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Common Notary certificate issues explained


Updated 6-17-24. Notaries often encounter confusing situations when filling out certificate wording. Here are answers to common questions about certificate wording asked on the NNA Notary Hotline.

  1. What if a document doesn't include a Notary certificate?
  2. Can I affix my Notary stamp to a document with no certificate wording?
  3. May I notarize an acknowledgment and a jurat for the same signer on one document?
  4. May I use Notary wording from another state?
  5. May I correct an error on a Notary certificate?

What if a document doesn't include a Notary certificate?

You should ask the signer what type of notarial act they need. Notaries aren't allowed to choose the type of notarization on a signer's behalf. If the signer isn't clear on this, you may describe the different notarial acts — for example, the two most common notarizations are acknowledgments and jurats — and let the signer choose.

If the signer isn’t sure what notarial act is needed, they can contact the agency that issued or is receiving the document or an attorney for instructions. They will tell you what notarial act is needed, and you can attach and complete the appropriate certificate form.

Can I affix my Notary stamp to a document with no certificate wording?

The answer is generally no. In most states, if there is no certificate wording included with the document, you cannot complete the notarization. State laws almost universally require the Notary's seal to be affixed near the Notary's signature on a notarial certificate appropriate to the notarization being performed.

Michigan Notaries may also stamp and sign a document under certain circumstances because a 2006 law repealed the Notary certificate forms from the statute.

May I notarize an acknowledgment and a jurat for the same signer on one document?

Yes. In this case, you would be performing two separate notarial acts for a signer. You may charge for each notarization (acknowledgment and jurat) and would make two separate journal entries. Be sure to follow all of your state's rules for each notarization.

May I use Notary wording from another state?

In most cases, yes. California is an exception, where Notaries are required to use specific certificate language prescribed by statute for certain acts. California Notaries must always use the California-specific jurat wording for any jurat. When performing an acknowledgment, California Notaries must use the California acknowledgment wording if the document will be filed in California.

Most states, such as Texas, include certificate wording in their statutes but permit you to use other wording, as long as it is substantially similar to their forms. Florida permits using any wording that includes 9 required certificate elements in Florida law. A few states, such as Georgia, don’t have specific certificate wording in their statutes but instead offer suggested wording on their websites or in their Notary handbooks.

As a general rule, you may use an out-of-state certificate as long as it meets your state's requirements for that notarial act and doesn't ask you to do something that’s not authorized in your state (California Notaries, for example, are not allowed to certify a person's representative capacity).

May I correct an error on a Notary certificate?

It depends on your state’s requirements and when the mistake is discovered.

In California, if you spot an error during the notarization while the signer is present before you, then yes — you can line through the mistake, enter the correct information, and initial and date the change. However, if the error is found after the notarization is completed and the signer leaves, the answer is no — in that case, a new notarial act would have to be completed. Florida is even more restrictive. You can’t amend a notarial certificate after the notarization is complete. A new notarization would be required.

Some states provide specific instructions or regulations on making corrections in the certificate. In Arizona, if a Notary attaches a loose certificate to a document, the Arizona Notary Public Handbook instructs the Notary to describe the attached document on the loose certificate. Always be sure to follow your state's rules regarding certificate corrections.

David Thun is the Editorial Manager at the National Notary Association.

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Related Articles:

A Notary certificate in 4 simple parts

Avoid common Notary certificate mistakes

Quiz: Elements of a Notary certificate

Additional Resources:

Notary Essentials

View All: Best Practices


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Mary Garcia

16 Mar 2025

When signing with a POA, whose information goes on the notary acknowledgment section since the principal is technically not in my presence? Alos, whose information gets entered on the notary journal since I don’t have the principals information? Thank you in advnce

National Notary Association

17 Mar 2025

Hello. Please see this article for more information:

22 Feb 2025

This may have already been asked and if so I apologise for not reading far enough down. I am in Washington state. I know if the form doesn’t have a certificate on it we can attach the separate certificate. I am wondering if you have a short form stamp can you stamp the certificate on the back of the document, sign and seal that and it count for the document.

