our journals? Is there a place where I can find what all the states are requiring as far as journals go? I'm asking because I'd like to make recommendations to our Secretary of State regarding the requirement to keep a journal and period of time we should hold onto it. What kinds of requirements do you think make sense for our journals? I know there are many more details that many states talk about in their laws.

National Notary Association

08 Apr 2024

Hello. In the absence of official state rules for the disposal of a journal, The Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility recommends safeguarding and storing each journal for at least 10 years from the date of the last entry in the journal. For more information on other state guidelines for disposal of journals, please see this article:


20 Mar 2024

Are NY Notarys required to only have one journal or can we have multiple?

National Notary Association

21 Mar 2024

Hello. The state does not specify: “[A]ll notaries public must maintain records sufficient to document compliance with the requirements of sections 130 and 135-c of the Executive Law and the duties and responsibilities of a notary public and/or electronic notary public as outlined in [19 NYCRR Part 182]” (19 NYCRR 182.9[a]). “Any records maintained by a notary public pursuant to [19 NYCRR Part 182] must be retained by the notary public for at least ten years” (19 NYCRR 182.9[b]). “Any records retained by a notary public pursuant to this Part must be capable of being produced to the secretary of state and others as necessary in relation to the performance of the notary public’s obligations pursuant to the Executive Law and [19 NYCRR Part 182]” (19 NYCRR 182.9[c]).

27 Jan 2024

Hello - New CA notary. If there are 5 signatures (let’s say by one person) and 1 notarial certificate for a document, would I put 5 line entries in my journal or just 1? And a side question regarding multiple signatures in a document and fees. If a document had multiple signatures and one certificate. Could we charge per client signature or per notary signature and stamp? Thanks!

National Notary Association

29 Jan 2024

Hello. Please see the information for California in this article:

26 Nov 2023

I am in New York, and recently became a notary public. Are separate journals needed for traditional notarial acts and signing agent services or one journal is used for both types of transactions?

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2024

You can use one journal for all notarial acts regardless of the nature of the document.

Jennifer Burgess

03 Nov 2023

I was a notary previously for Colorado in 2007. It lapsed for years and I just re obtained it. In that time I remarried. I have my previous journal which only has 3 pages filled out. I hate to be wasteful. Can I still use that journal and just correct my name on the front page to my married name, or do I have to order a new journal?

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2024

Colorado only indicates the following: “The notary public shall retain the journal for ten years after the performance of the last notarial act chronicled in the journal” (CRS 24-21-519[1]). So, the previous journal can be destroyed. The law does not indicate either way whether or not you can continue to use it, and as such, it is up to you.

08 Oct 2023

As per NYS Law, what does "The verification procedures used for any personal appearance before the notary public" mean for a NY Notary Journal entry?

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2024

This means to record the type of ID that was used to identify the signer in your journal.


19 Sep 2023

Can a NY notary keep electronic signatures for in person notary services? Or do they need to be wet signatures?

National Notary Association

19 Sep 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

11 Sep 2023

Hi there, I just became a notary within NYS and I have a few questions about the journal -- just want to make sure I understand all of the required information before I start. 1. Does the journal need to be in paper or electronic for a traditional notary? I saw some states have requirements on the type of journal, but couldn't find info on NYS. 2. Do I need the signature of the person we notarized for in my journal? Again, I saw some states have requirements on this. 3. For their ID, do I need to record the ID number & expiration? Or just the type of ID used for verification?

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2023

Hello. In New York, all Notaries are required to maintain records as of Jan. 25, 2023. The records must be made contemporaneously with the performance of the notarial act. The records must include: 1. the date, approximate time, and type of notarial acts performed; 2. the name and address of any individuals for whom a notarial act was performed; 3. the number and type of notarial services provided; 4. the type of credential used to identify the principal; 5. the verification procedures used for any personal appearance before the notary public; 6. for electronic notarial acts, identification of the communication technology, certification authority, and verification providers used. The records must be retained by the Notary for at least 10 years. Please see this document from the New York Department of State for more information:

Karl Keener

23 Aug 2023

I am currently a notary in Oregon and am in the process of becoming a notary in WA state. I have three questions: 1. Can I use the same journal I use in OR for any signings I do in WA? 2. Does the NNA publish a booklet about the applicable laws in WA? and 3. Are finger prints required when doing WA notarizations?

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2023

1. No, you would require a separate journal for your Washington notarizations. 2. You can find information about Washington's Notary laws here: 3. No, journal entries in Washington state do not require a signer thumbprint.

Marcie Jean Couch

15 Aug 2023

I’m a new notary in the state of Oregon. Is it correct that they no longer require a thumb print? Can we get the signers thumb print if they’re OK with it? As extra protection?

National Notary Association

21 Aug 2023

Hello. Oregon does not require a signer thumbprint for Notary journal entries. You may ask a signer to provide a thumbprint, but they have the option to refuse.

Kelly Jansen

24 Jul 2023

I work in a small process service office and we all notarize Affidavits of Service for each other, as we all serve process. Our state (DE), just enacted a requirement that we keep a notebook (analog or digital - whichever format we choose, we must always only use that format). Can we keep a group notebook for our office? Do you have any digital suggestions?

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2023

Hello. No, Illinois Notaries may not share a group journal. Each Notary must maintain their own Notary journal, which must remain under the exclusive control of the Notary at all times (IAC 176.920 e) and 176.930 e)).

Tanya Groover

13 Jul 2023

I manage a group of notaries for my company that are in the State of Illinois but notarize for other States as well. We utilize a teams chat to verify someone and notarize and e mail back the document to them. Is it okay to not be able to obtain a signature in these cases for a journal? Is a journal required in all scenarios when you notarize?

National Notary Association

14 Jul 2023

Hello. Notarizing without following state rules regarding remote notarizations and failing to obtain required journal information is strictly prohibited. Before performing remote notarizations, Notaries in Illinois must complete state-required training, pass an exam, and contract with a state-approved technology program. If your Notaries have not done these things, they are not in compliance with state Notary laws and you need them to stop performing notarizations for signers outside your state using Teams immediately. Please see here for more information:


29 Jun 2023

NV- I'm a new Notary and prefer to have signers sign each entry in my journal. I had a complaint by someone saying the law is that I draw a diagnal line across all entries for the same signer and have them sign once. Which one is correct? preferred by NNA? Thank you

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2023

Hello. You are not required to use a diagonal line for signing multiple journal entries in Nevada. The state provides the following options for journal entries under certain conditions, but you are not required to use them if you do not choose to: “A notary public may make one entry in the journal which documents more than one notarial act if the notarial acts documented are performed: “(a) For the same person and at the same time; and “(b) On one document or on similar documents” (NRS 240.120.2). “When performing a notarial act for a person, a notary public need not require the person to sign the journal if: “(a) The notary public has performed a notarial act for the person within the previous 6 months; “(b) The notary public has personal knowledge of the identity of the person; and “(c) The person is an employer or coworker of the notary public and the notarial act relates to a transaction performed in the ordinary course of the person’s business” (NRS 240.120.3). “If, pursuant to [NRS 240.120] subsection 3, a notary public does not require a person to sign the journal, the notary public shall enter ‘known personally’ as the description required to be entered into the journal pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection 1” (NRS 240.120.4).

18 May 2023

I am a Notary in VA and in NC.I think I would need to have a separate journal for each state, is this correct?

National Notary Association

09 Jun 2023

Hello. Virginia only requires a journal for electronic and online notarizations. If you choose to keep journal records for traditional notarizations, you should keep separate journals for each state.


17 May 2023

In reply to the email received requesting state I am commissioned. It is Washington State. Original Comment:I notarized a document for a gentleman at a nursing home. The document is fine but I forgot to have him sign my journal (my usual signing location is at a satellite office). Can I go back to him and have him sign it or leave a notation in journal as to why it's not signed?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2023

Washington law states: “An entry in a journal must be made contemporaneously with performance of the notarial act” (RCW 42.45.180[4]).” This means that the journal entry must be completed at the same time for the Notarial act. As a result, you would not be able to obtain the signature of the signer at a later time. You can Note in your journal as to why there is no signature.


16 May 2023

I notarized a document for a gentleman at a nursing home. The document is fine but I forgot to have him sign my journal (my usual signing location is at a satellite office). Can I go back to him and have him sign it or leave a notation in journal as to why it's not signed?

National Notary Association

17 May 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


01 May 2023

I live in NM. I've not been able to find in articles or the NNA website that the signer (not the witness) is *required* to sign the notary journal. I document the time, date, signer and signers address, type of identification (most of the time it is a valid Driver's License) and their case number for reference. Is it required for the signer to also sign the notary journal for any/all notarial acts in NM?

National Notary Association

04 May 2023

Hello. New Mexico Notary journal entries must contain the following information: “An entry in a journal must … contain the following information: “(1) the date and time of the notarial act; “(2) a description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act; “(3) the full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed; “(4) if identity of the individual is based on personal knowledge, a statement to that effect; “(5) if identity of the individual is based on satisfactory evidence, a brief description of the method of identification and the identification credential presented, if any, including the date of issuance and expiration of any identification credential; and “(6) the fee, if any, charged by the notary public” (NMSA 14-14A-18.C).


19 Apr 2023

I am a notary in Illinois. I have not been getting a thumb print is it necessary?

National Notary Association

05 May 2023

Hello and thank you for contacting us. Illinois has not yet published its official journal rules yet, but we expect them to do so soon. Once the new rules are published, we will update readers.


29 Mar 2023

Can a principal's date of birth be recorded in the journal entry in California?

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2023

Hello. A signer's birth date is not required information for a Notary journal entry in California. The signer has the option to refuse to provide this information if you request it.

29 Mar 2023

Are separate journals needed for traditional notarial acts and signing agent services or one journal?

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

28 Mar 2023

Hi, I used a different e-mail when I asked this question earlier, sorry I am in NYC, we must keep a journal as of January 2023. There are times I will have to notarize approx. 40 pages for a commercial real estate closing. Do I need to list ALL 40 pages in the journal or can I state in the note section that 20 were acknowledgements and 20 were jurats for example. Also, will my boss have to sign each line item if I do have to list all 40 separately? Thank you

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2023

According to 19 NYCRR 182.9(a), for each entry of a notarial act, a Notary must record in the journal: 1. the date and approximate time, and type of notarial act; 2. the name and address of of any individuals for whom a notarial act was performed; 3. the number and type of notarial services provided; and 5. the type of credential used to identify the principal, including, for verification made in accordance with 19 NYCRR 182.5(b)(4)-(5), the names of the witnesses and, if applicable, the type of credential used; 6. for electronic notarial acts, identification of the communication technology and, if not included as part of the communication technology used by the electronic notary, the certification authority and verification providers used.


