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'Medallion Signatures' explained

Notaries working in banks or financial institutions may be asked to provide customers with a “Medallion Signature Guarantee.” Often mistakenly refereed to as a “Medallion Notary” or “Medallion Stamp”, this request is not a notarial act. It’s a special type of signature guarantee provided within the banking industry.

A Medallion Signature Guarantee is used primarily when a customer transfers or sells securities, and it represents an assurance by the financial institution that the signature on the transaction is genuine and the financial institution accepts liability for any forgery. These guarantees are performed by specially assigned bank employees.

If you are asked to provide any “Medallion” related services by a customer, explain that Medallion Signature Guarantees are not notarial acts and can only be performed by specially authorized bank personnel.

If a financial institution is not a member of a recognized Medallion Signature Guarantee Program, it would not be able to provide signature guarantees. Also, if a signer is not a customer of a participating financial institution, it is likely the financial institution will not guarantee the signature.

More information about Signature Guarantees is available on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website. Anyone who needs a signature guarantor should be directed to a commercial bank, savings bank, credit union, or broker dealer that participates in one of the Medallion Signature Guarantee programs.


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21 Mar 2025

I recently had 2 stock transfer documents that needed Medallion Guarantees. On both documents I was told to sign next to the box where the stamp was to be applied. I did that on my own, but not in the presence of the person that applied the stamp, and this was known and allowed. Was that proper? I would think that the person that did the stamping would need to witness my signing.

National Notary Association

24 Mar 2025

Hello. We're sorry, but because Mediallion Guarantees are not a notarial act, we do not have information available to answer your question. You would need to contact a financial institution that offers Medallion Guarantees to answer any questions about the process.


06 Mar 2025

Hello, can an employer course their employee to become medallion certified if the employee does not want to? Thank you!

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2025

Hello. We apologize, but because mediallion signatures and certification are not authorized notarial acts, we do not have information on employer requirements to become medallion certified.

cecelia a giese

21 Oct 2024

Hello, Can you tell me if Medallion Signature requires capacity for the signer? If two people are signing & one knows the other lacks capacity, what happens? thank you, c

National Notary Association

22 Oct 2024

Hello. We're sorry, but Medallion Signatures are not notarial acts and are not covered by state Notary laws. You would need to contact the financial institution offering the Medallion Signature service for more information.


18 Jul 2024

Can a will get a medallion signature, even if theres no spot for it?

National Notary Association

18 Jul 2024

Hello. Medallion signatures are not notarizations. You would need to contact an attorney or a financial institution that issues medallion signatures to answer your question.

Beth Lamon

07 Apr 2024

I had documents guaranteed by medallion signature but never sent them out - how long are they guaranteed for?

National Notary Association

08 Apr 2024

Hello. As stated in the article, medallion signatures are not a notarial act. You would need to contact the appropriate financial institution for information.


25 Jan 2024

I'm looking for someone who can perform a medallion certification in Kentucky. We need a signature certified but unfortunately the signor is immobile. Is there anyone that can provide assistance or a place to find someone who can?

National Notary Association

29 Jan 2024

Hello. Medallion signatures are not a notarial act. You would need to contact a bank or financial institution that offers this service for assistance.

Kelly Stahl

27 Dec 2023

Hi. My employer wants me to become a Medallion Stamp Guarantor. I am planning on getting married in the next few months. If I change my name, what, if anything will I need to do to update it? Is it better to wait until I get married rather than get it now? Thank you!

National Notary Association

08 Jan 2024

Hello. We're sorry, but Medallion Stamps are not part of a Notary's authorized duties. You would need to ask your employer about the Medallion Stamp Guarantor application, as it is a separate process from obtaining a Notary commission.

