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Who owns your Notary commission, seal and journal?

Who owns your Notary commission, seal and journal main

When an employer asks you to work as a Notary, it's important to know what you can and cannot do. There are 5 important things to know when working as a Notary-employee.

Tools of the office: Many employers incorrectly believe they should be able to control, or at least have access to, their Notary-employees’ stamps and journals. These are the tools of the Notary office, and the Notary must control and safeguard them at all times. For example, California, Florida and Pennsylvania all prohibit the use of a seal by anyone other than the Notary it was issued to, and California requires its Notaries to store their tools in a locked and secure area. If they are stored at the office, they must be kept in a place only the Notary can access. (However, please see the exceptions regarding journals when a Notary leaves employment below.)

Notary fees: Most states don’t have statutory rules about who keeps fees charged for Notary services. Typically, a written agreement between a Notary and the employer is the best way to clear up the confusion. Under certain conditions, an employer can collect the fees for notarizations performed by a Notary-employee. For example, in California, a private employer who purchases the notarial supplies and bond for an employee can make a voluntary mutual agreement to receive fees for notarizations performed during business hours. Pennsylvania also allows notarization fees to be received by an employer, but only if the Notary and employer both agree to do so. 

Following the law: Many employers who do not understand the purpose and protections of notarization push their Notary-employees to perform improper or illegal acts — an issue that dramatically increases legal risks to the public, the company and the Notary. State law and ethical practices always take precedence over employer requests. For example, an employer cannot ask you to violate the law by ignoring personal appearance or state ID requirements for clients.

Notarizing outside of work: Notary commissions are granted to a person as an individual, even if their employer paid for the supplies and commission fees. A Notary must follow any agreement made with their employer while at work, but the employer does not have the right to prohibit them from notarizing outside of work hours. 

However, Texas permits an employer to limit or prohibit an employee who is a Notary Public from notarizing during work hours. The Texas Attorney General’s office issued a letter opinion in 1988 indicating that a Notary who is employed by a governmental body may refuse to take acknowledgments for the general public and must refuse when doing so would interfere with the employee’s discharge of his or her duties as a public employee.

The following states explicitly prohibit Notaries or employers of Notaries from limiting notarial services to customers or clients in their Notary laws:

  • Arizona
  • Hawaii
  • Iowa
  • Massachusetts

Post-employment: Some businesses incorrectly believe that they automatically retain the commission and Notary tools when an employee leaves. A Notary’s obligation is to the state and public, not the employer, and the journal and seal stamp depart with the Notary. California and Florida specify in their laws that employers may not take possession of a Notary's seal when a Notary leaves employment, no matter who paid for the Notary's commission. In Texas, the state Attorney General's office has issued an opinion (Tex. Atty. Gen. Op. GA-0723) that employers may not retain an employee's Notary seal or journal records upon termination of employment. 

There are two states with exceptions: Arizona allows Notaries working under limited circumstances to keep two journals — one for public records and one for nonpublic records protected by the attorney-client privilege or that are confidential pursuant to state or federal law. The journal containing nonpublic records is the property of the employer and, if the Notary leaves that job, the employer may keep the journal containing only nonpublic entries.

Oregon Notaries may sign an agreement with an employer allowing the employer to keep the Notary’s journal if the Notary leaves the employer’s service. The Notary must keep a copy of the agreement and another copy of the agreement may be sent to the Secretary of State's office. The employer is required to retain the journal for a minimum of 10 years from the date of the last act recorded.

Apart from these exceptions, an employer may not take possession of a Notary’s seal and journal or give them to another employee, even if the employer paid for the tools or the Notary quits or is fired.

Companies should create clear, consistent Notary policies that conform with state law and ensure managers and Notary-employees understand them.




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25 Mar 2025

In California, can we do a free notarization?

National Notary Association

26 Mar 2025

Hello. Yes, California Notaries have the option not to charge for their services.