28 Mar 2023

I'm in Florida, (journal not required) I saw a mock signing which stated each page stamped must be recorded in the journal especially when multiple pages are stamped & signed in one appointment. Is this true?

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2023

Hello. Please see this article for guidelines on recording multiple notarizations in a journal during a single appointment:

27 Mar 2023

This was very helpful.

Sharon Bessey

27 Mar 2023

My Notary expired in December of last year. I no longer wish to be a notary, how long do I have to keep my Notary journal? I am in Oregon.

National Notary Association

28 Mar 2023

“On revocation of a notary public’s commission, the notary public shall transmit the journal to the Secretary of State not later than 30 days after the date of revocation” (ORS 194.300[7]).

Nona Lee

27 Mar 2023

Hello, Is a Notary Journal required in the state of New Mexico?

National Notary Association

28 Mar 2023

Hello. Yes, it is. “A notary public in this state shall maintain a journal in which the notary public chronicles all notarial acts that the notary public performs” (NMSA 14-14A-18[A]).

Savannah Rae Johnson

14 Feb 2023

Do loan signings need to be recorded in the notary journal in Maryland?

National Notary Association

17 Feb 2023

Hello. You are required to record all notarizations you perform in your journal. “Subject to subsection (f) of this section, each notary public shall maintain a journal in which the notary public chronicles all notarial acts that the notary public performs” (ACM St. Gov’t 18-219[a][1]).


20 Oct 2022

Hi I’m ordering my supplies for loan signing and since I already have the basic notary journal that hasn’t been used, am I allowed to use that journal for loan signing entries? I’m in the state of California

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2022

Yes, you must only keep one journal in California. Entries in this journal are for any type of notarizations, including loan documents.

Maia Campbell

02 Aug 2022

Can a CA Notary have a different style journal, or does it have to be like the landscape form with a box across like normal, or can it be vertical with another format to put down the signer's information?

National Notary Association

10 Aug 2022

Hello. Every California Notary must keep “one active sequential journal at a time, of all official acts performed as a notary public” (GC 8206[a][1]). Each journal entry must contain the following information (GC 8206[a]; NPH): Date, time and type of each official act; Character (type or title) of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary; Signature of each person whose signature is notarized, including the signature of any subscribing witness and the mark of a signer; Statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer; Fee charged for the notarial act or, if no fee was charged, “No Fee” or “0”; If document is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property, the right thumbprint (or any other available print) of the signer.

Allison M. Scheinost

28 Jul 2022

Yes, I apologize. I am commissioned in Kentucky.

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2022

Thank you. In Kentucky, a journal is required for electronic (online) notarizations only (KRS 423.389[1]). “An entry in a journal shall be made contemporaneously with performance of the notarial act and contain the following information: “(a) The date and time of the notarial act; “(b) A brief description of the record, if any, and type of notarial act as authorized in KRS 423.310; “(c) The full name and address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed; “(d) If identity of the individual is based on personal knowledge, a statement to that effect; “(e) If identity of the individual is based on satisfactory evidence, a brief description of the method of identification and the identification and the means used as well as the date of issuance and expiration of any identification credential presented; and “(f) The fee, if any, charged by the online notary public” (KRS 423.380[3]; see also 30 KAR 8:005 Section 6[2]). Audio-Visual Recording: 30 KAR 8:005 Section 6(2)(f) requires the audio-visual recording or a link to the recording to be part of the official journal of online notarial acts. Prohibited Entries: “A journal entry shall not record an identification numbers assigned to an individual by a governmental agency or any biometric identifier” (30 KAR 8:005 Section 6[5]).

Allison M. Scheinost

28 Jul 2022

When the signer is personally known to me (the notary), whose information is entered in that section of the journal? Do I enter in my information as the person who knows them or do they sign it once more?

National Notary Association

28 Jul 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

KE Williams

11 May 2022

I'm sorry, I should specify that my state is California and my question is regarding submitting journal information to the Secretary of State.

K E Williams

11 May 2022

Am I only required to submit journal information to the Secretary of State when requested? Or am I supposed to be sending in copies of pages on a regular basis?

National Notary Association

18 May 2022

Hello. In California, you would only be required to submit a journal entry to the Secretary of State's office if requested to do so. You do not have to periodically submit copies of journal entries.

Robert W Patterson

22 Mar 2022

Why keep a journal? Sometimes we are that last person to see somebody alive. Happened to me about 12 years ago. The Sarasota County Sheriff had a couple of questions on when exactly I was there. "Let me check my journal" was my response. I'm in Florida.

Diane Harl

21 Mar 2022

After a notary is no longer a notary and license is expired...How long shoud you keep your journals ...I am in Nevada

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2022

Hello. In Nevada, “A notary public shall retain each journal that the notary public has kept pursuant to this section until 7 years after the date on which he or she ceases to be a notary public” (NRS 240.120.9).


21 Mar 2022

I have received very conflicting information regarding the type of journal to be used by California loan signing notaries. Some use the “modern” journal, where you make one entry, then check boxes identifying the particular docs notarized in the loan package, but I have also heard that CA NSAs must have a separate entry for every single notarized doc in a loan package. Can you please clarify this for me?

National Notary Association

22 Apr 2022

The State of California does not have any restrictions on the type of journal that must be used. However, the “modern journal” cannot be used in the way intended. In the State of California, journal entries cannot be grouped together nor can abbreviations be used. Each notarization completed (even in a loan signing) must have one corresponding full and complete journal entry.

Ellen DiVall

21 Mar 2022

I only notarize for work requirements, so always from the same address. There are days when I will notarize upwards of 15 documents. Is it acceptable to have a rubber stamp made to complete the repeating address? Thanks! Ellen from California

National Notary Association

22 Apr 2022

Yes, a rubber stamp can be used to complete any journal item except for the signer’s signature and thumbprint. Also, the address is not an authorized journal entry element in California, so the address does not need to be entered in the journal at all.


14 Feb 2022

I am in California and am thinking about becoming a notary public. The 2020 Notary Public Handbook says that within 30 days of the commission being no longer valid, journals must be delivered to the county clerk's office, and that any notarial journals, records, and papers delivered to the Secretary of State will be returned to the sender. Does this mean journals are sent to county offices for the secretary of state and will be returned to the former notary public, or is it saying journals should be sent to county offices instead of secretary of state? If the county or state does not return them, what happens? Do they keep the journal in an archive or destroy it? I heard they can be destroyed after 10 years by court order. If they keep journals for 10 years, can I request they send it back to me after the 10 years are up instead of destroying it?

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2022

When Notary journals are surrendered to the county recorders office, they are scanned and made part of the public record for anyone to view. They are not returned to the Notary nor are they sent to the Secretary of State.

02 Feb 2022

Hi, I am a newly commissioned Public Notary looking to become a Signing Agent soon. I have a basic notary journal. Do I also need a Signing Agent Log in the state of Michigan?

National Notary Association

04 Feb 2022

Hello. Michigan only requires a journal for remote electronic notarial acts. However, it is strongly recommended that you keep a journal of all your notarial acts as protection against potential liability. You are not required to keep a separate journal for notarizations performed as a Signing Agent. For more information, please see here:


25 Jan 2022

I am a former CA notary moved to TN and am about to get my Notary Commission. I am trying to get information on the do’s and dont’s in TN. Coming from CA where the requirements are spelled out to every period and dotted I. I don’t want to ask for to much information if it is not allowed. Can we do the thumb prints in TN? And how about identification numbers from presented form of ID? Special consideration when the signer is Military.

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


11 Jan 2022

California Notary Public here. If you did not write the expiration OR issue date of an ID in your journal entry, are there penalties involved? I received conflicting answers when I first became a notary public a few years back.

National Notary Association

20 Jan 2022

Hello. “If identity was established by satisfactory evidence pursuant to Section 1185 of the Civil Code, the journal shall contain the signature of the credible witness swearing or affirming to the identity of the individual or the type of identifying document, the government agency issuing the document, the serial or identifying number of the document, and the date of issue or expiration of the document” (GC 8206[a][2][D]). “Any notary public who willfully fails to perform any duty required of a notary public under Section 8206 … shall be guilty of a misdemeanor” (GC 8228.1[a]). Section 8206 of the Government Code covers requirements related to the Notary’s journal. The misdemeanor penalty, therefore, applies if a Notary fails to meet certain journal-related requirements, including but not limited to the following: properly maintain, secure or retain the journal; notify the Secretary of State if the journal is lost, stolen, rendered unusable or surrendered to a peace officer; or permit a lawful inspection or copying of the journal (GC 8206[a] through [e]; see also GC 8214.1[o]).


27 Dec 2021

What are the requirements for a journal in Michigan. I have worked for several title companies for years and while there I didn't ever use a journal. I am now an Independent Contractor and need to know the requirements in Michigan to make sure I am following the rules.

National Notary Association

28 Dec 2021

Hello. Michigan requires a journal if the Notary is performing remote notarizations: “If a notary public performs notarial acts using a remote electronic notarization platform, the notary public shall maintain a journal that records, at a minimum, each of those notarial acts” (MCL 55.286b[7]).


08 Dec 2021

HI Notary Public, I've filled my notary journal and am waiting for my new one to come in the mail. Am I allowed to add additional papers in the back of my journal? Also, do I have to make a separate journal entry for each document, or if its one person with 2 different documents, am I allowed to combine it in one journal entry? I just am trying to save space in the future if possible. Thanks!

National Notary Association

09 Dec 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Ash B

09 Jul 2021

In WA state, if I have several notarizations from the same person/address/signing in a row, can I refer to the line above at all or does each line need to be fully filled out? Thank you.

National Notary Association

21 Jul 2021

“If a notary public performs notarial acts involving different statements or documents for the same individual on the same date, the notary public may record a single entry in the journal for all of the statements or documents. The entry shall include the number of statements or documents notarized and shall otherwise conform to RCW 42.45.180 and these rules” (WAC 308-30-190[2]).


