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FAQ: Can I notarize documents in other states or countries?

Update 7-8-24. Notaries often ask the NNA if they can notarize signatures when visiting a different state or a foreign country. We’ve prepared this guide to help answer your questions about notarizing in other states or nations.

Can I perform notarizations in other states?

Most U.S. states and jurisdictions only authorize commissioned Notaries Public or other notarial officers recognized under state law to perform notarial acts within the borders of the commissioning state or jurisdiction. For example, a Notary commissioned in California or Florida may perform notarizations anywhere within the commissioning state’s borders, but may not perform a notarization in another state such as Georgia.

There are a handful of states that permit notarizations outside the state, but only under specific conditions or for certain types of documents:

  • Kentucky Notaries may apply to get a Special Commission, which authorizes them to notarize documents inside or outside the state as long as the document will be recorded in Kentucky (KRS 423.110[6]). Special Commission Notaries may be nonresidents. (Also see “Remote Online Notarization” below for additional information.)
  • Montana allows its Notaries to perform notarial acts in a bordering state that recognizes the Notary's authority — currently, only Wyoming and North Dakota do this (MCA 1-5-605[4]). (Also see “Remote Online Notarization” below for additional information.)
  • North Dakota allows its Notaries to perform notarial acts in a state that recognizes the Notary's authority. Currently, only Montana does this (NDCC 44-06.1-09). (Also see “Remote Online Notarization” below for additional information.)
  • Virginia Notaries may notarize a document inside or outside the Commonwealth if the document will be used in the Commonwealth or by the U.S. government (COV 47.1-13[B], 47.1-13.1). (Also see “Remote Online Notarization” below for additional information.)
  • Wyoming allows its Notaries to perform notarial acts in a bordering state that recognizes the Notary's authority — currently only Montana does this (WS 32-3-104[b]). (Also see “Remote Notarization” below for additional information.)

Can a Notary commission be transferred?

Many Notaries have asked, “If I move to another state, can I transfer my current Notary commission to my new state?”

The answer generally is “no” — Notary commissions are not transferable between states.

If you are relocating to another state, you need to resign your current commission and apply for a Notary commission in your new state.

However, in some jurisdictions, it is possible to hold more than one Notary commission if you live in one state and work in another that allows nonresidents to hold a Notary commission (see “Can a Notary hold commissions in multiple states?” below). 

Can I travel to another country to notarize?

Certain individuals may hold special commissions from the federal government to notarize overseas. Some serving U.S. military personnel are authorized to notarize for military members and their families on U.S. bases in other countries. With the exceptions of the special commissions and situations listed above, Notaries commissioned by a U.S. state are not able to use their Notary commission when physically located overseas.

Also, officers of the foreign service of the United States and consular agents at U.S. embassies and consulates are authorized under federal law to notarize documents abroad. However, these specialized commissions are not available to Notaries commissioned by U.S. states and jurisdictions.

Remote Online Notarization (RON)

Currently, more than 40 states have enacted permanent statutes authorizing qualified Notaries to perform remote online notarizations (RON). These acts permit the Notary to interact with the signer remotely using audiovisual technology over the internet instead of appearing in person before the Notary. Many states that authorize RON permit remote notarizing for signers located in a different state or country than the Notary. However, when performing a RON, the Notary must always be physically present in the commissioning state during the notarization.

Can a Notary hold commissions in multiple states?

Some jurisdictions allow individuals to apply for a Notary commission in more than one state. In New York, nonresidents may apply for a New York Notary commission, provided they have an office or place of business in New York State. For example, a New Jersey resident who has an office in New York could hold a New Jersey Notary commission and a New York Notary commission, authorizing the person to notarize in both states.

If you wish to obtain a Notary commission in another state, always check the laws of the state you reside in as well as the state you wish to be commissioned in to make sure it is permissible in both jurisdictions and you meet all eligibility requirements.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

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Related Articles:

How do you handle out-of-state Notary certificates?

Handling requests to notarize out-of-state documents

Notarizing documents from other countries

Additional Resources:

NNA Hotline

View All: Notary News


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07 Mar 2025

Hi, I recently moved from Indiana to Michigan. I understand that my notary isn’t valid in Michigan, however I still work in Indiana and conduct several of my personal affairs there still. Can I keep my Indiana notary and apply for a Michigan one?

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2025

Hello. If your primary place of employment is still in Indiana, you may be able to retain your Indiana Notary commission. However, you will need to inform the state of your change of address within 30 days of moving (IC 33-42-12-3[a]).

Melanie Thompson

06 Mar 2025

Good day. From my research, I kind of know the answer but still want to hear others opinion. I'm a Ga notary but want to do RON and become a notary signing agent. From my understanding, I can't do RON and it's a waste of time to become a signing agent due to GA being a law state so an attorney has to always be present. And most attorneys are notaries. is there anything I'm missing.


28 Feb 2025

Hi, I’m a notary in New Jersey and I was wondering if I can notarize a delegation of parental authority for a client from Pennsylvania? She would come to NJ so I can notarize the document. TIA

National Notary Association

03 Mar 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


12 Jan 2025

Hi, I have two documents that have to be notarized, one has a California Acknowledgement and the other has the state of Florida sworn oath. I am a Wisconsin notary and I am wondering if it is okay to notarize these documents from different states. Thank you

National Notary Association

24 Jan 2025

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Santanya Nelson

22 Nov 2024

My PA office normally hires my Southern NJ employees, there is a NJ form that requires a notary are my PA employees allowed to notarize that form

National Notary Association

25 Nov 2024

Hello. For a traditional pen-and-paper notarization, the signer and PA Notary would both need to be physically present in the same location in Pennsylvania when the notarization takes place. PA Notaries cannot travel to other states to perform notarizations.

lori acierto

29 Oct 2024

I just moved to KY and was wondering if I could notarize documents here ? I am a legal document preparer and legal documents need to be notarized

National Notary Association

04 Nov 2024

Hello. You would first need to confirm you meet the requirements to apply for a KY Notary commission. You can find more information about becoming a KY Notary here:

Bry Wheeler

09 Oct 2024

Hey, I am a notary for the state of Michigan. I will be moving to Indiana soon. Will I be able to notarize in both states?

National Notary Association

11 Oct 2024

Hello. You would need to apply for a new commission in Indiana in order to notarize in Indiana after you relocate. Unless you maintain a place of business in Michigan after you move, you will no longer be eligible for a Michigan Notary commission after you relocate. If you are no longer eligible, you will need to resign your Michigan Notary commission.

Jessie Anderson

07 Oct 2024



19 Sep 2024

Hello, I am a commissioned notary public in New Jersey. Am I permitted to notarize documents in Pennsylvania?

National Notary Association

19 Sep 2024

Hello. No, a New Jersey commission only authorizes you to perform notarizations within your own state (NJSA 52:7-15).


30 Aug 2024

I reside in Maryland but I work for a company in DC, can I be a notary in both states?

National Notary Association

04 Sep 2024

Hello. An applicant for a Notary commission in Washington, D.C. must meet the following requirements: An applicant for a commission as a District of Columbia Notary Public must (CDC 1-1231.19[c]; 17 DCMR 2400.1; and 2400.2): (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the U.S.; (c) be a resident of or have a primary place of employment or practice in the District; (d) not be disqualified to receive a commission under CDC 1-1231.22; and (e) meet any other qualifications prescribed by rules issued by the Mayor.

Lisa Duncan

28 Aug 2024

I am a Notary of PA. but work in MD. I am asked all the time if I can notarize documents in MD. Am I able to? I tell them no, only PA documents (we have an office in PA) but have to be on the ground of PA. Am I correct in this or am I overanalyzing this?

National Notary Association

28 Aug 2024

Hello. No, you aren't overthinking at all, you are correct. You may only use your PA commission to notarize documents when you are physically located within the borders of Pennsylvania. You cannot notarize documents with your PA commission when you are physically located in another state such as Maryland.

Cathy ryan

21 Aug 2024

I am a notary in the state of Delaware however I work part-time in Maryland and there are times when something needs to be notarized am I allowed to do that?

National Notary Association

21 Aug 2024

Hello. No, you may not perform notarizations when you are physically located outside the state of Delaware.

Yolanda Jefferies

23 Jul 2024

Hello, I am a notary in Washington, DC for my job. Can I also hold a notary for the state of Maryland. Where I reside in.

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Maryland Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be of good moral character and integrity and abilities, (c) live or have a place of employment or practice in the state of Maryland, (d) have completed the course of study and examination required by law (see “Course” and “Exam” below for the effective date), (e) if living in Maryland, be a resident of the senatorial district from which appointed, and if living outside Maryland, be a resident of a state that allows Maryland residents working in that state to serve as Notaries (ACM St. Gov’t 18-102[A]).


22 Jul 2024

My notary commission expired do I have to go through the whole process to renew it it's been a few years I was a notary in the state of Florida

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Hello. You will need to apply for a new Notary commission. If you need assistance, the NNA can provide support. You can get started by visiting this page:

jocelyn D.

19 Jul 2024

I am notarized in the state of Texas. Could I notarize a Florida document?

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Yes, provided you and the signer physically meet in Texas for the notarization if you are performing a pen-and-paper notarization, or you are physically located in Texas during the notarization if you are performing a remote online notarization. Also, the notarization must meet all other requirements of Texas law.


19 Jul 2024

Hello, I am a Texas Notary Public and have clients in Missouri and Florida, am I allowed to notary for them? if not, would online notarization make a difference?

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Hello. Any pen-and-paper notarizations would require the signer to physically meet with you within the borders of Texas to perform the notarization. If you are authorized to perform remote notarizations, you must be physically present in Texas during the remote notarization, but the signer may be elsewhere.


08 Jun 2024

Can I as a notary in North Carolina, apply to be a notary in other states and also notarize for other states? Could I notarize for other countries as well online or no?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2024

Hello. You may only apply for a Notary commission in another state if you meet that state's eligibility requirements. Your NC commission does not authorize you to perform notarizations when you travel to other states or countries.


23 May 2024

I am a notary in Indiana, can I notarize something from Kentucky?

National Notary Association

24 May 2024

Hello. You may notarize a document prepared in another state, as long as the notarization takes place in Indiana (your commissioning state) and the notarization request meets all requirements of Indiana law. However, you may not travel to Kentucky to notarize documents.


22 May 2024

Can I notarize online New York documents from Connecticut is my New York license?

National Notary Association

22 May 2024

Hello. You can find the requirements to perform online notarizations in New York state here:

Maria Wright

15 May 2024

My employer is in NJ, I hold a New Jersey Notary but just recently moved to Florida and will be working remotely. Can I still notarize for NJ?

National Notary Association

16 May 2024

Hello. No, New Jersey Notary commissions may only be held by residents of New Jersey or residents of bordering states who have a place of employment or practice in New Jersey (NJSA 52:7-12.a.). You will need to resign your New Jersey commission if you no longer meet the residency requirement.

Amy Collora

14 Apr 2024

I have obtained my commission for the past four years in WA but am planning on living in AZ couple months of the year. Am I allow to apply for a second commission in AZ?

National Notary Association

25 Apr 2024

Hello. An applicant for a commission as an Arizona Notary Public must (ARS 41-312.E and 41-330.A.2; RM): (a) be at least eighteen years of age, (b) be a citizen or a legal permanent resident of the United States, (c) either be a resident of Arizona state for income tax purposes and claim his or her Arizona residence as the primary residence on state and federal tax returns, or be registered to vote in Arizona, (d) be able to read and write English, and (d) not be disqualified to receive a commission under ARS 41-271.


01 Apr 2024

Can a notary from CT notarize in state of Florida? Question? in the event if someone from CT sign and notarize documents in the State of Florida, and it has been filed is this considered a Null and Void and should it be re-notarized by someone that is Notary in the State of Florida. I was asked this question and I provided with the answer, but I would like to keep a note of this if my file. thank you

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2024

Hello. CT Notaries cannot use their commission to notarize when located outside the state of Connecticut with one exception: “An acknowledgment of any instrument pertaining to real property located in this state or a power of attorney may be made outside the state before an attorney admitted to the bar in this state” (CGS 1-31a). Any legal questions regarding the validity of a specific document would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.


26 Mar 2024

Good day, Can I become a Notary in two states such as Texas and New Mexico?

National Notary Association

27 Mar 2024

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you reside in?


21 Mar 2024

Can an IL notary notorize paperwork from NC that says NC -cross out NC and put IL on the NC paperwork? Its a HOA NC bylaws paperwork?

National Notary Association

21 Mar 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


21 Mar 2024

Hello I’m a Illinois notary and I was contact by a Indiana resident that wants me to travel to their residence to notarize POA I can’t not do this since it’s taking place in Indiana and I am a commissioner of Illinois correct? Thank you in advance

National Notary Association

21 Mar 2024

Hello. Yes, you are correct-Illinois Notaries may not travel to other states to perform notarizations.

Juliette Serrano

18 Mar 2024

I live in NJ and Notary in the state of NJ i if i visit Florida and North Carolina and someone needs a notarized document would i be able to ?

National Notary Association

18 Mar 2024

Hello. No, New Jersey Notaries are not permitted to perform notarizations when the Notary is physically located outside the borders of New Jersey.

13 Mar 2024

question.. If someone is a notary in the state of Connecticut and lives 3 months out the year in Florida. Can that person notarize Florida documents. And is it bond and legal. or a non void.

National Notary Association

14 Mar 2024

Hello. You may not use your CT Notary commission to notarize documents when you are physically located in Florida.

Danielle Parascondola

09 Mar 2024

Hi, I live in NJ and have a place of business in Florida. Can I have a notary in NJ and apply to the state of Florida to become a notary as well?

National Notary Association

11 Mar 2024

Hello. Only legal residents of Florida may apply for a FL Notary commission.


05 Mar 2024

I’m a notary in Missouri can I notarize in Illinois? I live in both states.

National Notary Association

06 Mar 2024

Hello. No, MO Notaries are not authorized to perform notarizations in Illinois.

Marie Brewer

05 Feb 2024

If I have a notary stamp in florida and live here 6 months out of the year and the other 6 months in Connecticut can I apply for a notary stamp in Connecticut?

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2024

An applicant for a commission as a Connecticut Notary Public must (CGS 3-94b[b]): (a) be at least 18 years old and (b) reside or have a principal place of business in Connecticut.

Kimberly Alston

29 Jan 2024

I live in NJ and hold my notary license in NJ. I work in Pennsylvania can I also notarize in PA? if so who do I contact in PA to get started?

National Notary Association

31 Jan 2024

Hello. No, you may not use your New Jersey commission to notarize when you are physically located in Pennsylvania. An applicant for a commission as a Pennsylvania Notary Public must (57 Pa.C.S. 321[a]): (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States, (c) be a resident of or have a place of employment or practice in the Commonwealth, (d) be able to read and write English, (e) not be disqualified to receive a commission under 57 Pa.C.S. 323, (f) have passed the examination required under 57 Pa.C.S. 322(a), and (g) comply with other requirements established by the department by regulation as necessary. For information to help you start the PA commission process, please see here:


13 Jan 2024

Can a Lane County Oregon notary notarize documents in all Oregon counties, or only in Lane County?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2024

Hello. Oregon Notaries have statewide jurisction (ORS 194.255).


27 Dec 2023

I live in NYC if someone who came to visit NY and needed a document notarized but lives in Florida can I notarized it.

National Notary Association

08 Jan 2024

Hello. Yes, if the signer appeared in person before you with the document in the state of New York, and the notarization request meets all requirements of NY state law.

Jena Wilford

21 Dec 2023

I live in Georgia but work in Florida... My employer is requesting that I get my notary commission, but does FL allow this?

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2024

Hello. We're sorry, but because you are not a legal resident of Florida, you are not eligible to apply for a Florida Notary commission (

Whitney Hastings

18 Dec 2023

So I am a Massachusetts notary, and i’m looking into getting commissioned out of the state of New Hampshire. Because I have a home improvement business I started in the state of New Hampshire back in 2018 (every year I complete the annual report for my first business) I also have a business address, obviously because it’s a requirement, especially that I my own registered agent for my business. So I filled up the New Hampshire notary documents. All three documents, have to be notarized in order to apply to be a New Hampshire notary. The only reason I have yet to get them notarized and mail them in is because I had full intentions to get signed up to be a New Hampshire notary for the sole purpose of doing remote online notarizations, well upon speaking with some individuals who work at the Secretary of State (in MA) they’ve indicated that as of January 1, 2024, Massachusetts will be an additional State added to the roster of states that are fully remote online Notarization approved and ill be able to perform RON’s effective 01/01/2024- Yes, I do believe having a commission in another state is in advantage. However, between My Husband and I he spends majority of the time in New Hampshire performing the scheduled home improvement assignments and I am typically located in MA 95% of the time at our home office. Now with Massachusetts becoming a RON state the first of the year. SPENDING THE ADDITIONAL MONEY ON NOTARIZING THREE DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS THE APPLICATION FEE WOULD BE USELESS IF YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE STATE YOU’RE NOTARIZING IN RIGHT SO IF I’M MOSTLY IN MASSACHUSETTS AND I CAN COMPLETE REMOTE ONLINE NOTARIES IN MASSACHUSETTS THEN WHY WOULDN’T I JUST STICK IT OUT FOR A COUPLE OF MORE WEEKS, WHAT I’M STATING SOUNDS ACCURATE AND APPROPRIATE UNLESS I HAVE SOMETHING MISTAKEN OR INCORRECT HERE THEN PLEASE CORRECT ME WHERE I’M WRONG BUT ASIDE FROM THAT I WILL GO AHEAD AND EXPECT TO BEGIN DOING MORE REMOTE ONLINE NOTARIZATIONS STARTING THE FIRST OF THE YEAR IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY INSIGHT AS TO WHERE I CAN SIGN UP AHEAD OF TIME (like now =] )


08 Dec 2023

I live in FL but work for a multi-state company, can I notarize signature for other states.