Serge D

20 Dec 2023

It is not mistakenly referred to as STAMP Securities Transfer Agent Medallion Program

Jeff B

15 Dec 2023

This comment section has actually been helpful. I was having issues with Bank of America and their Medallion Signature. They have a special program within their computers that the documents must be sent through in order to build some kind of case file. They take the documents and then they are uploaded to a centralized department somewhere for approval. Once approved then the local branch I am in seals the paperwork I brought them (from Fidelity). They said it could take over 24 hours or maybe an hour, they just do not know. So they recommended that I leave and come back once an answer was received. An hour later I received email notification that it was rejected because the account I was transferring to wasn't in my name (wife's account). I went back a second day to try again and this time I decided to just transfer the money into my BOA account. Again they sent it off, and again an hour later they rejected it back but this time they said it was because it wasn't signed by me. Neither of the two bank personnel apparently knew this was a requirement even though they had stated they have done a lot of them. The approval department is basically saying that my signature on the documents doesn't actually have to be witnessed at the time in order to get the Medallion Signature stamp on it. I am going back again today for a third time to try and get this done and will just request that they mail me the paperwork since there is nothing else for me to do once they approve it. Seeing what a pain in the butt this is for everyone else I am going to just bite my lip at telling them they have no clue what is needed before sending off the paperwork and just try to get it accomplished.

Jayne Boehler

10 Jul 2023

What is the law concerning a Medallion Signature Guarantee in Clark County, Nevada? My husband and myself lived in Nevada when he passed away. I now live in NC and was told that my signature guarantee can only be done in the county where he passed. I will be grateful for any help that would make this easier.

National Notary Association

10 Jul 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but medallion signatures are not notarial acts. You will need to contact the financial institution issuing the medallion signature for more information. Additional details can be found here:


26 Jun 2023

I sent a security to an indenture trustee the package had a medallion stamp. The security has not been added to my Treasury Direct Account. The Indenture Trustee will not call me back. What should I do? How do I make a claim for the Medallon guarantee insurance of my 2 securities?

National Notary Association

30 Jun 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but because medallion signatures are not notarial acts, we cannot provide that information.


13 Jun 2022

Is the certifying officer or bank providing the medallion stamp required to make and keep a copy of my document?

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2022

Hello. We're sorry, but because a medallion stamp is not a notarial act, we do not have that information. You would need to contact the financial institution providing the medallion stamp to ask if this is a requirement.


23 Aug 2021

The way the banks function nowadays, it is nearly impossible to get a medallion signature. First you cannot just pick up your phone and “call” a local bank in California. They now have 1-800 numbers who cannot tell you whether a local bank has someone authorized with a medallion. So you have to go in to see if someone has the medallion authority. Next, local branches have such high turnover that rarely does anyone have the medallion. Very, very frustrating process. At least with the notary process, locally-owned businesses can have their employees become notaries fairly easily and charge for a notarization.

James Dean

14 Apr 2021

When transferring stock can the registered owner sign the transfer documents beforehand or must the Medallion Signature Guarantor be present when the signature is made.

National Notary Association

15 Apr 2021

Hello. We're sorry, but this is not a notarization question we can answer. You would need to contact the appropriate financial institution for assistance answering this question.

Holly G Sander

08 Jul 2020

No one seems to be able to state what training is given to a bank employee that then qualifies them to be a medallion stamp representative. Why not? I have had very bad experiences with those cannot even recognize a quarterly report, want to challenge my court ordered documents, etc. What training do this people get? Who provides it and how is it regulated? Many previous questions regarding this. Why can you not answer these questions, other than to say you do not know what the financial institutions are doing? Since it it often confused as to a "Notary" and a "Medallion" stamp, it seems to me you should bother to educate yourselves. That is just my critical thinking process. Google the definition for critical thinking. You obviously have no knowledge of it, or the ability to do it.

Donald Waltermire

27 Feb 2020

My 401k administrator wants a notary stamp for a direst rollover distribution along with pictures of my DL or fed. ID (passport). I won't provide it, we settled on a medallion stamp BUT the recipient financial institution will no stamp the distribution form since it requires a notary stamp not a place for a medallion stamp. The 401k administrator says they don't have a form with a place for the medallion stamp. Is the financial institution correct?

National Notary Association

27 Feb 2020

Hello. We can't comment on the financial institution's policies, but we can tell you that a medallion stamp is not a notarization, and the two acts are not interchangeable.

Diana McColl

31 Oct 2019

Our limit on our M edallion is $250,000.00 We have a client that has 1mil in stock and wants to transfer just $250.000 out and needs the stamp. Can we do this even if the total is worth 1mil?

National Notary Association

31 Oct 2019

Hello. We're sorry, but we cannot answer this question because medallion signatures are not notarial acts.