31 May 2021

I am a Michigan signing agent. At loan signings during closing - for affidavits - I ask the signers to select oath or affirmation (they select) but I have had real estate agents and notaries tell me that "no one does that" (giving the oath or affirmation, per document). Who's right? Isn't an oath or affirmation a requirement for affidavits?

National Notary Association

02 Jun 2021

Hello. If a notarial act requires you to administer an oath or affirmation (such as a jurat), you must do so. Notaries are not permitted to skip required procedures for a notarization.


15 May 2021

I am in Texas and chose not to renew my notary. Where do I send my journal?

National Notary Association

19 May 2021

“If the office of a notary public becomes vacant due to resignation, removal, or death, the county clerk of the county in which the notary public resides shall obtain the record books and public papers belonging to the office of the notary public and deposit them in the county clerk’s office” (GC 406.022).

21 Apr 2021

Do I need a separate journal for mobile notary vs. signing agent? I am in the state of Texas.

National Notary Association

26 May 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


29 Mar 2021

I live in NM. I recently submitted my application to become a commissioned notary public. How long does t take to receive my certificate? Then, I wish to become a Loan Signing Agent. Which packet is really recommended to purchase.

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2021

Hello. We would suggest visiting to view the different options and choose which one would suit your needs best.

Sandra L Stewart

29 Mar 2021

I am a notary in Colorado. Does Colorado require the thumpprint of the signer? and if it is required if you are notarizing documents several times during different times, is the thumpprint required for every notarization of it is enough to put a note that it is on file?

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2021

Hello. Colorado does not require a thumbprint for journal entries.

Phyllis Malry

22 Mar 2021

I'm in Florida. Do I need to keep a journal and if so, for how long?

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2021

Hello. If you are only performing traditional pen-and-paper notarizations, you are not required to keep a journal in Florida, though the practice is recommended by state officials. Notaries authorized to perform remote online notarizations (RON) must keep one or more secure electronic journals of online notarizations performed by the online notary public (FS 117.245[1]).

Kalleen Murphy

21 Mar 2021

In July 2018 Washington State required Notaries to keep a journal. My initial perusing of the required info for entries did not indicate that the signers of the documents also had to sign in the notary journal, therefore I did not require it. Since then, I have discovered I do indeed have to have the signers signature in my journal. Are my previous journal entries invalid? Is there recourse?

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


15 Mar 2021

Why doesn't my signing agent log have a place for people to sign? Does that mean they have to sign my notary journal?

National Notary Association

16 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


11 Mar 2021

I am a notary in CO. My commission recently expired and I renewed it. I ordered the new stamp as well as a new book. My question is, can I still use my old book, since I am only half way through it? It would be a waste if I had to start using the new one with my new stamp. And, I am confused because the old book has my old stamp information, and I am afraid that if I continue logging notarization info there, they might assume that I was notarizing with the expired stamp.

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2021

Hello. You may continue to use your current journal. Colorado does not require its Notaries to start a new journal each time they renew their commission.


10 Feb 2021

I thought I turned in my notary book years ago. It expired 6 years ago and I found it. I am not sure what I should do. State is Missouri

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2021

“Upon resignation, revocation, or expiration of a notary commission, or death of the notary, the journal and notarial records shall be delivered to the secretary in accordance with [RSMo] section 486.795 or [RSMo] section 486.800 by any means providing a tangible receipt, including certified mail and electronic transmission” (RSMo 486.715.3). You should contact the MO SOS at 1-573-751-2783 and request instructions how to turn in the journal to them.

Julio montes

28 Jan 2021

What is the meaning stamps deed undersigned before me Danielle McGraw a notary public no 03-82262-1 personally appeared file number nnv 1293583 question Danielle Pearson got the same license number but is not change she's last name they cousins is at fraudelen paperwork

National Notary Association

29 Jan 2021

Hello. We apologize, but we are not entirely clear from your comment what you are describing. However, if you are saying that you have encountered a possible case of Notary fraud, you should contact your state Notary agency and local law enforcement to report it.

Amy conaway

17 Jan 2021

Is it legal if a notary stamp doesn't have the date on it but they wrote it with pen next to there name

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Areli Cardenas

14 Jan 2021

Do I need to order a new journal every year or once I have completed all my entries in the book? I am in Texas. Thank you in advance for your answer

National Notary Association

15 Jan 2021

Hello. For traditional paper journals, you may continue to use the same journal until it is full, and then will need to start a new journal. Completed traditional paper journals must be retained, in a safe and secure manner, for the longer of the term of the commission in which the notarization occurred or three years following the date of notarization (1 TAC 87.54[a]).

Damian Ferguson

06 Jan 2021

Am I allowed to notarize a document that the person requesting the notarization has made an error and had white out on a line prior to coming to me in person? I am in the state of Florida.

National Notary Association

15 Jan 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Norma A Nunez

28 Dec 2020

I am a California Notary Public and I request the fingerprint in all my notarization documents i perform , is this a problem ? I started to do this Because I noticed that involuntariamente in my first notarizations for some documents that affecting real state properties I not requested now I prefer requested for all

National Notary Association

06 Jan 2021

Hello. CA Notaries are required to obtain the signer's thumbprint for a journal entry if the document being notarized is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property (GC 8206[a]). A signer is not required to provide you with a thumbprint for other notarizations, and may refuse to do so for notarizations that do not require a thumbprint under CA Notary law.

Lisa M. O'Donnell

14 Dec 2020

I am a MA notary, can I have 2 stamps and 2 log books since I work for 2 different companies? It would be much easier than having to bring my log book and stamp from one location to another?

National Notary Association

15 Dec 2020

Hello. You may only keep one Notary journal at a time: “A notary public shall keep no more than one active journal at the same time” (GL 222, Sec. 22[b]).While Massachusetts requires Notaries to keep “an official notarial seal or stamp” (GL 222, Sec. 8[b]), it does not address if a Notary may have more than one official stamp at a time.


24 Aug 2020

Do you need to turn in a blank notary journal in Pennsylvania if you never used the journal and you are not going to renew again for another term?

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


08 Jul 2020

My father's notary did not wrote the name of the trust properly, and the current trust has a different name. Is it still legal? even though the Notary admitted to forgetting to put the right name?

National Notary Association

09 Jul 2020

Hello. You would need to contact a qualified attorney to answer any questions about the legal status of the document.

Shawn Borup

08 Jun 2020

Thank you.

Shawn Borup

07 Jun 2020

I have one Modern Journal of Notarial Events with entries from 2010-2012 as a CA notary. I found it in some boxes I was going through. I am no longer a Notary and now live in another state. What do I need to do with this journal?

National Notary Association

08 Jun 2020

Hello. You can contact the CA Secretary of State's Notary Public Section to ask for instructions regarding this old journal. Their website is:

EHR Holder

24 May 2020

State of Missouri Notary.....2 questions 1. Can I use the “ “ ditto for Multiple loan signing notarizations For a borrower? 2. Is the Modern Journal for Loan Signing Agents legal is Missouri. Specifically the spiral bound version? Thank you

National Notary Association

27 May 2020

Hello. Because Missouri Notaries are required by law “...upon written court order, shall furnish facsimiles of entries made in his journal of notarial acts or any other papers or copies relating to his notarial acts, upon receipt of a fee of one dollar per 8 1/2-x-11-inch page or part of a page” (RSMo 486.270), each journal entry you make should be complete with no blanks or ditto marks. The journal must be “a permanently bound journal of his or her notarial acts containing numbered pages” (RSMo 486.260).

Ana Rangel

13 May 2020

Hello I am in Texas. I started filling out my journal and we ended up not going through with the notary. The client didn't sign my journal. Do I need to close it out or leave it as is?

National Notary Association

13 May 2020

Hello. You should make a note in the entry that the signature was not obtained due to the notarization not being completed, adding any other details why the notarization was not finished that might be important.

Edwin Santa Ana

07 Apr 2020

I misplaced my Fathers POA and I lost it. Can the a copy of the Notary’s Journal suffice for signature signing for Title on Ca?

National Notary Association

07 Apr 2020

Hello. You would need to contact an attorney or qualified real estate professional to answer this question.

Sandra Flores

12 Mar 2020

Does the journal need to be handwritten? I have a long business address that I constantly have to write down. I was wondering if I can use a stamp for this portion only.

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2020

Hi Sandra. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Debra Avery

12 Feb 2020

Does NY have a retention requirement for journals?

National Notary Association

13 Feb 2020

Hello. No, because New York does not require Notaries to keep a journal of their acts.

Cheryl Kaster

03 Feb 2020

Way too little information guidance given here. What will specifically keep a Notary's loose certificate or even one that presented on a separate page from the start from being removed and attached to a totally different document with the same title. For example: Deed, Warranty Deed, POA, Bill of Sale...of what? Deed to who? POA giving authority to who?


30 Jan 2020

I’m trying to do some research for a friend. The place he worked for terminated him and when he went to collect his belongings with his notary things, he ended up flipping through and they had went through his journal and whited our all the journal entries he had made. Is this legal?

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2020

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you tell us what state the Notary is commissioned in?

Rickesha Gaines

26 Jan 2020

I am a new CA notary. I would like to know if I am allowed to create a customized journal and have it printed and bound together

National Notary Association

27 Jan 2020

Hello. California Government Code section 8206(a)(1) requires that a California notary public maintain one active sequential journal under the notary public’s direct and exclusive control. The Secretary of State's office has informed us in the past that the journal must be bound and continually contain all of its pages and every line item recorded. Each journal entry must also contain all information required under California law.

Barry and Cinderella Sands

04 Jan 2020

My Durable P.O.A, the last page the notery put the wrong date, all the dates was Nov. 26th, the last page the notary put Nov. 24th so I am in desperate need to get into my husbands bank accounts, to pay bills because of the date the bank will not allow me to get into the accounts. Please help.

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2020

Hello. You should speak to a qualified attorney to request instructions for correcting the power of attorney.

Jessica D.

03 Dec 2019

Does the State of North Carolina have a requirement of black ink when notarizing a document? If black ink is required, is it just for the notary journal or the physical document as well?

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2019

Hello. While GS 10B-35 requires a NC Notary to sign the notarial certificate in hand with ink, the color of the ink is not specified.

19 Nov 2019

New Texas Notary- I just want to make sure I have this information correct--I am NOT supposed to record any ID numbers in my journal and I am NOT supposed to make copies of the signer's ID (such as driver license). Is that correct?