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2023

Hello. Can you please clarify-are you asking if you can notarize documents in Florida that were signed in a different state, or are you asking if you can travel to other states to perform notarizations?


07 Dec 2023

I work in Illinois and live in Indiana and need a legal document notarized. If I bring the document to Indiana, can an Indiana notary notarize it for me or because it’s an Illinois document, does it have to be an Illinois notary?

National Notary Association

08 Dec 2023

Hello. You would need to contact the document receiving agency or an attorney to ask if an out-of-state notarization would cause any issues with accepting the document.


29 Nov 2023

Hi! If I am a resident of New York, and have a notary commissions in New York, can I notarize documents in Florida? Thank you.

National Notary Association

30 Nov 2023

Hello. No, New York Notaries may only perform notarizations within their own state (EL 130).


14 Nov 2023

Can Missouri license notarize in Illinois?

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Erica Lorraine Hylton

12 Nov 2023

All the work I do is for Florida. Can I renew my notary license if I'm living in another state?

National Notary Association

13 Nov 2023

Hello. Only legal residents of Florida are eligible to hold a Florida Notary commission.


08 Oct 2023

I live 6 mths in NY and 6 mths in GA. I am a notary for NY. Can i also become a notary for GA by taking the test for this state. Hence having 2 notary stamps one for NY and one for GA?

National Notary Association

09 Oct 2023

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Georgia Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a U.S. citizen or a legal resident of the United States, (c) have and provide at the time of application the applicant’s operating telephone number, (d) be able to read and write the English language and (e) be a legal resident of the Georgia county in which the application is made or, if living out of state, be a resident of a state bordering Georgia and regularly employed or carrying out a business or profession in the Georgia county in which application is made (OCGA 45-17-2). To prove county residency, the applicant must submit one of the following to the superior court (OCGA 45-17-2.1): a valid Georgia driver’s license, U.S. passport, voter identification card, or other ID issued by a local or state or the U.S. government.

Karen Jorgenson

25 Sep 2023

Do you have agents that are able to provide an address to apply for a notary if I'm not a resident of that state? Thank you.

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2023

Hello. The NNA's Customer Care team can assist you with the commissioning process if you are interested in becoming a Notary in a particular state. However, please be aware that not all states allow out-of-state residents to apply for a Notary commission. You must be able to meet all eligibility requirements in order to apply for a Notary commission, regardless of the state you wish to apply to.

Marilyn Carter

21 Sep 2023

I am a notary in NC. Can I become a RON for another state? If so, what would I need to do?

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2023

Hello. If you can tell us what state you are interested in applying in, we can let you know if you meet their eligibility requirements.


28 Aug 2023

I’m a notary in New York State to any other states offer notaries to apply in their state as well without having an office or business there thank you I would think some states have reciprocity

National Notary Association

29 Aug 2023

Hello. The following states bordering New York all require state residency, employment or conducting business in that state on a regular basis to hold a Notary commission: Connecticut, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Vermont.


16 Aug 2023

Hello, can a georgia notary, notarize a north carolina vehicle title ?

National Notary Association

21 Aug 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


02 Aug 2023

Hello, I am a notary in Washington State. My husband is stationed with the Navy in California. I will be visiting him often for the next few years when he is not deployed. Can I also become a California notary since I will be a non resident but often living on a military base?

National Notary Association

04 Aug 2023

Hello. Based on the situation you are describing, it sounds like you would not be eligible for a CA commission. An applicant for a commission as a California Notary Public (GC 8201[a][1] and [2]): (a) must be at least 18 years old; and (b) must be a legal resident of California.


28 Jul 2023

I am a Notary in Georgia can I notarize a document from Louisiana

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Devinder Deol

24 Jul 2023

I am a Notary in Cook County Illinois. Can I also notarize in Dupage County Illinois? If not what do I need to do to add another county to my notary?

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2023

Hello. You may notarize anywhere in the state of Illinois as long as you continue to reside in the same county in which you are commissioned (5 ILCS 312/3-105).

Elisa Marie Portillo

05 Jul 2023

I have 2 questions, I am a resident of Texas, can I notarize for my boss who lives in Virginia? My next question, can I become a notary in Virginia, if my boss lives in Virginia and I conduct business with him while I live in Texas?

National Notary Association

12 Jul 2023

Hello. To qualify for a Virginia Notary commission, you would need to live or work in the state of Virginia. As a Texas Notary, if you are authorized to perform remote notarizations, you would be able to perform remote Notarizations for your employer, provided you are physically located in Texas when the remote notarization takes place. Please see here for information on the requirements to perform remote notarizations in Texas:

Elizabeth Barcellos

26 Jun 2023

Can I notarize remotely from my commissioned state of Florida for someone located in New York?

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2023

Hello. A Notary must register to perform remote online notarizations in Florida. Once registered, a Florida remote Notary may perform remote notarizations for a signer located outside the state. Please see here for more information:

Stephnie Brown

26 Jun 2023

I live in Arizona now, am a long time California Notary with an active commission. My employer is in California. I am now a commissioned AZ notary, do I have to resign my CA notary Commission? Where does Remote Online Notary fit into this equation?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. Yes, you must resign your CA Notary commission. In order to perform remote notarizations, you will need to apply for authorization to perform RONs as an Arizona Notary.

Lynn Whitt

26 Jun 2023

Hi . I am a notary in Mississippi.. is there a list of states I can not or can noterize in ?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. Mississippi Notaries may only notarize within the borders of their own state.


26 Jun 2023

I have a ga notary can I notarize in delaware

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. No, only within the borders of your own state.


23 Jun 2023

Hi - I'm a notary in PA can Notarize documents from NY? if yes how do I fill up State of New York Countr of ? It is a lease document, do I put the county the address is?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. You may notarize a document from another state, provided the notarization takes place in Pennsylvania and the requested notarization meets all requirements of PA Notary law. When filling out the notarial certificate, the location entered in the venue section must be the location where the notarization takes place. Please see here for more information:


15 Jun 2023

I recently passed the NJ notary exam. Do I need to take the NYC exam as well to Notarize while in NY? I was hoping there was a fee or filing to make it valid in NY as a non resident. I was approved to take NYC exam as I work a W-2 job in NYC. Confused. Thanks. Don't feel like taking to exams so close together. But if I have to I will. Thanks.

National Notary Association

15 Jun 2023

Hello. Yes, you will need to take a separate exam for your NY Notary application, as it is a separate process from obtaining a NJ Notary commission.

Stephanie Grossaint

14 Jun 2023

If I am physically located in Washington state and the documents that need notary are physically located in Oregon state, can I remotely notarize them?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. If you are authorized to perform remote notarizations in Washington state, you must be physically located within Washington's borders when performing a RON, but the signer can be located outside the state. Please see here for more information:


13 Jun 2023

I have a document from a business that is in MO for a radio ad contract for the business I work for. They are notarized, however, they have an IL notary stamp on them. Are they valid?

National Notary Association

14 Jun 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.

David Bardoun

12 Jun 2023

Can a NY notary notarize a signature for a foreign document (foreign language), while in the state of NY of course. We are needing it to be notarized and then apostile done, however we have had two notaries tell us the document needs to be translated first... I found this link on which states they can..?

National Notary Association

13 Jun 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Judy Bart

05 Jun 2023

Hello, I am a PA notary, Can I notarize for my company I work for in Wilmington, Delaware?

National Notary Association

09 Jun 2023

Hello. As a PA Notary, you may only perform notarizations when you are physically located within the borders of Pennsylvania.

Tanya Bettinger

24 May 2023

Hello! I lived and worked in WV when I was commissioned as a notary. I now live in VA but still work in WV, for a different company. Can I simply request a business name/address change since I still have my WV commission (expires 2025)? Thank you!

National Notary Association

05 Jun 2023

Hello. WV Notaries who change their address must complete the “Notary Public Name and/or Address Change” in the Enterprise Registration & Licensing System ( The address change pertains to the address entered in the Notary’s commission application form, whether it be a business or a residence address.


18 May 2023

Hi. I work in nj and my job has expressed interest in becoming a Notary to make is easier since our corporate office has someone who handles this for us. I live in NY and wanted to become a notary there since I would eventually work towards becoming a signing agent. How would This work? Is it allowed fro two states? Thanks.

National Notary Association

19 May 2023

Hello. New York has restrictions on the use of Signing Agents during closings. Please see here for details:

Gene Zonis

15 May 2023

I am a NYS notary through my NY Business but I live in New Jersey. I renewed my Notary commission using a New Jersey Notary where I live but NYS will says I have to use a NYS Notary.

National Notary Association

09 Jun 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


23 Apr 2023

Hi ,if we had a house signed over to us in Mexico and need it notarized . Would it be valid if we get it notarized in California ?Or would we need to get it notarized in Mexico.

National Notary Association

24 Apr 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified real estate attorney.


19 Apr 2023

Hello, may I become a notary in NY having pending asylum status (this is NOT permanent resident alien status)? I have a valid work authorization for 2 years and stay legally in the country. Thank you.

National Notary Association

21 Apr 2023

Hello. To qualify for a NY commission, the applicant must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a person of good moral character, (c) be a resident of New York State or have an office or place of business in the state, (d) have the equivalent of a “common school education” and (e) not have been convicted of a crime, unless the Secretary of State makes a finding in conformance with all applicable statutory requirements, including those contained in Correction Law Article 23-A, that such convictions do not constitute a bar to appointment.


16 Apr 2023

Hello I am a Arizona notary and use for my employer when they need it but can i notarize a document for my company to obtain a license in Maryland remotely?

National Notary Association

18 Apr 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Adam Sebastian

07 Apr 2023

Can a IL notary, notarize a document signed in another state via a mode such as Zoom?

National Notary Association

10 Apr 2023

Hello. No, Illinois Notaries may not perform remote notarizations using Zoom. Please see here for more information:

Cori Bohanen

27 Mar 2023

Can a Georgia notary notarize in the State of Michigan?

National Notary Association

28 Mar 2023

Hello. No, Georgia Notaries only have jurisdiction to notarize within their own state.

Bianca Blanco

25 Mar 2023

I am a NY notary and I just received my remote commission but it different from my traditional. Now I have two commissions. Would this be a problem?

National Notary Association

05 May 2023

Your electronic commission replaces your traditional commission. With your new commission you are authorized to notarize both tangible and electronic records in the physical presence of the signer as well as remotely notarize electronic records with an electronic Notary Public commission.

Matthew naiman

14 Mar 2023

I have many non U.S citizen customers, how can I go about doing a RON with them in another country.

National Notary Association

14 Mar 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Traditional and e notary for Arkansas

20 Feb 2023

I haven’t seen this question but I am a traditional notary and e notary. Just so I’m understanding I can only notarize in Arkansas for traditional but for enotary with RON I can notarize documents from any state as long as I’m in Arkansas?

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2023

Hello. Arkansas remote Notaries can notarize for signers in any location, but the Notaries themselves must be physically present within Arkansas at the time of the notarial act. Please see here for more information:

Cindy Cortes

12 Jan 2023

Hello, I am currently a notary and resident in the State of Texas. I have an office that I manage in New Mexico. Can I be a notary for New Mexico as well?

National Notary Association

23 Jan 2023

Hello. An applicant for appointment as a New Mexico Notary Public must (NMSA 14-14A-20.B): (1) be at least eighteen years of age; (2) be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States; (3) be a resident of or have a place of employment in New Mexico; (4) be able to read and write English; (5) not be disqualified to receive a commission under NMSA 14-14A-22; (6) have passed the examination required pursuant to Subsection A of NMSA 14-14A-21; (7) not otherwise be qualified as a notarial officer; provided that an individual who is employed as a court clerk, deputy court clerk, county clerk or deputy county clerk may also be commissioned as a Notary.

Valeria T

11 Jan 2023

I want to be certified in San Diego County, California but I want to also provide services to the neighboring county (Orange County). Am I able to do that? If not how can I find the loophole that will allow me to.

National Notary Association

12 Jan 2023

Hello. California Notaries have statewide jurisdiction, so if you receive a CA commission you can notarize anywhere within the state.

Jessica Dzienius

04 Jan 2023

Hello, I am newly a NY notary. May I remotely notarize a document/take an affidavit from an affiant who is in another country? It's a personal net worth statement/application to be submitted to the MTA. I see that NY made RON temporary until 1/30/23 but want to be sure.

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2023

Hello. Please see here for more information:


30 Dec 2022

I’m currently in Missouri about 20 miles from Illinois and Iowa? Am i able to be commissioned/notarized in these bordering states?

National Notary Association

10 Jan 2023

Hello. To qualify for an Illinois commission, you would need to be employed in Illinois for at least 30 days. To qualify for an Iowa commission, you would need to be employed in Iowa.


21 Dec 2022

Hello everyone ! I am new to the Notary world. I am a Notary for the state of New York and originally obtained my license when I use to live in NY. However, I recently moved but still have an office in NY. My question is, do I need to complete a form updating the state of my new home and office address ? Also, being that I am a Notary in NY state, can I also be commissioned in NJ ? If so, how do I go about doing this process? And would I need to take another exam to do so?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2022

Hello. If you still live in the state of New York, upon receipt of fee of $10 and a completed “Change Notice,” the Secretary of State will correct the public record to reflect a Notary’s change of name and/or address (EL 131[12]). “The $10 fee is not required if the individual name change is the result in change of marital status” (website, “Frequently Asked Questions”). It is not mandatory to immediately notify the Division of Licensing Services of a name change or a change of address within the state. The name may also be changed upon reappointment for a new commission. If you have moved outside the state, a Notary resident of New York State who moves out of state but still maintains a place of business in the state may remain a Notary; otherwise, the office of Notary is thereby vacated (EL 130). A Notary nonresident who ceases to have an office or place of business in New York State thereby vacates the office of Notary. To qualify for a New Jersey commission, an applicant for a commission as a New Jersey Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a resident of New Jersey or a resident of an adjoining state who maintains or have a place of employment or practice in New Jersey, and (c) not be disqualified to receive a commission under NJSA 52:7-10.4) (NJSA 52:7-12.a.).


05 Dec 2022

I hold notary license in Oklahoma can I notarize in texas

National Notary Association

06 Dec 2022

Hello. No, you may only perform notarizations when you are located within the borders of Oklahoma (49 OS 6[A]).

15 Nov 2022

Can I notarize a document that states: I, the notary attest that I saw the aforementioned document. The Grantor declared to be an American Citizen, married, born in Orange, California, on (date of Birth) with current address of....... He express his agreement with the content of such document and ratified it for all legal purposes.

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you tell us what type of notarial act the signer is requesting you to perform on the document? For example, acknowledgment, jurat, copy certification, etc.?

Pat Hunter

13 Nov 2022

I am a Notary in NJ, What other states can I become a notary?

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2022

Hello. Because each state's commission qualifications are different, can you tell us what specific states you are interested in applying for a commission in?

Mary L Hamilton

03 Nov 2022

We have paid our brother in law in Florida for his share in my mothers house since her passing. It was left to 3 siblings. The one from where we reside in Missouri. After we agreed on an price and sent him a quit claim deed to sign and have notarized, he said that no one will notarize his signature in Florida because its a missouri quit claim. Is this correct. I get conflicting answers when I call notaries in Florida. I could use some help. We had no problem with the quit claim on the other sibling.

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

yarissa leon

23 Oct 2022

Hi am a florida Notary since 1994 and I'm going to have a office at state of Cororado and I will love to be a Notary over there can I,I would have to homes one at Florida and one at cororado.

National Notary Association

24 Oct 2022

Hello. Here are the qualifications to apply for a CO Notary commission: “An applicant for a commission as a notary public must: “(a) Be at least eighteen years of age; “(b) Be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States or otherwise lawfully present in the United States; “(c) Be a resident of or have a place of employment or practice in this state; “(d) Be able to read and write English; “(e) Not be disqualified to receive a commission under section 24-21-523; and “(f) Have passed the examination required under section 24-21-522(1)” (CRS 24-21-521[3]).

Lynda Maldonado

21 Oct 2022

May I notarize a document from Pennsylvania or Maryland if I’m a notary from NJ?

National Notary Association

24 Oct 2022

Hello. You may notarize a document from another state, provided the requested notarization meets all requirements of NJ law and the notarization takes place in New Jersey. You may not travel to PA or MD to perform a notarization in those states.


12 Oct 2022

If I lived in the state of Missouri and worked in Nebraska could I be a notary for both states? Would I have to have a Nebraska stamp and a Missouri stamp? Do I have to maintain separate journals for both states?

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2022

Hello. You can apply for a Nebraska commission if you meet the following requirements: An applicant for a commission as a Nebraska Notary Public must (RSN 64-101): (a) be at least 19 years old, (b) be a resident of Nebraska or of a bordering state and, if the latter, presents evidence of a place of work or business in Nebraska, (c) be able to read and write English and (d) not have been convicted of a felony, unless a full pardon has been granted by the Nebraska Board of Pardons, or a crime involving fraud or dishonesty within the previous five years (433 NAC 6.004.03 and 6.004.04). If you hold both a Nebraska and a Missouri commission, you would require separate tools for each commission. Please note that Nebraska only requires a Notary journal for Notaries who perform electronic and remote online notarizations.