Bernie Osberg

03 Aug 2019

If the purpose of a Medallion Signature is to assure the authenticity of a signature then the signee should be able to obtain such authorization by providing credentials such as a passport or birth certificate. This is not the case. I think ALL financial institutions want to use this authorization method as a way to stear business to their institution and not much else. There is a better way.....


31 May 2019

Hello. This "Medallion Signatures Explained" article is very helpful. Thank you for posting it, and for including this forum, and for responding promptly to all queries, including useful and informative responses to all notarization-related inquiries. If only the STAMP medallion program had such a helpful, interactive service to field queries relating to medallion signature guarantee stamps!


15 Oct 2018

My brokerage company sent me the paper work to get some stocks that I own transferred into my account. The forms were pre fill out, I just had to sign them. They required Med Signatures. I signed and sent to my brokerage company. The paper work I signed was to transfer whole share, sell fractions and close account. Someone at my brokerage company made changes on my paper work. They put a line through the transfer part and checked Liquidate. Therefore, the holding company liquidated and not at good price. Can paperwork that requires a Med Signature just be altered?? Seems to me that the paperwork would need to be resubmitted if one changes there mind and choices a new option. My brokerage company says that they can make these changes. Please Help

National Notary Association

15 Oct 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but a medallion signature is not a notarization and we cannot advise you regarding any issues regarding your financial transaction. You may wish to contact an attorney for assistance.

Lori Catt

14 Aug 2018

My grandma had accounts set up in MY childrens name. When she passed away my Uncle begged me to find a bank to to the Signature Garuntee immediately. It has been over 3 yrs and I was "Guardian" of my 3 childrens account. I haven't seen any funds yet. Did my Uncle rip me off and had me get the Signature Garuntee so he couldnt be blamed for forgery? And how was my Uncle able to get my funds? He told my parents he mailed checks to me over a year ago. I have NOT recieved anything and my Uncle avoids my calls and text messages. What are the next steps I need to do.??

National Notary Association

14 Aug 2018

Hello. If you suspect you are a victim of fraud, you should contact law enforcement or an attorney for assistance.


27 Jun 2018

You have not answered 90% of the questions asked- and keep referring people to financial institutions. I seems that more standard rules are needed for Medallion signatures- each financial institution has their own rules making it difficult to navigate. For example Wells Fargo tell me I need to be a customer for 6 months before they will guarantee a signature.. Fortunately I use another bank too which will accommodate me..This took hours of my time to figure out.


06 Apr 2018

very good


25 Jan 2018

I was under the impression that when having something Medallion Signature Guranteed that the signature did NOT have to be the original. All you are say, as the Guarantor is that, "Yes, that is our client's signature". Is this correct? Thanks!


25 Jan 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but since a medallion signature is not a notarial act we don't have the answer to that question. We would recommend contacting a bank or financial institution that offers medallion signatures for assistance.

Jermaine Barlow

13 Oct 2017

It's very simple I've been a member for 3 year's now ....


19 Sep 2017

I received a document to sign so my ex can transfer his stick. Both of our signatures are required. Can I get a medallion stamp then return this document to the financial institution that sent it to me? Or do we both need to be present. We live 300 miles apart!

National Notary Association

20 Sep 2017

Hello. Because a medallion signature is not a notarial act, you would need to contact the financial institution providing the service to answer this question.


20 Jun 2017

What is the point of having a question-answer section when you don't ever answer the questions being asked??

National Notary Association

20 Jun 2017

Hello. What question did you ask that we did not answer?


14 Jun 2017

Can more than one individual actually use the same Medallion Signature Guarantee stamp? or is each individual separately issued their own stamp?

National Notary Association

16 Jun 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but because a Medallion Signature Guarantee is not a notarial act, we don't have that information. You may wish to contact a local bank or financial institution that provides these services to see if they can answer your questions.


12 Jun 2017

Does a bank officer with the authority to issue a Medallion Stamp Guarantee have the discretion to refuse to sign off on any document he/she isn't comfortable with, similar to our rights as a Notary Public here in Arizona?


12 May 2017

Can a notary public become a 'medallion signing agent' if they don't work directly for a bank? This would be something I have interest in as no bank in my town offers this service.