30 Jun 2024

I'm a notary in the state of Ohio & my employer recently fired me. They demanded I return my notary stamp claiming it was a company purchase. I know Ohio says my stamp & notary supplies go with me regardless of who paid for the commission. They paid for it & there was never any agreement on reimbursement. They simply never discussed the matter. I heard they were going to take the charges out of my final paycheck. Are they allowed to do this? Please advise, thanks!

National Notary Association

01 Jul 2024

Hello. The following is from the Ohio Secretary of State's website ( “My employer terminated me and kept my notary seal, what do I do? – The notary public is responsible for maintaining and keeping control of their notary seal and journal. The employer may not keep these items even if they paid for them. The notary public must insist on taking these items when employment ends. If the employer refuses, then suggested steps would be sending a certified letter to the employer requesting the items attesting they are the sole property of the notary public; contact the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office or contact your local police department” (website, “Notary Information, Resources and FAQs”).


24 Jan 2024

I’m a notary in California and work under a store. I’m leaving my job so what do I need to do? And I’ll be in a different county.

National Notary Association

29 Jan 2024

Hello. Your commission, official seal and journal are your sole property and would go with you. The employer may not ask you to surrender your commission or official tools. Notaries who move their business, residence and/or mailing address must inform the Secretary of State in writing, by certified mail or any means of physical delivery that produces a receipt, within 30 days of the move. Willful failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $500 (GC 8213.5). A letter or the Secretary’s change of address form, available on the website, may be used (NPH). “A notification of address change cannot be accepted by fax or email” (NN, 2014). Because California Notaries have statewide jurisdiction, Notaries who move their principal place of business from one county to another need not refile their oath and bond in the new county. If they choose to do so, however, they must file either a new bond or a duplicate of the original bond and a new oath. Within 30 days of the filing, they must obtain a new seal bearing the name of the new county (GC 8213[b]).


10 Oct 2023

I'm a Notary in Florida and started this as a side hustle, I paid for all items my self. I work for Sarasota County Schools and they have paid for my renewal of Notary Public. Do they have the right to refrain me from taking payment during and/or outside business hours?

National Notary Association

31 Oct 2023

Hello. According to the Governor's Reference Manual for Notaries (, businesses may limit the notarizations employees perform at work during business hours. However, While many states may allow an employer to dictate when an Notary-employee may perform notarizations while on the job, a Notary may perform a notarization for any member of the public on their own time outside business hours.


11 Sep 2023

I left the company that paid for my Notary. Do I need to update my address? And if so, do I update it to the new company I am working for or my home address?

National Notary Association

11 Sep 2023

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


28 Apr 2023

Im in Florida, and my former employer paid for all expenses related to my notary. I left my job while I was waiting to receive my certificate seal bond .. Yesterday I was notified that the seal was delivered to the business where I no longer work at in return they refuse to give it to me What steps do I need to take against them since the certificate as well has been delivered and they did not notified me and command my previous coworkers to destroy it.

National Notary Association

28 Apr 2023

Hello. You will need to inform the state that your seal is in the possession of another person. You can contact the state at the address below to notify them and provide details: “A notary public whose official seal is lost, stolen, or believed to be in the possession of another person shall immediately notify the Department of State in writing” (FS 117.05[3][c]). A Notary may send the written notification required by law via regular mail to the Division of Corporations, ATTN: Notary Section, P.O. Box 6327, Tallahassee, FL 32314. A Notary may hand-deliver or use a courier service to deliver the written notification to Division of Corporations, ATTN: Notary Section, Clifton Building, 2661 Executive Center Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32301.

Gilberto Rodriguez

20 Mar 2023

What,s the best way to become Notary?

National Notary Association

20 Mar 2023

Hello. You can find more information on how to become a Notary here:

Wendy Blair

01 Mar 2023

I live and work in Kentucky. I work in the deed records room at the clerks office and my boss had me becorme a notary. Which I did, they have just cut my hours down and say that I have to return my Notary Certificate, Seal stamp and all they paid for me to become a notary at their request. Even if they paid for my me to become a notary and my seal stamp with my notary number, expiration date and name on it. Can they make me give that all back to them if or when I ever leave there? The address listed on my application and surety bond is my home address.