Vonessa Robinson

29 Sep 2022

Hello, If a notary is able to legally notarize in multiple states, do they need to maintain a separate journal for each state or can they use one journal for all entries?

National Notary Association

04 Oct 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Lisa W

29 Sep 2022

I am a NJ Notary. I have a client who lives in NY, but her civil case is venued in North Carolina. I am answering discovery with my client and the responses need to be Notarized. I can do a RON (and will be physically in NJ) but would this document be acceptable in a NC Court??

National Notary Association

04 Oct 2022

Hello. You would need to contact the court in question directly to ask if they will accept a remotely notarized document.

Dylan P

21 Sep 2022

Hello, forgive me as I am fresh into this. I was wondering if I am able to peruse my notary certification and become an Online Notary for the state of Florida, as I am a legal resident there. However, my concern is that I am currently in New York with family for several months. Can I pursue the courses and perform online notary work while in NYS with my Florida Commission for Florida prepared documents?

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2022

Hello. Florida Notaries authorized to perform remote notarizations may only do so while located physically within the borders of Florida.


21 Sep 2022

My office just moved from DE to PA. We are still headquarters in DE and have three office/shop spaces in DE. I notarize invoices and wondering if I can still use my DE notary or do I need to apply for PA? thank you!

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2022

Hello. You would not be able to use your DE Notary commission to notarize documents while you are physically located in Pennsylvania. To perform notarizations in Pennsylvania you would need to apply for a PA Notary commission.

Nikki Mitchell

15 Sep 2022

I am a notary in the state of Alabama. My notary commission was renewed through a certain county, I have since moved from that county and work in a different county. Will I need to submit a transfer request since I am now working in a different county than the one that renewed my notary?

National Notary Association

16 Sep 2022

Hello. State-at-large Notaries do not vacate their offices upon moving from their counties, however, a spokesperson for the Secretary of State’s office advised that “it may be that a better practice for a notary for the state at large would be to get a new commission in his/her county of residence if the notary moves from the county where the commission was initially obtained.”

Charquez Williams

01 Sep 2022

Hello, I live in GA. Can I have multiple commissions in bordering states?

National Notary Association

07 Sep 2022

Hello. You are not eligible to apply for a Notary commission in the following states: 1. Florida (only FL residents may apply) 2. South Carolina (only registered SC voters may apply) You are not eligible for a commission in the following states unless you have a place of business in the commissioning state: 3. North Carolina 4. Tennessee In Alabama, Alabama’s county probate judges appoint and commission the state’s Notaries. We would recommend contacting the Office of the Secretary of State at 1-334-242-7223 or to ask if you meet eligibility requirements for any Alabama counties.

Lynn Wilkison

23 Aug 2022

I am a Georgia notary but working remotely for an Orlando office. We have offices all over the USA, including GA. Can I notarize a document for Florida?

National Notary Association

25 Aug 2022

Hello. You may not use your Georgia commission to notarize when you are physically located outside the borders of Georgia. However, you may notarize a document prepared in another state, provided the notarization takes place in Georgia and the notarization request meets all requirements of Georgia law.


11 Aug 2022

I work in Massachusetts but moved to Rhode Island; can I notarize Massachusetts documents? My notary expires December, 2022. Should I become a Rhode Island notary at that time; or since I work in Massachusetts can I continue as a Massachusetts notary?

National Notary Association

19 Aug 2022

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Massachusetts Notary Public must (GL 222, Sec. 13[a]): (a) be at least 18 years old and (b) reside legally or conduct business on a regular basis within Massachusetts. “Within 10 days after the change of a notary public’s name, residence, business address or mailing address, the notary public shall send to the state secretary a signed notice of the change, providing both the old and new information” (GL 222, Sec. 25). The Division at 617-727-2836 can answer questions about name and address changes, and provide up-to-date contact information for any Notary. A Notary with a name change may continue to notarize with the former name until commission expiration. A form to register a change of address or name may be obtained online at

LaQuita Payne

12 Jul 2022

I'm a notary in Texas. Can I have a commission in Oklahoma/Arkansas as well?

National Notary Association

15 Jul 2022

Hello. You would only be eligible for an Oklahoma commission if you are employed in Oklahoma. To be eligible for an Arkansas commission, you would need to be a legal resident of an adjoining state who is employed in or operates a business in Arkansas, or a nonresident spouse of a United States military service member employed or operating a business in Arkansas.


08 Jul 2022

Can I be a notary in MD and DC at the same time?

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2022

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Maryland Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be of good moral character and integrity and abilities, (c) live or have a place of employment or practice in the state of Maryland, (d) have completed the course of study and examination required by law (see “Course” and “Exam” below for the effective date), (e) if living in Maryland, be a resident of the senatorial district from which appointed, and if living outside Maryland, be a resident of a state that allows Maryland residents working in that state to serve as Notaries (ACM St. Gov’t 18-102[A]). An applicant for a commission as a District of Columbia Notary Public must (CDC 1-1231.19[c]; 17 DCMR 2400.2; and 2400.3): (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the U.S.; (c) be a resident of or have a primary place of employment or practice in the District; (d) not be disqualified to receive a commission under CDC 1-1231.22; and (e) meet any other qualifications prescribed by rules issued by the Mayor.


20 Jun 2022

This is contrary to another arfticle I looked at that said A New Jersey Notary retains his authority to Notarize a New Jersey document while he is in a foreign country. Specifically a New Jersey Deed that was signed in Israel in front of a New Jersey notary. Was that article incorrect?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2022

Hello. New Jersey Notaries have statewide jurisdiction (NJSA 52:7-15). Was the other article you mentioned published by the NNA? If so, can you provide us with a link or the article's title and date, please?

Paul Michael Adams

25 May 2022

I am becoming a notary in the state of TN. My employment office is in NY (I travel to and from there several times) can I become a NY notary because my employer headquarters is in NY?

National Notary Association

01 Jun 2022

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a New York Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a person of good moral character, (c) be a resident of New York State or have an office or place of business in the state, (d) have the equivalent of a “common school education” and (e) not have been convicted of a crime, unless the Secretary of State makes a finding in conformance with all applicable statutory requirements, including those contained in Correction Law Article 23-A, that such convictions do not constitute a bar to appointment.


23 May 2022

I am a notary in Oklahoma and physically located here. If I perform remote online authorization for a client in New York, will the notarization be valid in New York? I am unable to locate any New York law on reciprocity.

National Notary Association

26 May 2022

Hello. It would be up to the discretion of the receiving agency whether or not to accept the remotely notarized document. The signer would need to contact the receiving agency to ask if they would accept a remotely notarized document.


12 Apr 2022

Hi Laura can you help me finalize my divorce i was married in VA but live in CA with a child involved

National Notary Association

18 Apr 2022

Hello. We're sorry, but any legal questions you have about divorce proceedings would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.


06 Apr 2022

I am a Notery in FL. Can I noterize a bill of sale for a car that's fron Canada. Both buyer and seller will be present.

National Notary Association

07 Apr 2022

Hello. Yes, provided that the notarization takes place within the borders of Florida and the requested notarial act meets all requirements of your state's Notary laws.

Tony Cain

28 Mar 2022

I am a Notary in New and would like to know if I can Notarize a PA Vehicle Title for a person selling the car to a person in NY

National Notary Association

30 Mar 2022

Hello. The customer would need to contact the appropriate state motor vehicle department to request instructions in this matter.


18 Mar 2022

Can I apply for Texas notary with an Oklahoma license? I work in Texas but have a residency in both states.

National Notary Association

22 Mar 2022

Hello. To qualify for a Texas Notary commission you must (GC 406.004[a]): Be a resident of the state of Texas; Be at least 18 years old; and Not have been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude.

Romia Martin

03 Mar 2022

Hi! I have to relocate suddenly. I passed my exam for the state of NEVADA, but haven’t paid yet. I only paid for the 10k bond needed and e & o insurance. I have not filed my bond with the county clerk in Nevada yet. Am I able to transfer my 10k bond to another state ? Or I’d have to start over ?

National Notary Association

11 Mar 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you tell us what state you are relocating to?


21 Feb 2022

Hello. I'm a GA notary. I will be visiting and attending a wedding in AL this year. The bride and her parents know that I am a GA notary and have asked me if it is legal and ok for me to notarize her AL wedding paperwork after the ceremony. I've tried looking/researching online, but am getting lost on where to locate/confirm correct info for my state and the out-of-state AL wedding location. Can I legally notarize this document? Thank you for your help.

National Notary Association

18 Mar 2022

Hello. Georgia Notaries are not authorized to notarize documents when travelling outside of Georgia. Therefore, you would not be permitted to notarize documents while you are in Alabama.


18 Feb 2022

I hold a Maryland state notary can I notarize a document while visiting New Jersey

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2022

Hello. No, only within the state of Maryland.


22 Jan 2022

If I notarize in Nevada and am temporarily moving to California am I able to apply ro notarize there as well? Or do I have to surrender my Nevada residency and become a California resident to notarize in California?

National Notary Association

25 Jan 2022

Hello. Only legal residents of California who are at least 18 years of age may apply for a California Notary commission (GC 8201[a][1] and [2]).


11 Jan 2022

I live in michigan but work in indiana which is what i need to be notorized for. what state do I become notorized in?both?

National Notary Association

12 Jan 2022

Hello. To perform notarizations in Indiana, you would need to apply for an Indiana Notary commission. In order to be eligible, you would need to be an Indiana resident or a primary place of employment in Indiana (IC 33-42-12-1[b]).

Clara Curry

04 Jan 2022

I am a CO notary and have been asked to notarize aircraft registration papers for the state of AZ. Can I notarize if myself and the aircraft owner sign in the state of CO?

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2022

Hello. Yes, provided that the notarization takes place in Colorado and meets all requirements of Colorado Notary law.

Kim Westminster

02 Jan 2022

I've recently experienced both a Missouri Notary & Lawyer that thought he could notarize in Illinois. I had to explain to him that unless he is commissioned in Illinois or performing the act via RON while he is physically in MO where he is commissioned, that it is NOT permitted. Even with him being an attorney first, Notary second, he did not know this! Missouri really needs to have required education.


14 Dec 2021

I am a resident of Indiana but work in Ohio. I am on the border of Indiana/Ohio. How can I become authorized to notarized in Ohio as well?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2021

Hello. Unless you are an attorney admitted to practice in Ohio or an attorney with a primary place of business or practice in Ohio, out-of-state residents are not eligible for an Ohio Notary commission (ORC 147.01[B]).

Joanne Munkelt

14 Dec 2021

I work for a firm with multiple locations. I am a NY notary. Can i notarize forms for NJ proposals? Is it possible to obtain a NJ notary license if my primary office is in NY and I live in NY?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2021

Hello. To answer the first part of your question, you may notarize documents from another state, but the notarization would have to take place within the borders New York state. For the second part of your question, residents of states adjoining New Jersey who have a place of business or practice within New Jersey may apply for a NJ Notary commission.

Rosemarie J Williams

11 Dec 2021

Im a Notary in NM, can I sign papers from South Carolina ?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2021

Hello. You may notarize signatures on documents from another state, but the notarization would have to take place within the borders of New Mexico and meet all requirements of New Mexico Notary law.

Anil Srivatsa

07 Nov 2021

I am a NJ resident now living in Indja as I have my job here. I have a NJ commission as Notary. Can I be of service as a notary to other NJ residents living in India?

National Notary Association

08 Nov 2021

Hello. No, a New Jersey Notary commission may only be used within the borders of New Jersey.

Jessica B

15 Oct 2021

I am a Michigan resident and work in Ohio for many years. I want to become a Notary for Ohio for my workplace. Does my Michigan resident status prevent me from doing so?

National Notary Association

15 Oct 2021

Hello. The only residents of other states eligible to apply for an Ohio Notary commission are attorneys admitted to the practice of law in Ohio who have a principal place of business or a primary practice in Ohio (ORC 147.01[B]).


14 Oct 2021

I live in MD, but work in VA. I'm currently commissioned in VA. Can I also become commissioned in MD?

National Notary Association

15 Oct 2021

Hello. Yes, provided you meet all eligibility requirements. An applicant for a commission as a Maryland Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be of good moral character and integrity and abilities, (c) live or have a place of employment or practice in the state of Maryland, (d) have completed the course of study and examination required by law (see “Course” and “Exam” below for the effective date), (e) if living in Maryland, be a resident of the senatorial district from which appointed, and if living outside Maryland, be a resident of a state that allows Maryland residents working in that state to serve as Notaries (ACM St. Gov’t 18-102[A]). “By a 1964 constitutional amendment, a notary, unlike other State officers, may hold another public office” (Handbook for Maryland Notaries Public).


12 Oct 2021

I live in NYC, can I notarize documents from other states remotely.

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2021

Hello. No, New York's temporary remote notarization provisions expired June 25, 2021.


09 Oct 2021

I am a notary in Virginia, can I notarize MD and DC documents? Can I travel to those areas and notarize?

National Notary Association

12 Oct 2021

Hello. You may travel to notarize in MD or DC only if the document is intended to be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government. Virginia Notaries have worldwide jurisdiction for notarizing documents intended to be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government (COV 47.1-13[B].


07 Oct 2021

If I'm a notary in the State of Florida can I marry somebody in the state of Ohio

National Notary Association

08 Oct 2021

Hello. No, only within the borders of Florida.

Lisa Graham

07 Sep 2021

I am a notary in the state of Iowa, can I notarize Nebraska documents?

National Notary Association

10 Sep 2021

Hello. Yes, but only if the notarization takes place within the borders of Iowa and the requested notarization meets all requirements of Iowa law. Your Iowa commission does not authorize you to perform notarizations outside your state-for example, you may not travel to Nebraska and use your Iowa commission to perform notarizations there.

07 Sep 2021

I am a notary in the state of Arizona. Can I notary documents for Californai?

National Notary Association

07 Sep 2021

Hello. You must be physically located within the borders of Arizona when performing any notarization using your state commission. However, you may notarize documents prepared in other states or being sent to other states afterwards, provided the request is lawful in Arizona and the notarization takes place within the borders of Arizona.


01 Sep 2021

I’m a notary in MD and I just relocated to California for a new job should I resign my commission in MD and start the process over in California

National Notary Association

07 Sep 2021

Hello. Yes, you would need to resign your MD commission and apply for a new CA commission if you wish to perform notarizations in California.


25 Aug 2021

If I have a NJ commission can I notarize in NY.

National Notary Association

26 Aug 2021

Hello. No, you may not use a New Jersey commission to notarize in New York state.


03 Aug 2021

I live in NJ and work in Manhattan, NY. Can I apply to become a NY notary once I obtain my NJ notary?

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2021

Hello. Yes, as long as you have an office or place of business in New York state, and meet all other qualifications for a NY Notary commission.

Suzanne Valentino

13 Jul 2021

I live half of the year in Nevada and the other half in Idaho. Am I able to become a Notary in both states?

National Notary Association

14 Jul 2021

Hello. To qualify as a Nevada Notary, you must either be a resident of Nevada or be a resident of a bordering state and maintain or be employed at a licensed place of business in Nevada (NRS 240.015[1] and [3]). To qualify in Idaho, you must be a resident of Idaho or have a place of employment or place of practice in Idaho (IC 51-121[2]).


06 Jul 2021

The last question regarding RON has been a bit confused. As an authorized RON, am I allowed to notarized for anyone outside of my state for documents not pertaining to the state I am commissioned?

National Notary Association

21 Jul 2021

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Taylor Free

06 Jul 2021

I'm an Ohio resident that primarily works in Indiana. I have my Indiana Notary stating as such. Would I be able to become an Ohio Notary as well, or would that cause issues with my Indiana Notary?

National Notary Association

21 Jul 2021

Hello. You may apply for an Ohio Notary commission if you meet all qualifications for a commission. Applying for an Ohio Notary commission will not affect the status of your Indiana Notary commission.

Courtney Walker

29 Jun 2021

I live in Arkansas and work in Louisiana. How would I go about getting my notary for work purposes?

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2021

Hello. Information about applying for an Arkansas commission can be found here: Because Louisiana's civil law Notaries have significantly different training and duties than Notaries in other states, the process to become a LA Notary is more complex. Information can be found here:


24 Jun 2021

My name and my mothers name are on my PA vehicle title. I have moved to MD, and would like to switch the title to a MD title in my name only. My mother and I are the sellers, but I am also the buyer. Do I need to have the PA title notarized by a PA notary?

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2021

Hello. You would need to contact the appropriate state motor vehicle department and request instructions from them.

Sherry Shook

18 Jun 2021

We spend half a year in two different states. Can I be a notary in both states?

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2021

Hello. It depends on the eligibility requirements for a Notary commission in each state. What are the states, and which one are you a permanent resident in, please (for example, which state are you registered to vote in)?

Delta C Roupe

14 Jun 2021

I am a notary in WV,can I notarized documents in Ohio

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. No, West Virginia Notaries may only notarize within the borders of their own state (WVC 29C-2-102).

Kathy Lubrano

14 Jun 2021

I currently live and work in New York. I own a second home in Florida. Am I able to apply for a Florida notary and work when I am down there, as I do have a residence there? I am there for several months throughout the year and plan on moving full time in approximately one year.

National Notary Association

17 Jun 2021

Hello. To qualify for a Florida Notary commission, you must be a legal resident of the state.