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2025

Hello. The NNA offers a Washington jurat certificate wording stamp here:


05 Jul 2024

Very interesting and educational. I enjoy your direct answer to the questions asked. Nice job to clarify any doubts a new notary like myself may have. Will continue learning for you “BIG BROTHER “.


01 Jul 2024

I am confused about the article's beginning: when there is no certificate attached scenario. You are saying, that client can choose. Choose from what? Go home and choose and bring back? So the client states, for example, that jurat is needed. Then Notary has to produce somehow that jurat certificate? And it has to comply with all State requirements magically? Sit and type it for the client? What do you meat by to choose? Please clarify as in other articles you state that we, as notaries , cannot prepare any legal documents, including notarial certificate. I am a Maryland Notary.

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2024

Hello. The customer would need to choose what type of notarial act, such as an acknowledgment or jurat, that they wish the Notary to perform. Once the type of notarial act is chosen, the Notary may complete and attach the appropriate certificate wording. Information on appropriate wording is available through state Notary agencies and state handbooks. Appropriate pre-printed certificate wording for each state can also be purchased from the NNA here:

Marie Gray

15 May 2023

Please explain the options for making a correction to a revocable trust on the line that states , personally appeared before me ______________. The address was mistakenly written in on the line and not the name of the grantor. This occurred in the state of Florida. The grantor is now deceased (7 months). Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

National Notary Association

19 May 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Gwen Banks

23 Aug 2022

I am in the state of Virginia. I prepared a Quit Claim Deed. The notary page begins with ACKOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC Commonwealth of Virginia County of _________________________ On this day, personally appeared before me, _________________________, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes within mentioned. What goes in the line above? My notary left it blank. I am the Grantor.

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2022

Information cannot be entered in Notarial certificate wording by someone who is not a Notary Public. The Notary should be contacted for any changes allowed by law that can be completed.

Kizmat Finklea

12 Jun 2022

On an absentee ballot affidavit where it says the signature, title and address of the official is that where I sign my name say I am a notary public in the state of alalbama at large. And not stamp with my seal because there is no other space?

National Notary Association

13 Jun 2022

Hello. You can find instructions for Alabama absentee ballots here:

Pilar Williams

03 Jun 2022

Thank you very much for the clarification. I have never charged that way but after reading the "can I complete an acknowledgment and a jurat for the same signer on one document" section I just wanted to ask mu question.

Pilar Williams

03 Jun 2022

Thank you for the quick reply. I am currently commissioned in Florida.

National Notary Association

03 Jun 2022

"The fee of a notary public may not exceed $10 for any one notarial act under this part, except as provided in [FS] s. 117.045 (i.e., rite of matrimony fee) or [FS] s. 117.275 (online notarization fees)” (FS 117.05[2][a] and RMN).

Pilar Williams

03 Jun 2022

If there are two signers but one certificate can I charge for each signature?

National Notary Association

03 Jun 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Lila E Baschieri

30 May 2022

When notarizing a car title for a seller is it required for the notary to put their stamp even though there is no specific notary language?

National Notary Association

31 May 2022

Hello. Any questions about requirements for a motor vehicle title would need to be answered by the appropriate state motor vehicle department.


24 May 2021

Is this site up to date?


24 May 2021

Confusion Central..... Ok. So we're not allowed to stamp a paper without certificate wording for the notary. BUT, notaries can explain some of the certificates purpose, yes? THEN as stated below in your "Common Cert wording problems in TX " Notaries can thus use a printed and separate sheet of paper. certificate form the clients chose, and the Non Certificate Paper they signed is good to go now?? Specifically in TX? NNA excerpt below "What if a document doesn't include a certificate? You should ask the signer what type of notarial act they need. Notaries aren't allowed to choose the type of notarization on a signer's behalf. If the signer isn't clear on this, you may describe the different notarial acts — for example, the two most common notarizations are acknowledgments and jurats — and let the signer choose. If the signer isn’t sure what notarial act is needed, they can contact the agency that issued or is receiving the document or an attorney for instructions. They will tell you what notarial act is needed, and you can attach and complete the appropriate certificate form. Can I affix my stamp to a document with no certificate wording? The answer is generally no. In most states, if there is no certificate wording included with the document, you cannot complete the notarization. State laws almost universally require the Notary's seal to be affixed near the Notary's signature on a notarial certificate appropriate to the notarization being performed."

