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Legal Professionals Section Advisor: Malcolm Morris

MalcolmMorris.jpgThis month, the NNA’s Legal Professionals Section reported on the issue of privacy breaches in the law office and the liability risks of asking job applicants for access to their social media pages. To deliver this level of industry-specific information to Notaries, the NNA has developed a distinguished Advisory Panel for each of its six Professional Sections. In this Advisor Spotlight, we introduce you to Legal Professionals Section Advisor Malcolm Morris.

Malcolm Morris is a Professor Emeritus at the Northern Illinois University College of Law and a recognized expert on notarial laws and statutes. His work has appeared in many law reviews, including those published by the University of Pittsburgh, Arizona State, University of Florida, Villanova, Utah and University of Missouri law schools. 

He served as the reporter for and drafted the commentary for the Model Notary Acts of 2002 and 2010 and helped develop the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility. In recognition of this work, he received the NNA’s March Fong Eu Achievement Award in 2001 and in 2007 was recognized as one of the most influential people in the field of notarization.

David Thun is an Associate Editor at the National Notary Association.


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