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NSA Small Business Section Advisor: John F. Robinson

NotaryBulletinIcon612.jpgThis month, the NNA’s Notary Signing Agents and Small Business Section covered topics such as how to properly vet signing companies, the rise and tightening of servicing standards related to mortgage closings, and how to use networking as a way to successfully build your business. To deliver this level of industry-specific information, the NNA has developed a distinguished Advisory Panel for each of its six Professional Sections. In this Advisor Spotlight, we introduce you to John F. Robinson.

John F. Robinson is the Founder, President and CEO of The National Minority Business Council (NMBC), a non-profit organization that has been instrumental in fostering small businesses by providing educational opportunities, business seminars and a wide array of professional services to small businesses and women and minority business owners.

Through the help of corporate supporters, and with the hands-on leadership of Robinson, the NMBC has continued to expand its scope to assist small businesses and entrepreneurs in procurement opportunities, global expansion, business development, and the technical training necessary to keep competitive in the world market. In recent years, the group has become more vocal with regards to local, state and federal government policies impacting its members.

For his four decades of leadership, Robinson was recently honored with the “2011 Neighborhood Achievement Award for Minority and Women-owned Enterprise Advocacy,” presented by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Kelle Clarke is a Contributing Editor with the National Notary Association.

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