Phyllis Denison

24 May 2021

If the document presented by the signer includes wording to the effect "---- having appeared before me and having been sworn - " I advise them that I have to place them under oath and that it is a Jurat. If the document does not specify that condition, I then let the signer decide whether to do an acknowledgement or Jurat.


16 Feb 2020

When a document has no notarial certificate - Can I hand write in a notarial certificate? Or must it be printed on a separate sheet of paper?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


06 Jan 2020

This is a question. What happens if you sealed the document, but did not sign it?

National Notary Association

07 Jan 2020

Hello. If you did not sign the notarial certificate, it is possible that the document may be rejected by the receiving agency unless corrected. Please see this article for more information:

Brianna S

12 Jul 2019

What is the best practice for completing Car Title transfers? I've done 2 since obtaining my commission in the state of OHIO and I'm still flabbergasted that the 2 "spaces" for my seal are a fraction of the size of my stamp.

National Notary Association

22 Jul 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Talia Prosser

30 May 2019

I have a document that was notarized in Texas. The notary stamped on the signature block and did not sign. Is this a valid notary?

National Notary Association

30 May 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


04 Jun 2018

Yes, I just keep a couple of blank 'blurb' jurats.

National Notary Association

04 Jun 2018

Hello. Yes, you may attach the appropriate certificate wording to the document, provided the certificate complies with your state's Notary laws.

Ellen Bailey

04 Jun 2018

If the document does not have a formatted place for signature and stamp, may I print a template of one onto the end of the document if there is space on the page?

Ellen Bailey

04 Jun 2018

If the document does not have a formatted place for signature and stamp, may I print a template of one onto the end of the document if there is space on the page?

National Notary Association

04 Jun 2018

Hello Ellen. When you say a "template" are you referring to the Notary certificate wording?

John Clark

19 Jun 2017

I was asked to notarize a bank supplied document by a client, who insisted I notarize within the document where indicated. I said that I would attach the standard loose leaf used here in California which would override the bank's version. But the client insisted I do it twice. To avoid argument, I did as they requested. Was I right to do this?


15 Jun 2017

I am in Arizona and asked to notarize a document from IL. There does not seem to be a certificate. Can I add a loose certificate?

National Notary Association

16 Jun 2017

Hello. Yes, if there is no notarial wording pre-printed on the document, you would need to complete and attach the appropriate certificate wording to the document. The signer would have to tell you what type of notarial act they need.

Emilie Beck

28 Apr 2017

We have to get a document notairzed, apostilled and then sent oversees. The company oversees is asking that we do not "attach" a California All-Purpose Acknowledgement form because they do not want it getting detached. Is it legal for the top-half of the acknowledgement to be insterted on the bottom of the document itself? The notary would not be doing this, I would, prior to get the document notarized. I want to make sure that this would be considered an official proceedure before i go through with this.

National Notary Association

04 May 2017

Hello. We're sorry, we're not clear from your description what you are referring to by the "top half" of an acknowledgment. If you are an NNA member, we would recommend calling our Hotline at 1-888-876-0827 so a counselor can speak with you by phone to answer your questions.

Ian mckinlay

28 Mar 2017

To speed the process can I use a stamp for the Jurat or acknowledgement and my name and title on the certificate? Thanks for always being on hand for all my question

National Notary Association

28 Mar 2017

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


07 Mar 2017

On an all-purpose Acknowledgment, if I am only notarizing for my employer, am I able to pre-fill and print these out so that the only information left to be entered is the date and signature?

National Notary Association

08 Mar 2017

Hello Amanda. So we can answer your question, can you please confirm what state you are writing us from?