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone to speak to them directly about the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


21 Feb 2023

What about in New York? Can my employer take my fee?

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2023

Hello. New York does not address this issue in its Notary guidelines.


14 Sep 2022

Im in California and my former employer paid for all expenses related to my notary. What steps do I need to take to continue performing notaries now that i have left them?

National Notary Association

16 Sep 2022

Hello. Regardless of who paid for the commission, the commission and your Notary tools belong to you. You may continue to perform notarizations as long as your commission remains current. However, if your commissioning address has changed (for example, if you listed your former workplace as your address on your commission) you will need to file a change of address with the Secretary of State. Notaries who move their business, residence and/or mailing address must inform the Secretary of State in writing, by certified mail or any means of physical delivery that produces a receipt, within 30 days of the move. Willful failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $500 (GC 8213.5). A letter or the Secretary’s change of address form, available on the website, may be used. “A notification of address change cannot be accepted by fax or email” (SOS Notary News publication, 2014). Because California Notaries have statewide jurisdiction, Notaries who move their principal place of business from one county to another need not refile their oath and bond in the new county. If they choose to do so, however, they must file either a new bond or a duplicate of the original bond and a new oath. Within 30 days of the filing, they must obtain a new seal bearing the name of the new county (GC 8213[b]).

Daiscia Roseberry

01 Sep 2022

I am a notary in Georgia. The company I worked for fired me unjustly and did not return my notary logbook, claiming it as work product. What can I do to get it returned?

National Notary Association

06 Oct 2022

The Georgia Notary Handbook states the following: “Even though an employer may pay for a notary’s commission…when you leave your place of employment, your commission and supplies go with you. Your employer may not require you to leave your stamp or seal, commission certificate, or record book behind.” Please contact the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority at 404-327-6023 to report the situation.


18 Aug 2022

So I work for a franchise that requires us to be a notary which is fine the problem is I don't work for corporate office which is telling me I have to enter everyone I do a notary for into there computer which I am refusing to do as I feel it's not there buisness am I right or wrong

National Notary Association

19 Aug 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Lakisha Walker

30 Jul 2022

I was employed by my local city government in Jackson, MS. I resigned on July 22, 2022. I went to retrieve my stamp and book and was told I could not get them because the City paid for them and for me to become a notary. How can I get my stamp and book returned to me?

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2022

The Secretary of State for Mississippi should be contacted and the situation reported so it can be investigated.


20 Jul 2022

I'm a notary in Georgia. My employer required me to become a notary and the state regulated fee is $2.00 per notary. The employer charges $4.00...split as a $2 notary fee and a $2 "Oath" fee. I never agreed to forfeit the notary fee to my employer yet they keep all the notary fees. Do I have any recourse to be paid for my notarial acts performed while under their employment?

National Notary Association

19 Aug 2022

Hello. Georgia does not address the splitting of fees with an employer. However, the maximum fees that can be charged for Notary services in Georgia are as follows: The maximum fees that a Georgia Notary may charge for a notarial act are (OCGA 45-17-11): Taking an acknowledgment: $2; Administering an oath or affirmation: $2; Any other certificate: $2.


18 Mar 2022

I helped another notary in my area get started with her notary business. Shortly after she was offered a job at a large title company. However, the title company (district manager) told her she would have to leave her journal at the office, give them access to it and (if she ever left the company) she would be required to leave her journals with them. They also told her she could not take outside jobs because it would be a conflict of interest. She called me for advice and I told her she is to maintain control and possession of her journals at all times. Also, unless she agreed in writing, they cannot keep her from using her commission outside of office hours. The title company rebutted with “it’s our company policy”. She tried to explain that state law trumps their company policy m, but they would not budge, so my friend declined the job.

Robyn Commander

14 Mar 2022

Thanks, and any updates please 🥺 inform .


