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Notary business: 7 Ways to earn extra money

A person holding up a smartphone horizontally to take a picture.

Updated 7-31-23. Mobile Notaries are constantly looking for opportunities to expand their business offerings. To help, the Notary Bulletin has been highlighting a number of resources for signing agents and Notaries to earn additional income. As we find more options, we will add to this list.

If you have information on new income opportunities, please get in touch with us at

1. Field Inspections

What is it? Field inspectors verify information about businesses. For example, a field inspector might be sent to verify that a medical clinic is a valid business by visiting their address, looking at their business license, talking to a manager or taking photos of the office.

What qualifications are needed? Most inspections require no previous qualifications though a background check may be required. Many companies offer brief training over the phone. Most inspections require a high-speed internet connection and a digital camera with a flash and time and date stamp capability. You’ll also need a reliable vehicle.

How much does it pay? A typical inspection — a business verification, for example — generally pays between $18-$40 and takes 10-15 minutes. 

How can I get started? The Society of Field Inspectors provides guidance on getting started as a field inspector. 

2. Process Servers

What is it? Process servers serve legal documents, such as subpoenas and other court-related documents, to individuals.

What qualifications are needed? The laws regulating process servers vary from state to state, so it’s important to know and follow all state laws. Several jurisdictions require fees in order to become a server, as well as other costs such as those incurred for a background check, surety bond, or testing and licensing costs, so be aware that an upfront investment may be necessary to embark on this career opportunity.

How much does it pay? Fees vary between jurisdictions.

How do I get started? For more information, you can contact the National Association of Professional Process Servers. You can also search online for local state associations to join.

3. Virtual Assistant

What is it? Virtual assistants are independent contractors who work remotely from their homes or office to provide clients with services such as bookkeeping, event planning, data processing, or administrative phone and email support.

What qualifications are needed? This can vary depending on your skill set (administrative assistant, web designer, event planner, etc.). People who have strong communication and writing skills and are self-disciplined enough to work and meet deadlines without outside supervision are good choices for virtual assistants.

How much does it pay? This depends on the type of services provided and the amount charged by the individual assistant.

How can I get started? More information is available through the Virtual Assistant Network Association.

4. Personal Concierge

What is it? A personal concierge is an individual who provides any number of services, from booking travel and restaurant reservations to grocery shopping to waiting in line at the DMV.

How much does it pay? Whatever the market will allow. You can set your own fees based on the services you offer and what you negotiate with clients.

What qualifications are needed? No special training is required, but there is a certification program you can get. You will need a car, good people skills and a flexible schedule — but so does any mobile Notary.

How can I get started? The National Concierge Association (NCA) provides more information. Members receive access to mentor programs, online tools and resources, educational conferences and the NCA Certification Program for Concierges.

5. Form I-9 Services

What is it? Every employer must complete a Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification for every employee it hires. Because of the growing number of remote employees in the workforce, employers are allowed to designate an authorized representative to complete the form on their behalf. And the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services sees Notaries as good candidates to serve in this role.

How much does it pay? There is no set fee. Because this is not a notarial act, you may negotiate your fees with each client.

What qualifications are needed? No special training is required, but it is helpful to be familiar with the form and the tasks required of you as an employer’s representative. USCIS holds periodic webinars.

How can I get started? You should advertise your services on your webpage and social media pages, and reach out to various businesses that are likely to hire remote employees on a regular basis.

A special note for California Notaries: The California Secretary of State’s office has determined that Form I-9 is an immigration form. Consequently, you may only provide this service if you are qualified and bonded as an immigration consultant under state law.

6. Wedding Officiant

What is it? A wedding officiant conducts marriage ceremonies for a fee. An officiant not only performs the actual wedding ceremony but is also responsible for completing and filing the wedding documents with the appropriate vital records division in a timely fashion after the ceremony.

What qualifications are needed? Six states — Florida, Maine*, MontanaNevadaSouth Carolina and Tennessee — authorize commissioned Notaries to perform marriage ceremonies as part of their official duties.

In other states, Notaries can apply for a separate license to perform wedding ceremonies. This could include becoming ordained through an online ministry, but requirements and licensing procedures vary greatly from state to state. Requirements may also differ for performing religious versus civil and non-denominational ceremonies.