National Notary Association

19 Nov 2019

Hello. You are correct. Texas Notaries may not record identification numbers or other numbers that could identify the signer in their journal records. You are not authorized to make or keep copies of a signer's identification in your journal records.

Darrien Hansen

30 Oct 2019

It's good to know that notary journal entries should be recorded in chronological order. My uncle has been interested in getting a notary journal. I'll let him know that entries must be properly recorded.


03 Oct 2019

I just renewed my Oregon Notary Commission. Do I need to purchase a NEW journal, or can I just leave a blank page between the last commission's entries and the new commission's entries?

National Notary Association

04 Oct 2019

From the Oregon Notary Public Guide: “If the notary public is reapplying, the same notarial journal may be used with the new notarial commission, as long as the information required in the front of the notarial journal is updated. The notary public should indicate where the new notarial commission begins on the next notarial journal entry line” (NPG).

Marjorie Shank

07 Sep 2019

How long should you keep a notary journal after your commission expires

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2019

Hello. It depends on your state's laws regarding journals. What state are you commissioned in?

Eric Salas

29 Jul 2019

I’m in NY so I’m not legally required to keep a journal. My question is when finishing off a volume where I know I don’t have enough log entries to record the entire notarization, should I go all the way to the end then start the new logbook? Or just void the remaining entries and start fresh?

National Notary Association

30 Jul 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Marjorie A Watson

22 Jul 2019

I was a notary in the State of Massachusetts and I now live in Florida. How long do I need to keep the notary journal?

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2019

Hello. A Massachusetts Notary must retain the journal for 7 years after the date of resigning his or her commission (GL 222, Sec. 24).

Linda Knight

03 Jun 2019

I was a notary in the State of Missouri, but my commission has expired and I am moving out of state. How long am I required to keep my journals and what should I do with them when i move out of State? Thank you.

National Notary Association

06 Jun 2019

Hello. Missouri does not provide guidelines for keeping or disposing of a Notary's tools when the commission ends. In the absence of official rules, the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility recommends storing and securing your journals for at least 10 years from the date of the last entry in the journal.

Maria Bautista

28 May 2019

CA Notary. My commission expired in Nov. 2017 but renewed it in April 2019. In hindsight, I should have turned in my Journal to the Secretary of State but since I did not, may I continue to use my Journal even though there was that time lapse?

National Notary Association

28 May 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

23 Apr 2019

I made a journal entry by mistake in my record book. Do I draw a line through it to indicate that the form was not notarized after all. I had already made the journal entry in the book when the customer decided that she was not going to sign the form after all.

National Notary Association

23 Apr 2019

Hello. You may retain the journal entry, but should also add that the notarization was not completed because the customer decided not to sign the document.


16 Apr 2019

Arizona - Are there specific requirements for the layout of a notary journal (i.e. portrait, landscape, color of the binding, etc.)?

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2019

Hello. The Arizona Notary Public Reference Manual states the following: "Journals must be in paper form and list notarial acts in chronological order. Additionally, although not required by law, use of a permanently bound journal is recommended for the notary’s protection. Permanently bound pages are more difficult to remove or lose than loose-leaf pages."


27 Mar 2019

Need to order a New notary book for CA -does it need to be ordered through NNA or can I purchase one through Office Depot?

National Notary Association

29 Mar 2019

Hello. Can you please clarify if you are referring to a Notary journal or to a reference book for Notaries, please? If a reference book, can you please provide the title?

Tamatha Witt

15 Mar 2019

I live in Texas and a coworker told me that I was not allowed to let the person I’m notarizing something for fill out their own address on the blank in my record book and that it’s not valid unless I fill it out myselff. Is that correct ?

National Notary Association

15 Mar 2019

Hello. While Texas Notary law does not specifically address this issue, as a general practice, you should not place your journal in a situation where a signer could possibly see or access information to unrelated private information in other journal entries. Article IX-B-1 of The Notary Public Code Of Professional Responsibility states, "The Notary shall not divulge information about the circumstances of a notarial act to any person who does not have clear lawful authority and a need to know." Allowing a signer access to your journal to complete part of an entry could potentially reveal information about other notarizations on the same page that the signer should not have access to. It would be more secure for you to record all required information in the journal yourself.

13 Mar 2019

I'm commissioned in Nevada. Am I able to keep 2 journals, such as one for work and one for travel or home?

National Notary Association

15 Mar 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Debra Dial

27 Feb 2019

I am an Arizona resident. My Notary commission has expired and I do not have any need to renew it. What should I do with the Record Book?

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2019

Hello. Arizona Upon resignation, Notaries have three months to deliver their seals and any journals that contain public records to the Secretary of State. Delivery must be made by certified mail or some other means that provides a receipt. (ARS 41-317[A]).


22 Feb 2019

CA Notary. We have lots of clients signing in one day. Is there a way to use stickers in our notary book so it is easier and faster to complete our notary book?

National Notary Association

22 Feb 2019

Hello. No, the Secretary of State's office has instructed California Notaries that shortcuts for journal entries are not permitted. Please see pages 2-5 of the Secretary of State's 2018 Notary Newsletter:

Caitlin Melzer

12 Feb 2019

I am in Illinois. May I keep one journal and stamp at home, and another journal and stamp at work?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2019

Hello. Illinois does not require Notaries to keep a journal, so there are no rules regarding maintaining more than one journal. We were unable to find any specific information in the Illinois Notary laws addressing keeping more than one seal. However, the state Notary Public Handbook does recommend that if you lose possession of your seal, you should report it to the police and resign your commission immediately. So if a Notary did keep a pair of seals and lost one, the recommended step would be to report the loss and resign the commission.

Della Steele

11 Feb 2019

I’m a new TEXAS Notary. Am I required to get thumbprints ?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2019

Hello. No, in fact Texas Notaries are prohibited from recording biometric identifiers such as thumbprints in their journal entries (1 TAC 87.50[a][3]).


11 Feb 2019

I believe that the Texas rule that no identifying numbers such as Driver License numbers cannot be recorded in the Notary's journal is asinine. If there was an issue of fraud or other criminal activity, additional information could help track down the culprit. I presume that some of the Texas Law Makers don't want to be tracked down.

Tammera Ryan

11 Feb 2019

We use our notaries usually only for lien waivers. our office is in Illinois and we do not record them. Should we?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


11 Feb 2019

I'm a notary in it necessary to put the signers street address in the journal under their signature or is just the city and state acceptable

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2019

Hello. The following information must be recorded in a California Notary's journal entry (GC 8206[a]): • Date, time and type of each official act; • Character (type or title) of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary; • Signature of each person whose signature is notarized, including the signature of any subscribing witness and the mark of a signer; • Statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer; • Fee charged for the notarial act or, if no fee was charged, “No Fee” or “0”; • If document is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property, the right thumbprint (or any other available print) of the signer.

Mary Lou Stewart

20 Dec 2018

Good morning, I am a Texas Notary Public as well as a Texas Realtor. I've considered taking the Signing Agent course, but feel it is probably redundant with the Realtor training I've already had, and the fingerprinting/background check. It seems like a waste of money. What is your thoughts?


05 Dec 2018

If one person needs multiple documents notarized, do they need to sign the journal for every document? Or can they just sign once and I put a " in the signature field. This question is for CO notaries.

National Notary Association

05 Dec 2018

Hello. Colorado does not specify whether or not Notaries may use ditto marks for duplicate information in their journal entries. However, the state does permit members of the public to request certified copies of journal entries. Because of this, the recommended professional practice for Colorado Notaries would be to complete each journal entry's required information without using shortcuts to ensure that journal entries contains all necessary details if the Notary must provide a copy.

Wendy Gargiulo

16 Oct 2018

I am a notary in NY. Do I need to keep a journal at work?

National Notary Association

17 Oct 2018

Hello. New York Notaries Public are not required by law to keep a journal of the notarial acts they perform.


13 Sep 2018

Does New York require Notaries to keep a journal?

National Notary Association

13 Sep 2018

Hello. No, New York Notaries Public are not required by law to keep a record of the notarial acts they perform.

Christina Lawrence

29 Aug 2018

I am commissioned in the State of Arkansas. Am I allowed to have 2 notary journals? One would be for work, and one would be for home/travel purposes.

National Notary Association

30 Aug 2018

Hello Christina. Arkansas law does not require Notaries to keep a journal so the state does not set rules for how a journal must be kept in state Notary law. State officials do recommend keeping a journal to Notaries as a way to maintain a record of past notarizations if a previous notarization is asked about in court.


25 Aug 2018

In CA i signed a notarized agreement regarding custody. We never did sign the notary book. Is the notarized agreement still a binding contract?

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.


08 Aug 2018

If a minor signs a marriage consent form not in the presence of a notary, then the parent signs the book of the notary is the marriagelicense valid? In California

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2018

Hello Terry. We're sorry, but those are legal questions that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.


31 Jul 2018

Must the individual using notary services, print name, sign name and write in address in journal or are they only required to sign journal and other information can be completed by Notary?

National Notary Association

01 Aug 2018

Hello. Requirements for Notary journal entries vary from state to state. What state are you located in, please?

Karen Pajak

23 Jul 2018

I am a new notary in Maryland and am mostly notarizing lein weavers for my company. Do I need to have my registration book signed for each of these lien waivers, that could get quite tedious.

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2018

Hello. Yes, Maryland requires Notaries to keep a record of all official acts (ACM St. Gov. 18-107). Each entry should include: 1. Name and address of each person appearing before the Notary; 2. Date on which the person(s) appeared; 3. Method by which each person was identified; 4. Type of notarial act; 5. Type of document; 6. Fee charged; 7. Signature(s) of person(s) signing document


29 Jun 2018

I keep a journal despite it not be a requirement in NY state. An aging client wants to use his thumbprint instead of signing my documents and my journal as it is increasingly difficult for him to sign with a pen. Is this permissible in NY?

National Notary Association

29 Jun 2018

Hello. Please see this article for more information:


04 Jun 2018

I m in California. I ordered a journal book but now my employer said I can’t use it due to the color not representing the company....would u clarify it? Thank you.

National Notary Association

04 Jun 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but California's Notary law does not address whether or not an employer may require an employee to use a journal with a specific colored cover or not. The law does state, however, that the journal is the Notary's exclusive property and responsibility: “The journal of notarial acts of a notary public is the exclusive property of that notary public, and shall not be surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment, whether or not the employer paid for the journal, or at any other time. The notary public shall not surrender the journal to any other person ...” (GC 8206[d]).