22 Oct 2021

My company asked me to get certified for notary purposes. They will be paying for all fees regarding set up. Do I need a document upfront to give to them outlining what I am allowed to do with the notary on their time verses my time and if I was to depart from the company in the future? Is there I guess an office “outline” for that?

National Notary Association

29 Oct 2021

Hello. It is a good idea prior to getting your commission to discuss with your employer any guidelines regarding notarizing during office hours and clarify any state rules regarding the disposition of your commission, Notary seal and journal if you should change employers. Please note that some states have specific laws addressing this; if you can tell us what state you are located in we can provide you with more specific information.

Daniel Downing

19 Apr 2021

It was never addressed as to who owns the journal in california. gov code 8207 says the seal is the ... but doesn't mention anything about the journal.

Key Li

25 Feb 2021

I am a Commissioner of Deeds in NYC. I acquired my stamp years before I got employed by my current employer. She only purchased my Notary book. But request half of my notary fees. She said this to me when I first got hired. Is she entitled to any of my fees. If we were to add up the fees compared to the cost of the book, I already bought that book 20 times over. I recently renewed my Commissioner of deeds and told her I didn't receive my new card because the pandemic shut down the courts right after I renewed, but she keep nagging me about getting in contact with the City Clerks office to find out about my status. Is she entitled to my fees?

National Notary Association

05 Mar 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


29 Dec 2020

I am a notary in California, I recently joined the ups store, I am not getting paid for any notarizations I’ve made, I asked my employer and he said ups doesn’t pay extra... can I refuse to notarize?

National Notary Association

30 Dec 2020

Hello. Please see this article for information about employer-Notary agreements in California:

Hayley Chappell

08 Sep 2020

I'm a Notary for the State of Washington. the company I work for paid for all of the associated fees including the surety bond. If i wanted to venture out and be a notary on the side for extra income, would i need to purchase my own bond?

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2020

Hello. If you already have obtained the required surety bond for your state, there is no need for you to obtain a second one.

Cinthia Rodriguez

25 Feb 2020

I am a notary I’m California, I recently moved jobs, from Bank of America to WESCOM credit union, WESCOM is forcing me to leave my journal and stamp at the banking institution. Inside of the vault where I have a key for it, but there’s another key where it can me enter with dual control when I’m not workings that right?

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


18 Feb 2020

I am in Arizona, company wants me to become a Notary Public to notarize internally produced documents: Do I keep a non public record journal for the company and also keep a public record journal? Also, even though company paid for me to be a notary, can I still use my Notary Public certification for outside company use in which I keep the fees paid to me for Notary work? Can I also use it outside of work in the loan signing business?

National Notary Association

18 Feb 2020

Hello. If your notarizations will involve information that could violate attorney-client privilege or information is confidential pursuant to federal or state law are not public record, then you will need to keep a non-public journal for those records. An Arizona Notary may perform notarizations outside the workplace of the Notary’s employer except during those times normally designated as the notary public’s hours of duty for that employer. All fees received for notarial services provided while not on duty remain the property of the Notary (ARS 312[C]).

Gevon Ahmad Taylor

06 Jan 2020

The company that I work for now paid for me to become a notary and for my notary bond. I am now in the process of going through the steps to ensure that I can use my notary commission outside of my place of work, and eventually become a Notary Signing Agent. My question is, since I am bonded and insured through my company, for person use, do I need to get my on bond and (E&O) insurance in order to be able to use my notary commission for personal/commercial use outside of my company?

National Notary Association

08 Jan 2020

Hi Gevon. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


16 Oct 2019

Hello I am a CA notary working for a bank. Our internal auditor requested to see my journal. Are they allowed to view the entries upon verbal request?

National Notary Association

21 Oct 2019

Hello. “A notary public who is an employee shall permit inspection and copying of journal transactions by a duly designated auditor or agent of the notary public’s employer, provided that the inspection and copying is done in the presence of the notary public and the transactions are directly associated with the business purposes of the employer. The notary public, upon the request of the employer, shall regularly provide copies of all transactions that are directly associated with the business purposes of the employer, but shall not be required to provide copies of any transaction that is unrelated to the employer’s business. Confidentiality and safekeeping of any copies of the journal provided to the employer shall be the responsibility of that employer” (GC 8206[d]).

