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New Notary Laws

Use this database to find updated Notary laws and regulations in your state or jurisdiction.

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LegislationApr 28, 2022 - New York
NY Senate 8006 - Senate 8006 makes a couple of pointer reference changes to statutes appearing in Executive Law 130, the statute on the commissioning of Notaries Public.

Rule/Regulation Apr 24, 2022 - Arizona
AZ Administrative Rules (2022) - The Secretary of State has adopted amended remote notarization rules to support the implementation of Senate Bill 1115 of 2021.

LegislationApr 21, 2022 - Maryland
MD House Bill 576/Senate Bill 36 - These two identical bills remove the prohibition against performing a remote notarization on a will or trust instrument.

Rule/Regulation Mar 31, 2022 - Idaho
ID Administrative Rules (2022) - The Idaho Secretary of State has adopted permanent rules for notarial acts involving remotely located individuals.

Rule/Regulation Mar 17, 2022 - Colorado
CO Administrative Rules 2022 (Hearings) - Amended Notary Program Rules give education course providers and remote notarization systems or storage providers the ability to obtain an administrative hearing before taking action against their approvals to offer education courses and remote notarization systems and storage duties.

LegislationMar 12, 2022 - West Virginia
WV Senate Bill 334 - Senate Bill 334 provides legislative approval of the Secretary of State’s administrative rules on electronic, remote, and remote ink notarization.

LegislationMar 01, 2022 - Colorado
CO Senate Bill 21-271 - Senate Bill 21-271 reclassifies certain criminal offenses by a Notary Public.

LegislationMar 01, 2022 - New Mexico
NM House Bill 180 - House Bill 180 repeals a statute effective just this past January that allows inspection of journal entries and recordings of notarial acts.

Rule/Regulation Feb 27, 2022 - Hawaii
HI Administrative Rules (2022) - The Hawaii Attorney General has thoroughly revised its Notary Public administrative rules and added provisions related to remote online notarization.

LegislationFeb 25, 2022 - New York
NY Senate 7780 - Senate 7780 makes a chapter amendment to Chapter 767 of 2021 related to New York’s permanent remote notarization law, delays the effective date of the permanent remote notarization law to January 31, 2023, and enacts temporary remote notarization provisions effective on February 25, 2022, and repealed on January 30, 2023.