10 Jun 2021

My LLC based in Wisconsin is hired to work for a company in North Carolina. My LLC (me) is hired to perform sales by another company (North Carolina.) I am currently living in North Carolina to perform my contractor duties. Am I allowed to become a Notary in North Carolina?

National Notary Association

15 Jun 2021

Hello. Yes, provided you meet all other qualifications for a North Carolina Notary commission. An applicant for a commission as a North Carolina Notary Public must (GS 10B-5[b]): (a) be at least 18 years old or legally emancipated as defined in Article 35 of Chapter 7B of the General Statutes, (b) reside or have a regular place of work or business in the state, (c) reside legally in the United States, (d) speak, read and write the English language, (e) possess a high school diploma or the equivalent and (f) purchase and keep as a reference the most recent manual approved by the Secretary of State that describes the duties and authority of Notaries. (The current manual, “Notary Public Guidebook for North Carolina” is available through the Publications Office of the University of North Carolina’s School of Government at 1-919-966-4119 or The cost of the current edition is $20.)

Todd Williams

10 Jun 2021

I am a Texas notary. Can I notarize in any county?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2021

Hello. Yes, Texas Notaries have statewide jurisdiction. You may notarize anywhere within the state (GC 406.003).

Vanessa Taylor

08 Jun 2021

I am a notary in NJ. I work in CT. How do I go about also becoming a notary in the state of CT?

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2021

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Connecticut Notary Public must (CGS 3-94b[b]): (a) be at least 18 years old and (b) reside or have a principal place of business in Connecticut. To apply, a written examination must be passed. For more information, please see here:

26 May 2021

I live in FL. I have a second home in NJ. I'm commissioned in FL. If my LLC is registered in NJ and I maintain a home office there, can I be commissioned in NJ as well?

National Notary Association

27 May 2021

Hello. Unfortunately, no. New Jersey only allows residents of New Jersey or residents of states bordering New Jersey who also have a New Jersey place of business to apply for a NJ Notary commission.


18 May 2021

Im currently a notary in Georgia. That being said I'm deployed with in the US to another state under military orders. Can I notarize documents for my soldiers that will be filed back in our home state?

National Notary Association

19 May 2021

Hello. No, a Notary commissioned by the state of Georgia may only perform notarizations within the borders of the state.

J L Eaddy

05 May 2021

I am commissioned in NY. I am a realtor in NJ, PA, CT, and soon to be MA. Am I also allowed to be a commissioned notary in these places as well

National Notary Association

11 May 2021

Hello. In order to qualify for a commission in NJ, you must be a resident of an adjoining state and have a place of business in NJ. In PA, you must have a regular place of business in the state. CT requires you to have your "principle place of business" within that state to be eligible for a CT commission if you are not a state resident. You may apply for a MA commission if you conduct business on a regular basis within that state.

29 Apr 2021

I’m a NJ notary. Can i notarize nYc documents aswell?

National Notary Association

29 Apr 2021

Hello. Yes, but the notarization would have to take place within the borders of New Jersey in order to have the documents notarized.


26 Apr 2021

Hello, I am applying for my notary in Arizona where I have my primary home. I also have a secondary home in Michigan. Would I be able to apply for a notary in Michigan as well? Thank you :)

National Notary Association

29 Apr 2021

Hello. No, unless you maintain a place of business in Michigan.


26 Apr 2021

I am currently an NJ notary and reside in NJ. I also have a NY office address and will receive my NY commission soon. If I move to NY and retain my office in NJ, can I notarize in NJ as an NJ notary and in NY as an NY notary? Thank you!

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2021

Hello. Residents of adjoining states (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware) may serve as New Jersey Notaries if they maintain or are regularly employed in an office in the state. “Any such nonresident notary public shall file with the State Treasurer a certificate showing any change of residence or of his office or place of employment address in this State” (NJSA 52:7-13).

20 Apr 2021

I am just waiting to take my oath for my notary in Virginia. I work a full time job in Tennessee. Can I also be a notary in Tennessee?

National Notary Association

26 Apr 2021

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Tennessee Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a resident of or maintain a principal place of business in a Tennessee county and (c) be a United States citizen or a legal permanent resident (TCA 8-16-101[a] and 8-18-101).


05 Apr 2021

I run a small notary business in Missouri part-time. Can I work as a contractor for another business in Arkansas and become a notary there as well? I see the rules state that "a resident of a bordering state AND EMPLOYED or operating a business in Arkansas" can become a notary there, but I would be a contracted business. Would I qualify? Thank you

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2021

Hello. The state's Notary law does not define what an employee is. Since the law does not define an employee to include a contract worker, you would have to call the Arkansas Secretary of State's office for guidance.

27 Mar 2021

I'm a notary in Georgia and I'd like to become a notary in Florida also. Please tell me this is legally possible...

National Notary Association

01 Apr 2021

Hello. Only legal residents of Florida may apply for a FL Notary commission.


27 Mar 2021

I’m a Notary in New York and also live in New York. Can I also become a notary in New Jersey?

National Notary Association

01 Apr 2021

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a New Jersey Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a resident of New Jersey or a resident of an adjoining state who maintains or is regularly employed in an office in New Jersey and (c) not have been convicted of a crime under the laws of any state or of the United States for an offense involving dishonesty or a crime of the first or second degree (NPM and NJSA 52:7-12, 52:7-13, 52:7-20 and 52:7-21).


23 Mar 2021

Hi , can i notarize in Louisiana if im from Florida? or would i have to resign and re apply in Louisiana?

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2021

Hello. Notary commissions are not transferable between states. If you moved to Louisiana, you would have to resign your Florida commission and apply for a new commission in Louisiana.

Linda Stewart

19 Mar 2021

If get motorized in Kansas can I also be motorized for colorado

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2021

Hello. If you are a resident of Kansas and wish to apply for a Colorado Notary commission, you would only be eligible if you have a place of employment or practice within Colorado and meet all other CO eligibility requirements (CRS 24-21-521[3]).

Cody Dickerson

05 Mar 2021

Can a maryland notary notarize a title from pennslyvania ?

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2021

Hello. Yes, provided that the notarization takes place in Maryland and the notarial requested meets all requirements of Maryland law.


28 Feb 2021

Hi! I am a current Resident and Notary in NY. Can I obtain a NJ notary, if I have an office in NJ as well? Thank you!

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2021

Hello. Yes, if you are a resident of an adjoining state who maintains or is regularly employed in an office in New Jersey, and meet all other qualifications.


26 Feb 2021

Curious about being a NC notary and applying for a VA notary for loan signing agent. Both states have the same rules. I would do loan signings in both states. Anyone do this currently?

23 Feb 2021

Hello, I am wondering if I become a public notary in the state of New Jersey, am I able to notarize documents for clients that handle business in the states of California, Nevada, Kentucky, etc? For example, a client friend of mine resides in the state of California. He does business of out California, Kentucky, Florida, Nevada, etc. Am I able to notarize documents for him as a certified New Jersey Public Notary?

National Notary Association

26 Feb 2021

Hello. For traditional pen and paper notarizations, you would only be able to notarize for the clients you described if the clients traveled to New Jersey and appeared in person before you within the borders of New Jersey during the notarization. New Jersey has issued a temporary emergency order allowing Notaries to perform remote notarizations for persons outside the state for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency only. For more details on guidelines in the remote notarization emergency order, please see here: and here:


11 Feb 2021

I’m a notary in Indiana. Can I notarize documents in Illinois or obtain commission to do so?

National Notary Association

12 Feb 2021

Hello. You cannot use your Indiana commission to travel to Illinois and notarize documents there. In order to qualify for an Illinois Notary commission, you must be an Illinois resident for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state who has been employed in Illinois for at least 30 days.

jane butterweck

08 Feb 2021

I hold a GA notary from White County. I have recently moved to McCormick, SC to a retirement community and am now working in Augusta, GA. Am I able to continue to use my GA notary for anything at my work place in Augusta? Second, if I wish to be available to notarize anything in my retirement community in SC, can I do so with my GA notary?

National Notary Association

09 Feb 2021

Hello. Notaries who change their business or residence address (whichever was used for the purpose of appointment) within the state must notify the appointing superior court clerk in writing within 30 days of the change, with a copy to the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (OCGA 45-17-13[a]). The notification must be signed, and both old and new addresses must be provided. A “Notary Public Contact Information Change Form” may be downloaded from the website. Any change in the Notary’s telephone number also requires notification. You may not use your Georgia Notary commission to notarize outside the borders of the state of Georgia.

Erin Anderson

03 Feb 2021

I plan to start to split my time between Indiana and Texas. I am already a notary in Indiana. Can I hold a commission in Texas as well?

National Notary Association

04 Feb 2021

Hello. In order to qualify for a Texas commission, you must be a resident of the state of Texas (GC 406.004[a]).

Rashidah Abdulhaqq

22 Jan 2021

I'm a notary in Ohio can i notarize in Pennsylvania?

National Notary Association

26 Jan 2021

Hello. No. Ohio Notaries must be within the state of Ohio to perform notarizations.


18 Jan 2021

I’m a notary in Massachusetts, can I become a notary in Rhode Island as well? Therefore notarize in both states?

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Hello. To qualify for a Rhode Island commission, you would need to be a resident of Rhode Island or have a place of employment or practice in the state (

kristen long

15 Jan 2021

I moved out of state do I have to resign my notary, I use it for my place of business

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2021

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned as a Notary in?

Kimberly M

12 Jan 2021

I am commissioned as a VA notary in Alexandria, VA. Does D.C. allow for reciprocity or can I be commissioned as a notary in both VA and D.C.

National Notary Association

13 Jan 2021

Hello. Virginia Notaries may notarize outside their own state, but only if the document in question is intended to be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government (COV 47.1-13[B]). For all other documents, the Notary must be physically located in Virginia. In order to be commissioned as a Notary in the District of Columbia, an applicant must be a resident of or have a primary place of employment or practice in the District 17 (DCMR 2400.2)

Yvette T.

02 Jan 2021

Hello, I am a notary in NJ state. I would like to perform remote notary services (RON) for NJ and other states as well. Can I do this and do I need to be licensed in the other states?

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2021

Hello. New Jersey has temporary remote notarization provisions in place during the COVID-19 emergency. You can find information about these provisions here: and here:


22 Dec 2020

My daughter is a notary in the state of Kentucky and has some family members from other states that will be coming in over the holidays to sign a deed. Can she notarize their signatures while they are here even though they live in other states? Also, can she legally notarize family members signatures?

National Notary Association

29 Dec 2020

“A notarial officer shall not perform a notarial act with respect to a record to which… the notarial officer’s spouse or other member of the notarial officer’s immediate family is a party, or in which any of those individuals has a direct beneficial interest. A notarial act performed in violation of this subsection is voidable” (KRS 423.310[4]).


29 Nov 2020

I'm a Notary in VA (resident). I'm looking at becoming a Notary in MD for work purposes. Do I have to surrender my VA Notary in order to become one in MD or am I allowed to hold Notoriety in both states?

National Notary Association

04 Dec 2020

Hello. If you have a place of employment within the state of Maryland and meet all other qualifications, you may apply for a MD Notary commission.

Sonja Conatser

22 Nov 2020

Can a notary in Finland notarize a US document and the document be used in the United States?

National Notary Association

30 Nov 2020

Hello. You would need to contact the agency that would receive the notarized document to find out if they would accept it.

judie obrien

18 Nov 2020

I am a notary in WA State and can edocverify. Can I notarize a document online with the person in England?

National Notary Association

18 Nov 2020

Hello. Washington Notaries authorized to perform remote online notarizations must be physically located within the state when performing RONs. The signers, however, can be located anywhere during the remote notarial act.


05 Nov 2020

I am originally from Illinois but I now reside in North Carolina, I have been offered another opportunity in Illinois. I will be remaining a resident of North Carolina but working in Illinois. Can I keep my notary for North Carolina and retain one for Illinois?

National Notary Assocation

10 Nov 2020

Hello. You can retain your North Carolina Notary Commission if you remain a resident of the state. To qualify for an Illinois Notary commission, you must either be an Illinois resident for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state who has been employed in Illinois for at least 30 days (5 ILCS 312/2-102).

V. W

03 Nov 2020

Hello, I am a resident of NYS and will soon receive my notary certificate of NYS. If I open a mobile business in New Jersey do I meet the qualifications (have an office or place of business in NJ) if my mobile office is insured & registered in New Jersey? If not can you explain how can I qualify for both jurisdictions NY & NJ. Thank you.

National Notary Association

10 Nov 2020

Hello. A New York Notary commission only authorizes you to notarize within the borders of New York State. An applicant for a commission as a New Jersey Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a resident of New Jersey or a resident of an adjoining state who maintains or is regularly employed in an office in New Jersey and (c) not have been convicted of a crime under the laws of any state or of the United States for an offense involving dishonesty or a crime of the first or second degree (NPM and NJSA 52:7-12, 52:7-13, 52:7-20 and 52:7-21).


28 Oct 2020

Hello, I am international student, I live here in NYC. can I become a Notary here ?

National Notary Association

29 Oct 2020

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a New York Notary Public must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a person of good moral character, (c) be a resident of New York State or have an office or place of business in the state, (d) have the equivalent of a “common school education” and (e) not have been convicted of a crime, unless the Secretary of State makes a finding in conformance with all applicable statutory requirements, including those contained in Correction Law Article 23-A, that such convictions do not constitute a bar to appointment. In addition, “every person appointed as notary public must, at the time of his or her appointment, be a citizen or permanent resident alien of the United States …” (NY Department of State website, “Frequently Asked Questions”).


21 Oct 2020

I am a notary in New Jersey, can I notarize documents in New York?

National Notary Association

22 Oct 2020

Hello. No, only within the borders of New Jersey.


13 Oct 2020

I am a notary in MD, can i notarize a document for homeowners assoc condo documents from FL for a couple that resides in NJ

National Notary Association

16 Oct 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


30 Sep 2020

I am get my Notary license in south carolina; can i also get one in North carolina and then become a traveling signing agent in both states.

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2020

Hello. To qualify for a North Carolina Notary commission, you would need to reside in North Carolina or have a regular place of business in the state. The operation of Notary Signing Agents and “Mobile Notaries” has been strongly discouraged by the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State, which maintains that the only fees Notaries may lawfully charge for their services are the statutory fees for notarial acts set forth in GS 10B-31. Notaries are even discouraged from charging travel fees.


26 Sep 2020

I am a New York State Notary Public. Because of the pandemic, i have been asked to notarize a signature virtually in another country - to be exact the country is Lebanon. How and am I allowed to do such notarization because the US embassy is not notarizing in Lebanon. Thank you

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2020

Hello. New York's temporary remote notarization provisions are scheduled to expire Oct. 4. We have not heard yet if they will be extended by the Governor or not. Please check this article: for information as we will update it if we receive any new information.


24 Sep 2020

I live in Florida but getting married in Alabama. Can a FL notary, notarize my Alabama marriage license

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2020

Hello. Florida Notaries may not officiate weddings outside of Florida's borders.


20 Sep 2020

Hello, I currently split my time between Kentucky (where I’m a notary) and Texas. Can I be a notary in both states?

National Notary Association

22 Sep 2020

Hello. Only Texas residents may qualify for a TX Notary commission.

Penny Marquart

18 Sep 2020

May I hold two commissions? I live between Washington State and Arizona. When in Washington, be a signing agent for Washington Residence. When in Arizona, be a signing agent for Arizona residences.

National Notary Association

22 Sep 2020

Hello. To qualify for a commission in WA, you must either be a resident or have a place of business in that state. To qualify for an AZ Notary commission, you must either be a resident of Arizona state for income tax purposes and claim your Arizona residence as the primary residence on state and federal tax returns, or be registered to vote in Arizona.


13 Sep 2020

I am a notary in Las Vegas Nevada can I notarize in arizona

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2020

Hello. No, only within the borders of Nevada.

Ellie Corzo

08 Sep 2020

I am a notary in Texas and will be moving to California. I will continue to work remotely for my employer in Texas while I am in California. Would I be able to still notarize documents as long as I see them sign through Facetime/Zoom? I only notarize documents for my bosses.

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2020

Hello. There are several issues with the plan you describe above. First, only Texas residents may hold a Texas Notary commission. If you are moving to California, you will need to resign your Texas commission. Second, Texas Notaries may not perform remote online notarizations when physically outside the state of Texas: “An online notary public shall not perform an online notarization if the online notary public is not physically in Texas at the time of the notarization” (1 TAC 87.41[b]).


04 Sep 2020

I am a Notary for the State of Missouri. Can I notarize documents in Phoenix, AZ?

National Notary Association

04 Sep 2020

Hello. No, only within the state of Missouri.


02 Sep 2020

Hello. I am a notary in the state of Texas. Will continue work in Texas, but will be residing in Wisconsin. Can I hold a notary in both states?

National Notary Association

04 Sep 2020

Hello. No, only Texas residents may hold a Texas Notary commission. You will need to resign your Texas Notary commission when you move.


02 Sep 2020

My commission is in CA and we are thinking of moving to AZ. Can I keep my commission for CA and continue to work my commission in CA?

National Notary Association

04 Sep 2020

Hello. No, only California residents may hold a CA Notary commission. You will need to resign your CA commission if you move to another state.

Chris Popko

25 Aug 2020

My friend is a notary in Florida and traveling to visit me in North Carolina. I need a boat title notarized while he is here, can he help me with this?

National Notary Association

27 Aug 2020

Hello. No, Florida Notaries are not permitted to perform notarizations while physically outside the borders of Florida.