Melissa Tapia

02 Oct 2019

Hello, I am a notary in CA. I became a notary upon my employers request, for which he paid for. After a year on the job I left for personal reasons. My employers kept my commission certification and only gave me a color copy of it. Is he legally allowed to keep my certificate? I do have my stamp and journal.

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2019

Hello. Your commission and tools belong solely to you, regardless of who paid for them. An employer may not retain an employee's Notary commission.

Concered Employer

10 Jul 2019

An employee was not authorized to become a notary through the business due to them being a dishonest person. The employee went ahead and became a notary on her own but used the Business Address and Phone number on her application. Can the Employer take action against the employee for using the business address and phone number?

National Notary Association

22 Jul 2019

Hello. Any questions regarding taking legal action against a Notary would need to be directed to a qualified attorney.


02 Jul 2019

I live and work in Indiana. I am leaving my job to semi retire. My employer paid all fees and expenses for me to get notarized and carries the surety bond. When I leave. Is it legal for me to take the stamp and use it a long as I get a new bond to cover the remainder of my term? I know he will cancel his bond once I quit and may want me to destroy my seal and give up my commission since he paid for all. Thanks!

National Notary Association

03 Jul 2019

Hello. Regardless of who paid for your commission and seal, they belong to you and it is your choice if you wish to obtain a new bond and continue notarizing to the end of your current commission term.


02 Apr 2019

I am a California not at, my boss paid all supplies and bond, I just quit the company, I don’t have an oral or written agreement with my boss regarding who keep the notary fee, since I became a notary, my boss keep all the fees, can I ask to reimburse?

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2019

Hello. Since you do not have a preexisting agreement with your employer, you would need to contact your employer to ask if they are willing to reimburse you.


14 Feb 2019

Hello. Im a notary for the state of california. And i noticed that i didnt get my bond from my employer so im guessing they kept it. Am i supposed to have my bond with me at all times? Or is the epmloyer supposed to keep it?

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2019

Hello. “Every person appointed a notary public shall execute an official bond in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). The bond shall be in the form of a bond executed by an admitted surety insurer and not a deposit in lieu of bond” (GC 8212). If your employer retained your copy of your surety bond, you should contact them to request they provide it to you.


17 Dec 2018

I left my toxic job and the last thing on my.mind was taking my stamp with me. The boss was screaming at me, I did everything I could not to break put into tears. Is there any way I can contact the state (Michigan in this case) and make sure they know it was stolen? Guaranteed they will save every penny they can and not head somewhere when they need something notarized. Of course they have my signature as I signed a lot of documents upon hiring in. I have had this appointment since 2014 and it was considered an added bonus they hired me on with one. Thank you in advance.

National Notary Association

19 Dec 2018

Hello Ange. Michigan does not require Notaries to use a seal, so the state does not provide statutory guidelines what to do if an employer refuses to return your seal. You may wish to either file a report with local law enforcement, or contact the Michigan Secretary of State to report that your seal was taken against your wishes. You may also wish to keep a copy of any report you make so that in the event someone forges or misuses your seal, you have a record showing what happened.


06 Dec 2018

I am a notary in VA. My employer does not want me to take my stamp home and wants it left at my job. They paid for the stamp but I don't feel comfortable leaving it there. What am I allowed to do?

National Notary Association

07 Dec 2018

Hello. The "Important Guidelines For Virginia Notaries" published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office states: "A notary is a public official appointed by the Governor. Even though a notary may hold that position to serve his or her employer, no employer or supervisor can impose requirements pertaining to a notary that are contrary to Virginia’s laws and regulations pertaining to notaries." Regardless of who paid for the Notary's tools, those tools belong to you and are your sole responsibility. Your commission, seal and journal are your property — even if the employer paid for them. That means you must keep your seal and journal under your control at all times and not surrender them to anyone, including an employer.