01 Jun 2018

This may sound silly but can my employer forced me to use a certain color soft cover journal book even I paid for my own different color hard cover journal book?

National Notary Association

04 Jun 2018

Hi Christine. We're not aware of any state Notary laws that address this issue. What state are you located in, please?


14 May 2018

Hello, I work for a printing company in Montana, we want to print and bind notary books for notary customers here in Montana. My question is when printing the journal pages, do we need to print on specific security paper? Can we just use micro print? is any of this necessary? Thank you!

National Notary Association

15 May 2018

Hello. Please contact the Montana Secretary of State's office at 1-406-444-5379 for assistance.


08 Feb 2018

My old boss took a marker to the phone numbers he forced me to take from people, so that I wouldn’t “steal clients” but the ink went through the page and showed up on the finger prints I took. About half or more of the thumbprint still shows. Would it be a problem when I turn it in? I found out a year later that what he did is illegal and I don’t have proof.


09 Feb 2018

Hi Monica. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


08 Feb 2018

California notary. My commission expired Jan 1st. I received my new (renewed) commission Jan 27th, but didn't turn in the filing paperwork, bond, and swear the oath until Feb 6th. Can I still use my existing journal, or do I need to start a new one? I know I have to turn in my journal if 30 days has passed from the expiration of my old commission until the start of my new commission, but I don't know if the new commission starts with the date on my notary commission certificate (Jan 27th) or if it starts the day I turn in the other paperwork and swear the oath (Feb 6th).

National Notary Association

09 Feb 2018

Hello. It depends if you had to have your commission re-issued or not. You can contact the CA Secretary of State's office at (916) 653–3595 to confirm the date on your current commission. If it is more than 30 days from the expiration of your previous commission, you'll need to turn in your journals and start a new journal. If it is less than 30 days, you can continue to use your current journal.

Michael E Harris

05 Feb 2018

I have had only one loan signing that had a problem. The lender did something screwy. The borrowers' attorney wanted all my communication with the lender and with the borrowers, and a copy of the pagers from my journal. I had everything documented and in a bound journal (from the NNA). I was not involved after that.


05 Feb 2018

Note that July 2018, WA is changing from "should keep a journal" to "shall keep a journal"

Dana Leach

25 Jan 2018

If the address repeats 12 times, can you draw a line? The signer and spouse signed 7 time each notarized documents.

National Notary Association

25 Jan 2018

Hello Dana. The answer depends on your state's rules. What state are you commissioned in?

Isai Castillo

20 Jan 2018

I'm a new notary public in Texas. I proctored an online exam. The people were in my presence, but the documents were all digital; how would I enter that in my log book?

National Notary Association

22 Jan 2018

Hello. Proctoring an exam is not a notarial act and would not be entered in the journal.


07 Nov 2017

I have been a notary in Florida since 2009, and have kept a record book. By accident I let my commission expire (October 1, 2017) I have decided not to renew. I was told I needed to submit the record books to the Clerk of the Court, but have been unsuccessful in getting them on the phone for details on going about this properly. Can you help?

National Notary Association

07 Nov 2017

Hello. Florida’s Notaries Public are not required by law to keep a record of their official acts, and therefore there are no statutory guidelines for disposing of old journals. In cases where state law does not provide rules, the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility recommends storing your journals in a safe, secure place for at least 10 years from the date of last entry.


29 Sep 2017

Thank you very much for your response.


24 Sep 2017

Previous notary in NY and moved out of state several years ago. What should I do with the journals I kept?

National Notary Association

25 Sep 2017

Hello. Because New York law does not require its Notaries to keep journals, there are no guidelines regarding the disposition of old Notary records. However, in the absence of guidelines provided by state law, the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility recommends keeping the journals for 10 years from the date of the last entry in the journal. If you choose to dispose of your journals, it should be done in such a way that an unauthorized person would not be able to access the private customer information in the entries. (For example, by shredding the journal pages so no one can read the information after they are disposed of.)


20 Sep 2017

I had to get my notary for my job, to notarize employment agreements with independent contractors. Some terminated their employment before I could even stamp their agreement and did not return so I was not able to get a signature. Is it absolutely necessary to have a signature in the journal entry for such a case?

National Notary Association

21 Sep 2017

Hello Daisy. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


08 Sep 2017

My state does not require a journal but I keep one. If I notarize ten different documents for 2 different people do I have and entry for every document and sign every time by each person?

Clare Ulmer

25 Aug 2017

So, as a notary you keep a journal of all the people's personal info with thumb prints? Wow. I just had to have a notary for job employment and witnessed this journal in the state of Georgia. Wow, quite shocking is all I can say. They carry around personal records along with thumb prints of hundreds of people in there little paper journal. No thank you. I will not allow all my personal details is some random person's paper journal.

Susan Norton

07 Aug 2017

How long should the journal be kept ?

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2017

Hello. This requirement varies depending on individual state law. What state are you commissioned in?


13 Jul 2017

What happens if you just renewed and some of the Notary books that has to be surrendered is not completed or not completely filled out? For example, just the names and signature were on the notary books.

National Notary Association

14 Jul 2017

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are writing from?


30 Jun 2017

In California is it allowed to use address Stamps for repeating signers? In other words, use the signers address in a stamp rather than handwriting their personal information for several journal entries. on a daily basis, which is my case.

National Notary Association

03 Jul 2017

Hello. There is nothing preventing you from using a stamp to enter a signer's address in a journal rather than handwriting it. However, you would need to be sure you stamped the signer's address in each separate journal entry you fill out when notarizing for this particular signer, and that the stamped address is legible.

Tim Bowman

05 Jun 2017

I'm a Notary in CA. I just had some previous pages fall out of my book (I'm on 26 and pages 15-18 came out. Can I just tape them back in or is there a special procedure I need to go through? Thanks in advance!

National Notary Association

08 Jun 2017

Hello. State law does require the pages of a journal to be in sequential order. Our suggestion would be to re-attach the pages in a way that still allows you to make photocopies of entries on those pages if requested.

24 May 2017

from California, I am doing Signing loans and I go to their homes. Do I need to wright the address where the notarization performed and repeat it in the address of signer for each entry?

National Notary Association

25 May 2017

Hello. CA Notaries are required to include the following information in each journal entry: • Date, time and type of each official act; • Character (type or title) of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary; • Signature of each person whose signature is notarized, including the signature of any subscribing witness and the mark of a signer; • Statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer; • Fee charged for the notarial act or, if no fee was charged, “No Fee” or “0”; • If document is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property, the right thumbprint (or any other available print) of the signer. (GC 8206[a]; Notary Public Handbook)


19 May 2017

Hi, I'm from California. I notarize documents for my boss. For example: "If he gives me 2 documents at the same time that I need to notarize, do I have to do a new entry in my journal for each signature, or I can just write in "Additional Information" that he had 2 waivers?

National Notary Association

23 May 2017

Hello. You would need to make a separate entry for each signature notarized, regardless of the number of documents.


25 Apr 2017

When completing the notary journal in for notaries in CALIFORNIA...can we leave the information buckets that is not required such as "address where notarization performed" and "additional information" BLANK or does CALIFORNIA NOTARY LAW requires us to either draw a diagonal line through the the specific journal box or put the word NA and does not allow blank buckets in the notary journal?? I'm referencing to the notary journal example above...not all of the 9 bucket are required in are we allowed to leave the buckets that are not required BLANK if or do we have to draw a diagonal line or put the word NA? Thank you.

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2017

Hello. CA law (GC 8206[a]) requires the following information for each Notary journal entry: 1. Date, time and type of each official act; 2. Character (type or title) of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary; 3. Signature of each person whose signature is notarized, including the signature of any subscribing witness and the mark of a signer; 4. Statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer; 5. Fee charged for the notarial act; 6. If the document is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property, the right thumbprint or any other available print) of the signer. State Notary law does not require you to line through, cross out or write "NA" in unused sections for optional information in your journal entry, but you may do so if you choose to.


17 Apr 2017

California Notary

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2017

Hello. Yes, CA Notaries must keep their journal records until their commission ends. If your commission ends without renewal, you must turn your journal records in to the county clerk where your oath of office is filed within 30 days of the final expiration date of your commission.


14 Apr 2017

I am 6 entries shy of filling my first Notary Journal and have ordered a new one. Do I just hang onto the completed/full journal until I am no longer a notary?

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2017

Hello. That depends on your state's journal requirements. Can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


11 Apr 2017

Hi. If two persons are signing on the same document, should the journal entry be a single line for both, or one for each? Thanks

National Notary Association

11 Apr 2017

Hello. You should have a separate line entry for each signer.


11 Apr 2017

Thank you for all the Q's and A's! I have seen this query posed several times throughout this FAQ section and no specific answer has been given. In CA, CC section (GC 8206[a]) does not specify in any manner that multiple signatures from the same person need to be recorded in the official journal, other than recording each instrument. To clarify: 1 single person to be notarized presents 3 documents. Those 3 documents can be listed in the official journal, but the notary has the signer sign the signature line only once for all 3 documents. The thumbprint is collected (Deed) and the fees are recorded appropriately ($45/$15x3) while no *ditto marks* or *arrows* are used. As I have reviewed this section on many occasions, this code (and many interpretations thereof) is ambiguous at best and a single collection of a signer for multiple documents at one time should be easily be defended in court. Common sense tells me that the signers signature will be different each time, based on the document & the signature line and neither will ever perfectly match. There is no point in wasting resources collecting multiple signatures and fingerprints (which certainly won't change) for a single person. Many notaries have been known to complete/execute several hundred documents in a single sitting. This could use several journals (and stamp refills) for a single signer (I know, I've done it.) Please (and THANK YOU!) clarify any updates in actual affected, altered, amended Civil Codes so we can have a positive answer. FWIW, my very first commission was completed using an onsite NNA course immediately followed by the state proctored exam. In that course, we were all trained to collect a single signature from the citizen, while using the NNA Journal of Official Records to record multiple documents; except we couldn't say "Loan Docs" - it had to spell out each actual document. Thank you for your time and attention and your patience to my long-winded, whiny, detailed gripe. :) Cheers!