National Notary Association

12 May 2017

Hello. You would have to contact individual banks or financial institutions to ask if they only use full-time employees to perform medallion signatures.


28 Apr 2017

This thing called a "Medallion Signature Guarentee" is an absolute joke. What this says is, "The notary system is the United States is not trustworthy." If you don't trust a notary for a signature on one document involving, let's say $10,000, you don't trust a notary on ANY document. "Medallion Signature Guarentee" is an absolute scam, right up there with Bernie Madoff.

Susan Torbush

05 Jan 2017

Hello, i have a Virginia Small Estate Act Affidavit and a certified death certificate for my Mother i am the only child and she died single. I am trying to get my Georgia bank to accept the Va Small Estate Affidavit as legal proof as only successor they said they have never seen anything like it i am trying to get the MSG to transfer $2k worth of plan shares to sell. I don't want to be ungrateful this is such a nice group of local folks @ United Bank in Covington Ga. I feel that the bank officer is not an expert on these matters. They have other branches or I could drive way downtown to open a USAA acct this would be very inconvenient. Thank you, SJT

National Notary Association

09 Jan 2017

Hello. We're sorry, but these are legal and financial questions we cannot answer. If you are having trouble with a bank accepting an affidavit, you would need to contact an attorney or bank official for assistance with these matters.

Steven Gibson

14 Dec 2016

My question is with regards to interpretation of limits on Medallion Signature guarantees. I have been going to my bank for medallion signature guarantees. Different branches have stamps with different limits: $500K, $1M with the upper limit at their corporate headquarters being $2M. So, I can get a guarantee of up to $2M by going to the corporate headquarters; so far so good. However, I have been told by several of the people doing the signature guarantees that the limit is based NOT on the value of the securities/funds being transferred but by the TOTAL value of the account. For example, I was told by several that if I needed to sell $100K in bonds from a $3M bond fund the bank could not do the transfer as the TOTAL fund value exceeds their $2M limit. Is this a correct interpretation of the Medallion Signature program?

National Notary Association

14 Dec 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but we can't answer questions regarding a financial institution's individual rules regarding medallion signatures. You would have to speak to a representative of the financial institution about their signature guarantee policies.

Charles Merlo

30 Oct 2016

I have been a 25 year client of a major brokerage firm and have purchased and sold securities on my account but never have been in possession of the securities. I am transferring my securities to my daughter and the brokerage is requiring a Medallion Signature guarantee. I do not believe that is required because I am not in possession of the securities and the Medallion bank has no ability to verify I own the securities, so it is a wasted effort. Am I right?

National Notary Association

31 Oct 2016

Hello. We're sorry, but medallion signatures are not a notarial act so we are unable answer questions on whether you require one for a financial transaction.

27 Oct 2016

If you have to be a customer of a bank before you can get a medallion signature guarantee,can you start an account and get your medallion signature guarantee the same day?

National Notary Association

28 Oct 2016

Hello. A medallion signature is not a notarial act, so you would need to contact the bank offering medallion signature services to answer any questions about their customer policies.

Angela Franklin

05 Oct 2016

Hi I live in Memphis Tn and I have a document that need a Medallion Sigutare gaurantee. Now my cousin died and left my mother some stock at Forester Finanical and they tranfered ovet once he died. Now my mothet had a will and I am Executor of het Estate. The stock is 5, 000. 00 I went to court the judge signed off I went to my bank they notorized the Affidavit of Domicile. Now I have my valid drivers license the court papers the notary plus both death certificate and the will now I need the Medallion Sigutare. But only credit unions do them and one other bank here in Memphis and u must have a account at both if these banks. Now I have two bank accounts one at Bank of America an First Tennessee and neither of them does the Medallion. So my question is how I find a instution or broker firm to sign this document. I have done everything legally I am who I say I am and the court's have verified all my documents. Please help me and please tell me were can I get this one document Medallion Sigutare done in my state or in where ever.

National Notary Association

06 Oct 2016

Hello, Angela. A Medallion signature guarantee is not a notarial act, and is usually only offered by banks and financial institutions. You may wish to contact local branches of other national bank chains in your area such as Wells Fargo to ask if they offer Medallion services and if you can make an appointment if they do.