25 Nov 2018

I am a CA Notary Public and i paid for everything , my employer wants to take everything , is that legal ? i already read the article in this link / can you clarify ? i do not think is fair/right that everything goes to them.i have not started notarizing at the job yet.

National Notary Association

27 Nov 2018

Hello. Under California law, your Notary tools and journal belong solely to you. Your employer may not take these items from you. “The official seal of a notary public is the exclusive property of that notary public, and shall not be surrendered to an employer upon the termination of employment, whether or not the employer paid for the seal, or to any other person” (GC 8207). “The journal of notarial acts of a notary public is the exclusive property of that notary public, and shall not be surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment, whether or not the employer paid for the journal, or at any other time." (GC 8206[d]).


28 Oct 2018

I am a State of CA Public employee, and I work in a prison. My employer has paid for my course, exam, and will pay for the bond and kit. They have not had me sign any paperwork, and it was a voluntary thing, as they were looking for notaries. I also want to do it on my off time, but I'm seeing places saying that if you are a government, state, city, county employee and you perform notary at work, you cannot do it in your personal time. is this true? Again, my employer has not laid out any rules and being a notary is not anywhere in my job description, this is just a voluntary thing me and three other state employees have decided to take on because they said they needed volunteers.

National Notary Association

30 Oct 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Margarita Sanchez

03 Oct 2018

I am a Notary Public for the State of California, I paid for my notary commission, bond and supplies, but my employer said that all the notary fees performed during work has to be remitted to her. My question is does the employer have the right to collect those fees if I paid for my commission notary?

National Notary Association

03 Oct 2018

Hello. In California, a private employer who purchases the notarial supplies and bond for an employee can make a voluntary mutual agreement to receive fees for notarizations performed during business hours. For more information, please see here:


12 Sep 2018

I was a Notary Public but let my commission expire. A prospective employer wants verification of dates in which my commission was active after I explained that I did not have my seal (defaced and destroyed) or my notary public records book (returned to the secretary of state). Is there a way to verify term of commission?

National Notary Association

12 Sep 2018

Hello. Depending on what state you are commissioned in, you may be able to contact the state Notary regulating agency to see if they can provide you with some type of record of your commission status.

Jordan Duran

14 Aug 2018

My employer asked me to become a notary and paid for all my ckasses traings and supplies but is keeping my commission it that legal??

National Notary Association

14 Aug 2018

Hello. The Notary's commission belongs solely to the Notary it is issued to. The commission does not grant anyone else the right to notarize or use the commission in any other way.


13 Jun 2018

I'm a CA notary. The law firm I was working at paid for everything. Since I no longer work for them, since April, do I have to let anyone know since they used the law firms address? Also I got a 15,000 bond. Am I allowed to do outside signings with that bond or was that just for clients of the law firm?

National Notary Association

18 Jun 2018

Hello. CA Notaries who move their business, residence and/or mailing address must inform the Secretary of State in writing, by certified mail or any means of physical delivery that produces a receipt, within 30 days of the move. Willful failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $500 (GC 8213.5). If the company paid for your bond, you may wish to contact the company that issued your surety bond to find out if it is still current or if the company cancelled it. If the company cancelled it, you will need to purchase a new bond.


24 May 2018

My past employer paid for my notary cert. and stamp. Upon leaving that job, they kept everything. I live in WI. Am I able to contact them to return my stamp and documentation stating I am certified although they paid for it? Please advise.

National Notary Association

24 May 2018

Hello. Your Notary commission and seal may only be used by you, regardless of who paid for it. If your former employer will not return your commission and tools to you, you should notify the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions in writing as soon as possible to report it.

Darci Tetens

12 May 2018

Can you please share the law code where it says that i keep my notary not my employer since they have paid for it.

National Notary Association

15 May 2018

Hello. To help us answer your question can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

maribel zavala

02 Apr 2018

hello, I'm a notary in California and i recently quit my job they paid for me to become a notary.. do i have to notify any one that i change jobs??