20 Aug 2020

If I have my notary in Colorado because my office is there but live in Florida, can I still notarize for Colorado documents? If I get my Florida notary, can I notarize documents from Colorado?

National Notary Association

20 Aug 2020

Hello. You may not use your Colorado commission to notarize documents when you are physically located outside the borders of Colorado. If you obtain a Florida Notary commisssion, any notarizations you perform as a Florida Notary must be performed while you are physically located within the borders of Florida.

Debra Galloway

11 Aug 2020

I am a notary in NJ...can I notarize a will written from Penna??

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2020

Hello. Please see here for guidance if you are asked to notarize a will: If you have additional questions, please contact our Hotline Team at 1-888-876-0827. If you are not a NNA member, you will be provided with a one-time complimentary call.


06 Aug 2020

I live in Wisconsin but work in Illinois. Can I notarize documents in Illinois? Or can I be a notary in both Illinois and Wisconsin?

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2020

Hello. To qualify for an Illinois Notary commission, you must be an Illinois resident for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state who has been employed in Illinois for at least 30 days (5 ILCS 312/2-102)

William Franklin

06 Aug 2020

I have a child attending college in NC who would like to execute a Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPA) before returning to school. Is she able to complete a NC HCPA form and have it notarized in MD where she currently is and lives when not at school?

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2020

Hello. Your child should contact the agency that the health care power of attorney is being submitted to to request instructions. If the document is not being submitted to an agency, then you may wish to contact an attorney familiar with NC health care law to provide instructions on preparing and notarizing the document.


06 Aug 2020

Hello, I'm a U.S. citizen who resides overseas. Under the state of emergency (& new official law on October 1) Maryland allows remote notary service. The state law also allows a notary to accept a credible witness to one’s identity. Can a Maryland notary accept a Ron that links him/her with my Maryland lawyer who will be a credible witness to my identity when I sign a document on the 3 party link of all of us by webcam?

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Diane Soucie

31 Jul 2020

Can a RI notary sign a CT Self Proving Affidavit for a Last will and testament?

National Notary Association

31 Jul 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Teresa Marie Nearing

25 Jul 2020

My mother lives in Hawaii and a licensed Notary in that state. She is visiting Washington State and wonder, can you notarize a document in Washington State but the filing will be in Hawaii?

National Notary Association

27 Jul 2020

Hello. No, your mother may only notarize when she is within the borders of Hawaii.

Stephanie S Jackson

25 Jul 2020

I live on the border of Alabama and Georgia. I worked in Georgia and my notary is Georgia. However, I live in Alabama. Can I use my Georgia notary to notarize in both states or what should I do? I am so close to cities in Georgia and Alabama.

National Notary Association

27 Jul 2020

Hello. A Georgia Notary commission only authorizes you to notarize within the borders of Georgia.

Traci Santiago

21 Jul 2020

I live in IL and my place of business is in WI. I work both remote in IL and in the office in WI. Which state do I apply for notary? May I apply for both states?

National Notary Association

22 Jul 2020

Hello. Wisconsin does not have a state residency requirement to apply for a Notary commission, so if you meet the eligibility requirements, you may apply for a commission in both states.


20 Jul 2020

I currently live in Indiana. I just took a job in Michigan as an assistant and will need to notarize documents. Am I able to become a Michigan Notary even though I live in Indiana? I do not own the company in Michigan, simply work there full time so I wasn't sure if that counted still as "maintain a principal place of business" required by Michigan.

National Notary Association

24 Jul 2020

Hello. The following information is from the MI Secretary of State's website (,4670,7-127-1633_95527_95529_95663-509836--,00.html#NotComm): "A non-Michigan resident may be commissioned as a Michigan Notary when they demonstrate that their business activity requires them to perform notarial acts in Michigan and they maintain/work at a principal place of business in the county where they are requesting to be commissioned." If your Michigan job is your primary form of employment, you should be able to apply, but you can contact the MI Department of State here ( or by phone at 1-888-767-6424 to confirm you are eligible.

Karen Tipton

14 Jul 2020

I work with a construction company and travel to multiple states but I'm a resident of Alabama. Can I notarize for my company in another state?

National Notary Association

14 Jul 2020

Hello. No, you may only notarize within the borders of Alabama if you hold an Alabama Notary commission.


22 Jun 2020

As an SC notary, may I notarize an NC warranty deed? I live right along the state line, but didn't want to without being absolutely certain.

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2020

Hello. You must be physically located within the borders of South Carolina when performing any notarization. You may not travel to North Carolina and perform a notarization there.

Jessica Veiga

18 Jun 2020

Hello. I am an online notary in Texas. Can I notarize a power of attorney from Delaware for a principle who has a currently in France? This would be done remotely.

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2020

Hello. In order for a Texas Notary to perform an remote online notarization, the notary must be physically located within the boundaries of Texas at the time of notarization. However, the signing party may be located anywhere.


11 Jun 2020

I am notary in Illinois - Alexander county but i work in Cape Girardeau, MO can I notarize in Missouri?

National Notary Association

12 Jun 2020

Hello. No, an Illinois commission does not authorize you to perform notarizations in Missouri. You would have to apply for a separate Missouri commission, which would only permit you to notarize in MO in the course of your employment (RSMo 486.220[2]).

Catherine Yanchunis

03 Jun 2020

I am a military spouse and currently live in Missouri. I am from Florida, have a Florida drivers license and am registered to vote there. I work in St. Louis and am trying to be a notary here. Is this possible?

National Notary Association

05 Jun 2020

Hello. A nonresident Notary commission applicant must be employed in Missouri, use the Notary seal only in the course of employment, have a work address in the county in which commissioning is sought and authorize the Missouri Secretary of State to accept service of process or other legal notifications on their behalf (RSMo 486.220[2]).

Jj watt

04 May 2020

I'm a notary in Colorado, can I work in Arizona since its a neighboring state??

National Notary Association

05 May 2020

Hello. No, you may only notarize in Colorado.


24 Mar 2020

I current have a notary in AZ and my business is in AZ, however, I have decided to make GA my main home and my secondary home in AZ as where my business will be located. Can I have a notary in GA and AZ if I am spending 6mos in AZ and 6 mos in GA?

National Notary Association

25 Mar 2020

Hello. No, you may not continue to serve as an Arizona Notary if another state is your primary residence. In order to qualify for an AZ commission, an applicant must either be a resident of Arizona state for income tax purposes and claim his or her Arizona residence as the primary residence on state and federal tax returns, or be registered to vote in Arizona (ARS 41-312[E]).

Jayceen Judd

26 Feb 2020

Hello, I work in multiple states, NY, NV and CA. If I can prove residence in each of these states am I able to have 3 notary licenses?

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2020

Hello. To qualify as a resident of Nevada pursuant to NRS 240.015, a Nevada Notary commission applicant must have been “actually, physically and corporeally present in this state with the intent to establish permanent habitation for at least 30 days before the date on which he or she submitted his or her application” and, once appointed as a Notary, “must maintain residency in this state during the term of his or her appointment” (NAC 240.260).

Tanya Dessereau

20 Feb 2020

Hello, I have NYS notary license and will be moving to Oregon while working remotely for a NY company. I will be at the NY office one week a month. Can I keep my NY notary license? I am an employee not a business owner nor do I maintain my own office in NY. It’s the company I am employed by office.

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2020

Hello. According to NY Executive Law 130: "A notary public who is a resident of the State and who moves out of the state but still maintains a place of business or an office in New York State does not vacate his or her office as a notary public."

Joseph Stipek

04 Feb 2020

I have a personal loan agreement to be noterized but the borrower doesn't want to meet in person. Would it still make the document valid if I did an online noterization from Virginia when I am located in illinois?

National Notary Association

05 Feb 2020

Hello. You can only perform remote online notarizations if you are authorized to do so by the state that issued your Notary commission. If you are commissioned as an Illinois Notary, Illinois does not authorize its Notaries to perform remote notarizations at this time.

Luz D Reyes

22 Jan 2020

I'm getting my notary Commission in Alabama can I also get my notary Commission in Florida

National Notary Association

23 Jan 2020

Hello. To be eligible to apply for a Florida commission, you must: (a) be at least 18 years old, (b) be a legal resident of Florida and (c) if ever convicted of a felony, have had civil rights restored.


17 Jan 2020

I am moving to Arizona and have a commission in California. When applying for my Arizona Commission, do I have to pay the fees again?

National Notary Association

22 Jan 2020

Hello. You will need to resign your California commission and apply for a new Arizona commission if you wish to serve as a Notary after you relocate.

Amanda King

10 Jan 2020

I work in NC but live in VA which state do I get my notary or can I be commissioned in both states? Where should I take the class VA or NC?

National Notary Association

10 Jan 2020

Hello. Provided you meet all other requirements for commissioning, you may apply for Notary commissions in both North Carolina and Virginia. Virginia does not require a training course for new Notary applicants but you would need to take a six-hour course and pass an exam in North Carolina.


03 Jan 2020

I am a resident of Georgia but I work in Bluffton and am being asked to become a notary. Can I have a Georgia Notary but sign for things in South Carolina? If not, can I become a notary in South Carolina though I am not a resident? This business has the main office in Augusta, GA but this branch is in Bluffton and we have a separate SC business license if that matters.

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2020

Hello. We're sorry but the answer is "no" to both your questions. Georgia Notaries may only notarize within the borders of Georgia, and you must be a registered South Carolina voter to qualify for a South Carolina Notary commission.


23 Dec 2019

I am a Virginia resident and notory. However, I recently began working in NC. Can I obtain a NC notory as well?

National Notary Association

24 Dec 2019

Hello. You are eligible to apply for a North Carolina commission if you are 18 years of age or older, have a regular work or place of business in the state, possess a high school diploma or equivalent, speak, read and write English and purchase a copy of the state's most recent edition of the "Notary Public Guidebook for North Carolina."


23 Dec 2019

if i am a public notary in south dakota, can i notarise an operating agreement if im also the authorised signer of that LLC?

National Notary Association

23 Dec 2019

“It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a person to affix a signature to a document as a notary public when the person has also signed the document as a party to the transaction proceeding” (SDCL 18-1-12.2).


10 Dec 2019

Can a NJ notary notarize in NY?

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2019

Hello. No, only within the borders of New Jersey.


09 Dec 2019

I am a Florida notary and will be traveling for work to multiple states to execute documents, some which will need to get notarized; these documents will be recorded in the state of Florida. Since the documents are being recorded in the state of Florida can i serve as the notary agent or can I become a notary for AZ, TX, NJ ect. even though i do not live in that state? Also , how does this work should I need to notarize a document on sea ( while on a cruise ). Thank you.

National Notary Association

11 Dec 2019

Hello. A regular Florida Notary may only notarize within the borders of Florida. Arizona does not issue Notary commissions to out-of-state residents. Texas does not issue Notary commissions to out-of-state residents unless they are escrow officers who meet certain qualifications. An out-of-state person who wishes to apply for a New Jersey Notary commission must be employed at an office within the state of New Jersey.


20 Nov 2019

I'm a notary for the state of MA and I recently moved to CA can I notarize documents here in CA?

National Notary Association

20 Nov 2019

Hello. Notary commissions are not transferable between states. You would need to resign your MA commission and apply for a new Notary commission in CA.


19 Nov 2019

I live in wv can I notarize in state of Ohio (border state)

National Notary Association

19 Nov 2019

Hello. If your Notary commission was issued by the state of West Virginia, you may only notarize within the borders of that state. You would only be eligible to apply for an Ohio Notary commission if you are an attorney with a principal place of business or practice in Ohio.

Jessica Stuart

02 Oct 2019

I live in Pa and live close to nj border. Is it possible to become a loan signing agent in both pa and nj?

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2019

Hello. In order to qualify for a New Jersey Notary commission, you would have to maintain an office or be regularly employed in New Jersey.


27 Sep 2019

I am a military spouse residing in Texas but still legally an Illinois resident. I have my notary in TX working in a law office, but since I am still legally a resident of IL, can I have a notary in IL as well?

National Notary Association

27 Sep 2019

Hello. A person who is an Illinois resident for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state who has been employed in Illinois for at least 30 days can apply for an Illinois Notary commission, provided they meet all other qualifications under state law.

Cassy Crouch

09 Sep 2019

I live in PA and work in NJ. Do I need to have a PA notary? And if so, can I use that notary in Central Jersey?

National Notary Association

10 Sep 2019

Hello. You may not use your Pennsylvania Notary commission in New Jersey. However, as a resident of a bordering state who works in New Jersey, you may be eligible to apply for a New Jersey Notary commission. If you need assistance with the commissioning process, the NNA can assist you. Please see here for more info:

Denzel D. Burris

09 Sep 2019

I am a SC Notary and will soon be starting a job in PA. Could I hold a commission in both states?

National Notary Association

10 Sep 2019

Hello. Pennsylvania permits out-of-state residents who have a place of employment in Pennsylvania to apply for a Notary commission. If you need assistance with the commissioning process, please contact the NNA's Customer Care team at 1-800-876-6827 or visit

janice wang

15 Aug 2019

I live in France and need a document to be notarized. Normally I'd have to go to the US Embassy where they have notaries. Can I do this via an online notarization? The online services claim they are perfect for americans abroad that need US documents notarized.

National Notary Association

15 Aug 2019

Hello. You may wish to contact the agency that will receive the document to ask if they will accept an online notarization.


12 Aug 2019

I lived in Kansas City, MO when I obtained my commission for MO, but I have moved to Kansas City, KS. can I continue to notarize in MO as a non resident and can I get my commission for KS

National Notary Association

16 Aug 2019

Hello. You will need to inform the MO Secretary of State of your change of status, and may need to resign and reapply for a new Notary commission. A nonresident applicant must be employed in Missouri, use the Notary seal only in the course of employment, have a work address in the county in which commissioning is sought and authorize the Missouri Secretary of State to accept service of process or other legal notifications on their behalf (RSMo 486.220[2]). If you wish to apply for a KS Notary commission, you must meet the following requirements (KSA 53-101): (a) be at least 18 years of age and (b) be a resident of Kansas or of a bordering state who is regularly employed in or carries on a business or profession in Kansas.

M in CDJ

27 Jun 2019

Can a notary in Georgia notarize a document in a different Georgia county than the one they're registered in? For example, may a notary registered in Coweta County preform a notarial act in Fulton County?

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2019

Hello. Yes, Georgia Notaries are authorized to notarize anywhere within their state (OCGA 45-17-9).

17 Jun 2019

I am a FL Notary and was wondering if I can notarize documents from Georgia and Alabama while in Florida?

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2019

Hello. Yes, provided that the requested notarization meets all requirements of Florida law.


11 Jun 2019

I am a pennsylvania notary but i am moving to Ohio. I only plan to notarize at my work in PA, can i do this?

National Notary Association

12 Jun 2019

Hello. A PA Notary Public must notify the Department of State within 30 days of any change in the information on file with the Department, including the Notary’s office address or home address. Such notice must be made in writing or electronically and shall state the effective date of such change. You can find the change of address form here:

Dolores P. rosner

06 Jun 2019

I am a Florida notary during the winter. During summer I have another residence in NY and would like to work as a notary there too. Can I apply for a NY notary in NY and would like to work in NY. Can I also apply for a New York notary license .

National Notary Association

10 Jun 2019

Hello. In order to qualify for a New York Notary commission, you must either be a resident of New York state or have a place of business within the state.


23 May 2019

I am looking to be a notary in MS, AL, FL and GA since I would like to travel along the I-10 corridor as a signing agent. Is this something that the states would allow if I had offices in each state?

National Notary Association

30 May 2019

Hello. Unfortunately, what you describe is not possible because Mississippi, Alabama and Florida do not allow nonresidents to hold Notary commissions in those states. Also, Georgia requires an attorney admitted to the state bar to be present or involved in the closing of real property transactions.

Celestina Izaguirre

20 May 2019

I received a set of medical records that were notarized by a Notary of the State of Illinois, the records are not kept in Illinois but rather Texas (where we are located and the provider we requested the records from. Is the Affidavit still valid?

National Notary Association

28 May 2019

Hello. We are sorry but we are not clear what question you are asking. Are you asking if the notarization by the Illinois Notary is valid or not?


15 May 2019

I live in Iowa but work in Nebraska. Can I obtain a Nebraska notary?

National Notary Association

15 May 2019

Hello. You may apply for a Nebraska commission, provided you can provide evidence that you work in Nebraska and meet all other requirements for a NE Notary commission.

Elena Kovalik

15 May 2019

I'm currently a Florida notary, I recently moved to Michigan and started working for a company that has offices in both states, Florida and Michigan. Can I become a notary in the State of Michigan without revoking my Florida commission?

National Notary Association

15 May 2019

Hello. No, that is not possible.


13 May 2019

Hello, I'm a notary for the state of New Mexico, can I notarize a document from Texas in the state of New Mexico?

National Notary Association

13 May 2019

Hello. Yes, provided that the signer appears before you in person within the borders of New Mexico and the notarization requested meets all requirements of New Mexico law.


22 Apr 2019

Hi, I have a NY notary and was asked to notarize a document in NY that will be sent and used overseas to Egypt. Would I be able to notarize the or would it need to be done by the Egyptian embassy?

National Notary Association

23 Apr 2019

Hello. As long as the notarization requested is one that you are authorized to perform in New York, you can communicate directly with the signer and the document, signer's proof of identity and notarization meet all requirements of NY Notary law, then you may perform the notarization.