Dan Dettlaff

03 Aug 2016

To Whom It May Concern, I have a couple of questions as to a signature guarantee. 1.What does one need to do to become credentialed for a Signature Guarantee, or to become a person who can stamp a Signature Guarantee? 1.Is there a book or guideline in terms of how this all works? If so, how do I obtain this? 2.If one were to get items signature guaranteed, documents, applications, forms, etc...does the person who signed the documents for the firm requesting the Signature Guarantee need to know their documents are being signature guaranteed? (i.e. a Notary notarizes a form in the presence of the person signing the document) It appears a signature guarantee 'person' can stamp the forms or documents (with the proper ID of the person who provided the signatures) but not in the presence of the person who signed them. So, my question is, is the person doing the Medallion or the person gathering the signatures "legally" obligated to inform the person who signed the documents that they are being "stamped" with the signature guarantee? Thank you in advance for your assistance with these questions.

National Notary Association

03 Aug 2016

Hi Dan. This article has more information on "signature guarantees":


13 Oct 2015

if customer has previously signed document and dated but now medallion stamp is needed, can client resign in front of bank agent and get stamp on same document without generating new document (cross out name and date new signature) ?!

National Notary Association

14 Oct 2015

Hello. A medallion stamp is not a notarial act. You would need to contact the bank providing the medallion stamp to answer these questions.


19 Jun 2015

My late husband had some stock -- which has now been transferred to the State, this is really old ... 1970's-1980's I cannot find anything with the address he provided at that time. Name and SS# match, but they want something from me with this "old" address.... it must have been a residence he lived at with his parents -- but did not own, Help!! How do I get this info... Thanks

National Notary Association

22 Jun 2015

Hello. I'm sorry, but because this is not a question related to a notarial act we cannot assist you. For assistance with a legal matter you will need to contact an attorney.


27 Apr 2015

Hello, I am currently a notary and I know there is a difference between notary seal and a medallion signature. I was wonder can I be both. Thank you

National Notary Association

27 Apr 2015

Hello Sharon. Because medallion signatures are normally issued by financial institutions, you would need to contact a local bank or other financial institution that issues them to ask about any restrictions.


18 Dec 2014

Thank you for such an informative and helpful site and for encouraging us to post questions which are so thoroughly responded to.


17 Dec 2014

In trying to become the successor trustees (the two prior trustees died) of a small estate in trust for my sister the holding bank requires medallion signature. I went to my bank (small branch), where I have banked for more than 20 years, and the manager told me she could not do that unless the trust was held in her bank (it's not) because they guarantee the trust and the funds. She said the only way to get my signature medallion guaranteed is to travel the 400 miles to the closest branch of the holding bank. This is a costly undertaking. And the other Trustee would have to take a day off from work to do that in CA. I see that, as I thought, the guarantee is of my signature--which she should be able to guarantee--not of the funds nor the trust she felt it crucial to review. Perhaps I need to go to a different branch of the bank? If not, what possibilities are open? I feel I'm in a catch 22 situation.

National Notary Association

17 Dec 2014

Hello, We're sorry to hear you had difficulty. Unfortunately, since medallion signatures are provided by financial institutions and are not notarial acts, you will need to contact a financial institution or bank for assistance with this issue.

Dee Jackson

08 Sep 2014

I currently work for a bank and have my notary. My bank president has requested I do the necessary steps to acquire my Medallian Signature Guarantor seal. What would those steps be?

National Notary Association

08 Sep 2014

Hello Dee, A Medallion Signature Guarantor seal is different from a Notary Public seal and commission. You would need to speak with the issuing financial institution to find out the necessary procedures.


18 Aug 2014

I have been a Notary Public since 1988. I currently work for Sanderson Wealth Management, LLC and am looking into become a Medallion Signature Guarantor (is that the right title?). Can you please tell me what is involved, or if this is even a possibility? Thank you. 716-566-2419

National Notary Association

18 Aug 2014

Hello Susan, A Mediallion Signature Guarantor is a separate function from a Notary Public. Since this service is provided primarily by banks and financial institutions, you may want to start by contacting banks in your area to find out if you can apply and what the qualifications are.

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