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How to Become a Remote Online Notary in Louisiana

Starting February 1, 2022, Louisiana Notaries can register to perform remote online notarizations (RONs). Take the following steps if you want to become a remote Notary in LA.

  1. Hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public.
  2. Contract with a RON technology provider.
  3. Complete a RON training course.
  4. Submit an application to the Secretary of State.

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In This Guide: Louisiana RON Requirements | About RON in Louisiana | Additional FAQs

Requirements to be a Remote Online Notary in Louisiana

Before you can perform remote online notarizations, you must first hold an existing commission as a traditional Notary Public. Notaries must be at least 18 years old, be a resident citizen or alien of the state, be a registered voter in the parish in which you're applying, and be able to read, write and speak English.

You must have received a high school diploma or equivalent and have no felony convictions unless they have been pardoned.

Is training required to become an LA remote online Notary?

Yes, the Secretary of State requires applicants to complete a course of instruction.

Is there an exam for online Notaries?

There is no exam to become a remote online Notary.

What technology and supplies do I need to perform remote notarizations in Louisiana?

Louisiana Notaries are required to have a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet connection to perform remote notarizations. Your computer must be able to support two-way audio and video communication over a live feed. Next, you'll need to contract with a RON provider that meets state requirements.

Other remote Notary supplies you'll need to purchase include an electronic journal, electronic seal and digital certificate containing your electronic signature. Make sure these are compliant with your chosen RON provider.

Do I need another surety bond?

No, you don't need a second bond in addition to the $10,000 bond or E&O policy required for your traditional commission.

Is an E&O insurance policy required in Louisiana?

Louisiana requires traditional Notaries to get a five-year $10,000 surety bond or E&O policy. As long as you have either one, getting a supplemental or second E&O policy is only a recommendation and not a requirement.

About Remote Online Notarization (RON) in Louisiana

Remote online notarizations have arrived in Louisiana. Learn all about how RONs work below.

Does Louisiana allow remote online notarization?

Yes, Louisiana allows remote online notarizations as of February 1, 2022. This new law allows commissioned traditional Notaries to register to perform RONs for signers in any location.

How do remote online notarizations work?

Remote notarizations replace paper documents and wet signatures with digital documents and electronic signatures. Using a secure audio-video technology, remote notarizations take place online rather than in person. First, the signer logs onto a dedicated RON platform where they must first confirm their identity by passing a dynamic knowledge-based authentication (KBA) assessment and credential analysis. After this two-step process, the signer meets the Notary on camera.

The Notary verifies the signer's identity a third time and confirms the signer is aware and willing to sign the notarized document. Then, the signer uses an electronic signature to sign the document. From there, the Notary checks the document, fills out the notarial certificate and attaches a digital certificate containing their electronic signature.

The notarization is marked complete when the Notary records a journal entry and saves an audio-video recording of the session.

Signers can be located anywhere, but Louisiana remote Notaries must be physically located in the parish where they have jurisdiction.

What notarial acts can be performed virtually?

Louisiana allows the following acts to be performed remotely:

  • Taking an acknowledgment
  • Performing an oath or affirmation
  • Executing a jurat

Additional RON FAQs

Still have questions about being a remote online Notary? Read on below.

How much does it cost to register as a remote Notary?

The cost of becoming a remote online Notary ranges from below $100 to a couple of hundred dollars, depending on the companies you choose to work with and other factors.

For instance, you'll need to pay the cost of signing up with a RON vendor and your remote Notary supplies, including your electronic seal and digital certificate.

If you have a recommended E&O policy, you'll need to add in the cost of maintaining that policy. In addition, you'll need to factor in the cost of a computer, webcam, microphone and secure internet access if you don't already have those items.

How much can LA remote Notaries charge for their services?

There is currently no information regarding the fees remote Notaries can charge for their services. We will update this page when that information becomes available.

How long does it take to become an online Notary in Louisiana?

It can take up to several months to become a remote Notary in Louisiana with most of that time spent on getting your traditional Notary Public commission and allowing the Secretary of State time to process your application.

Once you're commissioned, the registration process to become an online Notary is relatively quick. You'll spend one day choosing a RON provider and getting your remote Notary supplies and one day completing and submitting your application to the Secretary of State.

How long will my remote Notary commission last?

Your remote Notary authorization lasts for as long as your traditional Notary commission is valid and the Secretary of State has not revoked your authority to perform remote online notarizations.

Will RON services grow my Louisiana Notary business?

Yes, becoming an online Notary and joining a RON platform can help your business grow. As a remote Notary, you'll have access to signers in any location as long as you're physically located within Louisiana at the time of notarization.

To expand your business further, you may want to consider becoming a certified Notary Signing Agent (NSA). Getting your NSA certification can make you eligible to receive more RON assignments and assures RON providers you've passed a current background screening.

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Last updated: July 7, 2022

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