National Notary Association

11 Apr 2017

Hello Kevin. The Secretary of State's office has stated in its 2017 Notary Newsletter that a signature is required for each line item in your journal. Page 4 states: "Not only must a notary public have a separate journal entry for each type of notarization, a specific description of the document, and the time and date of the official act, California Government Code section 8206(a)(2)(C) requires the signature for each line item. Capturing a single signature on a diagonal line drawn through several line items in an attempt to show one person signed for multiple documents is contrary to notary public law." You can read the California Secretary of State's newsletter here:


03 Apr 2017

Hi I'm in California and my commission just expired. I am going to turn in my journals. My question is does the clerks office look through your journals to see if anything is missing so they can fine you ?


26 Mar 2017

State of California. Someone walks into my office for a document to be notarized. They show me their license which is from Washington State and it is legit. However, they are now living in Los Angeles, CA. I understand in the journal I place the type of ID, License Number and Expiration date of license.I also have them print their name and sign the journal. However, what address do I place in the journal- the Washington Address shown on the license or the California address they have given(told) me? Finally, what if document says Anna William Smith but their license says Anna W Smith- is this okay?

National Notary Association

27 Mar 2017

Hello. CA Notary law does not require you to record a signer's address in your journal. If you choose to do so, you may wish to record under "Other Information" in the entry that the signer was identified with a Washington State driver's license although the signer resided in L.A. Regarding your question about signatures that may have discrepancies, please see this Bulletin article for more information:


11 Mar 2017

Texas. Is a notary allowed to keep two journals at the same time, some people signing one and others signing the other?

National Notary Association

14 Mar 2017

Hello. A Texas Notary must keep in a book, in a computer or in another storage device, a record of each document notarized (GC 406.014[a] and CPRC 121.012[a]). State law does not specify whether a Notary may keep records in more than one book or storage device.


11 Mar 2017

I live in Texas. Our notary makes us sign her journal if we request and receive a copy of anything. These copies are NOT notarized. (such as a copy of the bylaws, or minutes of a meeting.) Is she allowed to list those copy requests in a notary journal? She requires a signature to receive the copy. Is this legal?

National Notary Association

14 Mar 2017

Hello. If the Notary is certifying the accuracy of the copy being issued, then that is a notarial act and it would be appropriate to make an entry in the Notary's journal. If the Notary is simply making a photocopy of a document without certifying it or performing any notarial act, then it would not be appropriate to enter those services in the Notary's journal, as simply photocopying a document without certifying it is not an authorized notarial act in Texas.


24 Feb 2017

I'm a notary from California. If I don't charge for notaries, can I put the word NONE in the fee entry section in the notary journal?

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2017

Hello. Yes, you may indicate that you did not charge for the notarization in the fee section of your journal entry.

Melissa Hicks

20 Feb 2017

Wished there was a way to see a better example of a notary journal & what's exactly supposed to be in it & how, etc


09 Feb 2017

Hi! I'm commissioned in CA. I wrote the wrong zip code by mistake. Can I white this out? Or how should I go about correcting it? Thank you.

Nef B

07 Feb 2017

I am a notary in California. By law do you have to write an address of the signer?

National Notary Association

09 Feb 2017

Hello. No, the signer's address is not a required part of the journal entry. The following are the required elements for each journal entry in CA: 1. Date, time and type of each official act; 2.Character (type or title) of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary; 3. Signature of each person whose signature is notarized, including the signature of any subscribing witness and the mark of a signer; 4. Statement regarding the type of satisfactory evidence relied on to identify the signer; 5. Fee charged for the notarial act or, if no fee was charged, “No Fee” or “0”; 6. If document is a power of attorney, deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or other document affecting real property, the right thumbprint (or any other available print) of the signer. (GC 8206[a])


06 Feb 2017

I am a notary public in the state of Tennessee. How long do I need to keep my journals?

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2017

Hello. Tennessee does not specify how long Notaries must retain their journals after the Notary's commission ends. In the absence of official rules, the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility recommends safeguarding old journals for at least 10 years from the date of the last entry in the journal.


06 Feb 2017

I'm commissioned in California. Thanks!

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2017

Hi Sarah. Government Code 8206[a] says that each Notary journal entry must include "The fee charged for the notarial service." GC 8206 does not specify a particular format that must be used if no fee is charged, and does not address whether an employer can specify the format for information recorded in a Notary's journal. If you need additional assistance, you may wish to contact our Hotline team at, or you can directly contact the CA Secretary of State's office at (916) 653–3595.


06 Feb 2017

My employer recently said that we need to start writing "none" instead of a "0" with a line slashed through when we do not charge for a notarization. Are they allowed to dictate how my journal is filled out?

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2017

Hello Sarah. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Amanda Holliday

03 Feb 2017

Hey there! Two questions as a notary working and living in MD: 1) If I notarize at my home or work location often, do I have to continuously write the address in the journal as the location the notarization took place? 2) Do I have ever have to collect a fingerprint? Thank you!

National Notary Association

03 Feb 2017

Hi Amanda. Maryland's Handbook For Notaries Public says that Notaries must record the name and address of each person appearing before the Notary in the journal entries, but there is not a requirement to record the address where the notarization took place. There is also no requirement to take a signer's thumbprint for the journal entry.

19 Jan 2017

I just renewed my notary commission and received my new commission number and stamp. I want to know if I need to start a new journal.

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2017

Hello. So that we can answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


17 Jan 2017

FL- I just completed my 3 hour course to become a Notary. I was told to contact a Bonding agency that's approved to operate in the state of FL. What are the required materials I need to purchase? Should it just be the commission certificate and notary seal ? They have a list of other things to purchase, which raises the cost of my package tremendously. I just need to know what's required only? Seems like these are not required ...Notary journal, Embosser Seal,State Approved Rectangular Notary Stamp, Jurat stamp, Acknowledgement Stamp? Thank you

National Notary Association

18 Jan 2017

Hello. Florida Notaries must have an inked rubber stamp seal and purchase a $7,500 surety bond from an authorized company. While a journal is not mandatory, the Governor's office strongly recommends Florida Notaries keep a journal of their acts as evidence that the Notary acted properly if the Notary is accused of negligence.


05 Jan 2017

If someone leaves state service, can the state reissue the notary book to another state employee? Can the pages be taken out of the book at the end of the person's commission if they don't fill a book? this is in reference to Alaska

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2017

Hello. While keeping a journal is not required by Alaska law, the Lt. Governor's website says that Notaries who choose to keep journals should maintain possession of any journals they have and should not turn them over to the Lt. Governor's office.


27 Dec 2016

My California commission will expire on 01/26/17 and I am not renewing. In the four years of being a Notary I have never notarized anything - so my Journal is blank. My question's are: 1) Does the blank journal need to go to the County Clerks office where I originally took my oath? 2) There is no need to send a letter of resignation to the Secretary of State since my commission will expire soon. Is that correct? 3) Do I need to turn in the seal or simply destroy?

National Notary Association

28 Dec 2016

Hello Isabel. Since you did not perform any transactions, there is no need to send your blank journal to the County Clerk's office. You are not required to send a letter of resignation if you are simply letting your commission expire. You should destroy your seal so it cannot be used by someone else-one option is to cut the rubber impression with a sharp object or scissors so that it is no longer usable. Please use caution to avoid accidental injury when destroying your seal.

Diane Dostalek

12 Dec 2016

In California, does the "no ditto marks" requirement apply to everything in my journal or just to the columns that California requires to be filled in. For instance, can I use ditto marks in the Additional Information column? Also, I know we aren't supposed to use abbreviations in the journal, but what about for dates? Can I use 12/20/2016 instead of December 20, 2016? And, can I use "12/20/16" on the Acknowledgment form or do I have to write out the whole date? Sometimes the blank I'm given on pre-printed forms isn't long enough to write out the date.

National Notary Association

13 Dec 2016

Hi Diane. The Secretary of State's 2014 Notary Newsletter, page 4, states: "Remember that you may be asked to provide a copy of a line item in your journal, which is why each line item entry must be complete. You cannot use hash marks, ditto marks, arrows, or other shortcuts." Based on this, you should fill in all sections of the journal entry completely without using ditto marks. GC 8206[a] states that each journal entry must include the date, time and type of each official act. The law does not specify a particular format that must be used when the date is entered. However, please remember that you will need to enter the time the notarization took place along with the month, year and day in each journal entry.

Robert Lofton

12 Dec 2016

thank youCl

Greg Hamil

12 Dec 2016

In Illinois, is the thumbprint in the journal required? Most of what I will be notarizing will be for my employer. I was told that is wasn't necessary to keep a journal for those types of transactions, but in reading this it seems like it would be a good idea.

National Notary Association

12 Dec 2016

Hello. In Illinois, a journal entry is only required for certain notarizations. Under a pilot program in effect from June 1, 2009, through June 30, 2018, Illinois Notaries must create a separate “Notarial Record,” which includes a thumbprint, each time a notarization is performed on certain conveyances for residential real property in Cook County. Depending on the circumstances, each Notarial Record must then be surrendered to the Notary’s employer or to the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. Other types of notarizations do not require a journal entry in Illinois. However, state officials have said that a Notary may keep a journal for his or her own record keeping if desired.

Emilia Liu

12 Dec 2016

Do I have to have borrowers sign and thumbprint everything in the loan doc? Because sometimes I won't know what's inside that needs to be notarized until I get there . So I just have them sign and thumbprint one entry box but at the option I check mark all that was applied to t loan doc.

National Notary Association

12 Dec 2016

Hello Emilia. Rules for journal entries vary from state to state. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

07 Dec 2016

New York - Not Required


25 Nov 2016

I recently became loan signing agent aftert getting my notary public, do i need to have the signing agent log as well as a notary journal for loans and regular notary acts or just a notary journal or just a signing agent journal for everything?

National Notary Association

28 Nov 2016

Hi Summer. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


09 Nov 2016

Oregon notary, do I document the signer's address or the address where the notarization took place in my journal?

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2016

Hi Tami. Oregon requires Notaries to record the full name and contact address of each individual for whom the notarial act is performed. (ORS 194.300[3]) You are not required to record the address where the notarization took place.


03 Nov 2016

If I make a mistake in my journal can I use white out ?

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2016

Hello Alexis. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Jessica Reid

18 Oct 2016

I need to do two loan signings and I only have 1 page left available in my journal. Can I do half on one book and continue on the other or should I just start on a new book?