19 Apr 2019

If I am commissioned in a state that allows remote notarization, do I physically have to be within the boundaries of the state when I’m online Or can we both be somewher else at the time? For example, if I am a Virginia Notary, but I was on vacation in Florida and the client needed a remote Notary from wherever they are. Thanks!

National Notary Association

22 Apr 2019

Hello. The answer would depend on the laws of the state the Notary is commissioned in. For example, Montana requires its Notaries to be physically located in Montana when a remote notarization is performed.

Bob Rohan

16 Apr 2019

Does Japan prohibit remote online notarization of an individual located in Japan (not on a military base) by an otherwise qualified notary residing in a state where remote online notarization is permitted?

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Heyta Diaz

10 Apr 2019

Hello I have a question can I used my stamp n Puerto Rico?

National Notary Association

10 Apr 2019

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state or territory you are commissioned in?

Heyta Diaz

10 Apr 2019

Hello I live in Florida, but my question is can used my stamp in Puerto Rico

National Notary Association

10 Apr 2019

Hello. Notaries with regular Florida commissions may only notarize within the borders of their own state. Only specially qualified attorneys with a Florida civil law Notary commission can notarize outside of the state.

Brandi Starks

30 Mar 2019

Hello I live in Indiana but I’m opening a business in Georgia. Can I have a notary in both states?

National Notary Association

01 Apr 2019

Hello. We're afraid you cannot qualify for a Georgia Notary commission. The only persons outside Georgia who may apply for a Notary commission in that state are residents of states bordering Georgia who also carry out business in the state (OCGA 45-17-2).


02 Mar 2019

The wording for whether you can hold a dual license as a NJ resident working in NY is unclear. It states “You may apply for a New York Notary commission if you have an office or place of business in New York State“. Does this mean you must be the business owner? I am only the employee. Would I be eligible for having both a NJ and NY notary license as only an employee who lives in NJ but works in NY?

National Notary Association

04 Mar 2019

Hello. If your place of employment is in New York state and you meet all other eligibility requirements, you may apply for a NY Notary commission.


30 Jan 2019

I'm a notary in the state of Florida and I work in Georgia. Is it possible to also become a notary in Georgia?

National Notary Association

06 Feb 2019

Hello. A Notary applicant who lives outside Georgia must be a resident of a state bordering Georgia and regularly employed or carrying out a business or profession in the Georgia county in which application is made (OCGA 45-17-2).

Emiley Stark

28 Jan 2019

I wrote,in proper legal terms, a letter giving my sister temporary power if attorney of my children to my sister while I was in NC with her. Circumstances has me relocating here in CO and our aggreement runs out in Feb. I'd like to get a few more ducks in a row before bringing my children here to CO.Is it possible to rewrite this aggreement with her and somehow notrize this paper without me flying to NC?Thinking, she fax me with her notery stamped and I notrize the fax here and send back? Not sure

National Notary Association

29 Jan 2019

Hello. We're sorry, but any questions regarding preparing a child custody document would be legal issues that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.

17 Jan 2019

I live in Nevada, but spend a substantial amount of time at my son's in Calif. Can I get licensed in California as well?

National Notary Association

18 Jan 2019

Hello. Unfortunately, no; only California residents can apply for a CA Notary commission.


15 Jan 2019

I live in NC & work in VA, I currently have a VA notary for work. Does VA allow you to hold a commission in both states, VA & NC? I know NC allows both state commissions since I live there & work in the other.

National Notary Association

15 Jan 2019

Hi Babette. An applicant for a commission as a Virginia Notary Public must (COV 47.1-4): (a) Be at least 18 years old; (b) Be a legal resident of the United States; (c) Live or work in the Commonwealth of Virginia; (d) Be able to read and write the English language; and (e) Never have been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States, Virginia or any other state unless pardoned, had rights restored or had the conviction vacated.


17 Dec 2018

I'm a Florida Notary. Can I notarize a document in Venezuela?

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2018

Hello. Only attorneys appointed as civil-law Notaries by the state of Florida have worldwide jurisdiction. All other Florida Notaries may only notarize within the borders of the state.


05 Oct 2018

Hi, I am a resident in the state of Idaho and an employee in the state of Oregon. My employer would like that I become a notary, we have clientele in Oregon and Idaho. Which state should I Notarized in?

National Notary Association

08 Oct 2018

Hello. Based on the information you provided above, it appears that you would be eligible to apply for a commission in either Idaho or Oregon. You would need a separate commission to notarize in each state: an Idaho commission to notarize in Idaho, or an Oregon commission to notarize in Oregon.

Danielle Young

26 Sep 2018

I am notary in Georgia. Can i notarize in Alabama?

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2018

Hello. No, Georgia Notaries may only notarize within their own state.


11 Sep 2018

Hello, I reside in SC and work in NC. My employer requested that I become a notary, as that would be helpful to the office. Is this possible? If so, what is the process? Thank you

National Notary Association

11 Sep 2018

Hello. Yes, if you have a regular place of employment in NC and meet all other qualifications, you may apply for a NC Notary commission. You will need to take a six-hour course and pass an exam to qualify. For more information, please see here:

Matt M

10 Sep 2018

If I live in Colorado but I work in WY, can I have a notary for Colorado and then have a notary in Wyoming as well?

National Notary Association

11 Sep 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but you would not be eligible to apply for a Wyoming commission. Wyoming requires its Notary applicants to be residents of the WY county they are applying in (WS 32-1-101[b])).


03 Aug 2018

I live in NC and work in VA (where I will need to notarize Docs). Which state should I get certified in?

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2018

Hello. To notarize in Virginia, you would need to apply for a Virginia Notary commission.

Diana Mclene

27 Jul 2018

I live and have my commissions in California, can I get a second notary commission in Nevada or Texas?

National Notary Association

27 Jul 2018

Hello. In order to apply for a Nevada Notary commission, you would have to maintain or be employed at a licensed place of business in Nevada (NRS 240.015[1] and [3]). Only Texas residents may apply for a Texas Notary commission (GC 406.004[a] and 1 TAC 87.2[a] and [b]).


03 Jul 2018

I have been a notary in MI. My office is in MI. I have recently become a FL resident spending 1/ while working in MI?2 of my time there. Is my notary still good in MI

National Notary Association

03 Jul 2018

Hello. As long as you maintain a principal place of business in Michigan, you are still eligible to hold a MI Notary commission. However, you will need to notify the MI Secretary of State of your change of home address so your commission information can be updated.


27 Jun 2018

I live in Oklahoma and work in Arkansas. Can I get notary approval for both states?

National Notary Association

27 Jun 2018

Hello. Yes, provided you meet all other qualifications for a Notary commission in each state.


10 Jun 2018

I'm a North Carolina Notary, can I notorize a south Carolina title motor vechicle

National Notary Association

11 Jun 2018

Hello. It would depend on the instructions of the state motor vehicle department and the type of notarization being requested. The signer would need to contact the motor vehicle department in South Carolina for instructions.


30 May 2018

Here in Germany there are people who want to declare a common law pure trust in a US state, for example Wyoming. The signatures at some documents must be notarizised. Is it possible to replace notarisation by a notary with the signatures of three living witnesses? We have received such information.

National Notary Association

30 May 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but that is a legal question that would need to be answered by a qualified attorney.


29 May 2018

Since has now created a governmentally sanctioned monopoly, how many of us will have jobs next year?

Megan Collard

29 May 2018

I am a notary in CA but am moving to an air base in Japan - can I notarize documents on the base for individuals or is there a special commission required?

National Notary Association

29 May 2018

Hello. In order to notarize documents at an overseas military base, you would need to have a special commission from the federal government to notarize in a foreign country.You may not use your CA commission to notarize overseas.


29 May 2018

That photo was taken a few miles from my house. I get calls all the time to travel across state lines for notary work. (I have to decline of course)

Marilyn Thornton

17 May 2018

If I legally reside in both New York State and Texas because of medical conditions and I have a NYS notary license, can I apply and hold a Texas Notary license as well?

National Notary Association

18 May 2018

Hello. Texas Notary applicants must be residents of the state, at least 18 years of age, and not convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude that has not been dismissed or discharged by law. The only out-of-state residents permitted to apply for TX commissions are licensed Texas escrow officers residing in an adjacent state (i.e., Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico) (IC 2652.051[d] and 1 TAC 87.70[a]).

Chaunte Stanley

15 Apr 2018

I am a Notary in VA. Can I notarize documents in MO, or do I need to become a Notary in MO?

National Notary Association

16 Apr 2018

Hello. A Virginia Notary may notarize documents outside the state under two conditions only: 1. If the document being notarized will be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government (COV 47.1-13[B]) 2. You have registered and qualified with the state to perform remote electronic notarizations, and are performing a remote electronic notarization for a signer (COV 47.1-13[D]). Nonresidents applying for a Missouri Notary commission must be employed in Missouri, use the Notary seal only in the course of employment, have a work address in the county in which commissioning is sought and authorize the Missouri Secretary of State to accept services of process or other legal notifications on their behalf (RSMo 486.220[2]).

Sharon Goodwin

27 Mar 2018

I am a Notary in Texas. Can a notarize an Idaho Power of Attorney?

Sharon Goodwin

27 Mar 2018

Hello. Yes, provided that the notarization takes place in Texas, the signer appears before you in person and is properly identified, and the notarization requested meets all requirements of Texas law. Please see this article for more information:


28 Feb 2018

I am a Georgia notary. I have been asked to notarize a contract with a public agency in Florida. Can I notarize the document in Georgia? The signature page specifies "STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH'. May I change that wording to reflect the state of Georgia and my county of commission?

National Notary Association

01 Mar 2018

Hello. You may notarize a signature on the document in Georgia, if the signer appears in person before you within Georgia's borders. You would need to enter the correct state and county where the notarization took place in the venue section of the notarial certificate wording.


16 Feb 2018

Hello, I am a resident of Kentucky but work in Indiana. Could I become a notary in KY and notarize papers at my place of work in IN? I know to be a notary in IN, you have to be a resident so that does not apply to me.

National Notary Association

16 Feb 2018

Hello. Kentucky Notaries may apply for a special commission to notarize documents outside the state, but the special commission is restricted to notarizing documents that will be recorded in Kentucky only.


11 Jan 2018

I am moving from Indiana to Illinois for my residence. I will continue working in Indiana where my notary is needed. Do I need a new notary or can I still be a notary within Indiana?

National Notary Association

11 Jan 2018

Hello. You must be a permanent legal resident of Indiana in order to hold a Notary commission there. If you move to Illinois, you will need to resign your Indiana commission.


08 Jan 2018

I am a Texas Notary Can I notarize in a U. S. Territory?

National Notary Association

09 Jan 2018

Hello. A Texas Notary may only notarize within the borders of Texas.


02 Jan 2018

I am a notary in New York State. If I were to work in Pennsylvania, what would I need to do in order to become a notary in Pennsylvania at a job location?

National Notary Association

02 Jan 2018

Please see this link for more information: Requirements


29 Dec 2017

I know I’m asking the same question just in different words BUT, I live in Missouri and my friend (Missouri resident) is an Illinois notary. If I drive to Illinois where he works, is he allowed to notorize my document?

National Notary Association

02 Jan 2018

Hello. If you traveled to Illinois, you can have an Illinois Notary notarize your document, provided the notarization requested meets all requirements of Illinois state law.

Tom Gordon

13 Dec 2017

I am based out of Nevada, but I work for a real estate investment firm that owns properties throughout the country. Could I become a Notary for Nevada and notarize documents for all our properties, as long as the actual notarial act takes place in Nevada?

National Notary Association

15 Dec 2017

Hello. Nevada Notaries may notarize documents prepared in another state, provided the notarization takes place in Nevada and the notarial act meets all requirements of Nevada state law.


22 Nov 2017

I am a notary for the state of Illinois will I be able to notarize a power of attorney document for someone in Illinois to take overseas

National Notary Association

27 Nov 2017

Hello. Yes, provided that the notarization requested meets all requirements of Illinois law.


06 Nov 2017

I recently moved to NJ. I hold my notary license in NY, and currently I am an employee for a company in NY. Can I no longer use my notary license?

National Notary Association

06 Nov 2017

Hello. A Notary resident of New York State who moves out of state but still maintains a place of business in the state may remain a Notary (EL 130). You will need to file a change of address form with the NY Department of State.


28 Oct 2017

Hello, I hold my Notary license in OH. Someone, where I work, wants to bring her husband in and have me notarize his stock papers from Cal, I think it is so he can remove his stock. She wasn't too clear on it. Am I allowed to notarize it?

National Notary Association

30 Oct 2017

Hello. You would only be able to notarize if the notarial act being requested is permitted in Ohio, and the person whose signature you are notarizing appeared before you in person in Ohio.


26 Oct 2017

Hello I hold my Notary license in NC and have a business in NYC can I use my license in NY?

National Notary Association

27 Oct 2017

Hello. No, you may only use your commission within the borders of North Carolina.

Katie Mills

12 Oct 2017

I am currently a Notary in NC but have moved to AZ. My NC commission expires in 2019 - is it valid in AZ or will I need to get a new commission under the state of AZ?

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2017

Hello. If you relocate to Arizona, you would need to resign your NC commission and apply for a new commission in Arizona.

Yulia Levesque

06 Oct 2017

I live in NY and hold NY Notary license. I have been working in CT for 2 year and thinking about getting CT Notary license. Will it be possible to have dual Notary license if I pass CT Notary test? Thank you!

National Notary Association

06 Oct 2017

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a Connecticut Notary Public must (CGS 3-94b[b]): (a) be at least 18 years old and (b) reside or have a principal place of business in Connecticut.


03 Oct 2017

Hi! I am a Notary in Florida. I have a friend relocating to Pennsylvania and needs a PA DMV document notarized. Can I notarize the document for him?

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2017

Hello. Yes, but your friend would have to personally appear before you with the document in Florida and the notarization would have to meet all requirements of Florida law. Also, your friend may wish to contact the PA DMV to confirm that they will accept an out-of-state notarization.


26 Sep 2017

Hello I’m a Notary in Queens, NY. Am I able to notarize docs from Delaware?

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2017

Yes, provided the notarization takes place in the state of New York and all requirements of New York Notary law are met.

Tracy Klinger

25 Sep 2017

If I am a notary in MO, am I able to notarize documents drawn up from TN?

National Notary Association

26 Sep 2017

Hello. There is no issue notarizing signatures on a document prepared in another state, but the notarization must take place in MO, the signer must personally appear before you and all other requirements of MO law must be followed.


24 Sep 2017

I am a notary in MN and have recently moved to WI (which is 5 miles from the state of MN). Can I still notarize documents in the state of MN even though my address is in WI? I work in the state of MN as well.

National Notary Association

25 Sep 2017

Hello. WI residents may hold a MN Notary commission. However, you will need to file a change of address with the Secretary of State's office within 30 days of your move. You can do so at the Secretary of State's website:

Myra Johnson

19 Sep 2017

I am commisioned in "Rockingham County" in North Carolina. Can I notarize in "Cumberland County" in North Carolina?

National Notary Association

19 Sep 2017

Hello Myra. Yes, North Carolina Notaries have statewide jurisdiction.

Jessica Deaton

15 Sep 2017

Can an Arkansas notary notarize an accident specific POA in Texas and Louisiana?

National Notary Association

18 Sep 2017

Hello. No, Arkansas Notaries may not perform notarizations outside their own state.

Kathleen Wheeler

12 Sep 2017

I am an AZ Notary can I notarize in NV. I work in NV and travel back and forth between states. Also, can I have dual notaries?

National Notary Association

13 Sep 2017

Hello. You may not use an AZ Notary commission in Nevada. Residents of states bordering Nevada may apply for a NV Notary commission if they maintain or are employed at a licensed place of business within Nevada.

Matthew Drayer

15 Aug 2017

Hello, I am a Ohio Notary, I will be relocating to West Virginia temporarily for work and need to notarize easement agreements between the company I work for and property owners. Would I be able to notarize West Virginia documents in the State of WV with an Ohio Notary? or would this require me to have a WV notary to do so? Thank you

National Notary Association

16 Aug 2017

Hello. You would not be able to notarize documents in West Virginia using an Ohio commission. WVC 39-4-20[b] requires an applicant for a West Virginia commission to be a resident of or have a place of employment or practice in West Virginia. We would recommend contacting the WV Secretary of State's office at 1-304-558-8000 to ask them if the amount of time you will be working in West Virginia meets the eligibility requirements to apply for a Notary commission.

Consitina D. Adams

03 Aug 2017

If I have a dual residency in Louisiana and Texas can I notarized in both states? Help please!!!

National Notary Association

04 Aug 2017

Hello. Both Texas and Louisiana require a Notary applicant to be a state resident. The only exception allowed in Texas is that escrow agents who are residents of a state adjacent to Texas may qualify as Texas Notaries without meeting the Texas residency requirement (Insurance Code [IC] 2652.051[d] and 1 TAC 87.70[a]). Such individuals must apply using a special application form. We would recommend contacting the Texas Secretary of State's office at 1-512-463-5705 and the Louisiana Secretary of State's office at 1-225-922-0507 to ask if your dual residency status allows you to apply for a commission in either state.

Gwen Pratt

25 Jul 2017

Hello - I need to have a document notarized for Commonwealth of Massachusetts (amendment to condominium trust document) but I live in California. Can a CA notarize this document?

National Notary Association

25 Jul 2017

Yes, if the notarial act requested is permitted under CA law and all requirements of CA law are met. However, you may wish to contact the agency that will receive the document to confirm this, as it is ultimately up to that agency whether or not they will accept a document notarized in another state.