National Notary Association

03 Apr 2018

Hi Maribel. If your Notary commission was registered at your former business address, you will need to notify the Secretary of State about your change of address in writing, by certified mail or any means of physical delivery that produces a receipt, within 30 days of your move. Remember that the commission and your Notary tools and journal belong to you, not your employers, even if your employers paid for your commission.

Ann Schoechert

24 Jan 2018

I am a Notary with the State of Wisconsin, I have left my job where I was using my Notary, do I need to provide my own personal insurance bond now to continue using my Notary?

Ann Schoechert

18 Jan 2018

I am a Notary with the State of Wisconsin, I have left my job where I was using my Notary, do I need to provide my own personal insurance bond now to continue using my Notary?

National Notary Association

18 Jan 2018

Hello. Wisconsin does require Notaries to provide a $500 surety bond from an approved provider. We would recommend first contacting the surety company that provides your bond to find out if your current bond has been cancelled or not, and if so what options are available to you.

Susan Kent

02 Sep 2017

Hello. The company I have worked for recently fired me. I was asked to become a notary by my boss and the owner of the company. They paid for everything. I am in Arizona and never according to my boss was able to take a fee for my services. I was told I would be compensated but never was. Is the stamp mine to keep or must I return it to the company. It only has my name on it and is of no use to them.

National Notary Association

05 Sep 2017

“A notary public is a public officer commissioned by this state and the following apply without regard to whether the notary public’s employer or any other person has paid the fees and costs for the commissioning of the notary public, including costs for the official seal and journals: … A notary public’s official seal and commission and any journal that contains only public record entries remain the property of the notary public” (ARS 41-312[C][1]).


19 Jun 2017

My employer purchased everything for me to become a notary but then states I cannot do any notaries except their business. I am in Texas. Are they able to enforce this? I notice in the above answer for PA you said, "However, the commission belongs to the employee and an employer may not restrict a Notary from performing notarial services for the public outside of business hours." is this true for Texas?

National Notary Association

19 Jun 2017

Hello. The Texas Administrative Code states, “A private employer may limit or prohibit an employee that is a notary public from notarizing during work hours” (1 TAC 87.30[c]).

Charlene R

31 May 2017

Can my employer withhold the amount they paid for me to be a notary when I quit?

National Notary Association

01 Jun 2017

Hello Charlene. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

Paula Zimmerman

30 May 2017

Can an employer set a different notary fee based on whether or not a person is the business's customer? I am an Iowa notary.

National Notary Association

30 May 2017

Hello. Iowa law does not directly address this question. “A notary in Iowa may charge a reasonable fee for their services. However, a notary cannot refuse to perform services because a person is not a client/customer nor may the notary’s employer restrict the notary from providing services because a person is not a client/customer of the employer” (PB,“Frequently Asked Questions” and IC 9B.8[3]). In situations where state law does not address this issue, The Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility, I-B-2 recommends that Notaries do not base the amount of a fee charged on the signer's status as a customer or noncustomer.


12 Apr 2017

Hello, I am a Texas Notary and I was wondering if my employer paid for my materials and bond, can I still charge them the fees? Or can I not since they paid for everything? Thank you in advance, Sara

National Notary Association

17 Apr 2017

Hello. According to the TX Secretary of State's website, under Texas Government Code §406.024 either the Notary or the Notary's employer may determine the fees charged for Notary services performed during the employer's business hours. A TX Notary must keep a complete list of the fees the Notary may charge under state law posted in a conspicuous place at all times (GC 603.008).


06 Jan 2017

Hello, I am a notary in the State of Hawaii. I recently parted ways with my former employer. My former employer, who paid for my bond at time of commission renewal (I was a notary prior to that job), has asked me to reimburse them the pro-rated cost of the bond for the remaining period of my commission. Is this standard accepted practice, and are they allowed to do so? This is my first time that this has happened to me, and in speaking to my notary colleagues they have never experienced this before, either.