Ian mckinlay

11 Jul 2016

What is the most concise way to explain to a client the difference between an acknowledgement and a Jurat?

National Notary Association

12 Jul 2016

Hi Ian. This article may help you:


11 Jul 2016

I am a notary in Florida and have a document that has no wording - just a saying that the notary seal must be placed at the bottom of the page. What is the wording that I will need to add for Florida? THANK YOU!

National Notary Association

11 Jul 2016

Hello Katie. The signer would have to tell you what notarial act is being requested. Once you know what type of notarization is needed, you can attach the appropriate certificate form. Remember that a nonattorney Notary cannot determine what type of notarization is needed on behalf of a signer, because that would be the unauthorized practice of law.

joy taffy

11 May 2016

Please clarify, I'm a notary in California, a client would like me to notarize a document for another state, let say for example sake an acknowledgement for the state of Arizona. The document does not contain the required CA Notarial wording. Do I complete the loose certificate?

National Notary Association

12 May 2016

Hi Joy. It depends. When executing a jurat or proof of execution, California Notaries must always use the certificates with the new consumer notice regardless of where the document is sent. California Notaries who take acknowledgments on documents that are filed in another state or jurisdiction may complete any acknowledgment form as may be required in that other state or jurisdiction, provided the form does not require the Notary to determine or certify that the signer holds a particular representative capacity or to make other determinations or certifications not allowed by California law.

Todd Cottle

03 May 2016

Title company (out of my state) thinks I have made an error on my notary of the documents. They want me to email them ( and mail original) Jurat. How would I word a Jurat to comply for them?

National Notary Association

04 May 2016

Hi Todd. While some agencies may request it, Notaries should never mail a loose certificate nor rely on someone else to attach it to the document.


27 Apr 2016

Hi! I was wondering if I am notarizing a document in California, which will be filed in South Dakota, and my notary seal doesn't fit in the notary seal box on the form- can I attached a loose acknowledgement/jurat to the document with California verbiage? Any information would be greatly appreciated!

National Notary Association

29 Apr 2016

Try to affix the seal on the available certificate wording as close to the Notary signature as possible. This may mean finding another “blank” area within the certificate. A CA Notary may attach a loose certificate; however, that doesn’t always guarantee that the receiving agency will accept it. If in doubt, ask the signer to contact the receiving agency for instructions.

Carmelina Carrillo

23 Dec 2015

Texas one of my signers asked me if she could have a copy of my driver license? I showe to them, but I did not allow them to get a copy. Instead I sugest them to obtain information about me from the Title Company. Did I break any law? Thank you

National Notary Association

30 Dec 2015

Hello Carmelina. There's no Texas Notary law that requires you to provide a copy of your driver's license to a signer during a notarization. Public information about commissioned Texas Notaries is available online at the Secretary of State's website at

Jon L

23 Dec 2015

If there are blank spaces on the document can I put a line through them or does the signer need to do that?

National Notary Association

23 Dec 2015

Hello. Any blank spaces in the main body of the document would need to be filled in or corrected by the signer. The Notary may only correct or complete blank spaces in the notarial certificate wording.

martine Lisa

22 Dec 2015

Than you for your reply. I just re read it and yes the Venue information is pre printed on the certificate. I wasn't sure if I still needed to write it in my own handwriting. But you answered my question so thank you.

Martine Lisa

22 Dec 2015

I'm a notary in Minnesota and I've noticed that on the certificate of some documents I'm notarizing there is not a spot that says "state of" and "county of" for me to fill in the blanks. Should I write in this information in pen?

National Notary Association

22 Dec 2015

Hello. MS 358.47 states that any notarial certificate "must include identification of the jurisdiction in which the notarial act is performed." If this information is not on the pre-printed certificate we suggest attaching and completing a certificate that includes a space for the venue information.

angela bennett

15 May 2015

I'm a new notary and has never notarized as of yet. Do I sign and stamp documents brought to me? I'm in the state of Michigan.