Neddie Reyes

11 Jul 2017

Can a notary in Minnesota use the California acknowledgment form when notarizing a document if notary crosses out the state and the city and replaces it with the MN state and city of the signing?

National Notary Association

18 Jul 2017

A certificate of a notarial act in Minnesota is sufficient if it is in English and meets the following requirements: “(1) is in the short form set forth in section 358.48; “(2) is in a form otherwise prescribed by the law of this state; “(3) is in a form prescribed by the laws or regulations applicable in the place in which the notarial act was performed; or “(4) sets forth the actions of the notarial officer and those are sufficient to meet the requirements ofthe designated notarial act” (MS 358.47).

Nadine Dietrich

07 Jul 2017

Hi there. I have my Montana notary but about a year ago I moved to North Dakota. What steps do I have to take so that I am able to notarize in North Dakota?

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2017

Hello. You will need to submit an application to the Secretary of State's office and purchase a surety bond. Application information is available at or you can contact our Customer Care team for assistance with your application at 1-800-876-6827.

Jordan Langs

06 Jul 2017

If I am a notary for a county in NJ, am I allowed to notarize documents in any county in NJ, out of state, and nationally? Or am I restricted to my county?

National Notary Association

07 Jul 2017

Hello. New Jersey Notaries have statewide jurisdiction. You may notarize anywhere within the borders of New Jersey, but not outside the state.


18 Jun 2017

Can I send a document overseas to a US Citizen staying in the Dominican Republic to be signed and notarized by an official in the US Embassy? Or can a Dominican Republic notary perform it?

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2017

Hello. U.S. embassy and consular officials can sometimes notarize documents being sent between the U.S. and another country. You may wish to contact the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic to find out if they have someone available there who can notarize the documents.

Jeffrey Dean

16 Jun 2017

We are a law firm who has an expert who lives in Ohio. He had his affidavit notarized in Ohio, but it was notarized by an Illinois notary (who must live in Ohio). Is this ok? Can we work around this? Thank you :)

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but we're not clear from your question on some of the details. There are two points that raise questions: First, an Illinois Notary is not authorized to perform notarizations in the state of Ohio. Second, an Illinois Notary must be an Illinois resident for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state who has been employed in Illinois for at least 30 days. (5 ILCS 312/2-102). From your description, it sounds like the Notary involved did not have proper authority to notarize the document and did not meet the requirements to hold an Illinois Notary commission. Can you clarify what the status of the "Illinois Notary" was, please?


13 Jun 2017

I am a notary in Illinois, but will soon be working in Tennessee and Illinois between two offices, would I be able to have a commission in both states?

National Notary Association

13 Jun 2017

Hello. You would only qualify for both states if you remained a resident of Illnois, but your primary place of business was located in Tennessee. In order to hold a TN commission, you must be a resident of the state or hold a principal place of business in the state, and also be a US citizen or lawful permanent resident (TCA 8-16-101[a] and 8-18-101). An IL commission requires you to be a resident of Illinois or a qualifying state that borders Illinois (5 ILCS 312/2-102).

Marcia Elder

08 Jun 2017

Can I notarize documents in any county within the state of Florida?

National Notary Association

08 Jun 2017

Hi Marcia. A Florida Notary may notarize statewide (FS 117.01[1]).


31 May 2017

Senate bill 5969b was created to help military spouses (who often move every two years, following their soldiers) obtain/transfer licenses to their new residence when they move. Because we could not feasibly obtain "residence" status (voting rights?) At every new duty station, how do we remain notaries? As it stands, I have had to release my WA notary when I married and moved. I would love to go back to signing mortgage documents but am I just booted out of the whole system because I can not be a "resident" of Colorado or wherever we will be next year?

National Notary Association

01 Jun 2017

Hello. It would depend on what state you are commissioned in, and where you are moving to. Some states permit out-of-state residents to hold a Notary commission if the Notary meets certain requirements, such as having a place of business in the commissioning state. However, no state permits a Notary simply to transfer an existing commission over to another state if the Notary moves.

Sean Tierney

22 May 2017

My wife is a notary in NY where we have always lived. She uses her notary at her NYC office. Can she retain her notary stamp for use in her NYC office if we move to NJ?

National Notary Association

23 May 2017

Hello. A Notary resident of New York State who moves out of state but still maintains a place of business in the state may remain a Notary. (EL 130) Your wife will have to file a change of address notice with the state and pay a fee.

Amy Cheung

19 May 2017

Hello I am a NY notary and reside in NY, my company recently moved their business to NJ. Am I still able to notarize documents for my company in the state of NJ with my NY notary stamp?

National Notary Association

22 May 2017

Hello. No, you may not use a New York Notary commission to notarize documents in New Jersey.


29 Apr 2017

I'm on vacation in Europe and my friend (who is with me) would like me to notarize a document. The document requests notarization and is going to be submitted back in New York, where we both live and I am licensed. Can I notarize while on vacation overseas if the document likely would be notarized by a New York notary?

National Notary Association

01 May 2017

Hello. No, New York Notaries may only perform their duties within the boundaries of their state. You may not perform notarizations in a foreign country.

christopher scaglione

28 Apr 2017

I am a notary in the state of Maryland. Can I Notarize a Kentucky document?

National Notary Association

01 May 2017

Hello Christopher. Yes you may, but the signer would have to appear in person before you in Maryland, and the notarization would have to meet all requirements of Maryland law.


28 Apr 2017

I reside in the state of Mississippi and I obtain a Mississippi notary can I notary a document in Louisiana?

National Notary Association

28 Apr 2017

Hello. No, you may only notarize within the borders of Missouri.

Robin Pivirotto

27 Apr 2017

I was presented with a New York specific power of attorney and I am a Connecticut notary. Can I take the acknowledgement within the borders of Connecticut?

National Notary Association

28 Apr 2017

Hello. Yes, you may notarize a document prepared in another state as long as the notarization takes place in Connecticut and meets all requirements of Connecticut law.

Jonathan Gardner

19 Apr 2017

Reside in the state of Indiana. However work in Ohio. Can I obtain ohio notary?

National Notary Association

20 Apr 2017

Hello Jonathan. Only non-residents who are attorneys admitted to practice law in Ohio and whose principal place of business or practice is in Ohio may apply to become Notaries in the state (ORC 147.01[B][2][c]). All other Notary commission applicants must be residents of Ohio.


14 Apr 2017

I am a FL notary. I now live in SC. Do you need to be a US citizen to be a notary in SC?

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2017

Hello. An applicant for a commission as a South Carolina Notary Public must be a registered voter in South Carolina, be able to read and write the English language and submit an application with no significant misstatement or omission of fact (SCC26-1-15).

Julie Anderson

07 Apr 2017

I have an Iowa Notary. Can I Notary a document from another state?

National Notary Association

07 Apr 2017

Hello. Yes, if the notarization takes place in Iowa and the notarial act requested meets all requirements of your state's laws.

William Kaczmarek

30 Mar 2017

I am a Wisconsin notary. Can I apply for a notary in Iowa. Have a business address there.

National Notary Association

31 Mar 2017

Hello. Yes, you may apply for a Notary commission in Iowa if you live in a bordering state and have a place of employment in Iowa. (IC 9B.21[5])


29 Mar 2017

I live in Savannah, Georgia, but work in Bluffton, SC which is literally 35mins away. I have a notary in Georgia, can I notarize the documents at work in South Carolina?

National Notary Association

29 Mar 2017

Hello. No, we're sorry but a Georgia Notary commission may not be used in South Carolina.


19 Mar 2017

Does NC offer any online classes?

National Notary Association

20 Mar 2017

Hello. You will need to register and attend a Notary education course at a local community college. A list of available campuses can be found here: For more information on how to become a North Carolina Notary, please see here:


21 Feb 2017

I live in GA, but I still have my unexpired FL Notary stamp, will the marriage I notarize be legal?


14 Feb 2017

I am an Ohio Notary can I Notarize a PA title?

J.D. Walker

14 Feb 2017

I'm a notary in Virginia, and in my primary job, I work for a defense contractor. If they move me to a contract in DC or MD, is that sufficient justification for me to get a DC or MD Notary Commission in addition to my Virginia one?

09 Feb 2017

I am notary public in state of Florida can I get NYC as well . I want both notary public license NYC and Florida.

National Notary Association

28 Feb 2017

Hello. You may apply for a New York Notary commission if you have an office or place of business in New York State and are a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.


06 Feb 2017

I live in ct can ny notaries notarized documents for me. The documents are going to be filed in Texas.

National Notary Association

07 Feb 2017

Hello. In order for a New York Notary to notarize your signature, you would have to appear in person before the Notary within the borders of New York state. Also, the notarization would have to meet all the requirements of NY Notary law.

Martine Joseph

30 Jan 2017

I am in New Jersey, can I notorized documents in Pennsylvania

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2017

Hello. No, New Jersey Notaries may only perform their duties within the borders of their own state. (NJSA 52:7-15[a])


09 Jan 2017

Hello, I am a notary for Texas, can I notarize documents within other counties in this state other than the county where I live?

National Notary Association

09 Jan 2017

Hi Ashley. Yes, a Texas commission is statewide, so you may notarize within any county in the state.


28 Dec 2016

I recently moved to Florida from Tennessee. I continue to work in TN off and on throughout the year. Can I still notarize documents in TN?

National Notary Association

28 Dec 2016

Hello. A Notary in Tennessee must either be a resident of the state or maintain a principal place of business in a Tennessee county (TCA 8-16-101[a] and 8-18-101). We would recommend contacting the TN Department of State's Notary Section at 1-615-741-2650 to confirm if your work in TN qualifies as a principal place of business and whether you may continue to hold your TN commission.


13 Dec 2016

Hi. I'm a NV resident, but I work in CA. My company would like me to get a notary license for CA. How do I go about doing that?

National Notary Association

14 Dec 2016

Hello Karen. We're sorry, but California does not permit Nevada residents to apply for a CA Notary commission.

Nancy Kennedy

11 Dec 2016

I am a Connecticut notary. Can I notarize a New York document?

National Notary Association

12 Dec 2016

Hi Nancy. Yes, provided the signer appears before you in person within the borders of Connecticut, and the notarization meets all requirements of CT law.


07 Nov 2016

So, I'm becoming a Notary in Alabama. As long as I'm in Alabama and correctly verify the person signing the paper is who they say they are, that's all that is required of me, correct?

National Notary Association

09 Nov 2016

Hello. Alabama Notaries are authorized to perform the following notarial acts (COA 36-20-73): • Take acknowledgments and proofs; • Administer oaths; • Execute protests; • “Exercise such other powers as, according to commercial usage or the laws of this state, may belong to notaries public.”

Charmaine BW

01 Nov 2016

Hi, I am a NYS notary, can I notarize a CA document?

National Notary Association

02 Nov 2016

Hi Charmaine. Yes you may, provided the signer brings the document to you to notarize within the borders of New York state, and the notarization meets all requirements of New York Notary law.


19 Oct 2016

Can a notary in Florida marry a family member in Tennessee?

National Notary Association

19 Oct 2016

Hi Pam. We're sorry but Florida only authorizes its Notaries to perform duties within the borders of the state, not in Tennessee.

VALERIE Pantaleo

03 Oct 2016

I am moving from New York to Tennessee. Can I hold onto my New York notary and get one in Tennessee? Or can I transfer my notary to atennessee. I just paid to renew it.

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2016

Hello. No, you would need to resign your New York commission and apply for a new one in Tennessee.


28 Sep 2016

I just recently moved from one county in Ohio to another. Do I have to do anything special? I was living in Cuyahoga and now I'm down in Clermont county. Thank you!

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2016

Hello. Within 30 days, you must file an "Application for Amendment of Notary Public Information" with the appropriate clerk of courts and the Notary Commission Clerk in the Secretary of State's office. You will also have to record your Notary commission with the clerk of courts of common pleas in your new county. The form and instructions for completing it can be found at:


07 Sep 2016

I'm a notary for the State of SC. Can I notarize a document from NC as long as it's done within the state of SC?

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2016

Hello. Yes. The notarization must also meet all requirements of SC law.

Sanjay Rao

01 Sep 2016

Dear National Notary Association, you didn't answer the author's 3rd and 4th questions, which are essentially, Which part of the notarial process counts as "notarizing"...the verification or the signature or the stamping of the notarial stamp? The COA Section 36-20-70 for Alabama that you have cited does not address this question, thus without that citation you should be unable to answer the author's Question 2, to which you replied "No" which is essentially, Can an individual notary witness the signature on the document abroad and then the witnessing notary returns to Alabama with the signed document he or she witness being signed and then notarially stamp said document while the notary having witnessed the signature is on Louisiana soil. It is known that there are such statements commonly employed as, "...notarizing documents with a signature stamp..." it would imply that at least some if not all of the action of notarizing is the stamping of the notarial stamp and not the signature itself. The signer's signature is not a notarization. The notarization is achieved by the action of the notary subsequent to witnessing the signature subsequent to verifying the identity of the signer. However, I recognize that I may be wrong and therefore I call upon you as an expert in the field to analyze this. Therefore, I would ask that you please provide the statute or regulation to support your contention that it is illegal or invalid to witness a signature being signed on a document abroad and then having that document transported into Louisiana for the same notary and by the same notary who witnessed the document signed abroad to for said notary to then notarize the document.

National Notary Association

01 Sep 2016

Hello. First, as stated in the response to Mr. Veisinci, the Alabama statute in question clearly spells out that a notarization must take place within the borders of the state. Alabama law does not authorize Notaries to perform any notarial act in part or whole within another US state or in another country. Second, if you refer to Alabama's notarial certificate wording for an acknowledgment in COA 35-4-29, the wording states that the signer "...acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the _________(document title or description), he/she executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date." If the Notary completed the certificate on a different date than when the signer appeared before the Notary and acknowledged the signature (which, as stated in the certificate wording above, must take place on the same day the certificate is completed) the Notary would be completing a false certificate.

Michael Veisinci

29 Aug 2016

I am an Alabama notary and I spend a significant amount in France. If I step onto US embassy soil in Paris, I am both in no state and every state at the same time because it is property of the US federal government. As we all know from the movies like the Bourne Identity an ARGO, when you step onto US Embassy property abroad, you are in the United States. Question 1) Can I notarize a document on U.S. embassy soil using my Alabama notary authority? Question 2) Can I witness a person sign a document outside of the United States in France and then bring that document to Alabama and then stamp it with my rubber notary stamp? I.e., does that count as notarizing "in" Alabama? (What counts as "notarizing"....the verification of the signature or the stamping of the stamp?)

National Notary Association

30 Aug 2016

Hello. The answer is no to both questions. Alabama Notaries only have jurisdiction to notarize within "any county of the state," not outside the state. (COA Section 36-20-70)


22 Aug 2016

I live in Illinois, can I notarize paperwork for someone in Indiana? (Signatures will be taking place in IL but they reside in IN)

National Notary Association

22 Aug 2016

Hello. You may notarize the documents provided that the notarization takes place and the signer appears before you within the borders of Illinois. You would not be able to travel to Indiana to notarize the documents there.

Jennifer mount

20 Aug 2016

Hello I live in NH and I am a notary in NH, my husband is in CA with his sick father and he is becoming his power of attorney I am helping him fill out the proper paperwork,my question is if needed can I notarized any required CA paperwork in this matter????

National Notary Association

22 Aug 2016

Hello. While New Hampshire Notary law does not specifically prohibit notarizing for your spouse, the state's "Notary Public and Justice of the Peace Manual" states, “All notarial officers ... have both a statutory and common law duty to avoid conflicts of interest in the performance of their duties … In general, a public official must never act in his or her own interest in performing notarial acts, official acts must always be done solely in the interest of the public” (NPJP). Because this notarization would involve giving your husband power of attorney over his father, your notarizing the documents could be seen as a potential conflict of interest if the documents are questioned at a later date. We would recommend finding an unrelated Notary to notarize the documents instead of yourself to avoid any potential appearance of impropriety.


15 Aug 2016

I work at a bank in WI. We have a lot of customers from MN. I am currently a WI Notary. Am I also able to get a MN Notary, or only one or the other?

National Notary Association

17 Aug 2016

Hello. Residents of Wisconsin may apply for a Minnesota Notary commission. However, please be aware that a Minnesota Notary commission can only be used within the borders of Minnesota-you may not use a Minnesota commission to notarize in Wisconsin.

Terry Gallups

08 Aug 2016

I have been asked to notarize a document for a task force made up of people from one county in Al and one in GA. The counties are bordering. I am a Notary at Large for the state of AL but work in GA. Can I notarize the document?

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2016

Hello. An Alabama Notary only has jurisdiction within the borders of Alabama. (Act No. 2011-295) Therefore you could notarize for any signers who appeared before you in Alabama, but could not travel to notarize in Georgia.

Linda Fazenbaker

06 Aug 2016

Hello, I live in North Carolina and I am applying to work in South Carolina. To get the job in South Carolina I have to already be a notary. What should I do?

National Notary Association

09 Aug 2016

Hello. Notary commissions are not transferable between states. If your potential employer wishes you to notarize documents in South Carolina, you would need to resign your North Carolina commission, relocate and become a registered SC voter, which is required to hold a Notary commission in South Carolina. If you plan to maintain residence in North Carolina, you could continue to hold your North Carolina Notary commission. However, you would still be limited to only notarizing within the borders of North Carolina.