National Notary Association

12 Jan 2017

Hello Clark. Hawaii Notary statute doesn't address the specific issue of employees reimbursing an employer for the cost of a surety bond. This appears to be an unusual situation as this is the first time we have heard of an employer making this request. We suggest contacting the Hawaii Attorney General's office, which regulates the state's Notaries, at 1-808-586-1216, to see if they have any additional information or recommendations regarding your situation.

Dvaid Herrera

15 Dec 2016

My employer asked to become a notary I don't feel comfortable singing documents, I live in new jersey can they force me to become a notary I am a relationship banker for a bank. I feel that I working when in a hostile environment when I was asked to become one I said no, now I am afraid to get terminate. can this become an issue?.thank you

National Notary Association

15 Dec 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but if you have been asked to become a Notary by an employer and do not wish to do so, that is an internal matter you would need to discuss with your supervisor or your company's Human Resources department.

29 Oct 2015

Recently I became a notary. I asked my employer to reimburse me for the fees I paid to become one. The only items paid for were the $300 package I selected. A bond was not purchased. I initially thought I would be paid for my services but colleauges are continually asking for items (both personal and professional) to be notarized and I have not been paid for any of my services. What can I tell my employer to confirm that I should be compensated and what can I announce to my colleauges to make it clear that this is a business transaction not a "favor" and I must be compensated for my services. I feel like I'm being used and I'm paranoid because I don't have any insurrance or coverage. I've just generally been told that "if anything comes back it'll fall on the company not me". I've notarized contracts without both parties present as well as subpoena response forms and a plethora of other items. I need clarity.

National Notary Association

29 Oct 2015

Hello. Rules regarding employer-Notary relationships may vary depending on individual state laws. If you can please tell us what state you are commissioned in, we can provide you with more information. Also, the following articles from the Notary Bulletin may be helpful to you: "Notarizing On The Job: What You And Your Boss Need To Know" ( and "Hotline Tip: Can My Employer Collect And Keep My Notary Fees?" (


02 Oct 2015

I am a PA Notary working for a municipality. If I ask the municipality to reimburse me for my renewal, supplies, bond, etc. am I able to notarize outside of work and collect fees. Also, most of my notarial work for the municipality is for the government officials for work related forms (acknowledgment of Chairman's signature on government forms). Do I need to collect the fee from the municipality or is there no charge involved as the fee would be paid from and deposited back to the same account?

National Notary Association

02 Oct 2015

Hello. PA Notary law does not specifically address employers restricting employee hours of notarization or collecting Notary fees. In general, if state law does not address this issue, the NNA recommends the Notary and employer work out a mutually agreed policy regarding charging or waiving of Notary fees for work-related notarizations (note that any Notary fees charged must comply with the fee schedules set by PA law.) However, the commission belongs to the employee and an employer may not restrict a Notary from performing notarial services for the public outside of business hours. For more information, please see this article:


08 Aug 2015

I'm commissioned in California. My job paid for my notary and after i was commissioned i asked about my fees and was told that because they paid for everything I am not able to charge them any fees. They did not explain this to me prior & I only did it because i was under the impression I would be making more money from it. Can they do this? What if I pay them them back for everything to make them whole? Can I charge a fee then?

National Notary Association

11 Aug 2015

Hello. An employer who purchases the notarial supplies and bond of an employee-Notary may make a voluntary, mutual agreement with the Notary to remit all notarial fees collected to the fund from which the employee-Notary is paid (CA GC Section 8202.7). The statute reads: "A private employer, pursuant to an agreement with an employee who is a notary public, may pay the premiums on any bond and the cost of any stamps, seals, or other supplies required in connection with the appointment, commission, or performance of the duties of such notary public. Such agreement may also provide for the remission of fees collected by such notary public to the employer, in which case any fees collected or obtained by such notary public while such agreement is in effect shall be remitted by such notary public to the employer which shall deposit such funds to the credit of the fund from which the compensation of the notary public is paid."


04 Aug 2015

stupid box won't close

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2015

Hello. If you're having issues viewing articles, please email us at with your contact information and a description of the problem and we'll see if we can help you.

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