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New Notary Laws

Use this database to find updated Notary laws and regulations in your state or jurisdiction.

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Rule/Regulation Jun 30, 2022 - Kansas
KS Temporary Regulations (2022) - The Kansas Secretary of State has adopted temporary regulations to implement the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts.

LegislationJun 30, 2022 - Rhode Island
RI House Bill 7363/Senate Bill 2705 - Rhode Island enacts permanent remote notarization provisions and increases the fees a Notary Public may charge.

Rule/Regulation Jun 24, 2022 - Mississippi
MS Administrative Rule (2022 -- Identification) - A revised administrative rule clarifies identification a Notary may accept to perform a notarial act.

Rule/Regulation Jun 24, 2022 - South Carolina
SC Electronic Notarization Regulations (2022) - The South Carolina Secretary of State has adopted regulations to implement the state's Electronic Notary Act.

LegislationJun 22, 2022 - New York
NY Senate 1780 - Senate 1780 authorizes Notaries to perform electronic notarial acts and use video conference technology to notarize electronic documents for remote signers. 

LegislationJun 01, 2022 - Maryland
MD House Bill 663/Senate Bill 317 - These two concurrent bills, which took effect without the Governor’s signature, authorizes the Secretary of State to increase Notary and remote notarization fees through rulemaking and authorizes Notaries to perform remote notarizations on tangible records.

Rule/Regulation May 27, 2022 - Mississippi
MS Administrative Rules (2022 -- Oath and Affirmation) - Mississippi's administrative rules for Notaries have been amended to include definitions of the terms "oath" and "affirmation."

LegislationMay 27, 2022 - Illinois
IL Senate Bill 3865 - Senate Bill clarifies that an applicant for a Notary Public commission must be a person who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States.

LegislationMay 16, 2022 - South Carolina
SC House Bill 5338 - House Bill 5338 approves the Secretary of State’s electronic notarization regulations.

LegislationMay 03, 2022 - Utah
UT House Bill 328 - House Bill corrects a pointer reference in the definition of "satisfactory evidence of identity" in UCA 46-1-2(19)(c)(i).