25 Jul 2016

I'm a MN notary and work in health care, and our program is within MN, but we do take patients over the WI border. If a pt in our program lives in WI, may I notarize a document for him?

National Notary Association

25 Jul 2016

Hello. No, MN Notaries may only notarize within the borders of their state.


18 Jul 2016

I'm a Virginia notary. Can I notarize document of power of attorney?

National Notary Association

22 Jul 2016

Hello. Yes, provided the document and notarization meet all requirements of Virginia Notary law.

Greta Cardinal

11 Jul 2016

I work in the state of PA and a notary of WI, may I notarize documents in the state of PA where I work?

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2016

Hello. No, a Wisconsin Notary commission does not give you authority to notarize in Pennsylvania-only in Wisconsin.

Mary Tapia

11 Jul 2016

I am a Texas notary, and a client is asking if I can notarize a Mexican (Estado de Tamaulipas) Death Certificate?

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2016

Hello, what type of notarization is the client requesting? Texas Notaries may not certify copies of vital records that are publicly recordable documents, such as a death certificate.


04 Jul 2016

I am a notary for the state of NJ. I am a college student in NYC but not a resident on the state, and have an internship in NYC. Am i authorized to notarize in NYC for this internship and others?

National Notary Association

05 Jul 2016

Hello. No, a NJ commission only authorizes you to notarize within the borders of New Jersey.


28 Jun 2016

Hello I am a notary in the state of West Virginia. If an Ohio title is brought to me in my state can I notarize it? What if any other out of state documents are brought to me as well? Thanks so much.

National Notary Association

29 Jun 2016

Yes, you may notarize a document prepared in another state, provided the signer appears in person before you in West Virginia and all other requirements of WV law are met.


24 Jun 2016

I just moved to WV and have an Ohio notary, I work in Ohio can I still notarize in Ohio

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2016

Hello. Out-of-state residents cannot hold Ohio Notary commissions except for attorneys licensed to practice in Ohio who also have a primary place of business or practice in Ohio. (ORC 147.01[B])

Diana Cervantes

23 Jun 2016

I am a resident of California but work in Nevada. My notary is held with the state of California but my job has required that i become a Nevada Notary. Is a dual notary an option, if not what is?

National Notary Association

24 Jun 2016

Hi Diana. A resident of a state bordering Nevada (including CA) can become a Nevada Notary, but only if you are employed at a licensed place of business in Nevada and meet all other qualifications and education requirements. [NRS 240.015]

Lakeshia Alston

17 Jun 2016

I am a notary in South Carolina, can I notarize in different states

National Notary Association

20 Jun 2016

No, only in South Carolina.


09 Jun 2016

I current live in Kentucky, but work in Tennessee. Can I become a notary in Tennessee?

National Notary Association

13 Jun 2016

Hello. Yes, provided that the location you work at in Tennessee is your primary place of business.

Manu Patel

06 Jun 2016

I am a Notary Public in Florida, and I am now moving to MD, What are the procedure and for how long I have to be a MD resident? Thanks

National Notary Association

06 Jun 2016

Hello. The Maryland Secretary of State's website ( states that an applicant must live or work in the state of Maryland, but does not specify for how long.


03 Jun 2016

Hello my husband is in prison in mississippi and i need to mail him a power of attorney from California is it legal if he get it signed By the notarized person there in Mississippi

National Notary Association

03 Jun 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but we can't provide legal advice regarding the acceptability of powers of attorney. You would need to consult a qualified attorney to answer these questions.


29 May 2016

I am a notary signing Agent for the State of Florida can i notarized a Power of Attorney to be used out of the the Country?The person is going to sign lives in Florida but the document is to authorize a family member to request a Birth Certificate.

National Notary Association

02 Jun 2016

Hello. Florida Notaries may notarize documents intended for use outside the United States, provided the notarization meets all requirements of Florida law.

Katerina Nikiforou

20 May 2016

I am an attorney with office in NY and a notary public as well and live in FL - can I get a notary license in Fl without giving up my NY notary?

National Notary Association

20 May 2016

Hello Katerina. To become a Notary in Florida, you must be at least 18 years old and a legal resident of Florida. Holding a commission from another state does not disqualify you from applying to be a Florida Notary, but persons who do not reside in Florida cannot become Notaries in the state.

Pablo t

13 Apr 2016

I want a document notorized in north dakota then send that original to California so my ex can sign it in front of a notary there. Is that ok to do?

National Notary Association

14 Apr 2016

Hello. Yes, if two signers to a document are in different locations, each signer can have their signature notarized separately. Each signer must appear in person before a Notary with the original document and meet all other requirements of state Notary law.

naida Santiago

28 Mar 2016

I am a New York notary; someone from Florida is visiting and ask me to notarized some documents I believe I can; just want to be sure because the law have changed so much;

National Notary Association

30 Mar 2016

Hello. Yes, you may notarize documents for a signer from another state provided the notarization requested is legal in New York and meets all state law requirements (signer has proper ID, document has appropriate certificate wording, etc.)

Mary E

23 Mar 2016

I reside in Michigan and work in Ohio. Am I able to either become a MI notary and notarize in Ohio? Or become an OH notary to notarize at my work?

National Notary Association

23 Mar 2016

Hello. Sorry, but Michigan Notaries may not notarize in Ohio, and the only out-of-state residents who may apply for an Ohio commission are attorneys licensed to practice in Ohio who have a place of business in the state.


18 Nov 2015

Hi, I am a notary in New Jersey but I work in NY. What do I need to do to be able to notarize documents in NY for my company?

National Notary Association

18 Nov 2015

Hello, Elisabeth. You'd need to apply for a New York Notary commission, which includes submitting an application form and passing an exam. You can find more information at the NY Department of State's website here: or through our website here:


16 Nov 2015

I just had some documents from Florida notarized in the state of Missouri. Will my documents be valid in Florida court?

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2015

Hi Hannah. Notarization simply verifies the identity of the signer, it does not necessarily make a document legally acceptable. You would need to contact the court in question or consult with an attorney familiar with Florida law to find out if documents are acceptable to the receiving agency.

ryvona stephens

23 Oct 2015

I am a notary in Idaho but live close to the Oregon border. Can I also hold an Oregon certificate? I get calls from signing companies frequently requesting such.

National Notary Association

23 Oct 2015

Hello. In order to apply for an Oregon commission, you would need to have a place of employment in that state. (ORS 194.340) If you do not have an place of employment in Oregon, you will not be able to apply for a commission there.

Jerry Lucas

20 Oct 2015

There are Indian Reservations across the USA. Some Native American tribes use tribal notaries, notarizing under tribal notary law, not state notary law. There are also notaries in the church, known as ecclesiastic notaries, who deal with church business. At one time, there were royal notaries who served the King, and papal notaries, appointed by the Pope, who had authority in multiple countries and colonies.


20 Oct 2015

I have a NJ notary. Am I allowed to notarize a document in NJ for a resident who lives in NY but selling property in PA?

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2015

Hello. You may notarize a document for a resident of another state provided the signer appears before you in New Jersey and the notarial act meets all requirements of NJ Notary law. However, it is the signer's responsibility to confirm if the notarized document is acceptable to the receiving agency.

Kimberly Linder

19 Oct 2015

I am presently living in Indiana, and am a Notary in Indiana. I will be moving to Illinois shortly, but will still be employed in Indiana. Will I be able to hold both states Notary?

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2015

Hello. No, Indiana requires Notaries to be legal residents of IN. (IC 33-42-2-1). You would have to resign your Indiana commission when you move.


19 Oct 2015

I currently live in Illinois but we are considering a second home in Arizona. Can I maintain commissions in both states?

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2015

Hello. No, you may not hold Notary commissions in IL and AZ at the same time. To apply for an Arizona Notary commission you must be a resident of AZ for income tax purposes and claim AZ as your primary state of residence, or be a registered voter in Arizona. (ARS 41-313[E] and 41-330[A][2]; RM). Illinois requires Notary commission holders to be a resident of the state for at least 30 days or a resident of a qualifying bordering state (IA, KY, MO, WI) employed in Illinois for at least 30 days. (5 ILCS 312/2-102[d] through [i]). If you moved to AZ you would not longer qualify for an IL Notary commission.


09 Oct 2015

I am a notary in or Buffalo NY. Can I be notary for other states like MN or multiple states if I move state to state

National Notary Association

13 Oct 2015

Hello. If you moved out of New York state and no longer worked there, you may not continue to serve as a NY Notary Public. A Notary resident of New York State who moves out of state but still maintains a place of business in the state may remain a Notary; otherwise, the office of Notary is thereby vacated (EL 130). A Notary nonresident who ceases to have an office or place of business in New York State thereby vacates the office of Notary. While some states permit non-residents to apply for Notary commissions if the non-resident has a place of business in the state, others only issue commissions to residents.


05 Oct 2015

I am a notary in the state of Georgia. I am moving to the state of Tennessee. Am I allowed to keep/obtain both notaries?

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2015

Hello. If you are not planning to continue to work in the state of Georgia, you'll need to resign your Georgia commission and apply for a new one in Tennessee. Notaries ceasing to reside or work in the state of Georgia are subject to having their commission revoked by the superior court clerk (OCGA 45-17-15[a]). However, if you plan to continue to work or have a place of business within the state of Georgia after you move, you may be able to apply for a new GA commission in the county where you work. We recommend you contact the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority at 1-404-327-6023 for assistance obtaining a new commission if you plan to continue to work in the state of Georgia.

Alex Fedo

04 Oct 2015

I am a notary in New Jersey. Can I notorize new york deeds if the person comes to new jersey

National Notary Association

05 Oct 2015

Hello. You may notarize a document prepared out of state provided the notarization meets all appropriate requirements under New Jersey law. The signer may wish to confirm first whether an out-of-state notarization will be acceptable to the agency that will receive the documents.


27 Sep 2015

I wanted to know if a notary in North Carolina can notarize a document from Alabama

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2015

Hello. Yes, but only if the signer appears in person before the Notary in North Carolina and all other requirements of North Carolina Notary law are met.

Patsy S. Allen

27 Sep 2015

I am a Ohio notary. Can I notoriety Kentucky documents.

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2015

Hello. Yes, but only if the signer personally appears before you in Ohio and all other requirements of Ohio Notary law are met.


26 Sep 2015

I am a notary in NJ, can I notarized a document in ny

National Notary Association

28 Sep 2015

Hello. No, only within the borders of New Jersey.

Stephanie Roberts

16 Sep 2015

I moved to Mississippi about a year ago and I am a notary in the state of Florida. Can I notarize papers in Mississippi with my Florida notary?

National Notary Association

16 Sep 2015

Hello. No, you may not. You would have to apply for a new Mississippi commission.


28 Aug 2015

I reside and am a notary in Indiana. I just took a job in Michigan, can I become a notary for Michigan as well?

National Notary Association

28 Aug 2015

Hello. An out-of-state resident with a principal place of business in Michigan may become a Michigan Notary (MCL 55.271[1]).

Debbie Walker

25 Aug 2015

I am a Connecticut resident but am employed in New York. Can I become a notary in NY?

National Notary Association

26 Aug 2015

Hello. Yes, a person who has an office or place of business in NY and meets all other requirements for a commission may apply for a NY Notary commission.

Kellie Meshurle

23 Aug 2015

Many years ago I was a notary in Kentucky but it has since expired and I have moved to Florida. My brother moved with me and he is now getting a divorce from his wife who still lives in Kentucky. He bought the self service divorce forms because I did these when I lived in Kentucky for and my friends. He read the documentation and noted that the forms must be notarized in Ky. or that one of the marital parties must live in the state, so we have that part covered. We just need to understand the notary part. Also, since I was a notary at one time in Kentucky do I have to just renew it or start all over again? Thank you so much for your help. Have a wonderful week!!

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2015

Hello. In order to qualify for a Kentucky Notary commission you must be a resident or be principally employed in the KY county you wish to apply in. If you live in Florida and are not employed in Kentucky, you no longer qualify for a Kentucky Notary commission. Also, you should be very careful not to provide advice on legal documents unless you are a qualified attorney, as nonattorney Notaries can be held liable for the unauthorized practice of law if any problems arise with the documents due to improper advice.


27 Jul 2015

Im a notary in Virgina. Can I hold two notaries. One in which the state I live and in Maryland where my business office is located?

National Notary Association

28 Jul 2015

Hello. Maryland permits out-of-state residents who work in Maryland to become Notaries, provided that the applicant's home state reciprocally permits Maryland residents to hold a Notary commission ((ACM St. Gov. 18-101).


13 Jul 2015

So I can not notarize outside of my state?

National Notary Association

13 Jul 2015

Hello Laura. Aside from the exceptions listed in the article, Notaries are normally authorized only to notarize within the borders of the state that commissioned them.

Rocio Velinov

16 Apr 2015

Very interesting topics and inforamation.


13 Mar 2015

I am a notary for the state of VA. Can I notarized a document when I am physically present in Washington Dc at Indian passport application center those who want to renew there passport and want to notarize there documents or they have to be in Virginia.

National Notary Association

16 Mar 2015

Hello. Virginia Notaries may only notarize within the borders of their state. The only exceptions to this rule are when notarizing a document intended to be used in Virginia or by the U.S. government. (COV 47.1-13[B])

Charles Franklin

26 Feb 2015

There was a time that a notary could be a notary at large that could notary work in different countries and states.

Janet Rossman

23 Feb 2015

Hello. I have a question about acknowledgements performed in Mexico and written in Spanish. What do I need to do in order to have the county recorder (in California) accept the document? I understand I need the acknowledgment translated, but by whom? Is there a special procedure I need to follow? Thanks so much! Janet

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2015

Hello Janet, For that information, you would need to contact the county recorder's office that the document is being sent to.


23 Feb 2015

Hi, I am a notary in the state of CA and sometimes I get documents to sign that goes to another country, like bank statements and or POA etc'. Can I notarize it if the signer is in front of me but the paper goes to other country?

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2015

Hello Anat, Yes, provided the notarization meets all other requirements of California Notary law. (signer identification, notarial certificate wording, etc.)

Lisa Holliday

23 Feb 2015

As a Notary Signing Agent, I charge a fee for my time, expense of printing and shipping hundreds of pages per transaction, and travel. We can easily spend 3-4 hours or more on each mortgage or refinance, and there is noing wrong with charging as a notary signing agent. If you have never done it, you have no idea how labor intensive, expensive and stressful it can be. I often do free services for homebound people, but when iI am Working for a title or signing company, they are receiving a fee from the buyer/bwr for my services and that a portion is passed down to me is totally appropriate. For some folks, being a Notary Signing Agent IS a paying job and we are proud of the work we do and the service we provide, closing these often complex transactions in the convenience of people's homes. We invest in a lot of time andtraining to do so. It is not a point and sign single page transaction.


06 Nov 2014

I am a Notary Public in the State of California & would like to know if I can Notorize a Texas Lending ReFi document for a property located in Utah?

National Notary Association

13 Nov 2014

Hello Annette, Yes, as long as the notarization takes place in California and all requirements for notarization under CA law are met. For more information, please see today's article:

Fran Jiracek

28 Oct 2014

I notarized for inpatients at the VA Hospital I work at in Illinois. Our veteran population consists of veterans from other than JUST Illinois veterans. The majority of my notaries are POA's for healthcare. I do not charge any fees and have never charged any. I make sure the social worker writes a medical note verifying the veteran is cognizant of what he is signing and that his medical team agrees. My questions is....since the veteran is hospitalized in Illinois but resides in states in the area (i.e., Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin) is my Illinois notarization legal and binding?

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2014

Hello Fran, As long as the notarization takes place in a jurisdiction you're authorized to notarize in (for example, an Illinois Notary within the state of Illinois) and all other requirements for notarization are met, you may perform the notarial act.

Debra A McCarty Julka

27 Oct 2014

It has been extremely interesting and thought provoking to read each article in this current issue--especially the one about charging fees for notarial acts. I was glad that our organization holds the high standards it does. Who of us ever became a notary for the purpose of making money? I'm fairly certain it was for the purpose of assisting others complete a significant and, perhaps, a life-directing act. Having been active in public service all of my career, I wouldn't think for a moment about charging someone. Some things we just do for people to help them. For example, I was impressed by the idea put forth in the current issue about notaries donating their time to help veterans learn to become notaries. What a terrific idea! The State of Wisconsin, by statute outlines the parameters and duties of our notaries. There are several good reasons for the law of our state to suggest there be no charge and to allow no more than a fifty cent charge for any notarial act (which would not only be a bookkeeping nightmare but an amount to be reported as taxable income!). The idea is strongly offered to become notaries simply to help other people. Not many transactions or affirmations in our lives today come without a price tag; our assistance to others is a great way to show that that is not always true.

Edward Tatro

27 Oct 2014

Maine allows you to hold both a NH and ME Commission. Also NH residents are able to become ME Notaries if conditions are met.

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2014

Hello Edward, The state of Maine permits residents of adjacent states who are regularly employed or conduct business in Maine to apply for a Maine Notary commission (5 MRSA 82[1]). However, a New Hampshire Notary commission requires the applicant to be a resident of New Hampshire (RSA 455:2). So a New Hampshire resident may apply for a Maine Notary commission if the applicant works in Maine, but a Maine resident may not apply for a New Hampshire commission.

laura patrick

27 Oct 2014

I am a notary for the state of md. Can I notarized Washington and Virginia documents

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2014

Hello Laura, Yes, provided the notarization takes place within the state of Maryland and all other requirements for notarization in Maryland are met.

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