How much does it pay? Florida permits Notaries to charge $30 and Nevada $75 to conduct a marriage ceremony. South Carolina permits a $5 notarial fee and a separate travel fee. Other states do not specify the amount that may be charged for officiating a wedding. For other states, fees vary depending on state laws, region and the date and time the ceremony takes place.

How can I get started? Check with your state Notary-regulating agency if you are commissioned in a state that authorizes Notaries to perform weddings. In other states, check with the county clerk’s office in the jurisdiction you wish to perform weddings for more information. If you are active with a church or other religious affiliation, you may wish to consult with your clergy to see if becoming a wedding officiant will affect your religious standing.

*Effective July 1, 2023, Maine Notaries automatically receive a license as a marriage officiant. However, Maine Notaries may opt out if they choose. 

7. Remote Online Notarization

What is it? A growing number of states have passed laws authorizing Notaries to perform notarizations for which signers personally satisfy the requirement to personally appear before the Notary using audiovisual technology over the internet.

In these states, Notaries are able to remain at their computers while notarizing documents for signers anywhere in the world. This eliminates the need to drive to a client or print out documents such as loan packages.

What qualifications are needed? Each state has established its own requirements. Typically, you would need to apply for a separate eNotary commission or register.

How much does it pay? Each state sets the maximum fee for remote notarization. Some states require Notaries to sign up with one or more companies that have the technology set up to meet state requirements, and some RON technology providers require Notaries using their systems to split their remote notarization fee with the company.

How can I get started? If you live in a state that has authorized remote notarizations, check the website of your commissioning agency (usually the Secretary of State’s office) for the steps.

David Thun is the Assistant Managing Editor with the National Notary Association.

How to fill out and file immigration forms ad

How to fill out and file immigration forms ad

Related Articles:

22 Ways to make money as a Notary

Building a Notary business: It pays to have a plan

Earn extra income using skills and qualifications you already have


Add your comment

02 Jan 2025

Can a Notary file court papers for a client?

National Notary Association

24 Feb 2025

Filing court papers is not something that is done as a Notary Public. However, a person who is a Notary Public can offer the service of filing court documents in addition to offering Notary services. Check local and state law to see if any type of license or registration is required to file court documents.

David Fuentes

28 Feb 2024

And “Apostille Agent” and “Living trust delivery agent” and photographer and typing service and pet sitter and house sitter and, and, and ……

Stacey Bayley

21 Aug 2023

Thank You. Learned a lot. Great information

Ethel Melton

14 Aug 2023

I’m really interested finding out more and how to signed on and earning extra money

Inata Paul

14 Aug 2023

Great information. Thank you

14 Aug 2023

Hi! new Indiana Notary. I know that you have to set a platform with you SOS to work as an RON, but can I get onto additional platforms?

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2023

Yes, you can get an additional platform, but you have to notify the Office of the Secretary of State about the addition. Change of Vendors “The notary public must notify the secretary of state within thirty (30) days after the notary public changes the remote technology vendor or contracts with an additional remote technology vendor. A notary public may use more than one (1) remote technology vendor. If the notary public fails to meet these standards, then the secretary of state may suspend or revoke the notary public’s commission and the notary public’s remote authorization” (75 IAC 7-7-1).”

Hellen Smoaks

14 Aug 2023

I learned a lot of great information!


06 Jun 2022

I’m a new notary and I appreciate this information.


04 Oct 2021

I've had my commission for almost the 4 year term and swear I've spent hundreds of dollars investing in my "notary business" paying for classes, books, from the stamp down to ink pens, bus. cards, on and on and on spending, spending, a website spending and nothing in return. Earning less than $200. Reading how these ppl be lying about how many thousands of dollars they are and have made, please more like, I've spent literally thousands and made less than a call hundred.

Brenda Starks

14 Sep 2020

My niece suggested doing this because physically I can't stand for 8hrs. a day, not anymore. Is 62 too old to start this career?

National Notary Association

15 Sep 2020

Hello. Not at all, Notaries have started successful careers at many different ages. One advantage is that Notaries have the flexibility to set their own hours and how many assignments they choose to perform each week. If we can answer any questions for you, please let us know.

Stephen Arout

28 May 2019



28 May 2019

OnSource pays dirt cheap wages, btw.

