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New Notary Laws

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LegislationJan 01, 2013 - Louisiana
LA House Bill 1192 - House Bill 1192 creates a new class of Notaries who are only required to pass certain parts of the Louisiana Notary examination and may not perform certain notarial acts that Notaries who have passed all components of the state Notary examination may perform. Further, these Notaries may only notarize for their employers. HB 1192 requires these Notaries to post a much higher $20,000 bond and requires the employer to pay for it. The new law is only temporary; it will sunset on August 1, 2016 and any commissions issued under the provisions of the temporary law will expire on that date unless the Notary has passed all components of the statewide Notary examination.

LegislationJan 01, 2013 - Louisiana
LA Senate Bill 599 - Repeals the authority of the chief of police of the Crescent City Connection Police Department to designate police officers under his command and appoint them as ex officio Notaries Public.

LegislationJan 01, 2013 - California
CA Assembly Bill 278/Senate Bill 900 - California becomes the first state to enact provisions from the National Mortgage Settlement into statute. The bill requires that certain foreclosure documents filed in court or recorded in the land records must be accurate and complete and provides a civil penalty of $7,500 for multiple instances of noncompliance.

LegislationJan 01, 2013 - California
CA Assembly Bill 2326 - Assembly Bill 2326 prohibits the performance of a proof of execution by subscribing witness and requires a thumbprint to be entered into the Notary’s journal for any document affecting real property.

LegislationJan 01, 2013 - Georgia
GA House Bill 24 - House Bill 24 adopts the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE), which is important because under the FRE documents bearing a seal of a state officer or that are acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments are admissible into evidence at trial without further extrinsic proof.

LegislationJan 01, 2013 - Nebraska
NE Legislative Bill 1113 - Nebraska enacts the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA), allowing powers of attorney to be signed with an electronic signature, requiring powers to be acknowledged before a Notary or other officer authorized to take acknowledgments and granting an acknowledged power a presumption of genuineness. A Notary will need to know that a signer may sign the power of attorney or may direct another person to sign it for him or her.

LegislationDec 20, 2012 - Michigan
MI House Bill 5269 - House Bill 5269 provides that Notaries convicted of 2 or more “specified misdemeanors” within a 12-month period while commissioned or 3 “specified misdemeanors” within a 5-year period regardless of being commissioned shall have their commissions revoked by the Secretary of State.

Rule/Regulation Dec 11, 2012 - New York
NY Administrative Regulations 2012 (Advertising) - New administrative regulation Section 200.1 implements S 5672, effective March 23, 2012, in listing the foreign terms a nonattorney Notary may not use in a foreign language advertisement for Notary services to mean or imply that he or she is an attorney. The new regulation also provides the advertising disclaimer Executive Law 135-b requires to be posted in a non-English advertisement for Notary services in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Korean and Haitian Creole.

Rule/Regulation Nov 18, 2012 - Mississippi
MS Administrative Rules (2012) - The final rules implementing House Bill 599 (Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act) permit Chancery Clerks to accept electronic documents for recordation in the land records. Entirely-electronic real property documents may be accepted provided the electronic notarizations have been performed by a Notary Public of a state that has enacted electronic notarization laws and published electronic notarization rules.

Rule/Regulation Nov 16, 2012 - California
CA Administrative Rule (Disciplinary Guidelines) - The California Secretary of State revises its Notary Public Disciplinary Guidelines, last revised in 2001.