National Notary Association

19 May 2015

Hello Angela. If you're an NNA member and need any help performing notarial acts, you can contact our NNA Hotline for assistance: 1-888-876-6827 or

Michelle L

06 Apr 2015

Hi, thanks for answering my questions. They're very helpful. One last thing that I want to make it clear. I always print my full name (first, middle, and last name) on the certificate the same way as it appears on my seal. My question is: can I sign the certificate only my first and last name? Thank you!

National Notary Association

07 Apr 2015

Hi Michelle. As mentioned previously, you should sign your name as it appears on your seal and Notary commission.


01 Apr 2015

Is there a video I could watch to guide me on getting started with my notary? Such as what to expect on your first signing, what I need to get as far as supplies to get started with my notary business? Thank you!

National Notary Association

02 Apr 2015

Hello Ashley. You may want to check out our webinar series on commonly asked Notary questions. Here's a link to the page: We also have webinars for new signing agents if you're interested in working with loan document assignments: Best of luck and please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Michelle L

30 Mar 2015

I have 3 questions: 1) Is there any way I can find out if I should sign my full name in my notary certificate? I have my first, middle, and last name spelled out on my seal. But I usually sign my first and last name only, e.g. sign checks, driver's license, and almost everything else. I forgot if I included my middle name in my signature when I applied my Notary commission in California. 2) Should I sign and stamp my seal on the document that doesn't have the updated CA wording if I completed and attached a loose certificate? If not, should I cross out that on the document? 3) on the certificate, there is an optional session for additional information below the Notary seal area. If I don't fill out any thing there, do I have to cross that out? Thank you!

National Notary Association

02 Apr 2015

Hi Michelle. 1. You should enter your name on the certificate the same way as it appears on your Notary commission and seal. 2. You should only affix your signature and seal to the notarial wording you are using to complete the notarial act. 3. You are not required to cross out a section for optional additional information on a pre-printed certificate.


11 Mar 2015

Very simple question: when entering my name and title to a certificate, is it ok to abbreviate my middle name for space purposes. My seal has my first, middle, and last name spelled out, but generally middle initials are used... It's a small detail but I know how things can affect recording. Thank you!

National Notary Association

12 Mar 2015

Hi Joseph. You should enter your name on the certificate the same way as it appears on your Notary commission and seal.

Ashley Davis

08 Jan 2015

If i recieved a document without the notary stamp or seal is this document valid?

National Notary Association

08 Jan 2015

Hello Ashley, Different states have different requirements regarding the use and format of the Notary's official seal. Whether the notarization is valid or not would depend on the laws of the state where the notarization on the document was performed.


27 Aug 2014

I noticed that there is no law primer for new notaries. Yet they need to be extremely aware of the requirements of the State where they have their commission. For example, if they are NSAs in Maryland do they have their Title Insurance License? Do they have the required E & O insurance as required (and not just the amount NNA offers)? Do they have the required CPEs? There are a mess of laws and "Best Practices they need to follow. I've encountered other NPs who believe they can notarized in several States using the same seal. Wrong! The 4th is not completely correct. ISO REQUIRES that a single line be drawn through the incorrect entry and an entry be made as to the reason for the error. Best Practices does not just mean what NNA says they are but also what industry standards require or you can lose certification.

National Notary Association

28 Aug 2014

Hello John, Thanks for your feedback. We saw your comment about ISO standards in our other story too. In case you haven't seen our reply in that thread, please feel free to email us at We're happy to discuss your concerns and would appreciate it if you can include the specific sections you're referring to in your message. Thanks!

25 Aug 2014

Thanks for providing all this valuable information

Kathy Liccardi

25 Aug 2014

I need information on Journaling Please

National Notary Association

26 Aug 2014

Hi, Kathy! You can find some basic information on keeping a journal in our complimentary webinar "How To Complete A Journal" here: Also, here are some Bulletin articles on journals that may be helpful to you: Recommended Notary Practices: Maintaining A Journal Handling Journal Inspection Requests: Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Have a great day!

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