National Notary Association

19 Oct 2016

Hi Jessica. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


11 Oct 2016

I am in California and I notarized my first document. The entry in my journal under ID info. I was given a California ID but u did not put the issuing date only the expiration date. Is this acceptable?

National Notary Association

11 Oct 2016

Hello. (GC 8206[a][2][D]) says the Notary must record "the date of issue or expiration of the document."

Chiqui De Guzman

27 Sep 2016

I renew my CA notary this year. I noticed that the commission number changes. My question is, do I need a new journal for each commission number? I still have a lot of pages available on my journal and I do not want to waste it if I do not need to. I wanted to continue using the same journal, is that allowed? Also, I was thinking if I used the same journal, I would start on a new page and just marked the last page "intentionally left blank". Is my way of thought correct? Please advise.

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2016

Hello. No, you may continue to use your current journal in sequential order. You do not need to leave a blank page in the journal when you renew your commission.


16 Aug 2016

In California, am I required to start a new journal everytime my commission is renewed?

National Notary Association

17 Aug 2016

Hello. No, you may continue using your existing journal provided there is room to record addtional entries.


08 Aug 2016

Do you have to get a new Notary Handbook every time you renew in TX?

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but we're not clear what "Handbook" you are referring to. Texas Notaries are required to use a seal of office and maintain a journal of notarial acts as part of their duties. Can you clarify what handbook you are referring to?


22 Jul 2016

I have a signer who when singed their name in my notary journal part of their signature went on to the next signers portion Can this be a problem or can I continue to from the last line used?

National Notary Association

25 Jul 2016

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you tell us what state you are commissioned in?


29 Jun 2016

CA-When I'm done with my current notary journal do I keep it? or do I need to turn it in to the recorder's office? Ill be done with my first journal in a couple of months, and I want to know what to do. Thank you

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2016

Hello. When completed, you should keep your old journal in a secure, locked location. If you stop being a Notary and do not renew your commission, your old journals will need to be turned in to the County Clerk's office where your commission and oath are filed within 30 days of the end date of your commission.


24 Jun 2016



22 Jun 2016

In State of NV, how do I correct a mistake in my notary journal? I don't believe I can use white out - do I cross through the mistake, make the correction and initial?

National Notary Association

24 Jun 2016

Hello. You should line through the error, make the correction and initial and date the correction.


13 Jun 2016

In CA, when missed/left two lines and one blank page of the journal, using the new page for the notarial act, do I need to use the prevoious blank lines/page to the notarial act next time?

National Notary Association

16 Jun 2016

Hello. California Notaries are required to keep a sequential journal, so you should not go back and use the skipped spaces for new entries. You may want to write "unintentionally skipped" in the missed areas just to have a record of what happened.


06 Jun 2016

Hello I am from AZ and I am curious to know if a signer has to sign the book but the signature has been notarized by document already before my book arrived. I do have ID however.

National Notary Association

07 Jun 2016

Jennifer, we apologize...we were not sure from your message if your question was regarding a notarized signature or a signature for a journal entry. However, if you need an answer ASAP, you can speak to one of our Hotline counselors at 888-876-0827 for assistance.


31 May 2016

State of California. In my joynal I forgot to print the date of notarization of a document and I can't remember the date of the event, what should I do?

National Notary Association

16 Jun 2016

At the moment, there really isn't anything you can do regarding this situation. You may want to make a note in the journal entry stating that you forgot to enter the date and can’t remember when the notarization was performed.


25 May 2016

In WA State, when someone requests a copy of the notarial act from a journal, what is given to them. The journal allows multiple entries on a single page. Do you have an law stating that a journal is public record?

National Notary Association

02 Jun 2016

Hello. While recommended, Washington state law does not require Notaries to keep journals of notarial acts.

Leah Dean

11 May 2016

I have been trying for 4-1/2 years to get Texas notary log book. I recently filed a lawsuit because of suspected notary fraud and the notaries have even refused sending their log books to my attorney. The Secretary of State Texas has not cooperated in helping me with a complaint. How can I get a copy of these log books?

National Notary Association

12 May 2016

Hello. Texas Notary journal entries are public records and "open for public examination and inspection at all reasonable times." (CPRC 121.012[e]; see also GC 406.014[b]). Texas Notaries must provide a certified copy of any notarial record to any person requesting a copy upon payment of the fees allowed by law. (The fee for providing a copy of a record or paper kept in the Notary's office is 50 cents per page) (GC 406.014[c] and 1 TAC 87.42) Failure to respond to a request for public information may be grounds for disciplinary action against the Notary. (1 TAC 87.43) The Secretary of State suggests that all requests for copies of entries in a Notary’s record book be made in writing through a certified letter to the Notary’s official address on file, thereby providing evidence for a complaint if the Notary fails to comply


11 May 2016

Coworkers attended the course for becoming a Notary and were told that keeping a journal is now a requirement. I am confused because the State's website ( says "North Carolina law does not require the use of a notary journal; however, you may be interested to know that many states have mandatory use of journals."

National Notary Association

12 May 2016

Hello. North Carolina recommends but does not requires regular Notaries to keep a journal, but a registered electronic Notary can be required to keep one by the Secretary of State.


10 May 2016

In California if you let your Notary Commission Lapse, what do you do with your old journal? Where do you send it, if you send it anywhere.

National Notary Association

11 May 2016

Hi Renee. You will need to turn in your journal to the clerk of the county where your commissioned is filed.


09 May 2016

In State Of Calfiornia. Someone comes in with a document all filled out. The document had the correct wording.However, the box was not at the top but rather at the bottom. So, I had the signature make a line through the incorrect wording and initial it. I did nit want to touch the document. I added a loos certificate with my name as, notary public with date and and the signatures name. Type of document and date put in with the signatures initial as document had no date. So we used same date of when they were in front of me.

Christine A Pastran

06 May 2016

What is the correct way to fix an alteration made in the notary journal? Do all parties need to initial next to correction, or just the notary filling out the entry?


04 May 2016

Can I use white out in my record book?

National Notary Association

04 May 2016

Hi Tasha. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


03 May 2016

When was it required for a Notary to keep a journal regarding transactions? Does California require a Notary to keep a journal? Is it possible to see Notary's notes from 16 years ago if she is still active? Also, how can I find out if Notary is still active? Thank you.

National Notary Association

03 May 2016

Every California Notary must keep “one active sequential journal at a time, of all official acts performed as a notary public” (GC 8206[a][1]). “Upon written request of any member of the public, which request shall include the name of the parties, the type of document, and the month and year in which notarized, the notary shall supply a photostatic copy of the line item representing the requested transaction at a cost of not more than thirty cents ($0.30) per page” (GC 8206[c]). The California Secretary of State's office provides a list of active Notaries here:

Lacey Rentschler

03 May 2016

In the state of (SD) do you need to get Thumb print at time of signature?

National Notary Association

03 May 2016

Hello. No, South Dakota does not require Notaries to obtain a signer's thumbprint.


25 Apr 2016

Hi I'm a Notary in the state of California: Can the repetitive mark (") be used under the first entry if I have multiple documents which are the same in type and are signed by the same person on the same date?

National Notary Association

25 Apr 2016

Hello. No, the Secretary of State's office has said that Notaries may not use ditto marks for their journal entries.

Mary J

24 Mar 2016

I'm a CA Notary and in a couple of my most recent journal entries I forgot to put the fee. All of them are for $0 as it was for work. Am I allowed to fix that and write it in?

National Notary Association

24 Mar 2016

Hello. Yes, you can go back and correct the journal entry with the needed information.

25 Feb 2016

I am a CA Notary, I just renewed, but I noticed that I have mistakes on my first journal entries. On the type of document or the address. What am I allowed to do to fix it?

National Notary Association

26 Feb 2016

There is no regulation about whether or not a CA Notary may or may not correct a previous journal entry. In the absence of official guidelines for correcting a previously recorded journal entry, we suggest the following: make the correction in the journal by lining through the incorrect section and initialing, then write in the correct type of document or address and enter the date of the correction.


24 Feb 2016

I'm a CA notary specializing in loans. The CA requirement that every act be recorded on a separate line is very tiresome for everyone. I have signed as many as 30 loans in a month (yay)! When the average loan has about 8 notarized signatures,, and 2 people getting notarized, it makes for a long night of signing. Plus, going through a journal every other month makes it hard to store them. I loved the idea of the electronic journal. Is there any hope of bringing it back?

Joey O

16 Feb 2016

Do I have to record a general witness to a document in my journal? I.E.: A woman brought in her Power of Attorney for Health Care to be notarized and the document required a "witness" (other than the notary) to the document being signed by the principal. Do I need to make a journal entry for that witness under the principal's journal entry?

National Notary Association

17 Feb 2016

Hello Joey. Different states have different requirements for journal entries. To help us better answer your question, can you tell us what state you are commissioned in, please?

Rachel Olsen

14 Feb 2016

My commission has just expired and I'm not renewing. In the four years of being a Notary I have never Notarized anything-so my Journal is blank. My question's are: 1) Does the blank journal need to go to the County Clerks office where I originally toke my oath? 2) I now live about two-hundred miles from the County Clerk' office where I was commissioned: can I certify mail the journal to the County Clerk's office? 3) My commission has expired, so there is no need to send a letter of resignation to the Secretary of State. Is that correct?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2016

Hello Rachel. To make sure we provide you with the correct information, can you please confirm the state you are commissioned in? From your descriptions it sounds like California but we want to be sure. Thanks.

Anne Heid

02 Feb 2016

does Indiana require a journal

National Notary Association

03 Feb 2016

Hello. No, though it is a recommended practice.

Rosalind D Moore

14 Dec 2015

I is better to have a bound journal. Pages can be photocopied. A bound journal is always in date order. A loose page journal may not be accepted by a court because the pages can be exchanged or removed or altered. That is not the case in a bound journal.


14 Dec 2015

In California, are there additional refreshing classes that can be taken other than the class where thereafter the test is taken? I would like to take classes where we can be shown when there are different scenarios?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2015

Hi Yolanda. Please contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-876-6827 for details on our California exam prep class.

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2015

You may also wish to check out our Notary Essentials course:

Michael E Harris

14 Dec 2015

While New Jersey does not require a journal, I use the NNA version since it keeps me out of trouble. I have only had to provide copies of a loan signing to the signers' lawyer. I even ask for a right thumb print--no one has ever objected.