Brenda Powers

29 Aug 2018

Be careful with the Mystery Shopper route. I know this from experience. Some sites claim to be associated with MSPA. These scammers will send you a check for $2,000 and break it down to where that money is to be spent, including your portion of the pay and some going back to them. Bottom line is, the check will bounce and it will take forever for you to get your finances cleared up. (Luckily, I did research and did not follow through. I shredded the check.) MSPA will NEVER pay you up front. Keep that in mind.

Dorris Harris

03 Jun 2018

Very informative information. Thank you.

Lynette Archibald

05 Apr 2018

Hi, I Live in GA very informative, will continue to check for new information as well as look into what is already posted here.

Mike Davis

16 Oct 2017



07 Feb 2017

Thanks for the information, I have heard of some of these.

Teresita Neris

06 Feb 2017

Nice article, I'm always looking for oppotunities like this to make some money extra.


18 Mar 2016

nice articlec

Nadine M Wescott

07 Mar 2016

Thank you for the info.. helpful !


23 Sep 2015

Thanks just what I needed to help me work for myself.

Shari Burke

11 Aug 2015

I got my minister license but does Texas require anything special when you perform a wedding? 7C6Yxu

National Notary Association

11 Aug 2015

Hello. Please see here for more information on TX marriage statutes:


29 Jun 2015

Thank you for posting this information. I have been looking for other ways to earn money. This is a big help.


11 May 2015

This information is so important. Thanks so much.


23 Mar 2015

Thank you, it is great to have ideas to make extra money


16 Jan 2015

Interested in performing wedding ceremonies, what do i need, and where can I obtain the documents

National Notary Association

20 Jan 2015

Hello Lilia, Currently, only Florida, Maine, Nevada and South Carolina authorize Notaries to officiate weddings. What state are you commissioned in? If you are not commissioned as a Notary in one of these states, you would need to seek out an alternate process to apply as a non-Notary wedding officiant

Cheryl Casebolt

14 Oct 2014

This has nothing to do with the particular article on this page, but I wanted to get some info to you. The acknowledgement "Stamp" that has the California wording on it, is not liked by the Ventura County Recorder's office, apparently. I had a client today tell me that the clerk added a sheet with the wording to the document and said the stamped wording was too small as they put everything on microfilm. I won't be getting a new stamp again after the acknowledgement wording changes in January 2015. Thanks.


06 Oct 2014

Interested in performing wedding ceremonies. I live in Pa. Help me to make this gappen.

National Notary Association

06 Oct 2014

Hello Miriam, Here is an article with tips and guidelines on becoming a wedding officiant that may be helpful to you:

Margarita Zutler-Itin

11 Aug 2014

I am in the State of Ohio, what is the proper way to get a Marriage Officiant license. Please provide with the website or step by step instructions. Thanks.

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2014

Hi Margarita, You may want to start with the rules for applying for a Minister License on the Ohio Secretary of State's website: Good luck and have a great day!


07 Aug 2014

Thank for this information......very helpful


30 Jul 2014

Thank you very helpful information... Extra income is always good to know... Thank you again ..,

28 Jul 2014

Love it! I wonder if there's a shortage of hotel mystery shoppers in Hawaii.

Barbara Woods-Erwin

28 Jul 2014

Great Information, Thanks

Anne MCglorthon

28 Jul 2014

Thanks for the information, I am always looking for ways to make addition income.

Teana Ranvier

28 Jul 2014

This was very helpful I will be doing a few of these so THANKS

Dorothy Eright

28 Jul 2014

Thank you. Keep that information coming. I will definitely apply for some of them. I'm always looking for moneymaking ideas.


28 Jul 2014

This information was extremely helpful ! Thank You so much for getting the info out there! As a new Notary - I am always looking for opportunities to make more money with my notarization.

Ginger Tapert

28 Jul 2014

Interesting ideas...thank you for sharing some of the opportunities.

Celsa M Emery

28 Jul 2014

Useful information. Thanks


28 Jul 2014

Thank you so much; exciting and very helpful information.

Claudia Bain

28 Jul 2014

This is interesting information. I will look into some of them. Thank you.


27 Jul 2014

Appreciate the information. Pursuing dual commission and it seems like there are notaries everywhere. I'm always looking for ways to expand my money skills and be competitive.

26 Jul 2014

Thank you

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