14 Dec 2015

I notarized several publisher affadivits which contain several publication dates. Which date should I note under the "Document Date" column on the Texas Notary Public journal -- the last or the first or all?

National Notary Association

18 Dec 2015

Hello. You would need to make a separate entry in your journal for each notarization performed. Each journal entry should include the document date for the particular document notarized. For example, if you notarized a signature on a document dated Dec. 4, and a second signature on a separate document dated Dec. 11, you would need to make two journal entries. One entry for the document dated Dec. 4, and the other journal entry would be for the notarized document dated Dec. 11.


04 Dec 2015

Hi I'm California. If you have someone give you a set of documents that requires the client (1) signature on two separate pages and then I have notarize the last page (the client's name was typed in by the company). Would I charge $20 for the 2 signatures for the client?

National Notary Association

07 Dec 2015

Hello. California permits Notaries to charge a maximum of $10 for each signature notarized. So if you notarized 2 signatures, then yes, you could charge a maximum of $20.


16 Nov 2015

Hello, I was a notary in the state of Texas but am no longer. I am moving and downsizing. I have a few journals that I need to get rid of and I can't find, online, what to do with them. I only found one site that said to keep them 7 years or forever. That is just not possible. Where should I send them? Thanks.

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2015

Hello. You should turn in your journals to the county clerk's office in the county where you currently reside before you move. (GC 406.022)


04 Nov 2015

5. The printed name and address of each signer so in California I don't need to enter any of this?

National Notary Association

06 Nov 2015

Hello Jim. The list in the article is provided as a guide for Notaries in states that do not specify what information should be recorded in a journal entry. In your case, since you are in California, you would follow CA's requirements as we discussed in the previous comment.


03 Nov 2015

in California, Do I have to record in my journal the persons address , or is this optional

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2015

Hello. No, the required information for a journal in CA is: 1. Date time and type of official act; 2. Type or title of the document; 3. Signature of any person whose signature is notarized; 3. Statement regarding the type of evidence used to identify the signer (including the serial or identifying number, type of ID and date of issue or expriation); 4. The fee charged for the notarial act and 5. Signer's right thumbprint for a document affecting real property such as a deed, quitclaim deed or deed of trust. (GC 8206[a])

Reisa Hannig

27 Oct 2015

What address do I record in the journal for the signer? Do I use the signer's home address or can I use the work address? Most of my notarial services involve work documents at my office.

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2015

Hello Reisa. Because different jurisdictions have different journal entry requirements, can you please let us know what state you are commissioned in?


26 Oct 2015

My original notary commission expired 13 years ago. During that prior commission I provided services primarily for my employer. I was laid off and stored my notary journal and seal in my locked garage with other paperwork. I later forgot the journal and seal were there. Years later after a move to a new city I have decided to become a notary, for a different employer and I do not remember ever turning in my journals. I have looked through boxes and files and I cannot locate the journal- I strongly believe I watched the box which contained the journal, and all contents therein, be shredded with old tax documents. This occurred about 2 years ago. I know the journal entries would be more than 10 years old and therefore available for destruction by court order (I am in California). But I am worried that 1) my new notary commission will be denied, and 2) I am open to liability to the secretary of state. What should I do? Notify the secretary of state now, 13 years after the notarizations were performed?

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2015

Hello Nina. You should notify the Secretary of State's office by certified or registered mail about the lost journal. The notification should include the time period covered by the journal, your Notary commission number and the date your commission expired. The address is California Secretary of State, Notary Public Section, PO Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277-0001. If you have other questions or concerns about this issue, you can contact the Secretary of State's office by phone at 1-916-653-3595.

Larry A.

12 Oct 2015

If I have more then one document for the same person per event. Do I need to have multiple journal entries for the same person in CA?

National Notary Association

15 Oct 2015

Hello. Yes, CA law requires that each journal entry include the type of of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary. (GC section 8206(a))


05 Oct 2015

I'm a new CA notary. If there is one document requiring multiple signatures of the same person, do I make the signer sign my journal for each signature? Can I charge the max fee ($10) for each signature?

National Notary association

06 Oct 2015

Hello. In California, you may charge of maximum fee of $10 for each signature notarized either by acknowledgment or jurat. (GC 8211[a] and [b])

Theresa Brown

01 Oct 2015

I was a notary for the state of California decades ago. My last entry was 11/16/81. I have kept this journal because I have have never known if I could shred the pages, can I?

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2015

Hello. While normally Notary journals in CA are turned in to the county clerk's office upon the Notary's resignation, because of the age of the journal in question (34 years ago), we're not certain if the county clerk's office would accept this journal to be turned in. Notarial journals that have been deposited with the county clerk may be destroyed upon court order after 10 years, provided that no request for or reference to them has been made during that time (GC 8209[c]). You may wish to contact the county clerk's office where your commission was filed to find out if they wish you to turn the journal over to them or if they wish you to destroy it.


23 Sep 2015

Is it a requirement in California to turn in completed journals to the recorder's office?

National Notary Association

24 Sep 2015

Hello. If a CA Notary resigns, is removed from office, or allows his or her commission to expire without recommissioning within 30 days, that individual must surrender all notarial journals to the clerk of the county in which the Notary’s oath of office is filed. (GC 8209[a])


21 Sep 2015

I live in MT and know of a notary who has given out scanned copies of her journal to people. Is this legal? Thanks

National Notary Association

21 Sep 2015

Hello. This issue is not specifically addressed in MT law. However, if the Notary is providing copies of journal entries to third parties, this may be a violation of signer privacy if the Notary is sharing private signer information with strangers. We recommend you contact the MT Secretary of State's office at (406) 444-5379 or 444-1877 and let them know about this situation.


04 Sep 2015

In California is it required to make a journal entry for every loan documents you notorize?

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2015

Hello. A CA Notary must make a journal entry for each notarial act performed. Each entry must include: the date, time and type of each official act; the character of every instrument sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the Notary (for example, a Deed of Trust); the signature of each person whose signature is notarized; and a statement that the identity of the person making an acknowledgment or taking an oath or affirmation was based on satisfactory evidence pursuant to Civil Code section 1185. (Government Code section 8206(a))

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2015

Please also note that in California, the signer's right thumbprint must also be collected for the journal entry if the document to be notarized is a deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust, or other document affecting real property, or a power of attorney document. (GC 8206[a][2][G])


12 Aug 2015

Do we need to document addresses in the journal?

National Notary Association

13 Aug 2015

Hello Beth. Journal requirements vary between states. So we can better answer your question, can you tell us what state you are commissioned in?


01 Jul 2015

Hi, I am a new notary in CA and I just completed my first notarization. (Yay!) The Identification I used was a CA drivers license. Do I need the expiration date written down in my journal entry as well? Also, since its work related and my boss paid for everything involving my notary, do I need to charge a fee?

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2015

Hi Nicole. Yes, you should record the expiration date of the ID presented in the journal entry. Regarding work-related fees, the CA Notary Public Handbook states: "A notary public may decide to charge no fee or an amount that is less than the maximum amount prescribed by law. The charging of a fee and the amount of the fee charged is at the discretion of the notary public or the notary public’s employer, provided it does not exceed the maximum fees." (page 18)

Alexandra Malm

16 Jun 2015

Montana requires a journal but there is no requirement on the format. Do I need to buy a journal specifically designed for the purpose of notary, or can I hand write the column headers for the required information, "Date Notarized, Type of Notarization," etc. into a blank journal that meets the requirement of being bond to prevent altercations? I live very far away from a story that sells journals specific to notary and am in too big of a time crunch to have one shipped. Thank you.

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2015

Hello. The Montana Notary Handbook clarifies that today a journal may be in electronic or paper form. It also says a paper journal should be “bound” and may not be a loose-leaf notebook. The Handbook also says the Secretary of State has not defined a specific format for the journal, and leaves it up to each Notary to choose the design that fits their particular demands best. The journal must contain all of the information required by statute. The Handbook does not say anything about using blank journals; it assumes Notaries will select a Notary journal produced specifically for recording notarial acts.

Jacob Monson

10 Jun 2015

CA State Notary Question. Can a notary maintain 2 working journals, 1 for work, and 1 for outside of work?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2015

Hi Jacob. No, CA law only permits Notaries in the state to keep "one active sequential journal at a time." (GC 8206[a][1])

gina phillips

23 Oct 2014

I made a big mistake and am hoping g someone can help me fix it. I had 1 journal that started to fall apart so I purchase a 2nd one. I started using the new one for about a page and a half of signatures. Then one day I was rushing to an appt. And couldn't find the new journal so I had to use the original one instead. Now I have 2 journals with signatures in it and don't know what to do. Should I close out the two and start a third journal?? Thank you!

National Notary Association

23 Oct 2014

Hi Gina, If you can please let us know what state you are writing from, we will see if we can help answer your question. Thanks!

laura patrick

23 Oct 2014

I need a copy of the 2014 notary handbook w/ rules and procedures Thanks laura

National Notary Association

23 Oct 2014

Hello Laura, If you are an NNA member, you can access an online PDF copy of the U.S. Notary Reference Manual, which has a summary of Notary rules and procedures for all U.S. states and territories, by accessing your online member profile at If you are looking for a handbook published by your state's Notary-regulating agency, please let us know what state you are writing from and we will see if we can assist you. Thanks!

David A. Baker

21 Oct 2014

I need to order anew journal

National Notary Association

22 Oct 2014

Hello David. We'd be happy to help you order a new journal. You can order a new journal through us online by visiting and clicking "Supplies." You can also order through our Customer Care department by calling 1-800-876-6827 or emailing

Brenda Sala

20 Oct 2014

In the State of California does it matter what color ink is used when notarizing?

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2014

Hello Brenda, The seal of every California Notary Public must be legible and photographically reproducible (GC 8207). Otherwise, California does not specify what color ink must be used when notarizing.

Saundra Landers

20 Oct 2014

When should a completed notary journal be turned into the recorders office, once all pages has been used, at the end of each commission or once the notary is no longer notarizing?

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2014

Hello Saundra, In order to better answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are writing us from? Thanks!

Paul Crownover

20 Oct 2014

My state (ND) doesn't require that a journal be kept. However, in case any notarization is every called into question I keep one. However, to protect everyone's privacy I keep a "loose" page journal so that if ever proof of notarization and verification of ID is required only the information about the specific person(s) or specific notarization (for repeat customers) is made available. Also, it is the first thing I complete and have the individual(s) sign before anything else happens.

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